
Would the voice of Amanda Holden saying “your city had talent” encourage you to use a litter bin? Or maybe former Monty Python star Michael Palin telling you no one had expected “the Spanish bin-quisition”?
Organizers of a plan persuading celebrities(名人)to lend their voices to “talking bins”believe it can make a real difference to keeping Britain tidy. They hope that by using humor, they will succeed where fines and warnings have failed in keeping streets and parks clean.
A similar experiment in Sweden found a talking bin received nearly three times as much rubbish as an ordinary one because people were attracted by its quality of being new and unusual value.
Twenty-five specially adapted bins to be installed(安装)in the streets of London and Liverpool next  month will use a sound card to play a themed message when litter is placed inside. For example,one near the Royal Opera House will play a “thank-you” message sung by Janis Kelly to the tune of Nessun Dorina. Bins installed in Liverpool will play Beatles-themed messages. For others,Britain’s Got Talent  judge Holden is expected to record the message:“This is Amanda, and this city’s got talent.”
The campaign,entitled Bin Thinking, is being organized by art group Sing London. If successful,talking bins could become a familiar feature on Britain’s streets.
Colette Hiller, director of Sing London, said, “ The idea is to reward people in a small way for changing their behavior and raise awareness through a sense of fun.”
【小题1】What is the plan persuading celebrities to lend their voices to “talking bins” aimed at?

A.Attracting passers’-by attention on celebrities.
B.Encouraging people to use the litter bins to keep Britain tidy.
C.Making fun of those who won’t keep the streets and parks clean.
D.Thanking people for cleaning the litter bins through a sense of fun.
【小题2】The following stars’ voices are to be lent to “talking bins” except_________________.
A.Amanda Holder’ sB.Michael Palin’s
C.Janis Kelly’sD.Nessun Dorma' s
【小题3】We can infer from the text that_________________.
A.children are most attracted by “talking bins”
B.different messages will be played due to different streets
C.Britain is the first city where the experiment on “talking bins” was made
D.“talking bins” might take the place of ordinary litter bins in Britain
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Lending your voice to “talking bins”
B.Sing London art organization
C.A campaign named Bin Thinking
D.A new experiment on litter bins


【小题1】推理题,由第一段的第一行Would the voice of Amanda Holden saying “your city had talent” encourage you to use a litter bin可以知道鼓励人们用垃圾桶保持英国干净,所以选B
【小题2】细节题,由由第一段可以找出Amanda Holden和Michael Palin,在倒数第三段倒数第四行可以找到Janis Kelly,所以选D


“Hey, Jenna, do you think we’ll still be friends when we’re eighty – two?” I asked my friend. It was clear she was wondering where I had come up with such a question. Losing Jenna would  be like losing a very close sister. We hung out together. We gave each other advice.
“Of course, we’ll still be friends when we’re eighty – two.” Jenna announced loudly.
The next year, in fourth grade, we met Jamie. The three of us soon became close friends. We played together almost every day. I thought even time couldn’t pull us apart, but I was sadly mistaken.
The three of us started fighting a lot. Before Christmas, we had a really big fight, and Jamie and Jenna were against me, both saying I was bossy. I felt helpless and lonely. I thought Christmas would be horrible!
I was surprised when Jenna came to my house and gave me an awesome Christmas card she had made for me. I was so sure that she was still disappointed with me.
“Wow, ” I said. breaking the silence as we stood on either side of my front door. “Thanks.”
“Okay…well…I have to go,” she said softly.
“Okay. See you late then…” and I closed the door.
“Who was that at the door?” my mum asked.
The card stared off with “Merry Christmas”, but then it said, “I am so glad we’re friends. I am sorry about what I said when we were fighting. A fight won’t stop us from being friends. Besides, we said we were going to be friends even when we’re eight – two.”
I stopped reading and started laughing. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten what she said that day in her back yard. I couldn’t believe I had been so selfish in trying to get even and making my friends feel sorry for me that I had forgotten about real friendship.
【小题1】How would the author and Jenna get along with each other after Christmas?

A.They would be close friends again.
B.They would not speak to each other.
C.They would lose touch with each other.
D.They would go on fighting with each other.
【小题2】The underlined sentence “I was bossy” in the fourth last paragraph means “_________”.
A.I looked like a bossB.I acted as boss
C.I was fond of giving ordersD.I was fond of fighting
【小题3】Which of the following is the right time order according to the passage?
a. Jamie became our friend.
b. I felt lonely and unhappy.
c. Jenna, Jamie and I fought a lot.
d. Jenna brought me a Christmas card.
e. I was sorry for what I did to her.
f. Jenna and I promised to be lifelong friends.
A.f – a – b – c – e – d B.a – c – f – b – d – e
C.a – b – c – f – e – d D.f – a – c – b – d – e
【小题4】The author was delighted when she read the card from Jenna because _________.
A.what Jenna wrote was funny
B.Jenna would be her friend again
C.she was happy about the coming Christmas
D.she was happy to receive a Christmas cad

The announcements by the NASA,in the form of several Web site postings and a video posted on YouTube,were in response to worries that the world will end on Dec.21,2012.
The doomsday(末日) rumour reached a high point with the release of the new movie “2012”,directed by Roland Emmerich.In the movie,Yellowstone blows up, showering the continent with black ash.Tidal waves wash over the Himalayas,where the governments of the planet have secretly built a ship which a select 400,000 people can ride out the storm.There are hundreds of hooks devoted to 2012,and millions of Web sites,depending on what combination of“2012”and“doomsday”you type into Google.All of it,astronomers say, is nonsense.“Most of what's claimed for 2012 relies on wishful thinking and ignorance of astronomy.”Ed Krupp, an expert on ancient astronomy,wrote in an article in the November issue of Sky&Telescope.
“I get angry at the way people are being influenced and frightened to make money,” Morrison said.“There is no right to frighten children to make a buck.”suggested David Morrison,an astronomer at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field,Calif.He said he had been getting about 20 letters and e—mail messages a day from people as far away as India scared out of their wits.Morrison said he did not blame the movie for all this,as much as many other supporters of the Mayan prediction.But then,he said,“my doctorate is in astronomy,not psychology.”
In an e—mail exchange, Krupp said:“We are always uncertain about the future,and we always consume representations of it.We are always attracted by the romance of the ancient past.”A NASA spokesman,Dwayne Brown,said the agency did not comment on movies,leaving that to movie critics.But when it comes to science, Brown said, “we felt it was careful to provide a resource.”
If you want to worry,most scientists say,you should think about global climate change or nuclear war.But if ancient prophecies(预言)get you going,here are some things Morrison and the others think you should know.
64.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Dr.Morrison blamed the Movie“2011”for the panic it aroused in the public around the world.
B.People who watched the movie were seared and firmly believed that the end of the world was coming.
C.In terms of science it was better to provide evidence and theory at the same time.
D.Dr.Morrison thought it was not right to make money by frightening people.
65.It can be inferred from the text that        .
A.astronomers think that doomsday is likely to happen in the near future
B.the reason why the NASA posted web site postings was to make people interested in astronomy
C.scientists think we shouldn't worry about doomsday but show concern about environment protection
D.most astronomers agree that the world is not ending—at least anytime soon
66.Which of the following would be the best title?
A.A New Movie“2012”            B.Is Doomsday Coming?
C.End-of-the-World Stories          D.Astronomers Comment on Movies
67.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
A.Evidence that the Mayans thought something special would happen in 2012.
B.What will really happen in 2012.
C.The reason why there is no need to worry about doomsday.
D.Ancient stories about the end of the world.

People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behaviors are formed.It is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another is competitive.
Social scientists are, of course, extremely interested in these types of questions.They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors.There are no clear answers yet, but two distinct schools of thought on the matter have developed.As one might expect, the two approaches are very different from one another, and there is a great deal of debate between proponents of each theory.The controversy is often referred to as “nature/nurture”.
Those who support the “nature” side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological and genetic factors.That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics, and behavior is central to this theory.Taken to an extreme, this theory maintains that our behavior is predetermined to such a degree that we are almost completely governed by our instincts.
Proponents of the “nurture” theory, or, as they are often called, behaviorists, claimed that our environment is more important than our biologically based instincts in determining how we will act.A behaviorist, B.F.Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely shaped by their surroundings.The behaviorists’ view of the human being is quite mechanistic; they maintain that, like machines, humans’ respond to environmental stimuli as the basis of their behavior.
Either of these theories cannot yet fully explain human behavior.In fact, it is quite likely that the key to our behavior lies somewhere between these two extremes.That the controversy will continue for a long time is certain.
69.Which of the following statements would the supporters of the “nature” theory agree with?
A.A person’s instincts have little effect on his actions.
B.Environment is important in determining a person’s behavior and personality.
C.Biological reasons have a strong influence on how we act.
D.The behaviorists’ view correctly explains how we act.
70.Concerning the nature/nurture controversy, the writer of this article____________.
A.supports the nature theory
B.supports the nurture theory
C.believes both are completely wrong
D.thinks that the correct explanation of human behavior will take ideas from both theories.
71.In the United States, Black people often score below White people on intelligence tests.With this in mind, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Nature proponents would say that Whites are genetically superior to Blacks.
B.Supporters of the nature theory would say that Whites score well because they have a superior environment.
C.Behaviorists would say that Blacks often lack the educational and environmental advantages that Whites enjoy.
D.Nurture proponents would disagree that Blacks are biologically inferior to Whites.

Suppose a key man in your firm had just met with a terrible accident.The doctor tell you that this man upon whom you depend for directing sales, checking your books or for performing some other important roles, will be laid up for months, You’d have to replace him, wouldn’t you? And probably at a pay about equal to his ?
Then you’d be faced with double paying for one job because stopping the pay of an injured man would simply be out of the question.
You can prevent this kind of unproductive outgo on your payroll by providing your key man with the protection of Travelers Business Accident Insurance!
This insurance provides total medical expense and a weekly income in case a key man is disabled for some time.Should the disability prove everlasting, an income for life is certainty.Why not make out a list of your key men now? Then get together with Travelers Insurance Company, and let us tell you how little it costs to apply this much needed protection to your business.
Write and we'll serve you!
59.The above is most probably________.
A.a report  B.a letter  C.an announcement  D.an advertisement
60.Whom might the writing be mainly for?
A.An important person in a firm.    B.An employee of a firm.
C.The boss of a company.          D.Readers of a newspaper.
61.Why would the pay be doubled?
A.Because two persons are doing one job of the same.
B.Because the important job is worth double pay.
C.Because it is necessary that the injured person should be paid.
D.Because the double pay is for two persons.
62.Travelers Insurance Company ________ for a person insured.
A.will pay for all the cost of treatment
B.will pay the weekly income or even that of lifetime
C.won’t get much from the firm
D.will provide everlasting pension as well as medical expense

Exchanging music over the Internet is fun and easy. Better yet, it's free, which means you don't have to pay for any more expensive music CDs. Several online file-sharing services make it easy for music lovers to exchange their favorite tunes with one another.
However, this illegal sharing of music — a form of music piracy(盗版)— is doing harm to the music industry. Industry experts estimate (估计) that US$4.3 billion in worldwide sales was lost to music piracy last year. These lost profits could force record companies to stop producing the music of many popular artists. That would hurt both musicians and music fans alike.
Music producers are puzzled about how to fight music piracy. Their efforts to fight piracy using the law have had only limited success. The music industry did win a legal victory against Napster, a famous music website. The courts ordered Napster to stop giving away copyrighted music from their site. But a number of other music-sharing networks have sprung up in its place.
These new networks are made up of thousands, or even millions, of individuals. Unlike Napster, there's no one company controlling the distribution(发行)of music over each network. So it's nearly impossible to stop the illegal activities.
Now people in the music industry have decided that " if you can't beat them, join them." They've begun to offer legal alternatives to online music piracy. Major music producers have given companies like Apple Computer permission(许可) to sell their music online. Apple's iTune Music Store allows computer users to legally download any song for 99 cents.
Will these new measures save the music industry from piracy? That depends on whether music fans are willing to pay 99 cents fro a song that they can download illegally for free. Unfortunately, many people believe music should be free. The music industry, however, hopes to persuade these music fans to change their tune.
【小题1】This text is written to _____.

A.discuss music piracy on the Internet
B.introduce the popularity of online music
C.persuade music fans to give up downloading music
D.protect copyrighted music from being downloaded illegally
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Some online file-sharing services are responsible for music piracy.
B.Napster, a famous music website, broke down because of its piracy.
C.There have been no perfect measures to put an end to piracy.
D.Legal sharing of music is available at Apple's iTune Music Store.
【小题3】Which of the following statements would the author agree with?
A.The only effective way to fight music piracy is to stop it by law.
B.Music lovers will be persuaded to pay for online music in time.
C.It is certain that no one will be willing to pay for online music.
D.There is a long way for music industry to go in fighting piracy.
【小题4】The underlined word "illegal" in Paragraph 2 probably means _____.
A.being protected by the lawB.popularC.being against the lawD.surprising

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