
15. I     the main point of the speech and wrote a summary of it.

A. grasped      B. misunderstood

C. mastered      D. recognized

15. A 考查动词词义辨析。grasp抓住,理解;misunderstand误解;master掌握;recognize承认。句意:我理解了演讲的要点,并写了个总结。根据句意选A。



Most people don't really know what a teenager has to go through. I don't think that anyone fully under?stands the pressure of a teenager.

When I don't know what to do, I turn to my friend―Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. The book has helped me to understand and deal with the prob?lems I went through.

I went through a confusing (令人困惑的)time when I got to senior high. I had known these friends since very young, but when we began senior high, it seemed that some of them began to change. We slowly got apart and started going to different groups. It seemed as if we had never been friends. I felt confused and hurt.

Sometime during this time, I read the story― Friends Forever in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul  . After reading it, I realized that many friendships went through changes and that we weren't the only friends to experience them. Once I understood it as a part of being a teenager, I started to relax(放松)and let it go.

People change, but that doesn't mean we have to lose the friendship. Now my friends and I still spend time together and we still care about each other a lot. That things are different doesn't mean we have to for?get the good times. The story―Friends Forever taught me we will go through many different changes in our lives. The best thing to do is to move on and let go of the past.

1. From the passage, we can infer that the author is a

A. teacher                       B. teenager

C. writer                       D. sportsman

2.Why did the author say that he felt confused and hurt in Paragraph 3?

   A. Because his friends left him forever.

B. Because his friends wouldn't speak to him.

C. Because he thought he had lost his old friends.

D. Because he couldn't go through the school pres?sure.

3. We can infer that the book―Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is _________'

    A. a cookbook for teenagers 

B. full of inspiring(启发人的)stories

C. written by teenagers

D.popular with teachers and parents

4.The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 4 refers to__________ •

A. friendships           B. friends

C. books               D. changes

5.What does the author think about friends and the friendship?

A.People change but the friendship remains.

B. People lose the friendship when they get apart.

C. It's necessary for friends to be close all the time.

D. Teenagers should change friends when in new schools.

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