
         According to the report by Baekeland and Hartmann, two American authoritative psychotogical research centres, the "short sleepers" had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens.But at about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions, in their daily routines.
In general, these "short sleeps" appeared ambitious, active, energetic, cheerful,, conformist (循规蹈矩的) in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices.They often held several jobs at once, or workers full - or part - time while going to school.And many of them had a strong urge to appear "normal" or "acceptable" to their friends and associates.When asked to recall their dreams, the "short sleepers" did poorly.More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering.In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy m the hope that the trouble would go away.The sleep patterns of the “short sleepers" were similar to, but less extreme than, sleep patterns shown by many mental patients categorized as manic (疯人).
The "long sleepers" were quite different indeed.Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood.They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were quite concerned when they were occasionally deprived (剥夺) of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest.They tended to recall their dreams much better than the "short sleepers." did.Many of the "long sleepers" were shy, anxious, introverted (内向), inhibited (压抑) , passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations).Several openly states that sleep was an escape from their daily problems.
50.According to the text, which is probably the writer' s real attitude towards these two living habits ____.
A.both of them are healthy habits  
B.not both of them are unhealthy habits
C.either of them is not unhealthy habits
D.neither of them is healthy habits
51.When sometimes they cannot enjoy adequate sleep, the long sleepers might ____.
A.feel extremely depressed         B.become energetic
C.appeared disturbed          D.feel disappointed
52.The writer implies (暗示) that short sleepers _____ in the text.
A.are ideally vigorous even under the pressures of life
B.often neglect the consequences of inadequate(不足的)sleep
C.do not know how to relax properly
D.are more unlikely to run into mental problems
 50.D 5l.C  52.B
Is there something that you’ve always wanted to try but just never had the time? Well, make plans to try it now since you are on summer vacation.Not all vacations call for taking a tour bus to take photos of famous landmarks. Some vacations allow you plenty of opportunities to learn.
The most difficult aspect of a learning vacation vacation may be choosing one because the possibilities are endless.If you enjoy cooking, various companies can take you to Italy, France, Spain, Mexico or even Peru. Once there, you can learn to prepare the local cuisine(烹饪). Trips are often planned to fit in with local food festivals or special events.
The term “learning vacation” often brings language to mind. The best way to learn a language is in an environment where it’s spoken. Study Spanish, French or English. Or attempt a more unusual language like Polish, Estonian or Thai. You’ll be able to learn about the country and absorb the culture at the same time.
If you are fond of sports, you can polish your skills or learn new ones. Golf and tennis schools welcome players of all levels. If you want a bigger thrill, you can learn to surf, go climbing or race cars. It’s even possible to learn the art and techniques of bull fighting while on vacation!
You can also discover our inner artist. Many places offer painting classes in different mediums. The scenic locations of the schools offer plenty of subjects that provide inspiration for practice.
If you prefer capturing the world on film, take a photography vacation. Travel with a small group to photograph beautiful animals or scenery. You can also practise your technique on people or at historical sights.
Once you decide on a vacation, choose a company carefully. Request names of recent customers you can contact, and then ask them for an evaluation. The more you know before you go, the better prepared you’ll be. Then go out and learn something!
56.Why is it hard for you to decide on a learning vacation?
A.Because it is hard for you to make plans.
B.Because the possibilities are unlimited.
C.Because there are many good foods from abroad.
D.Because there’re too many food festivals or events.
57.The advantages of learning a language in its native country is that          .
A.the environment is fit for you to use the language
B.you are able to learn the original foreign language
C.native speakers offer you a lot of chances to practise
D.you can learn the language and experience its culture
58.Which of the following sports suit you if you don’t like thrills?
A.Car racing.         B.Playing tennis.   C.Rock climb.         D.Surfing.
59.The structure of the text would be          .


60.The purpose of writing the text is to         .
A.advertise some popular summer programmes
B.encourage readers to have a good time relaxing
C.offer some tips on how to enjoy a learning vacation
D.attract more readers to spend summer time learning
Are your table manners much better when you are eating at a friend’s home or in a restaurant than they are at your own home? Probably so, __1__ you are aware that people judge you by your table manners. You take special pains when you are eating __2__. Have you ever stopped to realize how much less self-conscious you would be on such occasions if __3__ table manners had become a habit for you? You can make them a habit by __4__ good table manners at home.
Good manners at mealtimes help you and those around you to feel __5__. This is true at home as much as it is true in someone else’s home or in a restaurant. Good __6__ make meals more enjoyable for everyone at the table.
By this time you probably know quite well what good table manners are. You __7__ that keeping your arms on the table, talking with your __8__ full, and wolfing down your food are not considered good manners. You know also that if you are mannerly, you say “Please” and “Thank you” and ask for things to be passed to you.
Have you ever thought of a pleasant attitude as being __9__ to good table manners? Not only are pleasant mealtimes enjoyable, but they aid digestion. The dinner table is a __10__ for enjoyable conversation. It should never become a battleground. You are definitely growing in social maturity (成熟) when you try to be an agreeable table companion. 
A.in publicB.at homeC.at easeD.in a hurry
Whenever human populations have lived in forest areas, they have always cut down trees which they used for a number of purposes, for housing and ships and served as a source of heating fuel and timber. Growth of cities often meant expansion into forest areas, while even more trees were removed to provide space for agriculture. With the growing demand for paper, vast quantities of trees have also been cut down for paper production. These factors, along with many others, have been contributing to a dangerous phenomenon known as deforestation.
In the last 5,000 years, humans have reduced forest from roughly 50 percent of the earth’s land surface to less than 20 percent. Most of this original, or old growth, forest cover is concentrated in three large areas: the Canadian and Alaskan boreal forest, the boreal forest of Russia, and the tropical forest of the northwestern Amazon Basin and the Guyana Shield. These areas comprise almost 70 percent of the world’s remaining original forest cover. In most places, the rate of deforestation is increasing, with the alarming result of 16 million hectares disappearing worldwide every year.
Loss of forest does not just mean the decline of natural resources. There are several other factors that make deforestation seriously harmful to both the human and natural worlds. One of them is changes in the global climate. For example, forest clearance is releasing substantial volumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere as vegetation is burnt or decays. It has been suggested that this is a significant factor in global warming. Moreover, about 10 percent of the world’s tree species are in danger of extinction as a result of deforestation. Deforestation also threatens biological diversity through the destruction of wildlife habitats, which endangers a number of animal species and leads to their potential disappearance. Species are particularly easy to extinction in tropical rainforests because many species have few individuals per unit area, which makes reproduction more difficult. Finally, since forests play an important role in storing water and stabilizing soil, deforestation and the resulting change in land use cause soil erosion (腐蚀) and other forms of land degradation.
72.   The passage discusses all of the following EXCEPT the ________.
A. causes of deforestation                                   B. consequences of deforestation
C. management of deforestation                      D. rate of deforestation
73.   The word “diversity” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.
A. variety                                                                  B. expansion           
C. development                                                      D. advantage
74.   Why does the author mention fuel and timber in Paragraph 1?
A. To explain the rate of deforestation.
B. To compare them with housing and ships.
C. To show the dangers of deforestation.
D. To illustrate the causes of deforestation.
75.   Which of the following sentences summarizes Paragraph 3 best?
A. Deforestation threatens biological diversity.
B. Deforestation has many harmful consequences.
C. Deforestation causes changes in global climate.
D. Deforestation should be stopped.
Dear Cassy,
Thanks for reminding me by e-mail that you want to baby-sit our children. Although you are only 12 years old, my wife and I would be willing to consider your application(申请)if you can meet(满足) a few requirements:
1)Send us three letters from teachers who will prove that you have never failed to follow instructions perfectly in class and never failed to hand in your homework on time.
2)Send us a note from two doctors who will prove that you are in perfect health, have never been sick, and never will be sick.
3)Send us a document from your physical education teacher or team coach that proves that you can do each of the following: Run two miles in less than four minutes, climb an oiled rope to a height of twenty feet in thirty seconds while balancing a glass of water on your nose, and walk in bare feet over hot coals and broken glass without injury.
4)Send us notarized(得到公证的)letters from at least two mental health experts saying that you have never had an envious thought towards other people.
5)Play and defeat five expert chess players while blindfolded(蒙着眼睛)after going without sleep for 48 hours.
6)Wait patiently(耐心地)for two years while we have investigators(调查)certify(确保)that all your documents(文件)are real
Your loving and trusting friends,
The Smiths
40. The Smiths send their message to Cassy by     .
A. e-mail       B. a letter        C. a newspaper    D. a report
41. According to the first paragraph,        .
A. the Smiths must have had an advertisement made, saying that they want someone to look after their children
B. the Smiths have informed Cassy that they need some children
C. the Smiths have promised to provide what Cassy asked for
D. the Smiths would be very glad if Cassy can meet their requirements
42.What is the attitude of the Smiths about hiring the 12-year old girl to look after their baby?
A. The Smiths try to tell her how to baby-sit children.
B. The Smiths don’t think a girl is good for the job.
C. The Smiths don’t want to hire her.
D. The Smiths are willing to offer her the job.
43. Which of the requirements mentioned by the Smiths do you think Cassy can meet?
A. All of them               B. Half of them  
C. None of them             D. Most of them
    You get all sorts of demands, and the mark of a good hotel is to supply whatever is asked for without sounding surprise. If a guest asks for rubber gloves. You don't ask why. You say, “No problem. What colour do you want?”
  There have been some demands which, much as I would have liked to fill, I couldn't. A Japanese businessman, for example, thought the manager of a hotel was like the captain of a ship so he asked me to marry him and the woman he loved. There was one time, however, we did help out. A young man thought that if he asked his girlfriend to marry him at the Ritz she would say yes. He asked us to put the ring in a cake, and she accepted.
  Top hotels are used more and more to impress. They are used for doing business. If you've got something to sell, take your clients(客户) to the best hotel where the surroundings are quite helpful. A friend of mine working at Savoy Hotel tells story about a man who gave him 5 pounds to say “Good morning, Mr. Smith” when he walked through the door with two other men. This he did, and could hear Mr. Smith saying, “I do wish they would leave me alone at this place.”
  According to Julian Payne, the most powerful people in any hotel are the porters, who carry bags for hotel guests. “Porters can do almost anything. They can get you tables at the best restaurants or tickets for a popular concert. Don't ask me how they do it or what their deal is because I don't know. Most of them have been there for years. They know more about the history of the hotel and the guests than anyone else. They are invaluable. A head porter will come in even on his day off so he can say hello to someone he remembers visiting the hotel years ago.”
56.When guests ask for something strange,the manager of a good hotel would think ______.
  A.how he can meet their needs
  B.why they have such demands
  C.what problems the hotel has
  D.who is the best person to go to
57.Which of the following examples explains “we did help out?”
  A.The hotel bought a ring for a young lady.
  B.A Japanese married the woman he loved.
  C.The manager once acted as a captain.
  D.A young lady agreed to marry her boyfriend.
58.Which of the following statements is true about the porters in expensive hotels?
A.They sell tickets for concerts.
B.They know how to make a good deal.
C.They know a lot about the hotels and the guests.
D.The come to work even on their days off.
59.By saying “I do wish they would leave me alone at this place”, Mr. Smith ______.
  A.showed that he disliked such people at the hotel
  B.gave the impression that he was a constant guest
  C.tried to make his clients feel sorry for him
  D.sounded as if he was tired of such greetings
  Driving while talking on a hand-held mobile phone has long been considered a danger. But even drivers who use hands free devices are a nuisance – because they are slowing everyone else down, according to a study.
David Strayer, a psychology professor in Utah University’s traffic lab, conducted a study involving 36 university students driving on motorways. Each used a hands free phone for half the trip but not for the other half. The students were told to obey posted speed limits and use turn signals but the rest of the driving decisions were up to them . What Strayer found is that when the drivers were distracted(使分心)by a phone conversation , they made fewer lane(车道) changes, drove slower and took longer to get where they were going. Fellow researcher Professor Peter Martin, who teaches civil and environmental engineering at Utat University, said,“Ordinarily a slower driver should be safer , but that’s not the case when people are talking on a cell phone.”
In general , drivers who used mobile phones while driving took three percent longer to drive along the same high-density route than drivers who didn’t. When stuck behind a dawdling(磨蹭的) driver , it took them between 25 and 50 seconds longer to switch to an open lane to overtake. Those delays can add up when you consider studies that suggest as many as 10 percent of US drivers are using a cell phone at any one time. And delays in traffic streams of very small amounts can grow into massively when drivers are crossing a  highway.” Our next step is to use computer models to determine just how much those delays are costing drivers in time and in extra fuel costs,” Martrin said.
63. What does the underlined word in the first paragraph mean?
A. A person who is a volunteer.         B. A person who breaks the traffic law
C. A person who is annoyed by others.   D. A person who causes trouble
64. Which of the following is TRUE , according to Martin?
A. The more slowly a person drove, the safer he was.
B. Measures should be taken to stop using mobile phones.
C. Drivers using hand-held phones had less effect on traffic than those using hands free phones
D. Driving while using mobile phones could cost drivers time and money.
65. The passage is mainly about      .
A. traffic conditions in rush hours 
B. the use of mobile phones in the USA
C. using hands free devices behind the wheel
D. a comparison between hand-held phones and hands free ones
    No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon(外科医生) and part of it taken out. Today, however, we needn't worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have operation felt all its pain.
Long ago, operation had usually to be done while the sick man could feel everything. The sick man had to be held down on a table by force while the doctors did their best for him. He could feel all the pain if his leg or arm was being cut off, and his fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who watched.
Soon after 1770, Josept Priestley discovered a gas which is now called “laughing gas”.Laughing gas became known in America.Young men and women went to parties to try it. Most of them spent their time laughing,but one man at a party,Horace Wells,noticed that people didn't seem to feel pain when they were using this gas.He decided to make an experiment on himself.He asked a friend to help him.
Wells took some of the gas,and his friend pulled out one of Well’s teeth.Wells felt no pain at all.
As he didn't know enough about laughing gas, he gave a man less gas than he should have. The man cried out with pain when his tooth was being pulled out.
Wells tried again,but this time he gave too much of the gas,and the man died.Wells never forgot this terrible event.
56.It is ___________since a man being operated felt all the pain.
A.a few more years      B.not long         C.few years         D.two thousand years
57. Long ago, when the sick man was operated on, he___________.
A.could feel nothing                     B.could not want anything
C.could feel all the pain              D.could do anything
58.Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to___________.
A.be afraid of anything       B.feel pain   C.want to go to the parties    D.be ill
59.If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on he___________.
A.felt nothing       B.felt very comfortable     C.still felt pain          D.would die
The host poured the tea into the cup and placed it on the small table in front of his guests, who were a father and daughter, and put the cover on the cup. Apparently thinking of something, he hurried into the inner room, leaving the thermos (热水瓶) on the table. His two guests heard a cupboard opening.
They remained sitting in the sitting room, the ten-year-old daughter looking at the flowers outside the window, the father just about to take his cup, when the crash came, right there in the sitting room. Something was hopelessly broken.
It was the thermos, which had fallen to the floor. The girl looked over her shoulder, shocked, staring. It was mysterious. Neither of them had touched it, not even a bit. True, it hadn't stood steadily when their host placed it on the table, but it hadn't fallen then.
The explosion caused the host to rush back. Gawking at the steaming floor, the host said "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!"
The father started to say something. Then he said softly, "Sorry, I touched it and it fell."
"It doesn't matter," the host said.
When they left the house, the daughter said, "Daddy, did you touch it?"
"No. But it stood so close to me. "
"But you didn't touch it. I saw your reflection in the window glass. "
The father laughed. "What then would you give as the cause of its fall?"
"The thermos fell by itself. The floor is not smooth. Daddy, why did you say that you …"
"That won't do, girl. It sounds more acceptable when I say I knocked it down. There are things which people accept less the more you defend them. The truer the story you tell, the less true it sounds. "
The daughter was lost in silence for a while. Then she said, "Can you explain it only in this way?"
"Only in this way," her father said.
56. Which statement is a possible theme of this story?
A. People rarely tell the truth.
B. You can't always make people believe the truth.
C. If you defend yourself, people will believe you.
D. People should take the blame for what they didn't do.
57. It can be inferred from the story that the father _______.
A. didn't know the host well                    B. felt satisfied that he didn't tell the truth
C. was sorry that he told the truth                        D. didn't think the host would believe the truth
58. From the story we know that the daughter ________.
A. thought her father should tell the truth         B. didn't know why the thermos fell
C. knocked over the thermos                  D. strongly objected to her father's explanation
59. The underlined "gawking at" probably means _______.
A. staring at with anger                  B. looking at curiously
C. glancing at hopelessly                 D. looking at in a dull way

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