
San Francisco is going to do what many other cities have already done --- provide free bicycles to the public. The mayor of San Francisco supports the bicycle program. He wants to improve the terrible traffic problems in the city.

At first, 40 to 60 bikes will be available only to city workers. People will give their old bikes to the city to use in the program. If this program is successful, one day more than 1000 bicycles will be available. Everyone, not just city workers, will be able to use these bicycles.

People in Fresno, California already have a free bicycle program. In fact, this idea began in Amsterdam over 40 years ago. These programs encourage citizens to get out of their cars and onto pollution-free bikes.

Fresno’s Yellow Bike Program puts about fast bicycles around the city. The bikes are painted bright yellow so people know they can take them. When people take a yellow bike, they can ride to work or to shopping areas, and then leave the bike for the next rider.

Some people worry that the free bikes will be stolen. However, theft hasn’t been a problem in other free-bike cities.

While most people think the bike program is a good idea, only a few say they will use it. “I will still drive my car,” says Joanna Greene. “San Francisco has a lot of hills. My office is at the top of Potrero Hill. I don’t think I’m in good shape. And, wouldn’t I have to carry a helmet with me all the time?”

Phil Chung agrees, “There is too much traffic. Riding a bicycle can be dangerous. There are not very many bike lanes(自行车道).” He continues, “Plus, it’s too cold in the winter. And what if you ride a bike to work, and then there isn’t one to ride home?”

Program leaders know there will be problems. But they think it’s worth trying. “It’s not the solution for everyone,” states Sylvia Pass. “But if just one hundred people use it every day, that’s one hundred cars that aren’t on the streets, one hundred parking spaces that aren’t used. I think it’s a great beginning.”


64. San Francisco provides bicycles to the public because ____.

      A. there are many bikes available

      B. many people get tired of driving cars

      C. many other cities have already done so

      D. the traffic problems are terrible

65. The following statements are the disadvantages of free bike program in San  Francisco except that ____.

     A. free bike will be stolen                           B. San Francisco is not flat at all

     C. riding a bike is not safe enough               D. it will be too cold in the winter

66.What does “I’m in good shape” in the sixth paragraph mean?

    A. I’m beautiful.                                       

    B. I’m healthy and strong.

    C. I have a good figure.                            

    D. I’m heavy and strong.

67.The program leaders think the program is worth trying NOT because ____ .

    A. there will be more problems

    B. they can’t solve problems for everyone

   C. there will be less cars on the streets anyway

   D. there will be more parking spaces



       Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called mall rats. Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores under one roof.

       People like malls for many reasons. They feel safe because malls have police stations or private security guards. Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees.

       The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a seven-acre park! There are parking spaces for 12, 750 cars. About 750,000 people shop every week.

       The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. People loved doing all their shopping in one place. More malls were built all over the country. Now, malls are like town centers where people come to do many things. They shop, of course. They also eat in food houses that have food from all over the world. They see movies at theatres. Some people even get their daily exercise by doing the new sport of mall walking. Others go to malls to meet friends.

       In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even attend church. In other words, people can do just about everything in malls. Now residents can actually live in their favorite shopping center.


64.Malls are      .

       A.large shopping centers which also act as town centres

       B.large parks with shops

       C.the most popular places Americans go to

       D.town centres 

65.Malls have become so popular because      .

       A.people can do everything there

       B.people can do many other things besides shopping for all they need

       C.people feel safe in malls with police stations around

       D.people enjoy the fresh air and can have a good rest there

66.Malls have to be large places because      .

       A.many people drive their cars to go to malls

       B.there have to be some restaurants, clinics and theatres

       C.many people hope to do sports in the malls

       D.they have to meet different needs of so many people

67.Those      are called mall rats.

       A.who are busy stealing in the mall

       B.who have visited the biggest malls

       C.who are often found busy shopping in malls

       D.who live under the roof of the mall

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