
【题目】 What do you do when nobody is around to take your picture? You take a selfie (拍照) .But what about selfies in space? On Twitter last year, NASA astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, who famously became the second man to walk on the moon in July 1969, laid claim to a spaceflight first taking the first selfie in space during the Gemini XII mission in 1966.

“For me, it needs to be digital to be selfie,” argues Jennifer Levasseur, who is in charge of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. According to Levasseur, the concept of a selfie is directly linked to Internet culture and human desire to interact on social platforms. “The thing that makes a selfie is sharing it,” she says.

Still, astronauts have been carrying cameras abroad space vehicles since the 1960s ,and they've taken plenty of pictures of themselves along the way. Astronauts had to pull the film magazines out and leave their cameras behind when they returned to Earth because early space missions were restricted by a conservative weight limit on the return trip.

A big change in space camera technology came after sad loss of the space shuttle Columbia who broke apart on its return to Earth in 2003. “Fearing that they would never be able to bring the film back from space and lose all that hard work celebrated the push for digital.” Levasseur says.

Today astronauts can have access to the Internet and social platforms in space and post true based selfies taken by digital cameras. Taking selfies and sharing them on social media is a way that astronauts in space can participate in the same activities people on Earth do every day. The first astronaut selfie that went viral(网红的) on the internet was one by Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide in 2012.

1What does Levasseur think of Aldrin's claim?

A.It hardly makes any sense.B.It revolutionizes astronautics.

C.It contradicts public opinions.D.It needs to be further proved.

2Why were cameras left in space on early space missions?

A.To lighten the load of the spaceship.

B.To test cameras under extreme conditions.

C.To prepare for the next stage of spaceexploration.

D.To take more pictures in space by remote control.

3What advanced space camera technology?

A.The invention of new films

B.The fear of falling behind in the space race

C.The concern about the loss of valuable data

D.The popularity of space selfies on socia media

4What is the best title for the text?

A.The Exploration of Space.B.The History of Selfies in Space.

C.The Change in Space Camera Technology.D.The Development in Space Technology.









推理判断题。审题得知问的是LevasseurAldrin声明的想法是什么。通过此关键信息定位在第一段发现此处没有重要信息可用。因此,继续浏览到第二段末尾:According to Levasseur, the concept of a selfie is directly linked to Internet culture and human desire to interact on social platforms. “The thing that makes a selfie is sharing it,” she says.

根据里瓦索尔的说法,自拍的概念就是直接和网络文化连接,人们都想在社交平台上互动。“自拍的目的就是分享自拍的照片”,她说。再回过头来看Aldrin的说法:laid claim to a spaceflight first taking the first selfie in space during the Gemini XII mission in 1966.声称在1966年在太空执行Gemini十二号任务时拍下了第一张自拍照。然后第二段开始的地方里瓦索尔争论说“对于我而言,自拍是需要数码相机的。”通过以上这几个信息可以得知里瓦索尔认为艾尔德林Aldrin的声明是毫无意义的。而A选项切合题意:It hardly makes any sense.这几乎没有什么意义。故选A。


细节理解题。通过审题定位关键词信息处即可得知答案。cameras left in space是关键词信息,可以定位在第三段末尾:leave their cameras behind when they returned to Earth because early space missions were restricted by a conservative weight limit on the return trip.在早期执行太空任务时返回地球前把他们的相机留在太空,因为那时在返程中严格限制体重极限。根据此句可以推出答案为A选项:To lighten the load of the spaceship.为了减轻宇宙飞船的装载重量。切合题意,故选A。


细节理解题。审题得知是什么促进了太空相机技术的发展?可以定位在第四段A big change in space camera technology came after sad loss of the space shuttle Columbia who broke apart on its return to Earth in 2003.在返回地球时痛失太空飞船哥伦比亚号后不久迎来了太空照相技术的大变革。接着说“Fearing that they would never be able to bring the film back from space and lose all that hard work celebrated the push for digital. 担心他们会再也不能够从太空带回那些珍贵的影像资料,失去所有努力的工作成果推动了数码技术的发展。”据此可以推定C选项:The concern about the loss of valuable data担心失去宝贵的数据。这里concern和fearing同义转换,切合题意,故选C。


主旨大意题。问最佳标题是什么。此类题目往往需要看每一段的首句和尾句连接起来、综合衡量才能得出答案。第一段讲的是1966年人类拍的第一张太空自拍照。第二段讲自拍需要数码技术才能行。第四段讲述的是2003年哥伦比亚号失事后,促进了太空数码照相技术的发展,太空照相技术迎来大变革。最后一段讲现在太空宇航员可以在社交平台和网络上,实时分享太空自拍照。这个里面重复次数最多的是selfie自拍这个关键词。根据以上分析,得知B选项切合题意:The History of Selfies in Space.太空自拍的历史。故选B


【题目】 Beneath the joy of music lies the often mysterious field of music theory. But what if you could learn to understand the often intimidating (使人望而生畏的)language of key signatures, pitch (音高),mode (音乐的调式),melody and more? What if you could recognize these components at work while listening to your favorite music? What if you could "speak" the language of music?

In Understanding the Fundamentals of Music, award winning composer and professor Greenberg offers you a spirited introduction to this magnificent language, avoiding what for many of us has long been the principal roadblock: the need to read music. With these 16 fascinating lectures, discover what parts of musical speech sound like, rather than what they look like on paper. You'll quickly find yourself listening to music with new levels of understanding and appreciation whether at a concert, at home or in your car.

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1Anyone ordering a CD of Understanding the Fundamentals of Music will .

A.obtain a paper version for free

B.be offered the highest discount

C.be required to pay for transportation costs

D.get other musicians instruction besides Robert Greenberg's .

2What's special about The Great Courses?

A.Its academic tests are optional.

B.It focuses on readers' speaking skills.

C.It is recommended by many a musician.

D.It is readily accessible to its subscribers.

【题目】 The Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS has characteristics that are excellent for fitness walkers who want to improve their speed and distance. It uses your phone's GPS to measure the distance of your walks and hikes. It includes audio and voice integration(集成)so you can not only be informed of your workout statistics, but you can also listen to replies your friends send about your workout posts from Facebook and Twitter while you walk. Upgrading is less than $10 per year, far less than with some other apps, such as Endomondo.

Argus packs a lot into one lifestyle app. It functions as an all-day pedometer app. Your daily step count updates from your phone and includes active time, distance, calories, steps. and an hourly graph, It can also measure your heart rate at any time. You can easily take your heart rate during exercise and at rest. Besides, you can use the app’s food diary and sleep timer. A wide range of fitness and diet plans are also provided on it.

Charity Miles gives your walking a purpose, because it turns your exercise into donations to a certain cause, which offers a fresh donating means. Open up this free appiOS or Google Playand choose a charity. Start a workout, choosing walking, running, or cycling. For each completed mile, you’ll have earned a donation for your chosen charity. The basic rate is 25 cents for walking and running miles and 10 cents for cycling miles, subject to a periodic cap(最高限额). When you finish your walking, you must post to Facebook or Twitter to earn money for your charity.

1What can users do with the Walkmeter Walking & Hiking GPS while exercising?

A.Upgrade the app for $10.B.Check comments of friends.

C.Reply to friends’ posts online.D.Make personalized fitness plans.

2What is special about Charity Miles?

A.It measures your heart rate.B.It can earn you money.

C.It offers a new way of donating.D.It is connected to social software,

3Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A website on app ratings.B.An online fitness course.

C.A medical report.D.An advertisement for phones.

【题目】Mickey was a nice, cheerful, optimistic boy. No one could remember ever having seen him ______; it seemed he didn’t ______ whatever people said to him. Even his teachers admired his good ______. It was so unusual that a story was going around that Mickey’s ______ must be due to some special secret. They asked Mickey so much that he ______ his favorite teacher, Mr. Anthony, to tea one afternoon. When they had finished, Mickey ______ Mr. Anthony around the house. When Mickey opened his bedroom door, the teacher ______. The huge wall was a unique collage (拼贴画) of thousands of colors and shapes! It was the loveliest decoration Mr. Anthony had ever ______.

“Some people at school think that I ______ think badly of anyone,” Mickey started to explain, “and that ______ at all bothers me, but that’s not true at all. I’m just like anyone else. I used to get angrier than all the other kids.______ years ago, with the help of my parents, I started a small collage. With every little piece I stuck on I added some bad thought or act.”

It was ______. The teacher looked closely at die wall. In each one of the small ______ he could read “fool”, “silly”, “idiot”, “pain”, and a thousand other ______ things.

“This is how I started ______ all my bad times into an opportunity to ______ to my collage. Now I like the collage so much that, each lime someone makes me angry, I couldn’t be ______. They’ve given me a new piece for my work of ______.”

That day, the teacher was impressed by Mickey’s ______ to have an optimistic character. Without telling anyone, Mr. Anthony ______ his own collage and he would often recommend it to his students.

1A. lonely B. angry C. calm D. excited

2A. accept B. understand C. mind D. forget

3A. decision B. character C. dream D. method

4A. goodness B. cleverness C. worry D. anxiety

5A. helped B. introduced C. followed D. invited

6A. drove B. promised C. showed D. moved

7A. appeared B. relaxed C. escaped D. froze

8A. seen B. want C. made D. required

9A. often B. never C. almost D. ever

10A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

11A. But B. As C. Though D. Because

12A. crazy B. reasonable C. difficult D. true

13A. walls B. books C. pieces D. boxes

14A. strange B. negative C. small D. clever

15A. throwing B. turning C. packing D. cutting

16A. get B. belong C. lead D. add

17A. happier B. quicker C. more friendly D. more careful

18A. movie B. literature C. art D. science

19A. practice B. advice C. suggestion D. secret

20A. began B. left C. bought D. missed

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