Ìáʾ´Ê£º²»ÎÄÃ÷µÄ uncivilized£®
Dear James£¬
How are you going£¿I miss you very much£®I'm writing to you to talk about the uncivilized words used on Internet£®
With the development of economy£¬more and more people become addicted to the Internet and like chatting online£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©As a result£¬lots of uncivilized words come into being£¬which can do harm to our society£®On one hand£¬they are bad for Internet civilization£®On the other hand£¬they influence teenagers'physical and mental health£¬which will have a bad effect on their development£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
As far as I'm concerned£¬it's urgent to do something to stop their use£®Firstly£¬as high school students£¬it's our duty to avoid getting involved in the use of uncivilized words£®Secondly£¬we should call on our classmates and friends to keep away from them and say some kind words£®Last but not least£¬we should report this problem to the related department and ask for some help£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©Let's work together to create a peaceful and civilized network atmosphere£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÆªÊéÃæ±í´ïÊôÓÚÌá¸ÙÀà×÷ÎÄ£¬¸ù¾ÝÌáʾÐÅÏ¢¼Ù¶¨ÄãÊÇÀ£¬×î½üÄãµÄÃÀ¹úÍøÓÑJamesÀ´ÐźÍÄãÌÖÂÛ"ÍøÂç²»ÎÄÃ÷ÓÃÓï"µÄ»°Ì⣮ÇëÄã¾Í´Ë¸øËûд·â»ØÐÅ£¬Ð´×÷ʱעÒâÒÔϼ¸µã£º1¡¢×ÐϸÔĶÁÓйØÌáʾ£¬ÅªÇåÊÔÌâÌṩµÄËùÓÐÐÅÏ¢£¬Òªµã°üÀ¨£ºÍøÂç²»ÎÄÃ÷ÓÃÓï¶ÔÉç»áÔì³É¸ºÃæÓ°Ï죻²»ÀûÓÚÇàÉÙÄêÉíÐÄ·¢Õ¹£®¸ø³ö¿ÉÐеĽ¨Ò飺×Ô¾õ±ÜÃâʹÓ㻺ÅÕÙÖÜΧͬѧÅóÓѲ»Ê¹Óã»ÏòÓйز¿ÃÅÑ°Çó°ïÖú£®2¡¢Ìá¸ÙÊÇÎÄÕµÄ×ÜÌå¿ò¼Ü£¬ÒªÔÚÌá¸ÙµÄ·¶Î§ÄÚ½øÐзÖÎö¡¢¹¹Ë¼ºÍÏëÏó£®ÒªÒÀ¾ÝÌáʾÇé¾°»ò´ÊÓ°´ÕÕÒ»¶¨Âß¼­¹ØϵÀ´Ð´£®±¾ÎÄд×÷ʱ¿ÉÒÔ°´ÕÕÒªµãËù¸øµÄ˳Ðòд£®3¡¢¸ù¾ÝÒª±í´ïµÄÄÚÈÝÈ·¶¨¾ä×ÓµÄʱ̬¡¢Óï̬£®4£®×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¾äʽ£¬ÒÔÔö¼ÓÎÄÕµÄÁÁµã£®
¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿±¾ÎĽṹ½ô´Õ£¬²ã´Î·ÖÃ÷£¬¶øÇÒʹÓÃÁ˶àÖÖ±í´ï£ºWith the development of economyËæמ­¼ÃµÄ·¢Õ¹£»be addicted to¶Ô¡­ÉÏñ«£»As a result½á¹ûÊÇ£»do harm to¶Ô¡­Óк¦£»On one handÒ»·½Ã棬On the other handÁíÒ»·½Ã棻have a bad effect on ¶Ô¡­ÓлµµÄÓ°Ï죻As far as I'm concerned¾ÍÎÒ¶øÑÔ£»Last but not least×îºóͬÑùÖØÒª£»
With the development of economy£¬more and more people become addicted to the Internet and like chatting online£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©
On the other hand£¬they influence teenagers'physical and mental health£¬which will have a bad effect on their development£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
Last but not least£¬we should report this problem to the related department and ask for some help£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©

½â´ð Dear James£¬
       How are you going£¿I miss you very much£®I'm writing to you to talk about the uncivilized words used on Internet£®
       With the development of economy£¬more and more people become addicted to the Internet and like chatting online£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©As a result£¬lots of uncivilized words come into being£¬which can do harm to our society£®On one hand£¬they are bad for Internet civilization£®On the other hand£¬they influence teenagers'physical and mental health£¬which will have a bad effect on their development£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
       As far as I'm concerned£¬it's urgent to do something to stop their use£®Firstly£¬as high school students£¬it's our duty to avoid getting involved in the use of uncivilized words£®Secondly£¬we should call on our classmates and friends to keep away from them and say some kind words£®Last but not least£¬we should report this problem to the related department and ask for some help£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£© Let's work together to create a peaceful and civilized network atmosphere£®
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Li Hua£®

µãÆÀ Ó¢Óïд×÷ÊÇÒ»ÏîÖ÷¹ÛÐÔ½ÏÇ¿µÄ²âÊÔÌ⣮Ëü²»½ö¿¼²éѧÉúµÄд×÷»ù´¡¶øÇÒ»¹¿¼²éѧÉúÔÚд×÷¹ý³ÌÖÐ×ÛºÏÔËÓÃÓïÑÔµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚ׫дʱҪעÒâÖ÷νÓïÒ»Ö£¬Ê±Ì¬ºôÓ¦£¬ÓôÊÌùÇеȣ®ÒªÌá¸ßÓ¢Óïд×÷ˮƽ£¬ÐèÒªÁ½·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£ºÒ»ÊÇÓïÑÔ»ù´¡·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£¬ÒªÓÐÔúʵµÄÔì¾ä¡¢·­ÒëµÈ»ù±¾¹¦£¬¼´Óôʷ¨¡¢¾ä·¨µÈ֪ʶÔì³öÕýÈ·ÎÞÎóµÄ¾ä×Ó£»¶þÊÇд×÷֪ʶºÍÄÜÁ¦ ·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·ÒÔÕÆÎÕд×÷·½ÃæµÄ»ù±¾·½·¨ºÍ¼¼ÇÉ£®

1£®Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends£®They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain£®So they can help each other£®But neither of them is clever£®They're both poor though they work hard£®Most villagers have built new houses£¬but they still live in the low and broken houses£®They never find out why£®
Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife£®In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive£®He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back£®They decided to carry some apples to the city£®They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1£¬000kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor£®Bad luck!A lot of apples has already been carried there when they arrived£®A few days later they had to sell them at a low price £¨¼Û¸ñ£©£®They felt unhappy and returned to their village£®
"I can't understand why we sustained £¨ÃÉÊÜ£© losses in business while others always profit £¨Ó¯Àû£©"Uncle Li asked one day£®
"The tractor was too small"Uncle Wang said without thinking£®"We'll carry more apples on a truck next time!"
"I agree!"said Uncle Li£®"How foolish £¨ÉµµÄ£© we were!"

33£®Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses becauseB£®
A£®they hope to save money
B£®they're both poor
C£®their farms are at the foot of the mountain
D£®they're not far from their farms
34£®The two farmers carried the apples to the city toD£®
A£®make a journey£¨ÂÃÐУ©          
B£®visit some places of interest
C£®meet their friends              
D£®make a profit£¨Ó¯Àû£©
35£®the two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price becauseC£®
A£®their apple weren't as good as the others'
B£®their apple were much less than the others'
C£®a lot of apples had been already carried to the city
D£®they forgot to carry them on a truck£®
2£®Bobby White works as a police officer in Gainesville£¬Florida£®One day£¬he was told to investigate a noise complaint£®A group of boys were playing basketball in the street£®Instead of blaming the boys or sending them home£¬White joined them£®
White started shooting baskets with the kids£®And a few minutes later£¬some more boys came and played the game£®The camera on White's police car recorded the event£®The police department posted the video online£®It was seen over 15million times£®
Before he left the boys£¬White said he would come back again with"backup"£®That is what police officers say when they are appealing for help from other officers£®
As the video spread£¬a basketball star became interested in what happened in Gainesville£®That player was Shaquille O'Neal£®He was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers when they won the National Basketball Association championship£®He also played for the Orlando Magic£¬a team not far from Gainesville£®
The other day£¬O'Neal visited the Gainesville police and spoke with White£®And then they went out to"the scene"£®That is what police officers call the area where a crime happened£®But of course£¬there was no crime£®
This time£¬White told the boys£¬"I told you I was going to bring some backup£®Right£¿You guys ready£¿"And O'Neal turned up from a nearby car£®The kids got really excited£®O'Neal played basketball with the boys and other officers as a crowd gathered£®O'Neal eventually gathered the boys together and gave some wise words£¬"Be a leader£¬not a follower"£¬"Respect your peers£¨Í¬ÁäÈË£© and your elders"£¬and"You can be whatever you want to be"£®

25£®Why didn't White send the kids home£¿C
A£®He was also a basketball fan£®
B£®The kids didn't play in the street£®
C£®He didn't think it was a problem£®
D£®The kids promised not to make a noise£®
26£®What did the police department officials probably think of White's deed£¿C
A£®It was illegal£®
B£®It was useless£®
C£®It deserved praise£®
D£®Explanation should be offered£®
27£®Who did the backup turn out to be£¿D
A£®The boys'peers£®
B£®Bobby White himself£®
C£®Some other police officers£®
D£®A well-known basketball player£®
28£®What was O'Neal's main purpose in arriving at"the scene"£¿B
A£®To teach the kids a lesson£®
B£®To encourage and help the kids£®
C£®To teach the kids to play basketball£®
D£®To help the police look into the crime£®
6£®Habits£¬whether good or bad£¬are gradually formed£®When a person does a certain thing again£¬he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly£¬then a habit is formed£®Once a habit is formed£¬it is difficult£¬and sometimes impossible£¬to get rid of£®It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits£®Children often form bad habits£¬some of which remain with them as long as they live£®Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live£¬and sometimes become ruined by them£®
There are other habits which£¬when formed in early life£¬are of great help£®Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life£¬such as early rising£¬honesty and so on£®
Among the habits which children should not form are laziness£¬lying£¬stealing and so on£®These are all easily formed habits£®Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided£®
We should keep away from£¨Ô¶À룩 all these bad habits£¬and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others£®

5£®C are formed little by littl£®
A£®Good habits
B£®Bad habits
C£®Both good habits and bad habits
D£®Either good habits or bad habits
6£®The underlined word"them"in the first paragraph refers toA£®
A£®bad habits     B£®good habits     C£®children     D£®other persons
7£®Generally speaking£¬it's difficult for oneB and not easy for themB which should be avoided£®
A£®to form bad habits£» to form good habits
B£®to form good habits£» to get rid of  bad habits
C£®to form such habits as will be good£» to get rid of good habits
D£®to get rid of bad habits£» to form good habits
8£®Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits£¿C
A£®Because habits are of great help to every one of us£®
B£®Because a man can never get rid of a habit£®
C£®Because it's hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits£®
D£®Because we are forced to do them again and again£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
