
Two students started quarreling at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight began. What can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, the disputants sit down with peer mediators(同龄调解者). Peer mediators are students with special training in this kind of problems.

Peer mediators help the disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use:

1) Put what you think clearly but don’t say anything to hurt the other. Begin with “I feel…” instead of “You always…”

2) Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don’t stop the other person’s words.

3) Keep looking at the other person’s eyes when he or she talks.

4) Try to see the other person’s side of the problem.

5) Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You are foolish” makes the talk difficult.

6) Try to find a result that makes both people happy.

Peer mediators never decide the result or the winner. They don’t decide who is right and who is wrong. Instead, the disputants sit down with peer mediators(同龄调解者)

1.The underlined word “disputants” refers to the students ________.

A.who make peace B.who give in

C.who are lazy D.who quarrel

2.Peer mediators’ work is ________.

A.to give lessons to disputants

B.to find out who starts a quarrel

C.to give students some special training

D.to help find a way to make both sides happy

3.Which of the following ways is not used by Peer mediators in finding a “win-win” result?

A.Listen carefully to what the other person is saying.

B.Try to see the other person’s side of the problem.

C.Never say things like “You are foolish”

D.Never keep looking at the other person’s eyes when he or she talks.




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1.This advertisement aims at calling on people to ________.

A. attend full-time universities

B. work part time to further their education

C. improve their education at home to get better jobs

D. earn their degrees in different ways that suit them

2.Which of the following is NOT clearly mentioned in this advertisement?

A. The way how you will get your degree.

B. Tuition price.

C. The hot fields you will be preparing yourself for.

D. The length of time it will take you to get a degree.

3.What does the writer of this ad intend to say by naming General Electric, IBM, Ford, etc.?

A. To show that their training is widely used in the country.

B. To show that the training program is fully supported by famous companies in the U. S.

C. To prove the value of their training in every area.

D. To show the importance of getting recognized by the most famous companies.

4.It seems to the writer that the greatest attraction for people to take their training is ______.

A. its convenience

B. the degree’s nation-wide recognition

C. the economic benefit(利益) it will bring about

D. the hot fields the training will help people to enter

5.How many ways are mentioned in the ad for people to get in touch with the Harcourt Learning Direct?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.


The media provides us with the observations and experiences from which we build up our personal understanding of the world and how it works.Much of our view of reality is based on media messages.The media,to a great extent,gives us our sense of reality.

Freedom of the media carries with it certain responsibilities of honesty,fairness,accuracy and account-ability.The power of the media to create and destroy human values comes with great responsibility.

The media is powerful in the political system,having great influence on politics and on forming social change.The power is to decide who will communicate what to whom.Television can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of his or her image.

Professional journalists do have a code of ethics(道德标准).Journalists make a judgment about what's safe and appropriate to report,which often involves difficult choices.German sociologist Max Weber distinguishes between“ethics of conviction”and“ethics of responsibility”.According to the latter(ethics of responsibility),journalists must take into account the foreseeable consequences of their reporting,and the impact it will have on society.The former,on the other hand,asks journalists to tell the truth,regardless of the consequences.According to Weber,both ideas of ethics should be considered.

Without doubt,information is power,and the big owners of the mass media are very powerful people.Television and radio stations,newspapers,magazines,and websites are,largely,owned and controlled by profit-making businesses.It is not strange that their ideas will get promoted at times.

It is my view that such power and responsibility should never be left in the hands of a few.I believe it is our responsibility as concerned citizens to make sure we are not merely passive viewers,readers or listeners.Together we can have a huge influence on the media by making our views known.

1.What's the first paragraph mainly about?

A.Responsibilities of the media.

B.Influence of the media.

C.History of the media.

D.Problems of the media.

2.We can learn from the third paragraph that ________.

A.the media is more interested in politics than other fields

B.forming social change is the main duty of the media

C.the great power of the media is controlled by political figures

D.the media can affect politics by forming political figures' images

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The mass media should be owned by the government.

B.The media industry has developed into a new age in recent years.

C.In most cases,journalists are more powerful than the owners of the media.

D.The media tends to promote the ideas of their owners sometimes.

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