
The Quiet Hero 沉默的英雄

    It was Mother’s Day, the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do. But I’ll   1    that Sunday in 2000 was bittersweet for me. As a single mother I   2    to think of my shortcomings — how many evenings I couldn’t spend with my children, and how many things I couldn’t   3    my waitress’ salary to buy.

    But what   4    kids I had! My daughter Maria was a senior in college, and Denny was home visiting from his freshman year at Harvard University. They were   5    impolite enough to complain, but there was so much more I   6    I had done for them. I just hoped they   ___7  .

As I walked into the   8    quietly to start breakfast, I was greeted by a vase   9    a dozen red roses! When had Denny possibly slipped down to leave them? But even their delicate beauty was overshadowed by the note sitting beside them, in the quick, manly   10    of an eighteen-year-old. It was about a story that happened between Denny and me long ago. It   11  :

She took a day off from her busy   12    to take the boy to see his hero in the flesh at the stadium. It took 3.5 hours just to get there, and they had to be there early   13    he could see his hero take batting practice.   14    their arrival, she took her hard-earned money to buy an overpriced T-shirt on which was   15    his hero making a diving catch. After the game, of course he had to   16    his hero’s signature, so she stayed with the little boy    17    one in the morning

   It took me long enough to   18    it, but I finally know who the   19    hero is. Mom, I love you!

   And suddenly, it was a   20    Mother’s Day, after all.

1. A. admit                B. adopt                    C. deny                   D. refuse

2. A. intended             B. liked                     C. tended                     D. hesitated

3. A. stress                 B. spare                     C. strengthen            D. spend

4. A. poor                      B. great                     C. faithless                   D. pretty

5. A. merely              B. usually                      C. never                       D. often

6. A. wished              B. hoped               C. expected                  D. desired

7. A. supported          B. understood             C. approved                 D. disgusted

8. A. 1iving-room        B. kitchen                  C. bed loom                 D. study

9. A. including                  B. containing             C. possessing            D. pinning

10. A. handwriting    B. description             C. tone                        D. scratch

11. A. wrote               B. recorded                C. memorized              D. read

12. A. event               B. content             C. schedule                  D. circumstance

13. A. or                  B. for                        C. but                          D. so

14. A. At                  B. In                             C. On                          D. By

15. A. impressed        B. printed                      C. presented                 D. pressed

16. A. buy                 B. abandon                C. get                          D. swap

17. A. before             B. until                     C. after                        D. when

18. A. see                         B. hear                      C. realize                     D. tell

19. A. actual              B. true                      C. imaginary            D. visual

20. A. sad                      B. bitter                    C. happy                      D. Exciting

1--20    ACBBC   ABBBA   DCDCB   CBCBC  



1. A  该句句意为“但我承认2000年那个星期天对我而言苦乐参半。”

2. C  作为单身母亲,我总是不由自主想到自己的缺点。tend to do意为“倾向于”。

3. B  服务员收入微薄,孩子们想要的很多东西我都不能匀出钱去买。share匀出。

4. B  从下文内容可知,孩子们给母亲过了一个美好的母亲节,他们是伟大的孩子。

5. C  该句句意为“他们从不无理地抱怨。”

6. A  但作为母亲,有多少事情我想为他们做却做不到啊。wish后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,表示难以实现的愿望。

7. B  我只是希望孩子们能够理解(我的无奈)。

8. B  从后面的to start breakfast可知,我悄悄走进厨房。

9. B  花瓶里装着一打红玫瑰,表示容器中装有什么东西,只能用contain。

10. A  从下文内容可知,18岁的儿子给母亲写了一封短信,所以此处指的是字迹。

11. D  该句句意为“短信的内容是”,read在此处意为“内容如下”。

12. C  母亲的时间表安排的很满,但还是请了一天假带儿子去见儿子心目中的英雄。

13. D  根据句意可知上下文之间是因果关系,所以用并列连词so。

14. C  on与名词或动名词连用,表示“一……就……”。

15. B  T恤衫上印着儿子崇拜的英雄的形象。

16. C  比赛后,儿子当然要索取英雄的签名。

17. B  母亲一直陪伴着儿子直到凌晨一点钟。until引导时间状语。

18. C  该句句意为“我过了很长时间才意识到,谁是真正的英雄。”

19. B  true真正的;actual实际的;imaginary想象的;visual视觉的。

20. C  懂事的儿女让母亲感到欣慰,自然这是一个快乐的母亲节。


For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream of seeing these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. Their dreams always include at least one scene of a sunset over the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops, like a ball of golden fire, into the sea, and it droops so quickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the skies and shines in the quiet water.
People often have a quiet, peaceful time ---perfect for a leisurely(悠闲的) walk along the water. This scene is not too different from the dramatic(令人神往的) beauty that greeted the first strangers to these islands centuries ago. They were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes not much bigger than small boats.
They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no giant hotels like the ones we see nowadays. The first people came to Hawaii nearly two thousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now jet planes make it possible to fly to for a weekend from Tokyo. Wherever the people come from, they really want to see the original beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountain called Diamond Head which is almost hidden by the tall hotels.
【小题1】Hawaii is a name _____.

A.given by people who like to travel
B.attracting a lot of travelers
C.with a magic story behind it
D.liked by both the Japanese and Americans
【小题2】On these beautiful islands, one thing that every traveler won't miss is_____.
A.to swim in the quiet water
B.to see the tropical plants
C.to see the sunset
D.a leisurely walk along the beach
【小题3】Which of the following does not belong to "the original beauty of Hawaii"?
A.White sand beaches.
B.Waving palm trees.
C.Tall hotels.
D.The Diamond Head Mountain.
【小题4】The last paragraph suggests_______
A.the scenery nowadays is not too different from the original beauty.
B.it's not quite easy to see the original beauty, because some of the scenery is almost hidden by tall hotels.
C.it is easy to see the original beauty, but only by taking jet airplanes.
D.it is not easy to see the original beauty because things have completely changed in the last 25 years.
【小题5】The best title of the passage is _______
A.Islands Scenery.
B.Hawaii A Magic Name.
C.Traveling In Hawaii.
D.The Dramatic Beauty.

Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failures in career made him a bad-tempered and disappointed man, often complaining that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so disappointed with the city that he had to leave.
So his family moved to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Terry and his wife were busily engaged in tidying up their new home, the lights suddenly went out and they were forced to stop work. Terry regretted to have forgotten to bring along candles and had to wait helplessly in a bad mood. Just then he heard light,hesitand(犹豫的)knocks on his door that were clearly heard in the quiet night.
“Who’s it?”he wondered. Terry didn’t know anybody in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be disturbed. He went to the door and opened it impatiently. At the door was a little girl, asking in a shy voice,“Sir, do you have candles? I’m your neighbor.”“NO,”answered Terry rudely. He shut the door.“What a nuisance!”he grumbled(嘟囔)over it with his wife.“No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to borrow things. What’ll be the next? How bothering!”
He was angry about it when the door was knocked at again. He opened it and found the same little girl outside. But this time she was holding two candles. She said, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She sent me here to give you these.”Terry was struck by what he saw. When he became fully aware, he said,“Thank you and your grandma. God bless you!”
At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his failure in life. It was his coldness and harshness(刻薄)with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was actually nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred(使模糊)by his cold mind.
63.Terry decided to move to another city because___________.
A.he wanted to earn more money there
B.he found it more challenging to live in a new place
C.he didn’t like the place where he lived
D.he thought he should change his job
64.Terry treated the little girl rudely because he thought_________.
A.the neighbor would often borrow things from him later
B.he had no friends in the new city
C.she was too young to play with candles
D.he was cheated at that time
65.It can be concluded that Terry realized that he used to be_________.
A.cold and harsh                                       B.lazy and negative
C.friendly and kind                                      D.crazy and rude
66.What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Help others to help yourself              B.Light the candle in your heart
C.Terry’s good neighbor                             D.God bless you

Blogs allow readers to post comments. There were millions of blogs out there, so I   36  expected anyone to read mine,   37  respond. But almost immediately they did. Twelve messages were   38  after my first entry. I went to the library five times that day—each time there were more.
The next morning I couldn’t wait to get up and hurry to the library.   39  I told my story. It gave structure and a purpose to my day.
For so long I’d been unable to   40  in the real world, afraid of rejection or pity or scorn(轻蔑).   41  here it was safe. This   42  with people on the other side of the screen, many on the other side of the world, was   43  me back to life again.
One particularly cold Tuesday I opened my   44  to see, among emails from bloggers   45  how I was surviving the snow, one saying: “New York Times Journalist Trying to Contact You.” Ian Urbina had discovered my blog   46  when researching an article on people living in their   47  in the U.S. exchanged emails and later he called me up. I hadn’t spoken to   48  for months but, as rain streamed down the glass   49 , the words came. I had been living in the car for almost nine months.
The article   50  on the front page. I didn’t know until I opened my computer. There were emails from people around the world. For almost a year on one had known I   51  existed but now here were hundreds wishing me well. They said they were   52  for me.
Now every time I pressed “Check Mail”, there were more messages. I watched the numbers of the visitors counter on my blog   53  by the hundreds. These were people at their computers all over the world. I felt as of I was viewing a miracle unfold(展开).
Over the next week, in libraries and in the car   54  under lamp posts at night, I wrote my papers. I had notepaper spread   55  the dashboard(仪表盘). And every morning in the quiet of the lane, I wrote for my life.

A.rather thanB.more thanC.let aloneD.other than
A.The other dayB.Day and nightC.All day long D.Another day
A.give outB.reach outC.make outD.hand out
A.problemB.workC.appointment D.connection
A.concerned aboutB.bored withC.careless ofD.disappointed at
A.by mistakeB.in timeC.by chanceD.at last
A.everybodyB.anyone C.anotherD.other
A.throughB.beyondC.across D.above

Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks   1   than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more   2   than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication (非言语交际) makes up about 50% of what we really   3  . And body language is particularly   4   when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化). Indeed, what is called body language is so   5   a part of us that it’s actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.   6  , different societies treat the   7 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having   8   contact (接触) even with friends, certainly not with   9 .
People from Latin American countries,   10  , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it’s possible that in   11  , it may look like a Latino is   12  a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving   13  . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep   14   -which the Latino will in return regard as   15 _ .
Clearly, a great deal is going on when people   16  . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from   17  cultures, there’s a strong possibility of   18  . But whatever the situation, the best   19  is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be   20 _.

A.soundsB.invitationsC.feelings D.messages
A.For exampleB.ThusC.HoweverD.In short
A.strangersB.relatives C.neighboursD.enemies
A.in other wordsB.on the other hand
C.in a similar wayD.by all means
A.disturbing B.helpingC.guidingD.following
A.stepping forwardB.going onC.backing awayD.coming out
A.weaknessB.carelessnessC.friendliness D.coldness
A.differentB.European C.LatinoD.rich
A.curiosityB.excitementC.misunderstanding D.nervousness
A.chanceB.time C.resultD.advice

Terry was a middle-aged leather trader whose repeated failures in career made him a bad-tempered and disappointed man, often complaining that he had been cheated by others. One day he told his wife he was so disappointed with the city that he had to leave.

So his family moved to another city. It was the evening of a weekend. When Terry and his wife were busily engaged in tidying up their new home, the lights suddenly went out and they were forced to stop work. Terry regretted to have forgotten to bring along candles and had to wait helplessly in a bad mood. Just then he heard light,hesitand(犹豫的)knocks on his door that were clearly heard in the quiet night.

“Who’s it?”he wondered. Terry didn’t know anybody in the new city, and this was the moment he especially hated to be disturbed. He went to the door and opened it impatiently. At the door was a little girl, asking in a shy voice,“Sir, do you have candles? I’m your neighbor.”“NO,”answered Terry rudely. He shut the door.“What a nuisance!”he grumbled(嘟囔)over it with his wife.“No sooner had we settled down than the neighbor came to borrow things. What’ll be the next? How bothering!”

He was angry about it when the door was knocked at again. He opened it and found the same little girl outside. But this time she was holding two candles. She said, “My grandma told me the new neighbor downstairs might need candles. She sent me here to give you these.”Terry was struck by what he saw. When he became fully aware, he said,“Thank you and your grandma. God bless you!”

At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his failure in life. It was his coldness and harshness(刻薄)with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was actually nobody else but himself, for his eyes had been blurred(使模糊)by his cold mind.

63.Terry decided to move to another city because___________.

A.he wanted to earn more money there

B.he found it more challenging to live in a new place

C.he didn’t like the place where he lived

D.he thought he should change his job

64.Terry treated the little girl rudely because he thought_________.

A.the neighbor would often borrow things from him later

B.he had no friends in the new city

C.she was too young to play with candles

D.he was cheated at that time

65.It can be concluded that Terry realized that he used to be_________.

A.cold and harsh                                       B.lazy and negative

C.friendly and kind                                      D.crazy and rude

66.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Help others to help yourself              B.Light the candle in your heart

C.Terry’s good neighbor                             D.God bless you


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