
I bought a Paul Smith shirt three months ago. For those who don’t know, Paul Smith is an English designer brand.

His shirts cost about 1,000 yuan and upwards. I paid 50 yuan for my colorful shirt from a street vendor in Beijing.

Of course my shirt was a knockoff, a cheap copy of the brand. After a few washes, little balls formed on the surface of the thin material.

Do I care? Not at all. You get what you pay for.

I have to admit I hate shopping. I don’t care enough about spending money on clothes. I have other priorities.

In You Are What You Wear, US writer Jennifer Baumgartner says people’s clothes tell a story about their personality.

She writes: “The clothes you choose to wear provide important information about you as a person: your approximate education level, your income, social status and even your level of self-esteem (自信).” When I started work as an undercover crime reporter, I had to shop for jeans and a hoodie (连帽衫) in order to fit in with a rough and ready (世故的) social group.

I bought the hoodie in a charity shop. My daughters were shocked. They thought I looked bad, but I knew my disguise was perfect.

Elizabeth L. Cline thinks she knows best when it comes to cheap clothes in her book Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. She expresses sadness that clothing has been turned into a good that is thrown away after being used once or twice.

She looks down her nose at cheap fashion and longs for the good old days when department stores sold quality clothes at high prices.

I don’t agree. At least people now can choose what to wear without breaking the bank.

1.The underlined sentence in the article meant that .

A. I don’t mind spending money on clothes

B. there’s not much point spending money on clothes

C. it is too much trouble to spend money on clothes

D. I never spend money on clothes

2.From the text we can infer that the author’s disguise .

A. immediately won the admiration of his daughters

B. turned out unsuited to his plan

C. proved that clothes can’t show a person’s true personality

D. had something to do with his income

3.The author mentions Elizabeth L. Cline’s book to .

A. express his anger at the poor quality of clothes

B. show his disagreement with her idea

C. show his dislike for how people treat their clothes

D. support her attitude toward spending money on clothes

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the story?

A. The variety of clothesB. You are what you wear

C. High cost of cheap fashionD. You get what you pay for








1.I have to admit I hate shopping. I don’t care enough about spending money on clothes. I have other priorities.可知,作者在花钱方面有优先考虑的地方,而且讨厌购物,所以认为把钱花在衣服上没有多大意义。所以答案选B。句型:There is no point doing--- “干某事没什么意义。”

2.work as an undercover crime reporter, …My daughters were shocked. They thought I looked bad, but I knew my disguise was perfect.可推断,作者在做秘密记者跟踪报道犯罪案件时要伪装自己,于是买了廉价的连帽衫,女儿看到很震惊,说明作者伪装的很好,证明穿的衣服不会暴露作者的真实身份。所以答案选C。

3.I don’t agree.可知,作者并不同意Elizabeth L. Cline书中的观点。所以答案选择B。

4.Do I care? Not at all. You get what you pay for.可知,作者对买廉价衬衫并不在意,质量不好很正常,“一分钱一分货”。所以答案选D。



Almost anywhere in the world, you can probably see graffiti (涂鸦画). Although it’s usually more common in big cities, it can be found in almost any community, big or small.

The problem with graffiti art is the question of whether it’s really art. This isn’t always an easy question to answer, simply because there are so many different types of graffiti. While some simply consists of collections of letters, known as tags, with little artistic value, such examples are easy to find, especially on larger spaces such as walls.

If it weren’t for the fact that most graffiti is placed on private property without permission, it might be more commonly recognized as a legal form of art. Most graffiti, however, annoys the property owner, who is more likely to paint over it or remove it than accept it as art.

Many ways of removing graffiti have been developed, such as paints that dissolve graffiti paint, or make it easy to remove. Community groups and government departments often organize graffiti-removal teams.

It hardly makes sense to encourage artists to deface (丑化) private or public property; but perhaps there are ways to work with them rather than just oppose them. Graffiti artists can, for example, create murals (壁画) for property owners, and get paid for them.

Maybe we need to start at a very basic level, and find a way to encourage the creation of graffiti art on paper or canvas rather than on walls. After all, who would remember Monet or Picasso if they’d created their masterpieces on walls, only to have them painted over the next day? Finding a solution to such a complex problem is never going to be easy, but with more and more graffiti art being recognized in galleries around the world, we do need to try.

1.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. How to Be a Good Graffiti Artist.

B. Stop Removing Graffiti!

C. Do You Like Graffiti?

D. Is Graffiti Art?

2.The reason why people remove graffiti is that it ______.

A. makes buildings ugly B. has no artistic value at all

C. robs private property D. takes up too much space

3.In Paragraph 4, the underlined word "dissolve" is closest in meaning to ______.

A. change B. flow C. remove D. freeze

4.The example of Monet and Picasso are mentioned in the passage to indicate that ______.

A. they are world-famous artists

B. they are good at graffiti

C. walls are right places to keep their masterpieces

D. their works, if painted on the wall, might not be kept long

5.The writer’s attitude toward graffiti is that graffiti ______.

A. should be removed by more countries

B. should be saved on larger spaces

C. should be created only on paper or canvas

D. may be accepted as art


A little part of me thought about going to another checkout line.This one had the shortest ,there was only one guy in it,but he was in a and there seemed to be some difficulties .

We stepped in behind him.At first, he to be having difficulty getting his groceries onto the counter.But after a while,I realized that what he was actually doing was it into two parts.

I offered to help,but he and the checkout lady had it under .He asked Julie if she would mind putting his basket away.Then he for his wallet which was in a bag on one side of his chair.The he was positioned and the fact he only had one usable arm this troublesome for him,so I helped there.

The checkout operator came around and gave him his and the goods he needed to have to hand.She one bag of groceries over a handle at the back of his chair.

I offered to get the other bigger bag and he said,“No. you could do me a favor.Take that bag along to the entrance and give it to Angela."

Angela,it ,was collecting food for people who might go hungry! I hadn’t even her before.

This guy,in spite of the limitations,had bought more than twice as shopping as he needed—and given the bigger bag away to help people!

He didn’t let the fact that he needed help him from being a help.He may have been limited ,but his heart was more than able to overcome all that.

1.A figureB.space C.queue D.time

2.A.supermarketB.wheelchair C.helmetD.uniform

3.A.going onB.holding on C.paying offD.setting down

4.A.happenedB.used C.seemed D.pretended

5.A.selectingB.wrapping C.handingD.separating

6.A.chargeB.control C.improvement D.settlement

7.A.emptyB.heavyC.large D.broken

8.A.feltB.in search ofC.seizedD.reached

9.A.spot B.direction C.distanceD.way

10.A.caughtB.carriedC.made D.solved


12.A.arrangedB.hung C.loaded D.connected


14.A.turned outB.found out C.pointed outD.put out

15.A.alreadyB.alwaysC.otherwise D.fairly


17.A.many B.much C.fewD.little

18.A.wealthyB.ordinary C.other D.normal

19.A.stopB.requireC.lead D.persuade

20.A.financiallyB.morallyC.mentally D.physically


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