
18.Space tourism could he the dream of almost every human being on the planet,but it is only there for a few extremely rich people who can afford the cost.One of the possibilities that impressed me most is the one offered by a company called Space Adventures.
What they have in place is a space tourism program that allows you to travel to the International Space Station (ISS).The preparation for the trip starts some months before it really departs.There is a training period which mainly deals with zero gravity operations,flight control and survival (生存)activities.
The trip can be planned exactly to meet your needs,either as a scientific researcher,or simply as an adventure traveler.Probably you will not find any other kind of trip where all details are planned so carefully for your enjoyment.
One of the great things,even if it would be a bit more expensive,is to include a space walk within your trip,and thatsurely would be a good opportunity to dance outside with your loved one to a slow waltz.Sorry,I forgot there's no sound in space!
Whatever you choose,you may have no problems apart from the cost,as the requirements seem to be less than the ones needed for getting a visa(签证).
Finally,the question you have had in mind gets answered.You say space tourism is expensive.For a normal booked flight to the ISS,you will be paying between $30 and 40 million.But hey!A Russian language course is included!
68.From this passage,we mainly learnB.
A.about the cost of traveling in space
B.about a space tourism program    
C.about a new kind of traveling
D.that everyone will soon be able to travel in space
69.That passage does NOT mention whether space tourists will learnD.
A.how to control a flight            
B.how to get used to zero gravity
C.how to survive in space            
D.how to take pictures in space
70.The passage suggests thatA.
A.Space Adventure plans carefully for tourists 
B.a visa is a must if you want to travel in space
C.people can't communicate in space     
D.at present only a few people are interested in traveling in space
71.What does the underlined word"that"in Paragraph 4 refer to?C
A.Dancing in space
B.A slow waltz.
C.A walk in space             
D.Asking for a space walk.

分析 本文是一篇新闻报道类阅读,主要讲的是一家名为 Space Adventures的公司提供的一个太空旅行项目.

解答 68-71.BDAC
68题答案:B考查主旨大意,纵观全文可知本文主要讲的是一家名为 Space Adventures的公司提供的一个太空旅行项目;故本题答案为B选项.
69题答案:D考查细节推理,根据文章第二段的There is a training period which mainly deals with zero gravity operations,flight control and survival (生存)activities.有一个训练期,该训练期主要是与零重力操作、飞行控制以及生存活动相关.可知D选项"如何在太空拍照"并未提及.
70题答案:A考查细节推理,根据文章第三段的Probably you will not find any other kind of trip where all details are planned so carefully for your enjoyment.
71题答案:C考查细节推理,根据前面的…include a space walk within your trip.(包括一个行程之内的太空漫步)可知本题答案为C选项.

点评 本文是新闻阅读类阅读理解.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

16."It is obvious that China will climb up university rankings in the years to come."This statement from Phil Baty,editor of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings,lines up with China's optimism that it will produce world-class universities.But there are still difficulties to overcome,experts say.
Universities from China's mainland slipped in the 2011-2012Times'global rankings.Peking University dropped 12places from last year to 49th,and Tsinghua University fell to 71st place.Among Asian universities,Peking is ranked No.4and Tsinghua No.8.
A combination of factors determines rankings-research output,study environment,reputation and international outlook.
Due to China's economic development,investment (投入) in education and research has increased,but the quality of education and research in Chinese academia seems not to have kept pace.
The gauge (判定标准) is the number of papers published in highly respected English-language journals,so while many papers are being produced in China,it appears not all are good enough to attract international attention.
Still,higher education in China is developing quickly,thanks in part to huge government investment.China spent an amount equal to 3.69percent of GDP on education last year,according to Ministry of Finance data.
China has the largest and one of the fastest growing higher education systems in the world-2,723schools for 31million students.Enrollment (入学人数) has increased more than four times from 2001to 2011.
24.What's Phil Baty's attitude towards the future of Chinese universities?C
25.What was Peking University's place in the 2010Times'global rankings?B
26.All the following are factors that determine a university's ranking EXCEPTC.
A.the quantity of its published papers     
B.how good its study environment is
C.the number of its graduates            
D.how well-known it is
27.What is the problem with papers produced in China?B
A.Lack of variety.
B.Lack of quality.
C.Not being translated well.
D.Not being tested enough.
17.What's On?
Electric Underground
7.30pm-1.00am   Free at the Cyclops Theatre
Do you know who's playing in your area?We're bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)?If so,come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye,a successful record producer.He's going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.
Gee Whizz
8.30pm-10.30pm   Comedy at Kaleidoscope
Come and see Gee Whizz perform.He's the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene.This joyful show will please everyone,from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh!Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks(快餐).
Simon's Workshop
5.00pm-7.30pm    Wednesdays at Victoria Stage
This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy.The workshop looks at every kind of comedy,and practices many different ways of making people laugh.Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10years'experience of teaching comedy.His workshops are exciting and fun.An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.
Charlotte Stone
8.00pm-11.00pm     Pizza World
Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out.Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD,with James Pickering on the piano.The menu is Italian,with excellent meat and fresh fish,pizzas and pasta(面食).Book early to get a table.Our bar is open all day,and serves cocktails,coffee,beer,and white wine.
21.Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?A
A.Jules Skye.
B.Gee Whizz.
C.Charlotte Stone.
D.James Pickering.
22.At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?B
A.The Cyclops Theatre.
C.Victoria Stage.
D.Pizza World.
23.What do we know about Simon's Workshop?D
A.It requires membership status.
B.It lasts three hours each time.
C.It is run by a comedy club.
D.It is held every Wednesday.
24.When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?C
8.These days,we write emails,text messages,and lists.Everyone is a writer,including you.But how do you make yourself different from others?How do you stand out from the crowd?
There's more to becoming a better writer than improving your writing,although that's certainly part of it.Here are a few useful ways:
1.Make the commitment (投入):sometimes the difference between a working writer and would-be writer is as simple as making a commitment to writing and then stick with it.
2.Do the work:write as often as you can,every day if possible.Spend more time writing than talking about writing or thinking about writing.
3.Engage with other writers:they will keep your fire burning,and they can help you with your writing.Find a writing club or a group of writers.
4.Read:the single best way to improve your writing,develop ideas,and stretch your imagination is to read.
5.Build a platform:thanks to the Internet,it is cheaper and easier to build a platform today than it ever was before.Learn how to market yourself,find your readers,connect with them,and sell your books!
6.Be yourself:don't write what's hot,write what's in your heart.
Do you take steps every day to become a better writer?What steps have you taken to develop your craft and grow as a writer?Do you have any tips to add to this list?Share your thoughts by leaving a comment,and keep writing!
32.What does the underlined part in the first paragraph probably mean?D
A.You like the writers.
B.Everyone should write emails every day.
C.It is easy for us to be famous writers.
D.We often write emails or something else.
33.If you want to improve your writing,you are advised toC.
A.think more before you write
B.write what's hot
C.Read and write as often as you can           
D.talk more before you write
34.Why are there several questions mentioned in the last paragraph?A
A.To ask for readers'advice.
B.To tell people what we should write about.
C.To list more about being a writer.
D.To encourage readers.
35.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.we should not talk about writing before we write
B.reading more books is of great help to our writing
C.we should make friends with some famous writers
D.we must build a platform on the Internet if we want to write something.

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