
【题目】 Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503. He was working __ a special painting for a church at that time, ____ the church painting was not ____ well. An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of his second ____. This is the woman who ___ be seen in the Mona Lisa.

All in all, the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vinci’s ____ and it satisfied the husband. Da Vinci used ____ and light in a clever____ in the painting. Da Vinci loved science and ___. Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何形状) in the Mona Lisa. The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and ____ shapes like____. Even her _ _ can be seen as a small part of a large circle. The woman in the ____ is sitting on a balcony, and ____ can be seen behind her because Da Vinci loved to study rocks, and these can also be seen___ in his other paintings. The woman is sitting with her knees ____ the side. Her head is turned to look out of the painting. Her hands are ____ together in front of her. This way of ____ is now used by many ____ when they are ____. The Mona Lisa is a remarkable master.















【15A.by and byB.here and thereC.over and overD.up and down





【20】A. being paintedB.paintingC.being playedD.played
























【1】考查介词辨析。work on sth.表示从事于......;继续工作,根据句意可知达芬奇当时是在为教堂画一幅特别的画作,故选C。


【3】考查动词辨析。Sth. go well表示某事进展顺利,而work well通常表示某物运转良好,不符题意,故选B。

【4】考查名词辨析。A佣人;B 女儿;C护士;D 妻子。根据句意可知一个意大利商人要求达芬奇为他的第二个妻子画一幅画像,故选D。



【7】考查名词辨析。A沉重,重量; 可称性;B 黑色、黑颜料;C黑暗; 阴郁;D 油画颜料。根据句意可知巧妙运用黑暗和光明创作了这幅画作,故选C。

【8】考查名词辨析。A方法;B 图像;C手;D 眼睛。根据句意可知达芬奇采用了一种非常聪明的办法完成这幅画,故选A。

【9】考查名词辨析。A化学;B 数学;C地理;D 生物学。根据后文提示,这幅画中运用了许多几何形状可知,达芬奇对数学很有兴趣,故选B。

【10】考查形容词辨析。A正方形的;B 圆形的;C长的;D 鸡蛋。根据句意可知蒙娜丽莎的面部包含有许多圆圈和圆形,故选B。

【11】考查名词辨析。A球;B 棍棒;C花瓶;D 盒子。根据句意可知蒙娜丽莎的面部由一些圆圈和一些球状的圆形图案构成,故选A。



【14】考查名词辨析。A树;B 建筑物;C山;D 花。根据后文可知达芬奇很喜欢研究岩石,所以画中出现的背景应该是山,故选C。

【15】考查词组辨析。A不久,马上; 晚些时候;B 在各处,零星分散地;C反复,再三; 仍; 颠来倒去;D 上上下下; 起落。根据句意可知达芬奇的画中经常出现山,所以人们再三地看到,故选C。

【16】考查介词辨析。by the side,在一边;on the side在侧;to the side表示在一边,句意为画中的女人将她的膝盖放在一边,故选C。






【题目】There was once a professor of medicine, who was very strict with the students. Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(担任考试委员会主席), the students would be in fear, because he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave. A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him. At the end of the term, the students of medicine would take their exam again. Now a student entered the exam room and got seated before the committee. This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.

The professor began to ask. The student was required to describe a certain illness, his description of which turned out to be OK.

Then the professor asked about the cure (药剂) for illness, and the student, too, answered just as right.

“Good,” said the professor, “and how much will you give the patient?”

“A full spoon”, answered the student.

“Now you may go out and wait for what you can get.” said the professor. At the same time, the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given. Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer. “A full spoon is too much,” he thought to himself. Anxiously he opened the door of the room and cried, “Mr Professor, I’ve made a mistake! A full spoon is too much for a patient. He can take only five drops.”

“I’m sorry, sir.” said the professor coldly, “But it’s too late. Your patient has died.”

【1改编Why were the students afraid of the professor ?_________.

A.Because they often angered and disappointed him

B. Because he often misunderstood them and give them bad markers

C. Because their answers often astonished him

D. Because their answers seldom satisfied him

【2Before he left the room the student was almost sure that ______.

A. his last answer was satisfying

B. he had passed the exam, and the only thing was to wait for the mark

C. he had made a mistake

D. he had not done well in the exam

【3Which of the following is Not true?

A. The patient will be in danger if he’s taken as much as a full spoon.

B. The doctor will be in trouble if he’s given the patient a full spoon.

C. Since one spoon is less than five drops, the patient will be all right soon if he takes only one full spoon at a time.

D. If the patient wants to remain safe, he should take no more than five drops at a time.

【题目】Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis was one of the most private women in the world, yet when she went to work as an editor in the last two decades of her life, she revealed(展现)herself as she did nowhere else.

After the death of her second husband, Greek shipping magnate(巨头)Aristotle Onassis, Jacqueline’s close friend and former White House social secretary Letitia Baldrige made a suggestion that she consider a career in publishing. After consideration, Jacqueline accepted it. Perhaps she hoped to find there some idea about how to live her own life. She became not less but more interested in reading. For the last 20 years of her life, Jacqueline worked as a publisher’s editor, first at Viking, then at Doubleday, pursuing(追求)a late-life career longer than her two marriages combined. During her time in publishing, she was responsible for managing and editing more than 100 successfully marketed books. Among the first books were In the Russian Style and Inventive Paris Clothes. She also succeeded in persuading TV hosts Bill Moyer’s and Jose Campbell to transform their popular television conversations into a book, The Power of Myth. The book went on to become an international best-seller. She dealt, too, with Michael Jackson as he prepared his autobiography(自传), Moonwalk.

Jacqueline may have been hired for name and for her social relations, but she soon proved her worth. Her choices, suggestions and widespread social relations were of benefit both to the publishing firms and to Jacqueline herself. In the books she selected for publication, she built on a lifetime of spending time by herself as a reader and left a record of the growth of her mind. Her books are the autobiography she never wrote. Her role as First Lady, in the end, was overshadowed by her performance as an editor. However, few knew that she had achieved so much.

【1】We can learn from the passage that Jacqueline _________

A. became fond of reading after working as an editor

B. was in charge of publishing 100 books

C. promoted her books through social relations

D. gained a lot from her career as an editor

【2】The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that_________

A. Jacqueline was more successful as an editor than as First Lady

B. Jacqueline’s life as First Lady was more colorful than as an editor

C. Jacqueline ended up as an editor rather as First Lady

D. Jacqueline’s role as First Lady was more brilliant than as an editor

【3】改编It can be inferred from the passage that______

A. Jacqueline’s two marriages lasted more than 20 years

B. Jacqueline’s opinions and faiths were reflected in the books she edited

C. Jacqueline’s own publishing firm was set up eventually

D. Jacqueline’s achievements were widely known.

【4】改编The passage talks about ______________

A. a brief introduction of Jacqueline’s career as an editor in her last 20 years

B. a brief description of Jacqueline’s lifelong experiences

C. an description of Jacqueline’s life both as First Lady and as an editor

D. an analysis of Jacqueline’s social relations in publishing

【题目】Most of us lead a busy life.1We think, “If I reached my goal, then I would be happy”, or “If I could get a better job, then I would enjoy life.” But why not enjoy life right now?

Firstly, take time to notice and appreciate the beauty in your own surroundings.2“There is a great big world of wonder and beauty around us!” And as Brodersen explains“Look for the beauty of the sunrise and of a friend’s smile that brightens your day. Open your eyes to see the beauty you might not normally see. Doing so helps to cheer you up.”

Secondly, taking time to experience some simple pleasures also can bring joy to your heart and ease your stress. Take me for example.3One universal simple pleasure is finding things that make you laugh. Make time to laugh every day.

Thirdly, don’t take your family and friends for granted. Rich, rewarding relationships add greatly to the enjoyment of life. When you think of someone, why not call, e-mail or write them?4As Wayne Lawton explains, “Invest time in relationships. Remove the attitude, what’s in it for me? Happiness is found in putting other’s interests, desires and concerns ahead of our own whenever possible. Selfishness is a dead-end street.”5.

ABe aware of beauty in nature.

BIn my spare time, I enjoy collecting stamps and reading novels.

CDriven by the “urgent”, we forget to enjoy life.

DA short e-mail or phone call can make a world of difference to someone.

E. You don’t need to travel far to find beauty.

F. I delight in simple things like my favorite tea drink, a bubble bath or family photos.

G. So please treasure relationship.

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