

When people think of Hollywood, they think of the city where dreams come true.This did not apply to F.Scott Fitzgerald, a screenwriter who had his share of ups and downs in this land. Fitzgerald was not a successful Hollywood writer because he was not good at the career path he chose.He was an amazing novelist, but his efforts of turning them into screenplays ended in disappointment and confusion.It was because of a lack of potential for screenwriting as well as his addiction and desire to be famous.

Growing up as a boy, Fitzgerald went to movies a lot.He wanted to write stories that would eventually turn into movies.The problem was: just because Fitzgerald wanted to do something didn’t necessarily mean that he was good at it.He made his attempts, but most of these efforts ended in disappointment because he thought about the change from script(剧本)to screen too much.His plot was too detailed and complicated; his tone was too serious or his dialogue too sentimental(感伤的).

Fitzgerald’s quick rise to fame also led to his fall.In life, things are not meant to happen all at once, all that the same time but it did for Fitzgerald. At his best time, three of his early stories were made into short films, including The Great Gatsby and Babylon Revisited. As the twenties approached, he was gradually forgotten by the reading public. He became drunk and constantly took pills both to sleep and wake up.His marriage was destroyed and his wife broke down mentally.He seemed unsure about his life.

Fitzgerald had another chance at success when many opportunities came his way, including revisions of Emlyn William’s play The Light of Heart and production of one of his own scripts, Cosmopolitan.However, these were all put aside and he was right back where he started, left behind and called a “ruined man”.Fitzgerald simply wanted too much in his life.He wanted “to be both a great novelist and a Hollywood success, to write songs like Cole Porter and poetry like John Keats”.His addiction to fame held him back and led to his failure as a Hollywood writer.

1.Which is a reason that Fitzgerald failed in screenwriting?

A. He was not talented in screenwriting.

B. He had a miserable family life.

C. He spent too much time watching movies.

D. He was greedy for money in his life.

2.Fitzgerald’s screenwriting was _____.

A. disappointing in ending

B. complex in plot

C. playful in tone

D. simple in dialogue

3.Which of the following was NOT written by Fitzgerald?

A. The Great Gatsby B. Babylon Revisited

C. The Light of Heart D. Cosmopolitan

4.When Fitzgerald had another chance at success, he ______.

A. took full advantage of it

B. went back home to start business

C. refused to make changes

D. started to write songs and poems

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Fallen for Fame Addiction: F.Scott Fitzgerald

B. An Inch into Fame: F.Scott Fitzgerald

C. F.Scott Fitzgerald: A Great Novelist

D. F.Scott Fitzgerald: A Great Screenwriter


I always experienced guilt when I passed by without giving a coin or two to a beggar.

My conscience was pricked again on a tour of Venice in 2010. I had taken refuge from the crowds in a quiet canal-side café. Outside the café was an old woman kneeling on the ancient cobbled stones, begging. Steady streams of tourists were walking past her. A lone young back-packer stood away from the crowds drinking something, but I noticed he was also observing the woman.

A tourist group glanced at the woman and walked on. Another group of tourists arrived and, again, walked past her. The backpacker watched. Then, as I prepared to leave, I stopped at the sight of the backpacker stepping forward and placing some money in the woman’s cup. He did this rather ostentatiously(炫耀地), just before the arrival of another tourist group. I watched as the leader of the group stopped and put some money in the cup. Having been shown the way, other tourists followed suit and added more coins to the woman’s cup.

The young backpacker repeated this process in front of the next tour party going past. Once again, the subtle peer (同伴)pressure worked on the tourists, who all added coins to the cup. His work done, the young man walked over to the old beggar woman, patted her shoulder and said, “I hope that helps a bit.”

I don’t know if the woman understood his English or realized what had just happened, but I did. I placed some money in the woman’s cup and continued my travels, light-hearted after witnessing such an act of caring.

1.The backpacker placed some money in the woman’s cup rather ostentatiously because______.

A. he wanted to stop the tourists by doing this

B. he wanted people to know that he was rich and kind

C. he wanted to help the woman by himself

D. he wanted the tourist group to follow him

2.The author went to a quiet canal-side cafe to_______ .

A. avoid meeting the beggar

B. get away from the crowds

C. take a rest

D. watch the woman beggar

3.We can infer from the passage that ________ .

A. tourists can be cheated by beggars

B. people usually have pity on an old beggar

C. tourists are willing to help beggars

D. people can do kind acts due to peer pressure

4.Before the backpacker dropped some money in the woman’s cup, the tourists ______ .

A. all showed pity for the woman

B. didn’t notice the woman

C. walked by without giving any money

D. gave a little money to the woman


The National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC has thousands of objects on display, including the 1903 Wright Flyer, Charles Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis, the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia, and a lunar rock you can touch. In addition to our exhibition galleries, you may want to visit the Albert Einstein Planetarium, Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater, and the Public Observatory on the east end. There are many things to do at the Museum in DC. We offer daily tours and educational activities for both children and adults. We also have scheduled lectures and events throughout the year.

Hours & Admission: Open every day except December 25.Admission is free.

Regular Hours: 10: 00 am to 5: 30 pm

Extended Hours: 10: 00 am to 7: 30 pm

December 26—30, 2014.

March 30—April 20, 2015.

Fridays and Saturdays, April 24—May 16, 2015.

May 17—September 7, 2015.


Limit the Number of Bags: All visitors are screened through metal detectors upon entry.The fewer items you bring inside the Museum, the faster your entry. Before you visit, please review the list of prohibited items, which include pocket knives and tripods (三脚架).Visitors carrying prohibited items will not be allowed inside the Museum, so please leave them at home or in your car.

No Food and Drink: Only bottled water is permitted in the Museum. You may only consume food and other drinks in the Food Court, not in the Museum. Groups who bring food are encouraged to picnic on the National Mall.

Please Take Photos: You are welcome to take photos for personal use. However, tripods and monopods (单脚架) are not permitted without approval.

First Aid: The Museum has a First Aid office and a nurse on duty. Please contact the nearest security officer or the Welcome Center for assistance.

Visit the Welcome Center:

At our Welcome Center in the South Lobby, staff and volunteers can answer any questions you have during your visit.

Open 10: 00 am to 5: 30 pm

Phone: 202-633-2214

E-mail: NASM-VisitorServices@ si.edu

1.According to the passage, the National Air and Space Museum is a museum __.

A. where only adults can take part in some educational activities

B. everyone can pay a visit to without buying tickets

C. where one can touch anything he likes

D. everyone can visit without time limits all the year round

2.If the Greens plan to visit the Museum at 6: 00 pm, it is accessible on _______.

A. December 24, 2014 (Wednesday) B. March 1, 2015 (Sunday)

C. July 6, 2015 (Monday) D. September 15, 2015 (Tuesday)

3.A visitor to the museum can _______.

A. eat and drink in the Museum or in the Food Court

B. take photos with tripods for personal use

C. bring fewer bags to go through metal detectors

D. get some medical treatment if he suddenly falls ill

4.The purpose of this passage is to _______.

A. make an advertisement for the museum

B. attract people to explore the universe

C. encourage adults to bring their children there

D. show what is on display in the museum

When Nancy Lublin got $5,000 from her grandpa in 1996, she never once considered taking a vacation or paying off student loans .Instead, the 24-year-old New York University law student began thinking about helping low-income women get better jobs."If a woman goes for a job interview poorly dressed, she won't get the job." Lublin says.“ But without a job, she can't afford suitable clothes."

So with the money Lublin founded "Dress for Success” and began collecting women's clothes which were still in good condition but which their owners no longer needed."So many women have clothes lying around that they will never wear again," one of Lublin's assistants says "Nancy's idea is so simple and yet so important to women."

Many women come to Lublin's office before going to a job interview. Here, they receive a suit, shoes and any other things they need, Since it was set up, more than 1,000 women have turned to "Dress for Success" for help. Many of them have won jobs. Some have round jobs after being out of work for many years. Jenny, a 32-year-old woman who was recently hired as a law-firm office manager says, "I made a good impression because of “Dress for Success”

1.What can we learn from the text?

A. Nancy's grandfather lent her the money to set up the office.

B. Nancy set up "Dress for Success" to make money

C. Low-income women can get jobs at "Dress for Success"

D. Nancy's office gathers used clothes from women

2."Dress for Success" attracts many women because they_______

A. need to look smart when looking for a job

B. like the design of the dresses

C. prefer buying clothes at a low price

D. like to wear different clothes.

3.From what Jenny says, we know that ______.

A. clothes from Nancy's office helped to get her a job.

B. she is working happily at her present job

C. she got a lot of good ideas from Nancy

D. "Dress for Success" has a good business relation with her firm.

4.What would be a good title for the text?

A. Keep Your Old Clothes

B. A Successful Clothing Business

C. Nancy: A Successful Law Student.

D. A Helping Hand for Women

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