
Making group purchases of famous local products and cosmetics (化妆品) with co-workers has become a common habit for the nine-to-fivers. But if your impression of group buys is still a piece of paper being passed around the office, everyone writes their details down, or endless phone calls or faxes to the supplier, then I’m sorry to say you’re behind the times. The popular way to make such purchases today is to get on line, form a special “group” and shop together. Not only can you save money by getting the best discounts, but it’s also a great way to meet new people.
“You could cut off my clicking finger and I’d still keep shopping this way!” so goes a common comment left by customers of China’s famous e-commerce website “Taobao”. Some even refer to group purchasing as a “path of no return”, saying that “Once you’ve tried it, you’ll get hooked!”
The origins of this new trend can be found in China’s well-known online consumers’ BBS, 55BBS, and the shopping boards. Since most BBS users are “white-collared workers and students who live in concentrated areas, buying clothes, food, and so on as a group saves on delivery costs as well as – if they meet the seller’s criteria (标准) – earn gifts, discounts, and frequent shopper points.
Users of this online group shopping boards purchase a lot of different items, from Japanese and Korean style clothes and Ugg boots, through fake eyelashes (假睫毛), stockings, food seasonings (调味品), and kitchen knives, to cosmetic masks and online college courses. All kinds of things have people coming together in groups to buy them, and the pickups are often organized on college campuses or office buildings.
Internet observer Liu Chenxi points the purchasing behavior that these online groups’ power creates a “team” effect. Unlike e-commerce sites driven by individuals’ purchases, sites that create this team effect have users that come together to achieve a common goal. The Internet has made this joining of forces to form group buying power possible, and it continues to snowball all around us.

  1. 1.

    The passage mainly deals with _________.

    1. A.
      group purchases with co-workers    
    2. B.
      online group purchases
    3. C.
      how to do shopping online             
    4. D.
      buying famous local products and cosmetics
  2. 2.

    What does the word “hooked” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    According to the text, this kind of purchase has some benefits EXCEPT________.

    1. A.
      earning gifts                                        
    2. B.
      making new friends
    3. C.
      saving money                               
    4. D.
      saving time
  4. 4.

    What can we infer from the text?。

    1. A.
      Online group shopping will become more and more popular.
    2. B.
      The goods are usually delivered to each doorstep.
    3. C.
      Doing shopping online is not reliable.
    4. D.
      People prefer to do group purchases with their co-workers.

The Adventure Guides Program

New Member Information for the Adventure Guides Program ( for children aged 4—12)

What Is the Adventure Guides Program All about?

The objectives of the program are:

● Fostering companionship and setting foundation for positive, lifelong relationships between parent and child

● Increased understanding of one another

● Expanded awareness of spirit, mind and body

● Great memories

● Fun!!!

Parent and Child Will Be Joining…

The nationwide affilicated(隶属的) program sponsored by local YMCA’s and part of the National Council of YMCA’s

A smaller group of families called a “circle”

What Is the Time Commitment?

● Program runs from October to May (ending with the Memorial Day Parade)

● One “circle” activity per month ( one circle decides on fees and dates)

 Additional all participant activities (scheduled by Wilton Family Y) —additional fees and registration required.

Outing Dates: To Be Announced

What Do I Do Now?

● Registration is on-going. Registration forms are available online under “Registration”.

● You will be notified by the Wilton Family Y of which “circle” you and your child are in and who your “circle” leader is.

● You will be notified by your “circle” leader as to when your first parent/child “circle” meeting will take place.


Participant: Full Child or Family member $110.00 / Program member $200.00

Sibling: Full child or Family member $75.00 / Program member $150.00

Adult: Family member FREE / Program member $125.00

Wilton Family Y Contact Information:

Geoff Malyszka Teen Director 762-8384 ext.224

E-mail: gmalyszka@wiltonymca. org

Kim Murphy Early Childhood Ed. Director762-8384 ext.214

E-mail: kmurphy@wiltonymca. org

Which of the following is true about “circle”?

   A. You and your children will make up a “circle”.

   B. A “circle” activity will be held once a month.

   C. You have the right of choosing your “circle” leader.

 D. You are free to choose to become a member of a “circle”.

What information can you get from the passage?

   A. There is no extra fees for additional all participant activities.

   B. The program will be held only in October and May

   C. You can register just by making a call to 762-8384 ext. 224.

   D. It has not been decided yet when you will go out.

The passage is mainly written for _____.

 A. parents and their children

 B. adventurous travelers

C. international students

 D. children with bad memories

People who enjoy a dream-filled sleep are better at recalling information and making links between facts when waking. But recharging with a shallow (小睡) offers no such mental improvement, the research suggests. The results of the study added to the growing body of evidence that Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is very important to the brain’s ability to form strong memories.

An average night's rest includes four or five spells of REM sleep, but these bursts tend to be lengthier towards the end of the night. This means adults getting less than the recommended seven to eight hours a night -- and therefore inadequate REM sleep -- may be damaging their mind's ability to memorize: Although REM sleep is not classified as a type of deep sleep, it is only reached after the brain has passed through deep sleep stages.

In the recent study, participants were shown groups of three words and asked to find another word that can be associated with all three words. They were tested once in the morning and then given the same task again in the afternoon. In between, some were allowed a nap with REM sleep, some a nap without REM sleep, while the others had a quiet rest period. The quiet rest and non-REM sleep groups didn't improve, but the REM sleep group improved on their morning performance by an average of almost 40 per cent. Dr Sara Mednick, a sleep researcher at the University of California who led the study, believes the formation of connections between previously unassociated information in the brain occurs during REM sleep.

It is believed that sleep acts as a sort of mental filing system, enabling the brain to sort relevant information from useless information. This process may take place as memories are removed hem one art of the brain to others.


REM Sleep 1.______ Memory

The result of the


Rapid Eye Movement sleep is of great importance to the brain's ability to2.______ memories.

The 3.____

of the study

◆ 4.______ were required to think of another word

associated with all three words.

◆The same task was given to participants 5.______ a day.

◆ The quiet rest and non-REM sleep groups showed no


◆ The REM sleep group7.______ well by an average of

almost 40 per cent.

Dr Sara Mednick's


Connections between previous unassociated information in the

brain are 9.______ during REM sleep


Sleep acts as a sort of mental filing system, enabling the brain to abandon useless information and keep the 10. ______




Monty Roberts often let me use his house to hold fund-raising events to raise money for young people in need.

The last time I was there he   36  me to a group of people by saying, “I want tell you   37  I let Jack use my house. It   38  a story about a young man. When he was a high school student, he was asked to write a paper about his   39 .”

“That night be wrote a seven-page paper   40  his goal of someday owning a horse ranch (大牧场). He wrote about his dream in great   41  and he even drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch, showing the   42  of all the buildings, the stables(马厩)and the track. Then he drew a detailed plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would   43  on a 200-acre ranch.”

“When he received his paper, he found that there was a big red ‘F’ on the front page with a note   44 , ‘see me after class.’”

“The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, ‘Why did I receive an F?’”

“The teacher said, ‘This is a(an)  45  dream for a young boy like you. If you __46  this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your   47  .’”

“Finally, after a week, the boy handed in the same paper, making no   48 . He stated, ‘You can   49  the F and I’ll keep my dream.’”

“I told you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot   50  in the middle of my 200-acre ranch. I still have that school   51  .”

He added, “That   52  teacher came to my ranch. Before leaving, he said, ‘During those years I   53  a lot of kids’ dreams.   54 , you didn’t give up yours.

Don’t let anyone steal your dream. Follow your   55 , no matter what.

1.                A.warned         B.informed        C.helped   D.introduced


2.                A.why           B.when          C.how D.where


3.                                  A.breaks away from B.gets along with

C.goes back to                       D.is occupied with


4.                A.feeling         B.dream          C.difficulty  D.contribution


5.                A.expecting       B.drawing         C.imagining D.describing


6.                A.strength        B.detail          C.surprise  D.courage


7.                A.owner         B.construction     C.locations  D.prices


8.                A.sit             B.cover          C.rise  D.remain


9.                A.writing         B.expressing      C.suggesting D.reading


10.               A.unrealistic      B.wonderful      C.fantastic   D.disappointing


11.               A.exchange       B.check          C.rewrite    D.treat


12.               A.goal           B.grade          C.future D.behavior


13.               A.senses         B.changes        C.comments D.excuses


14.               A.keep          B.follow          C.continue  D.choose


15.               A.field           B.ranch          C.office D.house


16.               A.building        B.address        C.story D.paper


17.               A.same          B.kind           C.single D.famous


18.               A.tested         B.asked          C.stole  D.missed


19.               A.Therefore      B.Fortunately      C.Surprisingly D.Generally


20.               A.advice         B.heart          C.trend D.statement



Making group purchases of famous local products and cosmetics (化妆品) with co-workers has become a common habit for the nine-to-fivers. But if your impression of group buys is still a piece of paper being passed around the office, everyone writes their details down, or endless phone calls or faxes to the supplier, then I’m sorry to say you’re behind the times. The popular way to make such purchases today is to get on line, form a special “group” and shop together. Not only can you save money by getting the best discounts, but it’s also a great way to meet new people.

“You could cut off my clicking finger and I’d still keep shopping this way!” so goes a common comment left by customers of China’s famous e-commerce website “Taobao”. Some even refer to group purchasing as a “path of no return”, saying that “Once you’ve tried it, you’ll get hooked!”

The origins of this new trend can be found in China’s well-known online consumers’ BBS, 55BBS, and the shopping boards. Since most BBS users are “white-collared workers and students who live in concentrated areas, buying clothes, food, and so on as a group saves on delivery costs as well as – if they meet the seller’s criteria (标准) – earn gifts, discounts, and frequent shopper points.

Users of this online group shopping boards purchase a lot of different items, from Japanese and Korean style clothes and Ugg boots, through fake eyelashes (假睫毛), stockings, food seasonings (调味品), and kitchen knives, to cosmetic masks and online college courses. All kinds of things have people coming together in groups to buy them, and the pickups are often organized on college campuses or office buildings.

Internet observer Liu Chenxi points the purchasing behavior that these online groups’ power creates a “team” effect. Unlike e-commerce sites driven by individuals’ purchases, sites that create this team effect have users that come together to achieve a common goal. The Internet has made this joining of forces to form group buying power possible, and it continues to snowball all around us.

68. The passage mainly deals with _________.

A. group purchases with co-workers    

B. online group purchases

C. how to do shopping online             

D. buying famous local products and cosmetics

69. What does the word “hooked” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. excited                 B. lost                   C. addicted            D. bored

70. According to the text, this kind of purchase has some benefits EXCEPT________.

A. earning gifts                                         B. making new friends

C. saving money                                D. saving time

71. What can we infer from the text?。

A. Online group shopping will become more and more popular.

B. The goods are usually delivered to each doorstep.

C. Doing shopping online is not reliable.

D. People prefer to do group purchases with their co-workers.

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