The village was always very quietly .The people living 【小题1】______
there were busy about working in their fields during the 【小题2】______
day and went to bed early at night, tiring after a 【小题3】______
long day ’s hard work. All of them had lived in a 【小题4】__
village for all their life and had never left for less than 【小题5】______
one day at a time. On these days how they left, they got 【小题6】___
up early in the morning .They filled with their cart of 【小题7】_____
fruit ,vegetables and sheeps, and went to the 【小题8】_______
market in the town beyond their valley .They come 【小题9】_______
back in the evening with some money and perhaps a 【小题10】____
present for their children. That was their life-hard and
simple, but not unhappy
【小题1】quietly → quiet
【小题2】about→with/in or 去about
【小题3】tiring → tired
【小题4】a → the
【小题5】less → more
【小题7】cart → carts
【小题8】sheeps → sheep
【小题9】come → came