
7.Around the world there are some festivals that for some of us may sound bizarre.
In England they celebrate the rolling cheese race,which occurs every year during the last Monday in May.This festival's characteristic is a contest where an official rolls cheese down a steep hill and festival-goers go chasing after it.The winner is the first one to reach and catch the cheese.
Another festival celebrated in England is the world championship of grimaces (鬼脸).It is a celebration that dates back to 1297 and is celebrated during the month of September.The task is to perform the best grimace using anything you can to win.
The worldwide championship of wife lifting is celebrated in Finland.The game is based on Viking traditions where a man should carry away his neighbor's wife.According to the rules,any woman above 17 is considered as a wife,so if you are within this age,take care while visiting this country during the month of July.
Many of you have watched Pirates of the Caribbean and have known something about pirates.The 19th of September has been declared worldwide as the day to talk like a pirate.Plenty of people have celebrated it thanks to the publicity (宣传) on the Internet.
First staged in 1998,the Boryeong Mud Festival is an attraction that pulls more than a million visitors to the South Korean City.As you all know,the town is said to be rich in minerals,so there is no shortage of mud.Mud is trucked onto Daecheon Beach for tourists and locals to enjoy the festival to their best.
The Monkey Buffet Festival is held in Thailand to develop tourism.It's an unusual feast held for about 600 monkeys.The Monkey Buffet Festival is held in honor of the Hindu gods Ram and Hanuman and involves 3,000 kilograms of vegetables and fruits being laid out for monkeys to stuff themselves.
65.What does the underlined word"bizarre"in Paragraph1 probably mean?B
A.Dangerous B.Strange      C.terrible     D.Familiar
66.If a participant wants to win in the rolling cheese race,he/she shouldD.
A.roll as much cheese down the hill as possible
B.find the largest piece of cheese rolling downhill
C.perform the best grimace when chasing the cheese
D.be the first one to catch the cheese rolling downhill
67.According to the writer,a girl above 17 should be careful when enjoyingA.
A.the worldwide championship of wife lifting
B.the world championship of grimaces
C.the Boryeong Mud Festival
D.the Monkey Buffet Festival.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们介绍了世界上一些奇怪的比赛,主要讲了比赛内容,有什么奇怪之处.

解答 65.B.词义猜测题:从后面举的节日的例子可以看出是些奇怪的节日.故选B.
66.D.细节理解题;从第二段的句子:The winner is the first one to reach and catch the cheese.可知第一个赶上并抓住奶酪的人获胜.故选D.
67.A.细节理解题:从第三段的句子:According to the rules,any woman above 17 is considered as a wife,so if you are within this age,take care while visiting this country during the month of July.可知17岁以上的女孩看举妻子比赛要当心.故选A.

点评 集中考查细节题,在解答这类问题时要求学生抓住题干文字信息,采用针对性方法进行阅读,因为这类题的答案在文章中可以直接找到.

17.In the U.S.Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated on second Sunday in May.It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards,gifts and flowers.First  observance in Philadelphia in 1907,it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.
Although it wasn't celebrated in the U.S.until 1907,there were days honoring mothers even in the days of ancient Greece.In those days,however,it was Rhea,the Mother of the gods that was given honor.Later,in the 1600's,in England there was an annual celebration called"Mothering Sunday."It was celebrated during June,on the fourth Sunday,the servants,who generally lived with their employers,were encouraged to return home and honor their mothers.It was traditional for them to bring a special cake along to celebrate the occasion.
In the U.S.,in 1907Ana Jarvis,from Philadelphia,began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day.Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton,West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death,the 2ed Sunday of May.The next day Mother's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia,Jarvis and others began a letter-writing campaign to ministers,businessmen,and politicians asking to establish a national Mother's Day.They were successful.President Woodrow Wilson,in 1914,made the official announcement recognizing Mother's Day as a national celebration that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.
Many other countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year.Denmark,Finland,Italy,Turkey,Australia,and Belgium celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May,as in the U.S.

56.Mother's Day in the U.S.was first celebratedB.
A.in 1872   B.in 1907   C.in the 1600's   D.in 1914
57.The underlined word"observance"in the first paragraph probably means
A.celebration   B.principle   C.holiday   D.campaign
58.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?C
A.All the mothers were given honor in the days of ancient Greece.
B.Only the servants'mothers were given honor on Mothering Sunday in England.
C.President Woodrow Wilson announced Mother's Day as a national celebration.
D.Ana Javis's mother probably died on the 2nd Sunday of May in 1907.
59.What could be the best title for this passage?A
A.Mother's Day of the U.S            B.Mother's Day of the world
C.Ana Jarvis and Mother's Day         D.Styles of Mother's Day.
18.America is a mobile society.Friendships between Americans can be close and real,yet disappear soon if situations change.Neither side feels hurt by this.Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two,perhaps a few letters for a while-then no more.If the same two people meet again by chance,even years later,they pick up the friendship.This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand,because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings,extending sometimes deeply into both families.
ericans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes,share their holidays,and their home life.They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives,they don't show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time.This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time.Sometimes,we,as hosts,will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend.We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends.The Americans,however,express their welcome usually at homes,but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine.They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus.And they expect that we will phone them from there.Once we arrive at their homes,the welcome will be full,warm and real.We will find ourselves treated hospitably.
  For the Americans,it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants,except for purely business matters.So accept their hospitality at home.
61.In which part of a newspaper can this article be found?A
62.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.
B.Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.
C.Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.
D.Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.
63.The underlined words"flower"(in Line 5)probably meansB.
A.weaken         B.develop             C.stretch              D.disappear
64.From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend,we will probably beA.
A.treated hospitably at his home                
B.offered a ride to his home
C.warmly welcomed at the airport                
D.treated to dinner in a restaurant
65.The writer mainly talks aboutCin the text.
A.friendships between Chinese                   
C.different views of friendship                 
D.friendships between Americans.
15.Can you imagine that several hundred years ago,tomatoes were seen as toxic food in Europe?
What made Europeans believe this was John Gerard's publication of Herbal in 1597.Gerard wrote:"The leaves and stalks of the tomato plant are toxic."Undoubtedly,Gerard's opinion was based on a misunderstanding of tomatoes.But his opinion was widely spread in Britain and North America for over two hundred years.
In the late 1700s,a lot of Europeans held more fears for tomatoes.A nick name for the fruit was"poison apple"because it was believed that aristocrats(贵族) got sick and died after eating them.But the actual reason was the pewter plates they used.Since tomatoes are high in acidity,when placed on the plates,the lead(铅) in the plates would dissolve.This caused many deaths.Unluckily,no one knew this at that time.So the innocent tomatoes were picked as the killer.
Today,more than one and a half billion tons of tomatoes are produced every year around the world.Tomatoes are cooked in various ways.This healthy and tasty food finally wins its innocence(清白) back.
51.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?A
A.Europeans'fears for tomatoes        
B.History of tomato planting
C.Why do people eat so many tomatoes    
D.How did the tomato prove its value
52.What does the underlined word"toxic"in paragraph 1 mean?C
A.delicious          B.nutritious(营养)     C.poisonous        D.safe
53.What do we know about the book Herbal?B
A.It was written by an American writer
B.It was published about 400 years ago.
C.Tomatoes were described as good food
D.Chinese herbal medicine was included.
54.When did people begin to eat tomatoes according to the text?B
A.About 100 years ago
B.About 200 years ago.
C.About 300 years ago
D.About 400 years ago.
55.What's the key point for the death of the aristocrats mentioned in the passage?D
A.Tomatoes.B.The pewter plate.C.Serious illness.D.Chemical reaction.
2.How can you find out what is going on inside a person's body without opening the patient's body up?Regular X rays can show a lot.CAT scans can show even more.They can give a complete view of body organs.
What is a CAT scan?CAT stands for a kind of machine.It is a special X-ray machine that gets a 360-degree picture of a small area of a patient's body.
Doctors use X rays to study and determine diseases and injuries within the body,X rays can find a foreign object inside the body or take pictures of some inside organs to be X-rayed.
A CAT scanner,however,uses a group of X rays to give a cross-sectional(横截面)view of a specific part of the body.A fine group of X rays is scanned across the body and around the patient from many different directions.A computer studies the information from each direction and produces a clear cross-sectional picture on a screen.This picture is then photographed for later use.Several cross sections,taken one after another,can give clear"photos"of the entire body or of any body organs.The latest CAT scanners can even give clear pictures of active,moving organs,just as a fast-action camera can"stop the action",giving clear pictures of what appears unclear to the eye.And because of the 360-degree pictures,CAT scans show clear and complete views of organs in a manner that was once only shown during operation or examination of a dead patient.
Frequent appearance before X rays can cause skin burns,cancer or other damage to the body.Yet CAT scans actually don't cause the patient to more radiation than regular X rays do.CAT scans can also be done without getting something harmful into the patient,so they are less risky than regular X rays.
CAT scans provide exact,detailed information.They can quickly find such a thing as bleeding inside the brain.They are helping to save lives.
46.What is NOT true of a CAT scan?C
A.It is safer than regular X rays.
B.It makes use of computer techniques.
C.It can stop the action of an organ for a short time.
D.It gives clear pictures of active,moving body parts.
47.The underlined words"a foreign object"(Para 3)most probably refer to.D
A.a badly injured part inside the body
B.a new thing that is unknown to the doctor
C.a strange organ that has grown in the body
D.an object that gets inside the body by chance
48.What is the special use of the latest CAT scanners?A
A.It provides clear photos of moving organs.
B.It can take 3-dimension(三维)pictures of inside organs.
C.It won't cause serious skin burns,cancer or other damage to the body.
D.It helps to find out what is going on inside a person's body without opening it up.
49.We can infer from this passage that.A
A.patients in front of CAT may suffer from a bit of radiation
B.doctors need no opening-up of the body with CAT scanners
C.CAT scanners are more expensive than regular X-ray machines
D.CAT scanners can take photos of either the whole body or a part of it
50.The best title of this passage might be.B
A.the Newest Medical Invention
B.New X-ray Machine to Save Lives
C.How to Avoid the Damage of X Rays
D.Advantages and Disadvantages of CAT Scanners.
12.Baby girls make their way directly for dolls as soon as they can crawl(爬行),while boys will head for cars,a study has shown.The findings,the first to show differences in very young babies,suggest there is a biological basis to their preferences.
Psychologists Dr Brenda Todd from City University London carried out an experiment involving 90 babies aged 9 months to 36 months.The babies were allowed to choose from seven toys.Some were typically boys'toys----a car,a digger,a ball and a blue teddy.The rest were girls'toys:a pink teddy,a doll and a cooking set.They were placed a meter away from the toys;and could pick whichever toy they liked; their choice and the amount of time they spent playing with each toy were recorded.
Of the youngest children (9 to 14 months),girls spent significantly longer playing with the doll than boys,and boys spent much more time with the car and ball than the girls did.Among the two and three-year-olds,girls spent 50 percent of the time playing with the doll while only two boys briefly touched it.The boys spent almost 90 percent of their time playing with cars,which the girls barely touched.There was no link between the parents'view on which toys were more appropriate for boys or girls,and the children's choice.
Dr Brenda Todd said,"Children of this age are already exposed(显示出) to much socialization.Boys may be given‘toys that go'while girls get toys they can care for,which may help shape their preference.But these findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interests in particular kinds of toys.There could be a biological basis for their choices.Males through evolution(进化,发展) have been adapted to prefer moving objects,probably through hunting instincts(本能),while girls prefer warmer colors such as pink,the color of a newborn                             
60.Baby boys and girls have different toy preferences probably becauseD.
A.baby boys are much more active    
B.baby girls like bright colors more 
C.their parents treat them differently   
D.there is a natural difference between them.
61.What can we infer from Paragrah3?C
A.Nine-month-old baby boys don't play with dolls at all.
B.Two-year-old baby girls sometimes play with cars and balls
C.The older the babies are,the more obvious their preference is
D.Parents should teach their babies to share each other's toys
62.What conclusion did Dr.Brenda Todd draw from the results of the study?B
A.A dults purposely influence their babies preference.
B.Babies'preference isn't affected by social surroundings
C.Baby boys preferring to moving toys will be good at hunting
D.Baby girls preferning warmer colors will be warm-hearted
63.We may read this article in aAsection of a newspaper
A.science    B.health     C.education     D.entertainment.
19.Brain Transplants
Research on the human brain has been attracting more and more scientists in recent years.(71)GIf we compare a human brain to a hard disc,what the scientists are doing is to make better use of the hard disc.
The idea that a human brain could be transplanted (移植) may come from Frankenstein.In 1999,an experiment turned a bear into a dolphin (海豚).(72)FThey were made of the memory area in the dolphin's brain containing information about swimming.They had a series of useful information,which was saved into a button-sized chip (芯片).Later the information was transplanted into the action memory area in the bear's brain.(73)CIt proved to be a highly successful experiment and a bear was turned into a dolphin.
Recently,another memory transplant was performed at the Motor Nerve Rescarch Instance of the University of California.The experiment bad an entire transplant of the memory area.(74)BThe transplant was performed from a dog named Cenius to a dog named idiot.Cenius could follow up to 100 gestures and orders made by its master.It was a real genius in memorizing.However,Idiot had no contact with people since its birth.It because an animal with nothing in its brain,without any memory.
(75)AWhen the two dogs woke up,Idiot had grasped all the abilities Cenius possessed; it was good at memorizing and sensible.It could follow every gesture and any command given by its master.But Cenius gave no response to its master,and did not recognize him at all.

A.The experiment was a complete success.
B.It included actions,moods,logic,words,images,etc.
C.Then it was released (释放) by means of electric power.
D.Different images have different meanings in the memory area.
E.Using the most advanced technology,detailed images were produced.
F.Discoveries show that messages are carried by the central nervous system in the brain.
G.One of the latest topics is how to change the human brain or combine it with the computer.
17.One of the Queen's closest relatives and oldest friends was allowed to give a deep description into the family life of the Royals.Although there have been hundreds of other books declaring to offer a quick look behind the Palace doors,this is the first written by someone who is closely related to the Royal Family and has shared their lives-not only throughout the Queen's reign (统治) but also through that of her father,King George VI.
The Final Curtsey was written by her Majesty's cousin and childhood playmate the Honorable Margaret Rhodes.It tells in details the story of Mrs.Rhodes's relationship with the Royal family over eight decades.The book,with delightfully informal and never-before-seen pictures,has been written with the full knowledge of the Queen,who has read and approved parts of it.
Born in 1925,the Honorable Margaret Rhodes has led an extraordinary life.She was the childhood playmate of her cousin,the Queen; a wartime M16 spy; and she was a lady-in-waiting (宫女) to her aunt,the Queen Elizabeth,the Queen Mother,from 1991 until the latter's death in 2002.At the Queen's 80th birthday in April 2006,Margaret gave an interview to the BBC which she proved that,in her own opinion and despite several false reports,the Queen would not abdicate(退位).
In this charming autobiography (自传),she told how she was offered a house to live in the Royal farm in Windsor Great Park unexpectedly.One day when she and the Queen were out riding outside,she suddenly returned and said,"Could you bear to live in the suburb?""I think it should be OK."Therefore Mrs.Rhodes is now still living there.
22.Compared with other books about the Royal Family,the biggest advantage of The Final Curtsey is thatB.
A.its author is very famous
B.its author knows the Queen well
C.it presents reader a very different Queen
D.it has pictures that have never been seen
23.When Mrs.Rhodes was offered to live in the Royal farm,she wasB.
A.unhappy     B.surprised        C.sad         D.disappointed 
24.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that Mrs.RhodesC.
A.has lived quite a long life
B.was so famous that BBC interviewed her
C.has a close relationship with the royal family
D.has been very busy and kept on changing jobs
25.The passage is mainly aboutA.
A.a book about royal family                   
B.the Queen's life
C.the life of Margaret Rhodes                  
D.the Queen's abdication.

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