
29.        with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.( as)


29. Unsatisfied as he was考查让步状语从句。as引导让步状语从句时,可把句中所强调的形容词、副词、动词或名词放在连词前,表示"虽然…… 但是……",若提前的是可数名词单数,要省略不定冠词。



Every person learns at least one language in his childhood that is routinely used for speaking and writing. However,many people are fond of learning two or more languages. There are numerous benefits of being bilingual such as an improvement in linguistic abilities as well as betterment of cognitive flexibility such as divergent thinking, concept formation,verbal abilities and general reasoning.

Many people have the capacity to learn a second language. It may be another language in the same country or a totally different language from another country. Nowadays,institutes and schools offering foreign language courses are popping up throughout the world. While learning another language, you need to understand its basic grammar and improve vocabulary. Being bilingual offers greater sensitivity to language, more flexibility in thinking and a better ear for listening. It also improves a person' s understanding for the native language. It opens the door to other cultures. Moreover,knowledge of other languages increases the career opportunities, offering several job options.

The bilingual people can have some specific advantages in thinking. They have two or more words for each idea and object and can develop a creative thinking and an ability to think more flexibly. The bilinguals are aware about which language should be spoken with which person in a particular situation. Therefore, they are more sensitive to the needs of the listener than the monolingual people. Being bilingual has a positive effect on intellectual growth. It enhances and enriches a person's mental development. The bilinguals are better at IQ tests as compared to the monolinguals. What is more,being bilingual may keep your mind young. Juggling two languages as a child can slow mental decline.

The bilinguals are able to switch between different languages and talk to different people in various languages. It increases a sense of self-esteem. Being bilingual creates a powerful link in different people from different countries. The bilinguals tend to show a higher performance in examinations and tests.

The bilinguals enjoy reading and writing in different languages. They can understand and appreciate literatures in various languages. It gives a deeper knowledge of different ideas and traditions. It helps improve the ways of thinking and behaving. The pleasures of reading poetry,novels and magazines as well as the enjoyment of writing to family and friends are doubled for bilinguals.

(   ) 8. Which is the best title of the passage?

     A.  We Should Be Bilingual

    B.  Learning Language Is of Great Help

    C.  Advantages of Being Bilingual

    D.  Mastering Languages

(   ) 9. Which of the following is NOT the cognitive(认识的) benefit of being bilingual?

     A.  It makes a person think creatively.

    B.  It makes a person more sensitive to the listener's needs or demands.

    C.   It improves and enriches a person,s mental development.

    D.  It does good to a person' s character.

(   ) 10.According to the author,being bilingual can        .

     A.  be happier than the monolingual people

    B.  develop a strong relationship between people

    C.  have a better understanding of the listener

    D.  build up a person' s confidence

(   ) 11. It can be inferred that when hunting for a job,        .

     A.  a person can increase his own sense of self-esteem 

    B.  graduates are offered more opportunities

    C.  the bilinguals have an advantage over others

    D.  the bilinguals can understand the employers better 

(   ) 12.Whom is the passage written to?

     A. Foreign students.    B. Exchange students.

    C. College students.    D. Teachers.

  Camilla Chomp was a very greedy little girl. She hardly had any friends because she thought it was1to spend her time alone, eating cake and pudding. Her parents were wor?ried,so they  2  all the sweet food in the house and hid it.

 So Camilla 3 the house, desperately (不顾一切地) looking for something 4 to eat. On she went 5 she came across a small deserted hut full of old pots and glasses of all shapes and sizes. The one that 6 Camilla most was a shiny little glass. It seemed to be full of chocolate, and Camilla drank it 7 It was delicious, 8 she had a strange sense, so she read the 9  "Glass Tears," it said,and in small print it 10 , "Magically it can convert (改变) tears into chocolate.”

  Camilla was very excited. She ran everywhere to 11 someone who was crying, and she 12 a little girl who was weeping sadly. Sure enough, her tears were 13 into choco?late,and as they ran down her cheeks, to her mouth, they sweetened her lips. That 14 stopped her crying. Camilla and the girl spent a fun time together, tasting the delicious tears, and they parted as friends.

  Something 15happened with a woman who had dropped some plates,and with an old man who couldn't find his walking stick. The appearance of Camilla and the chocolate tears cheered up those sad faces, helping them 16 once again.

  Soon Camilla realized that cheering people up was much more 17 than chocolate. Her mad search for sweet food 18 ,and she began to search for sad people who she could try to 19 And she made many friends, which filled her life with  20  and happiness. 

(   ) 1.A. fun   B. strange   C. popular   D. complex

(   ) 2.A. reduced   B. took   C. observed   D. discovered

(   ) 3.A. cleaned   B. searched   C. left   D. sold

(   ) 4.A. dry   B. fresh   C. small   D. sweet

(   ) 5.A. unless   B. until   C. if   D. though

(   ) 6.A. calmed   B. puzzled   C. upset   D. attracted

(   ) 7.A. accidently   B. ^frequently   C. quickly   D. lately

(   ) 8.A. but   B. and   C. so   D. or

(   ) 9.A. label   B. book   C. figure   D. e-mail

(   ) 10.A. informed   B. explained   C. announced   D. described

(   ) 11.A. defend against   B. calm down .   C. look for   D. pick up

(   ) 12. A. learned   B. convinced   C. directed   D. met

(   ) 13. A. developed   B. broken   C. turned   D. divided

(   ) 14. A. hardly   B. soon   C. never   D. always

(   ) 15. A. funny   B. unbelievable   C. confusing   D. similar

(   ) 16. A. smile   B. move   C. start   D. think

(   ) 17. A. natural   B. meaningful   C. difficult   D. frequent

(   ) 18. A. filled   B. started   C. stopped   D. rose

(   ) 19. A. help   B. rescue   C. reward   D. trick

(   ) 20. A. imagination   B. certainty   C. challenge   D. meaning

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