


My wife is addicted to shopping on the Internet.1seems that she can’t control

herself well, just clicking constantly with the mouse. Let me tell what happened last night.

It was the fourth time she 2 (shop) online for hours. I had already reminded her3(think) twice before buying anything, but my wife ignored what I said and replied confidently, “With the New Year4(approach), preparation is necessary. Besides, I haven’t bought things on the Internet for a WHOLE week.” Hearing her words, I was really 5(speech). In most cases, the things she bought aren’t good value for money. Maybe she just enjoys6 process of buying online.

Nowadays, 7 the development of technology, online shopping is becoming more and more convenient. Those8 stay at home can buy whatever they want. In the meanwhile, it causes a series of9(problem). One of them is more spending, because people are 10(easy) attracted by the discount. So how to keep a good state of mind in front of temptation is an important lesson many people need to learn.



【2】had shopped

【3】to think










【1】It 考查固定句式。句式It seems that…似乎……;句意:似乎她无法控制自己,只是不停地点击鼠标。

【2】had shopped考查时态。本句是固定句式It is/was +次数 sb have/had do sth是某人第几次做某事的时候了。如果前面是was,后面就要使用过去完成时。句意:这是她第四次连续好几个小时在网上购物了。

【3】to think 考查动词短语。短语remind sb to do sth提醒某人做某事;我已经提醒她在网上购物的时候,要三思而后行。但是她就是不理睬我说的话。所以本句中使用不定式做宾语补足语。

【4】approaching 考查with复合结构。本句中介词with的宾语the New Year与动词approach构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词做宾语补足语。句意:随着新年到来,要做必要的准备了。

【5】speechless 考查形容词。形容词speechless无言以对的;句意:听到她的话,我无言以对。因为之前我已经提醒过她买东西要慎重,但是她不听我的。使用speechless说明我很无奈。

【6】the 考查冠词。句意:大部分情况下,她买的东西的质量都不好,也许她只是喜欢购物的过程吧。本句中名词process后面有介词短语of buying online修饰,表示特指,所以在前面加定冠词the。

【7】with 考查介词短语。短语with the development of technology随着科技的发展。句意:随着科技的发展,网络购物变得越来越便利。

【8】who 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是those,关系代词who指代先行词those在句中充当主语。句意:那些待在家里的人也可以买到他们想买的东西。

【9】problems 考查名词单复数。句意:同时,网购也导致了一系列的问题。形容词短语a series of一系列的,后面常接可数名词复数形式。

【10】Easily 考查副词。本句中使用副词easily充当状语修饰谓语动词。句意:其中的一个问题是过度消费,因为人们很容易受到折扣的吸引。



Choosing the right college for you is not so easy. 【1】 The idea can help to guide you to find what fits your needs best. These guidelines will help you figure out what college you want to go to.

Think about what major you want to study in college. If you know what you want to major in, you can only look at colleges that have your major. College is about learning what you love. 2

3 Anyone who tells you the location is not important is lying. If you don’t like cold weather, stay away from northern schools. If you look forward to working in the publishing industry, New York may be your best bet. If your parents want you to stay close to your home, please do not consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to.

Think about how much money you can afford. Are your parents paying for your education?4 Do you have to control anything? Are you willing to go into major debt over a school? These are all things to consider before you fall in love with a college.

5 The cool thing about college is that each different one attracts different kinds of people. For the first thing in your life, you get to choose where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with. Make sure that the people you’re with for four years are your kind of people.

A. Where the college is located matters.

B. You’d better choose a major that is popular.

C. If so, how much are they willing to spend?

D. Go to the college with some people you like.

E. Make sure you’re going to spend time with the right people.

F. You should have a general idea of what you want and don’t want.

G. So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one.

【题目】When Shakespeare was twenty-one, he went to London to try his fortune in that great city, and a very interesting place was the London of his day.

There was the famous London Bridge and St. Paul’s Cathedral, and palaces and markets and long streets full of shops.

Then, too, there were the daily crowds where people from all over the world could be seen. Knights,scholars and the highwayman (拦路强盗)or thief,who had been infamous for his clever robberies, passed by each other. Here, also, were noblemen dressed in gold, from Italy and Spain and France; slaves from Spanish America, sea captains and ministers, soldiers and servants—all held by chance or interest within the gray walls which circled London, and whose gates gave welcome to as strange a crowd as could be found in the world.

Into this curious crowd came Shakespeare, quick to see and eager to learn. And before long all these strange sights were as familiar to him as the faces of his own town’s residents. Each one told its story to him so plainly that, as before he had learned the secrets of the fields and woods, so now he learned men and men’s interests that make up the great world.

And he learned these lessons so well that when he came to write his plays, he made such use of them as no writer ever made before or since; for it is the use of this knowledge of the world, combined with his own genius, that makes Shakespeare the greatest dramatist that has ever lived.

【1】Which of the following best describes Shakespeare?

A.Shakespeare got inspiration to write from his hometown, London.

B.Shakespeare was eager to make friends with the noblemen in London.

C.Shakespeare became the greatest dramatist owing to his own genius.

D.Shakespeare was good at observing and learning from the daily life.

【2】What does the word “one” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.Face. B.Sight. C. Crowd. D.Resident

【3】The passage probably comes from______.

A.an announcement B.an advertisement

C.a textbook. D. a poster

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