

How to be a good roommate

Roommate horror stories are pretty popular topics of conversation at school. Follow a few simple tips to ensure you’re not the awful roommate everyone’s talking about.

Respect each other

First and foremost, you need to respect your roommate.

●1. If your roommate is sleeping, keep the noise and light levels down. If your roommate is studying, don’t have loud conversations in the same room. If in doubt, ask yourself whether you would be annoyed if your roommate didn’t do the above things for you.

●Keep it clean. 2. . Hair in the shower or bathrooms littered with magazines or dirty clothes. Respect means keeping your side of the room clean. And hopefully, if your roommate sees you keeping your side clean,he will keep his side clean.

●Keep your hands off their stuff. 3. . If you really need to borrow something of theirs, always ask before you do. If they say no, don’t get angry. Some people just don’t like other people using their stuff.

Set basic rules

You and your roommate should establish some basic rules. For instance, I really don’t like it while I am studying. 4. I’d rather be writing my paper than listening to you tell your best friend about your weekend. So discuss that with your roommate. Make a compromise(折中方案), but the tie should go to the person studying. Another example is to discuss cleaning duties. Dividing cleaning duties will make your room cleaner and it will help ease roommate tensions. 5.

A. It is amazing how people don’t understand what it means to be considerate.

B. Taking out the trash and tidying the room are just a few things to consider.

C. I have heard many horror stories about dirty roommates.

D. I’m not good at doing several things at the same time.

E. Don’t use your roommate’s items (物品) without asking.

F. Talk on the phone.

G. Be considerate.




My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neighborhood. He has been ________with them after school. My wife, and I are ________ he has other kids to be with and we have ________ and encouraged him to play with his friends. We also want Kevin to learn ________ , so we have asked him to tell us ________ he’s going and to come home at a specified(规定的)time.

The ________ started when Kevin didn’t come home on time. On one occasion, I asked Kevin to be back at 6 pm. By 6:30, I needed to go ________ him. I found him at a friend’s house, and he looked ________ that he couldn’t continue playing. After we came home, I sat Kevin down for a talk about the ________ of keeping his word. I told him I was not worried about his arriving a few ________ late, after a half hour, he told me he understood and I was________ .

The next day, I came home from work at about 6:30 pm and my wife asked me to go and get Kevin back ________ she said he should be back home at 6. I walked to his friend’s house and a look of ________appeared on Kevin’ face when he came to the door.

At ________, my wife and I spoke to Kevin about why he didn’t come home on time again. He said he just wanted to ________ playing. This was ________ , so we decided to ground(罚不准出门)him for a week. This ________ no playing with his friends.

For the next week, whenever his friends came to ask for Kevin, we let him________ to them that he was grounded. We felt this would help him be responsible for his ________ .

As a ________ , I believe one of the most important things we can teach our kids is self-responsibility and that actions have results.

1.A. studying B. playing C. chatting D. quarreling

2.A. glad B. lucky C. worried D. sure

3.A. made B. allowed C. trained D. forced

4.A. amusements B. communication C. honesty D. responsibility

5.A. when B. why C. where D. whenever

6.A. changes B. conflicts C. worries D. problems

7.A. looking for B. picking up C. waiting for D. calling up

8.A. angry B. nervous C. disappointed D. ashamed

9.A. quality B. importance C. stories D. ways

10.A. hours B. minutes C. days D. times

11.A. satisfied B. shocked C. surprised D. concerned

12.A. if B. unless C. because D. so

13.A. guilt B. disappointment C. excitement D. hatred

14.A. home B. school C. work D. office

15.A. finish B. keep C. learn D. stop

16.A. impossible B. impolite C. unacceptable D. unbelievable

17.A. meant B. suggested C. showed D. implied

18.A. reply B. apologize C. tell D. explain

19.A. decisions B. words C. actions D. friends

20.A. teacher B. parent C. writer D. professor

完形填空.阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favorite shirt on.

A came. "Nice shirt," I smiled from ear to ear. Then another voice said, "That shirt belonged to my dad. Greg's mother works for my family. We were going to that shirt away, but gave it to her ." I was speechless. I wanted to hide.

I my shirt in the back of the closet and told my mom what had happened. She then dialed her , "I will no longer work for your family," she told him. That night, Mom told my dad that she couldn’t clean anymore; she knew her life's was something greater.

The next morning she with the personnel manager at the Board of Education. He told her that without a proper education she could not teach. So Mom decided to a university.

After the first year in college, she went back to the personnel manager. He said, "You are , aren't you? I think I have a for you as a teacher's assistant. This opportunity deals with children who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of .” Mom accepted the opportunity very .

For almost five years, as a teacher's assistant, she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit, feeling . Then one day, the personnel manager and the principal in her classroom. The principal said, "We have watched how you the children and how they communicate with you and admire your hard-working over the last five years. We are all in that you should be the teacher of this class."

My mom spent more than 20 years there. her career, she was voted Teacher of the Year. All of this came about because of the comment made in my classroom that day. Mom showed me how to handle _ situations and never give up.

1.A. noise B. voice C. sound D. tune

2.A. get B. take C. carry D. throw

3.A. otherwise B. anyhow C. instead D. actually

4.A. settled B. pushed C. sent D. stuck

5.A. teacher B. employer C. director D. adviser

6.A. support B. encouragement C. purpose D. victory

7.A. went B. stayed C. worked D. met

8.A. visit B. continue C. attend D. prepare

9.A. serious B. cautious C. careful D. responsible

10.A. career B. duty C. position D. part

11.A. learning B. judging C. obeying D. imagining

12.A. patiently B. eagerly C. successfully D. skillfully

13.A. upset B. frightened C. guilty D. ashamed

14.A. looked up B. went up C. took up D. showed up

15.A. believe B. protect C. treat D. receive

16.A. spirit B. intention C. action D. attempt

17.A. discussion B. argument C. disagreement D. agreement

18.A. At B. During C. On D. With

19.A. worthless B. thoughtless C. hopeless D. helpless

20.A. challenging B. different C. dangerous D. strange

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。(选 E 涂AB, 选 F 涂CD,选G涂AC)

Your Teen Is Falling Asleep in Class

Teens have a busy morning schedule as they need to wake up and get moving very early in order to catch a bus and get to school by the required time. This means teens need to get their rest the night before or they will be too tired to learn anything at school. 1.

When a teen falls asleep in class, two things happen: he/she misses what is being taught and he/she loses the respect of the teacher. He/She may also receive a consequence (后果) from the school, depending on the classroom discipline (纪律) policy. 2.

To prevent your teen from being sleepy in class, try these three tips:

*Set a time for “lights out” on school nights. This is never be any later than 10 p.m. and preferably 9 p.m. 3. Soft music can be on and used to help calm your teen.

*Help your teen develop a night?time routine that involves activities that slow them down for the end of the day. 4. Turning off the computer and disconnecting from friends and the excitement of the day an hour before bedtime will also help your teen relax.

* 5. This will reinforce (增强) what it feels like to be rested and capable of achieving what he/she wants.

A. What's worse, they may even fall asleep in class.

B. Taking a bath and reading are two activities that work well.

C. Set a good example and show him/her your love for learning.

D. Point out the positives after your teen has had a good night's rest.

E. “Lights out” means the computer, television, lights and cell phone should be off.

F. All of these things affect your teen's academic success and can be avoided.

G. While your teen keeps his/her goals in line with your expectations, he/she may have his/her own goals.

Finally, a cell phone

That's… a phone

With rates as low as $3.75 per week !

"Well, I finally did it. I finally decided to enter the digital age and get a cell phone. My kids have been annoying me and the last straw was when my car broke down, and I was stuck by the highway for an hour before someone stopped to help. But when I went to the cell phone store, I almost changed my mind. The phones all have cameras, computers and a "global-positioning" something or other that's supposed to spot me from space. Goodness, all I want to do is to be able to talk to my grandkids! The people at the store weren't much help. They couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want a phone the size of a postage stamp. And the rate plans! They were confusing and expensive… and the contract (合同)lasted for two years! I'd almost given up until a friend told me about her new Jitterbug phone. Now, I have the convenience and safety of being about to stay in touch with a phone I can actually use. "

Affordable plans that I can understand一and no contract to sign (签订)!

Unlike other cell phones, Jitterbug has plans that make sense. Why should I pay for minutes I' m never going to use? And if I do talk more than I plan, I won 't find myself with no minutes like my friend who has a prepaid phone. Best of all, there is no contract to sign, so I m not locked in for years at a time. The US-based customer service is second to none. And the phone gets service anywhere in the country.

Monthly Minutes



Monthly Rate

$ 14.99

$ 19.99

911 Access



Long Distance Calls

No Additional Charge

No Additional Charge

Friendly Return Policy

30 Days

30 Days

Call now and receive a FREE gift when you order. Try Jitterbug for 30 days and if you don’t love it,just return it!Why wait,the Jitterbug comes ready to use right out of the box. If you aren’t as happy with it as I am,you can return it and get your money back. Call now,the Jitterbug product experts are ready to answer your questions. Call 1-888-809-8794 or visit www. jitterbugdirect. com.

1.On the monthly basis of 100 minutes, the Jitterbug weekly rate is about.______.

A. $3.75 B. $4.99 C. $14.99 D. $19.99

2.An advantage of Jitterbug mentioned in the passage is .______.

A.its discount price with a free gift

B.its reasonable rate plans without a contract

C.its "global-positioning" system with 911 access

D.its good customer service all over the world

3.The main purpose of the passage is to .______.

A. tell a customer's story of Jitterbug

B. provide two ways to order Jitterbug

C. give a brief introduction of Jitterbug

D. attract potential customers to Jitterbug

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