
现在有越来越多的大学生雇请清洁工定期打扫寝室。《二十一世纪报》就这种现象开辟了一个专题供读者讨论,大家意见不一。有的认为大学生不应该这样做,否则,既浪费钱财,也无助于他们养成良好的生活习惯,并真正独立地生活;有的则赞成大学生的做法,认为他们是成人,当然有权力按自己的方式来花钱,同时还可以节省时间来做更重要的事情。请您据此写一篇以“Should college students hire a cleaning person?”为题的短文,客观记录讨论的结果,并说明你的看法及理由。


Should college students hire a cleaning person?

Some people think that college students shouldn’t hire a cleaning person.                  


Some people think that college students shouldn’t hire a cleaning person. For one thing, if they hire others to clean the dorm and wash their clothes, how could they become independent and form the good habit of living. For another thing, it is a waste of money.

Some are on students’ side. They think that college students are grown ups and have the right to decide how to spend their money. Besides, if students don’t have to do the housework themselves, they can save time for more important things.

In my opinion, college students ought to do the housework themselve. Otherwise, how could they shoulder greater responsibility in the future? What’s more, strangers coming in and out of the dorm will make it harder for the dorm management.



SPAIN is unique. Enough sunshine, gorgeous beaches and delicious food make it a favourite holiday spot for millions of Europeans. But eating and sunbathing is not all this Mediterranean country has to offer. Its wild nightlife has given Spaniards a well―earned reputation as non-stop party animals. The traditional afternoon nap known as a “siesta” means millions of Spanish people can live a crazy life every day. Not into drinking and dancing? Take a look at the vibrant arts scece, with numerous galleries and museum featuring Spain’s many famous artists like Salvador Dail, Pablo Picasso and Antonio Gaudi. Take our tour around the country.

Barcelona, located on the Mediterranean sea, is famous as the host city for the 1992 Olympic Games. It is Spain’s second largest city, after Madrid. Barcelona is filled with landmark places and world-class museums, including Antonio Gaudi’s famed La Sagrada Familia cathedral, the Museu Picasso, and the Las Ramblas street.

Barcelona also has great nightlife. There are many outdoor squares in the city. So when the weather is good, which it usually is, there are also popular places for people to get together. Nightlife kicks off from about 8 or 9 pm. Then things quiet down until a second surge of energy brings out the post-dinner crowds from 11pm to midnight.

Madrid, the capital of Spain, located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula (半岛), has a number of places, castles, museums and other unique places, such as the Plaza Mayor, the Cibeles Fountain, and the Palacio Real, as well as the fantastic bullring(斗牛场), Las Ventas. The city of 3.5 million people also has many theatres, live music venues and nightclubs because dinner is served late in Spain, usually around 9 pm, nightlife doesn’t really get under way until after 11 pm. Native people are so fond of wandering around at night that they are known in Spain as gatos(cats.) Young people love to meet in nightclubs to drink and sing together.

Valencia,  on the Mediterranean coast, is Spain’s third―largest city. It is usually a quiet city with a population of half a million. But during the Las Falls Festival in March, the number can reach 3 million. Valencia is famous for its nightlife and bars. In the summer, people enjoy gathering at open―air bars. The bars play music, often have dance floors, and are open from late May to September. The nightlife lasts from 7 or 8 pm to 2 am on weekdays, and 5 am on weekends.


52.According to the passage, which is the largest city in Spain?

       A.Madrid                                               B.Barcelona

       C.Valencia                                              D.It’s not mentioned

53.Among three cities, which are the coastal ones?

       A.Barcelona and Valencia.                        B.Valencia and Madrid

       C.Madrid and Barcelona                           D.All of the three cities

54.What do three cities in this passage have in common?

       A.They all have world―class museums    B.They all have wonderful nightlife.

       C.They are all wealthy and crazy.             D.They are all crowded and noisy cities.

55.The author writes this text most probably to            .

       A.attract visitors to Spain                         B.show his or her pride in Spain

       C.sing high praise for Spain                     D.tell the readers Spain’s long history

San Francisco is going to do what many other cities have already done --- provide free bicycles to the public. The mayor of San Francisco supports the bicycle program. He wants to improve the terrible traffic problems in the city.

At first, 40 to 60 bikes will be available only to city workers. People will give their old bikes to the city to use in the program. If this program is successful, one day more than 1000 bicycles will be available. Everyone, not just city workers, will be able to use these bicycles.

People in Fresno, California already have a free bicycle program. In fact, this idea began in Amsterdam over 40 years ago. These programs encourage citizens to get out of their cars and onto pollution-free bikes.

Fresno’s Yellow Bike Program puts about fast bicycles around the city. The bikes are painted bright yellow so people know they can take them. When people take a yellow bike, they can ride to work or to shopping areas, and then leave the bike for the next rider.

Some people worry that the free bikes will be stolen. However, theft hasn’t been a problem in other free-bike cities.

While most people think the bike program is a good idea, only a few say they will use it. “I will still drive my car,” says Joanna Greene. “San Francisco has a lot of hills. My office is at the top of Potrero Hill. I don’t think I’m in good shape. And, wouldn’t I have to carry a helmet with me all the time?”

Phil Chung agrees, “There is too much traffic. Riding a bicycle can be dangerous. There are not very many bike lanes(自行车道).” He continues, “Plus, it’s too cold in the winter. And what if you ride a bike to work, and then there isn’t one to ride home?”

Program leaders know there will be problems. But they think it’s worth trying. “It’s not the solution for everyone,” states Sylvia Pass. “But if just one hundred people use it every day, that’s one hundred cars that aren’t on the streets, one hundred parking spaces that aren’t used. I think it’s a great beginning.”


64. San Francisco provides bicycles to the public because ____.

      A. there are many bikes available

      B. many people get tired of driving cars

      C. many other cities have already done so

      D. the traffic problems are terrible

65. The following statements are the disadvantages of free bike program in San  Francisco except that ____.

     A. free bike will be stolen                           B. San Francisco is not flat at all

     C. riding a bike is not safe enough               D. it will be too cold in the winter

66.What does “I’m in good shape” in the sixth paragraph mean?

    A. I’m beautiful.                                       

    B. I’m healthy and strong.

    C. I have a good figure.                            

    D. I’m heavy and strong.

67.The program leaders think the program is worth trying NOT because ____ .

    A. there will be more problems

    B. they can’t solve problems for everyone

   C. there will be less cars on the streets anyway

   D. there will be more parking spaces


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