
People is America's No.1 magazine about fascinating people.It's a guide to who and what's hot in the arts,science,business,politics,television,movies,books,music and sports.It is published weekly.
Publisher:The Time Inc.Magazine Company
Cover Price:211.47
Our Price:117.00
Lucky is the shopping magazine with the best buys,and the fashion tips you'll need before you hit the stores.What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it.
Publisher:Conde Nast Publications Inc.
Cover Price:35.40
Our Price:15.00
This is the most trusted magazine for parents who want to raise smart,loving and self-confident children.Each issue has age-specific child-development guidance,advice on your child's health and safety,and the best ways to encourage your child's learning.
Publisher:Meredith Corporation
Cover Price:42.00
Our Price:9.97
This magazine covers movies,television,music,Broad-way stage productions,books,and popular culture.Unlike celebrity-focused magazines like People,its main concentration is on entertainment media and reviews.It's popular with more common readers.
Cover Price:199.50
Our Price:38.95
21.People probably focus onD.
A.political events                       
B.festivals and celebrations
C.television programs                    
D.hot events and famous stars  
22.According to the passage,what makes Lucky so special?C
A.The access it provides to bargains         
B.Its pictures of fashion stores
C.Its latest information related to shopping     
D.Its competitive price
23.Which of the following are common readers fond of?A
A.Entertainment.    B.Lucky.        C.Parents.           D.People.

分析 本文为广告应用文,介绍了四本杂志的内容、价格.

解答 21---23 DCA
21.答案D.推理判断题.根据People部分的People is America's No.1 magazine about fascinating people.It's a guide to who and what's hot in the arts,science,business,politics,television,movies,books,music and sports可知,这本最畅销的杂志是关于那些有魅力的人,同时还涉及到艺术、科学、商业、政治、电视、电影、书籍、音乐和运动方面的热点.故选D.
22.答案C.细节理解题.根据Lucky部分的What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it可知,这本杂志可以让你比其他人更先了解购物信息.故选C.
23.答案A.细节理解题.根据Entertainment部分的It's popular with more common readers可知,普通人群对这本杂志更感兴趣.故选A.

点评 做广告应用文时,先略读题目,再浏览题干,然后带着问题找答案.在阅读时又要特殊留意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是文章的核心或至少是一部分内容的概括.

14.In most developed countries the government provides free education for children because it realizes that educated citizens are useful to the country in their later life.Most countries also have private (私立的)education.This means that parents can pay to send their children to certain schools.People who agree with this system say that it gives parents a larger choice of schools.Other people think that private schools give the children who go to them an unfair advantage over other children.
At the age of three,many children go to nursery school.Two or three years later,they enter a primary school.At the age of 11they go to a secondary school.Then they may have a chance.of continuing their studies at a university or college.
Universities and colleges are places where some young people go to continue their education after leaving school.Most university students study one main subject,though they may also study a number of others.Teaching is usually by lectures,or by discussions between a lecturer and students.
Most students stay at university for three or four years.At the end of that,they take an examination.If they pass,they receive their Bachelor's degree,usually a BA,which is short for Bachelor of Arts,or a BS for Bachelor of Science.Some students study for several more years in order to get higher degree,such as a MA or a PhD
Most university courses don't train students to do a certain job.Colleges,on the other hand,usually teach skills which enable students to follow a career(职业),such as clothing design,or business studies.

56.The passage mainly tells usC.
A Something about the private schools in developed countries
B.How developed countries pay attention to education
C.Some general information about education in developed countries
D.Why education is important
57.Why do most developed countries provide free education to children?B
A.Because the children don't have money to go to school.
B.Because the government want their citizens to be useful to the country.
C.Because education doesn't cost the country too much money.
D.Because there are not enough private schools.
58.Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?D
A.All the university students study one subject.
B.After studying at the university for three or four years,all the students can
get a Bachelor's degree.
C.Students usually receive a master's degree before receiving a Bachelor's degree.
D.Unlike university,colleges usually teach students some useful skills for a career.
8.Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist lived in a home for poor boys.Every day,they were given terrible food to eat and made to work hard.One day,the boys made Oliver ask for more food.
"Please,sir,can we have some more?"Oliver said.
Mr.Bumble,who owned the home,was very angry.
"You,boy,are trouble!"Mr.Bumble said.He did not give Oliver more food.Instead,he hit him with a cane(藤条).
Oliver couldn't take it any longer,and he ran away.He decided to go to London.He walked for seven days.
When Oliver got to London,he was hungry and tired.He had nowhere to live.Luckily,he met a friendly boy in the street.
The boy took Oliver to a house where an old man called Fagin lived.Lots of boys lived with Fagin.Fagin was pleased with Oliver and allowed Oliver to stay with him.
One day,a cruel-looking man called Bill Sikes and a woman called Nancy came to Fagin's house.They had a white dog with them.Bill was a thief.Oliver was afraid of him.Fagin was also a thief.He taught boys to steal.They stole handkerchiefs,watches,and money,but Oliver did not know they were stealing.
One day,Oliver went out with the boys into the streets.The other boys saw an old man called Mr.Brownlow buying a book.They stole his handkerchief and ran away.Oliver was scared.He ran away,too.
Mr.Brownlow saw Oliver running away.He shouted,"Stop,thief!"
Oliver was caught by a policeman.The policeman wanted to take Oliver to prison.Just then,the bookseller arrived."Wait!This boy did not steal your handkerchief,"the bookseller said to Mr.Brownlow."It was another boy."
Mr.Brownlow felt sorry for Oliver.Oliver looked small and weak,and so Mr.Brownlow took him to his home.
Mr.Brownlow looked after Oliver who soon got stronger.Mr.Brownlow bought him some new clothes and taught him to read.
In Mr.Brownlow's house,there was a picture of a beautiful young woman.
"Who is that?"Oliver asked.
"That is my friend's daughter.She died.Interestingly,you look like her!"Mr.Brownlow commented.
Fagin and Bill were very angry with the boys for letting the policeman catch Oliver.They were worried that he would tell police about them.Bill made Nancy find Oliver and bring him to Fagin's house.Bill beat Oliver,but Nancy tried to stop him.
Bill made Oliver come with him to steal from a house owned by the Maylie family.
Bill and Oliver sneaked in (偷偷溜进) while the family was sleeping.However,the Maylies woke up.They had a gun and began to shoot at Bill and Oliver.Bill escaped,but Oliver was hurt.Oliver told the Maylies the story of his life,and they felt sorry for him.
"You can stay with us,"they said.
The Maylies had adopted a young woman called Rose.She had no father and mother.Rose and Oliver became good friends.Oliver loved the Maylie family,but he missed Mr.Brownlow.
One day,Oliver and Rose visited Mr.Brownlow's house.Rose saw the picture on Mr.Brownlow's wall."That's my sister!"Rose said.
While Oliver was gone,Mr.Brownlow had discovered that Oliver was his friend's grandson.Mr.Brownlow then adopted Oliver and treated him as his own son.Oliver was very happy with his new family,but he was still in danger.
Fagin and Bill discovered where Oliver was living.They wanted to bring him back to Fagin's house.Nancy wanted to stop them.She met Mr.Brownlow in secret on a bridge.
She told Mr.Brownlow about Fagin and Bill,but one of Fagin's boys heard them and told the thieves.Bill was very angry,and he killed Nancy.The police knew Bill was the murderer.They saw Bill's white dog and followed it to find Bill.Bill tried to run away from them,but he fell and died.The police then found Fagin and took him to prison.
Now,Oliver was safe.He lived happily with Mr.Brownlow and saw Rose very often.He had found a loving home.

67.From the passage,we can see that all of the characters are mean to Oliver exceptD.
A.Mr.Bumble          B.Fagin
C.Bill Sikes          D.Mr.Brownlow
68.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.Oliver ran away to London because he wanted to live in a rich home.
B.As soon as Oliver stole Mr.Brownlow's handkerchief,he was caught by a policeman..
C.Oliver was forced to steal from the Maylie family's house with Bill,but was hurt.
D.We can't learn from anything
69.What's the real relationship between Rose and Oliver?B
A.They are sister-and-brother.
B.They are aunt-and-nephew.
C.They are mother-and-son                     
D.They are grandma-and-grandson
70.Which of the following proverb can be best used in this passage?A
A.Do well and have well.
B.A friend is easier lost than found.
C.No pains,no gains.
D.Where there is a will,there is a way.
15.Jennifer's Hurricane Experience
I have evacuated(疏散)lots of times in my life.To make sure everything is safe,my family have to move a lot of things.I usually help my mom and my brothers help my dad.Mom and I take all of the special keepsakes(纪念品)to low safe places.Another thing we have to do is to take our sailboat out into deep water and anchor it really well.When it's time to anchor the sailboat,Scott,my father's brother,comes over.I just need to wait in the car with my mom and brothers before we evacuate.
John's Hurricane Experience
My family evacuated for hurricane Opal in 1995.We left two days early because we were going to my dad's 35th High School Reunion(聚会).There was a lot of traffic getting out of town.But we didn't get into trouble as we had arrived at the school.During hurricane Georges,I slept.But there was a lot of lightning,thunder and rain at that night.The next morning,there were a lot of branches,twigs and leaves everywhere.
Catherine's Hurricane Experience
This year,we experienced two hurricanes,Earl and Georges.We did the same thing in both hurricanes.We would always be watching the news.There was a lot of rain …a whole lot of rain.The hurricane never really got close enough to do very much damage.I have never evacuated,and I don't think that I ever will.
Ryan's Hurricane Experience 
I am a police officer on an island in the Texas Gulf Coast.I was directly affected by the violent weather throughout the hurricane season.Our department was ordered to stay on the island while all the other citizens were evacuating.I didn't feel at all prepared for the situation.So I went to the grocery store and purchased some food.I thought a survival kit would have helped ease some of the tension in my mind.
56.Who fixed the sailboat with Jennifer's father?C
A.Jennifer.B.Jennifer's mother.C.Jennifer's uncle.D.Jennifer's brothers.
57.Which of the following is NOT true about the hurricanes?C
A.Hurricane Opal hit in 1995.
B.Hurricane Georges hit at night.
C.Hurricane Opal hit on John's way to the school.
D.Hurricane Georges blew down many branches.
58.When Catherine's family heard hurricanes were coming,theyB.
A.purchased some food
B.paid attention to the hurricanes news
C.took special keepsakes to low safe places
D.moved out of the place where they lived
59.What can we know about Ryan?A
A.He was nervous before the hurricane.
B.He did little preparation for the hurricane.
C.He was confident to overcome the hurricane.
D.He was busy helping citizens evacuate before the hurricane.
60.Who didn't evacuate before the hurricanes?D
A.Jennifer and John.
B.Catherine and John.
C.Jennifer and Ryan.
D.Catherine and Ryan.

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