

1. 推荐一门选修课;

2. 说明推荐的理由;

3. 提出学习这门课程的建议。

注意:1. 词数不少于100

2. 邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【答案】Dear Jim,

I am particularly glad that you are interested in Chinese poetry,geography, nationality and histroy and eager to explore more.

I think the Ancient Poetry is your best choice. By learning Chinese ancient poems, you can have an extensive knowledge of history and culture in ancient China. Also, you can feel the charm of the language by reading poems, which helps to improve your Chinese. To follow the course well, you’d better read and recite as many poems as possible. Besides, it is a good idea to search for related background knowledge so that you will fully understand the conception of poetry.

What you do think of the course? I am sure you will have a lot of fun from it.


Li Hua



写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括: 1. 推荐一门选修课;2. 说明推荐的理由3. 提出学习这门课程的建议。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的开篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。


【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Possible Limitations of Online Learning

If eLearning, however, is not based on solid instructional design theories and models it may lead to the following limitations:

1. It may be a "solo" act.

It is true that, although online learning might be convenient and flexible, it is also a solo act. It will not be easy for all of your learners to feel comfortable when participating in online discussions and engaging more actively with their online instructors or their virtual classmates. Some people absolutely need personal contact with their educators or trainers in order to learn successfully. Furthermore, some types of learning problems may be difficult to be addressed online, and some questions can be lost in a sea of requests and inquiries. 1

2. 2

However hard we try to fully transfer human communication to online platforms, however natural it seems to form relationships behind computer screens, a virtual environment is just not human. Nothing can replace human contact. Besides, using a computer or a tablet all the time can cause poor vision, strain injuries, and other physical problems. Consider sending guidelines about right sitting posture, desk height, etc. along with your eLearning course; it might be very useful to your audience.

3. It requires self-discipline.

If your eLearning audience lacks self-discipline, it is unlikely that they will be motivated to self study. Traditional learning and training have the benefit of easily tracking both progress and falling behind. 3

4. Possible lack of control.

However carefully you design your eLearning course, there is no guarantee that your messages will get across. You offer your learners control over their eLearning experience, but are they going to use it effectively? There is always the risk of your learners just going through the material without paying any attention. 4 Unless you know exactly what you’re doing with new technologies, it is very likely that you overwhelm or distract your audience.

Creating effective online learning courses requires knowledge, time, experience, commitment, great communication skills, and a true passion for learning. If you’ve got all that, then be sure that the advantages of your online training outweigh its limitations.

A.It may be impersonal.

B.If your eLearning content is not built to make the most of the medium it will easily become disengaging.

C.This sometimes makes learners feel they lack support and reassurance.

D.It may harm your mental health.

E.Online learning requires some IT literacy, yet not every one of your learners has much experience of computers.

F.This works for many learners as well, as some people prefer their progress to be closely monitored in order to perform.

【题目】 One of the best ways to pay for college is to find work that helps foot part of the school fee. Here are 4 types of part-time jobs that provide students with extra income.

Jobs with employer scholarships

Some companies offer help paying for college through scholarship programs. Taco Bell, for instance, offers its part- time employees the chance to win up to a $ 25 ,000 award through its Live Mas Scholarship. The award can be used toward vocational schools or a two- or four-year college. Employees must have worked for the company at least three continuous months.


For years the work-study program has allowed students to earn money through part-time work. Students aged between 16 and 24 who file Free Application for Student Aid maybe qualified for the program.While these jobs aren't always on campus, students in work study earn at least $7.25 per hourthe state minimum wage.

Paid internships

A paid internship (实习) can not only help students pay for college but can also open doors for full-time work after graduation .According to a 2019 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, nearly two-thirds of paid interns received a job offerwhile just about 44% of unpaid interns were offered a job.

On-demand economy jobs

Known for its flexibilitythe jobs can help students earn cash between classes.These on-demand jobs include completing small jobs making deliveries or even driving for ride-booking services.Students can typically earn more through on-demand workranging from $10 to $20 an hour.

1What are the applicants for the work-study program required to do?

A.Submit an application form.

B.Work part time for years.

C.Accept the minimum wage.

D.Live and work one campus.

2What is the advantage of On-demand economy jobs?

A.Providing scholarships.

B.Having fixed workplace.

C.Including an extra award.

D.Offering more job options.

3Which program is of great help for students to find a full-time job?

A.Jobs with employer scholarships.

B.On- demand economy jobs.

C.Paid internships.

D.Work- study.


“Mommy ,don't go,”my three-year-old son screamed as I walked to the door. My fifteen-year-old leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms folded across his chest ,not screaming,but glaring at me as I pulled his little brother off my leg.

“Are you mad at me too?”

“You spend all your time taking care of other people's kids,but what about us?”Dylan left angrily.

I was shocked and a little hurt. How could my own child not understand that the work I was doing was saving live? Then the answer hit me. He didn't know bemuse he had never seen what Healing the Children actually did. Dylan had heard the sores of sick children, but had never once looked into the eyes of a child and understood the hard truth-that without our help, the child would likely die.

“Get dressed. You are going with me.”I said.

I spend the drive explaining the case of Hector to my son, who pretended to ignore me the entire time.“He's seven, only weighs thirty pounds and is very sick. He has a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot, which could kill him. It is a miracle(奇迹) that he is still alive. ”

I went on to explain that it took a team of volunteer medical staff to get Hector to the hospital from his remote village and care for him while he was there. Still, Dylan seemed unimpressed.

We stopped at a convenience store for water and snacks. Dylan had one large and one small Slurpee (思乐冰饮料). He said the small one was for Hector. I doubted whether the little guy would be able to drink it, but remained silent. This was the first interest Dylan had shown in being there. I wasn't about to ruin it.

I stopped at the nurse's station to check on Hector's progress while Dylan went to his room. Our patient was recovering physicallybut the nurse was concerned that Hector was struggling emotionally. She said “Kids usually bounce back fast, but he hardly speaks and never smiles.”


【题目】 Six supporters of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), including one inside a cat costume and another dressed as a pig, marched on the sidewalk outside High School District 113 in Highland Park, Illinois, US. Their goal was to get the district to end animal dissection in science classes.

Animal dissection has always divided people: Is it right to dissect frogs, pigs or other animals in school science classes, particularly when computers can show detailed images of the parts of animals?

“Especially with all the violence in the US, it is important we teach children compassion for all living beings, said Mysti Lee, assistant campaign manager for PETA.

The American Anti-Vivisection Society reports that 18 states, including Illinois, have laws allowing students to choose alternatives to dissection. And in recent years, biology classes have moved toward the study of cells, molecules and genetics. “Dissection is horrific and unnecessary,” protester Victor Przysiezny said.

However, most biology teachers believe that dissection is an important part of education when done right. “It’s one thing to see it on a computer screen,” said Jaclyn Reeves. “Its another to see the size and scale. Science is about getting your hands dirty.” She added that dissection can inspire students to take up a career in biology or put them off.

At its recent protest in Highland Park, PET A singled out Bio Corp., a company that provides frogs, pigs, turtles, rabbits, cats and other animals and their parts for educational purposes. Following the charges of animal cruelty, Bill Wadd, co-owner of Bio Corp., invited city officials to tour Bio Corp. He said that more than 98 percent of the animals Bio Corp received last year were already dead. “We just take what people would throw away,” Wadd said. “Instead of throwing it in the trash, why not have students learn from it?”

District 113 spokeswoman Christine Gonzales said that district officials would think about using computer images in class instead. “We are always looking for new and innovative methods, because we do want to ensure our kids get the best instruction and are kind to all creatures,” she said.

1Who opposes animal dissection?

A.Illinois’ local residents.B.Victor Przysiezny.

C.Jaclyn Reeves.D.Bill Wadd.

2What does the underlined phrase in Pharaoh 5 mean?

A.Getting personally involved in a task.B.Becoming involved with something illegal.

C.Observing an operation on a computer screen.D.Making your hands unclean by hard work.

3What do we know about Bio Corp.?

A.It gets rid of dead animals as trash.B.It is a member company of PETA.

C.It gets along very well with local officials.D.It offers mostly dead animals for research.

4What is the attitude of District 113 to ending animal dissection?



【题目】 Ice hockey’s beginning is a little uncertain. It has been tracked back to an Irish game known as hurley by some experts. Others consider ice hockey as having come from lacrosse and field games that were played by Micmac Indians. Still others say that hockey evolved in Northern Europe. At any rate, it is quite likely that ice hockey came into being from different early games played with a stick and a ball.

In the 1850s, the first recorded games of ice hockey were played, and in the 1870s, the first set of ice hockey rules were written by a group of students at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. These rules set up the use of a puck (冰球) replacing a ball and decided the number of players to be nine per team. The year 1880 brought the organization of the first amateur hockey league. Over the next several years, ice hockey’s popularity spread across Canada. It was around 1893 that ice hockey was first played in the United States. There have been several ice hockey leagues. The best known is the National Hockey League, which came into being in 1917 in Canada.

Ice hockey has the oldest sports trophy(奖杯)in North America. It had become so widespread in Canada that a trophy was presented by the Governor General of Canada to be awarded to the top hockey team. Lord Stanley of Preston was the name of the Governor General, and the trophy became Known as the Stanley Cup.

Not many changes have been made to the initial rules set forth in the 1870s. The main ones have been the decrease from nine players to six and the progression of new and better equipment. In 1910-11, the game changed from two 30-minute periods to three 20-minute periods. In 1943-44, the red line at center ice was introduced to speed up the game. In 2005-06, goalkeeper equipment was downsized.

1When was the first amateur hockey league formed?

A.In the 1850s.B.In the 1870s.

C.In 1880.D.In 1893.

2Where did the name of the Stanley Cup come from?

A.The top hockey team captain.

B.The Governor General of Canada.

C.The oldest sports trophy maker.

D.The leader of the first hockey league.

3How has the ice hockey sport changed?

A.Its initial rules have been given up.

B.It has fewer players on a team.

C.Its total match time has been reduced.

D.It needs much less equipment.

4What’s the text mainly about?

A.The rules of the ice hockey sport.

B.The great changes of the ice hockey sport.

C.The history of the ice hockey sport.

D.The development of the National Hockey League.

【题目】 My mother always told me, “You should explore your own country before stepping out into the world. ”However, it seems like a tough mission to travel all across its expansive surfaces. But luckily for me, Via Rail Canada offered youths between the ages of 18 and 25 the chance to ride the train across Canada for the month of July. The ticket was a bargain $150. My best friends Trevor, Joel and Jeremy and I immediately jumped at the opportunity and secured four tickets on the great Canadian railroad.

For a group of 20-year-olds, this was like the first flight of young birds from the nest. When we approached the train station in the morning, our 22-day adventure from Sudbury to Vancouver was to begin. Eyes baggy from lack of sleep, we jumped on board as if it was the train to Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Although the thought of three full days on those tracks covering close to 3, 000 kilometres crushed our spirits a little, what happened next caught us by surprise.

The three days on board turned into a summer camp on rails. At night, we would climb up the glass-domed train car, which gave us a scenic view of the starry night sky, untouched by the harmful light pollution. Before we knew it, the warm sun rays beating down on our faces woke us up for another day on the rails. To my surprise, a sea of golden grain fields dominated the landscape we were in the Canadian Prairies.

Another day slipped away and we set up for another night in the dome. And this time we were greeted by night sky painted by a fantastic thunderstorm. Lightning was striking at an incredible rate. The spectacular and memorable light show left everyone in the glass bubble in complete disbelief.

Arriving in the Rocky Mountains was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Before the train adventure, if I could have skipped the travel and arrived at the destination, I would have. That is no longer true. I’ve learned that the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.

1What has made the author’s train adventure across Canada a reality?

A.The encouragement given by his mother.B.The appeal of the scenic views in the country.

C.The discount ticket offered by Via Rail Canada.D.His great courage to challenge a tough mission.

2What can we infer about the young people from Paragraph 2 ?

A.They were excited about the coming train journey.

B.They left their parents for the first time in their life.

C.They never thought of having a train adventure.

D.They were hooked by the magic story of Harry Potter.

3What does“the glass bubble”in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A.A brain in lack of imagination.B.The glass-domed train car.

C.A summer camp on the train.D.The sightseeing bus.

4What did the author learn from the train adventure across Canada?

A.Opportunities are hard to get.B.Enjoying a journey counts a lot.

C.Splendid scenery attracts young people.D.The traveling experience is not real to him.

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文. 文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Last month, our class participate in the school poster exhibition with the topic "We Love Science". We had a memorably experience together. Having informed of the activity, we put forward ideas about the contents of the poster. After a brief discussion, we agreed on the subjects of AI and 5G.

No time was wasted and we tried to make a full prepare for it. We first went to the school library to research the history and development of the two fields. When realizing that the library couldn't supply us for enough information about the technologies, we turned to our teacher, whom proved to be a valuable resource and gave us lots of practical advice. With the material was collected, we set about making our poster. Each of us was assigned different tasks, to which we devoted all their efforts. On the day of an exhibition, our designed poster attracted many attention. A lot of students gathered in front of our poster, appreciating our work.

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