
Back in my country, when I was a child, I used to go to “market day” with my mother. One day each week, farmers used to ___1___ their fruit and vegetables into the city. They ___2___ one street to all cars, and the farmers set up tables for their ___3___. This outdoor market was a great place to ___4___. Everything was fresher than produce in grocery stores because the farmers brought it in ___5___ after the harvest. My mother and I always got there early in the morning to get the ___6___ produce.
The outdoor market was a wonderful adventure for a small child, ___7___ was like a festival — full of colors and ___8___. There are red tomatoes, yellow lemons, green lettuce, peppers, grapes, onions. The farmers did their own ___9___. They all shouted loudly for ___10___ to buy their produce. “Come and buy my beautiful oranges! They’re juicy and delicious and full of vitamins to ___11___ your children healthy and strong!”
Everyone used to ___12___ with the farmers over the ___13___ of their produce. It was like a wonderful drama in a theatre; the buyers and sellers were the “___14___” in this drama. My mother was an ___15___ at this. First, she picked the freshest, most attractive tomatoes, for example. Then she asked the price. The seller told her.
“What?” she said. She looked very surprised. “ So ___16___?”
The seller looked terribly ___17___. “My dear lady!” he replied. “I’m a poor, ___18___ farmer. These are the cheapest tomatoes on the market!”
They always argued for several minutes before agreeing ___19___ a price. My mother took her tomatoes and left. Both buyer and seller were ___20___. The drama was over.
1. A. carry      B. take    C. bring         D. fetch
2. A. opened        B. closed   C. started   D. stopped
3. A. produce      B. goods        C. food     D. product
4. A. buy B. sell         C. bargain        D. shop
5. A. hurriedly       B. immediately      C. directly      D. straightly
6. A. best   B. finest    C. freshest      D. cheapest
7. A. who     B. that         C. which   D. what
8. A. voices    B. noises   C. sounds     D. accent
9. A. shopping       B. business       C. shouting       D. advertising
10. A. customers    B. producers        C. themselves      D. sellers
11. A. keep       B. let      C. except D. make
12. A. argue    B. talk    C. discuss         D. speak
13. A. order    B. price         C. quality     D. form
14. A. viewers B. listeners   C. actors  D. directors
15. A. actress       B. inventor   C. advancer  D. expert
16. A. wonderful    B. exciting        C. cheap        D. expensive
17. A. injured      B. hurt      C. damaged  D. wounded
18. A. excellent      B. fair    C. honest   D. easy
19. A. with     B. to       C. in           D. on
20. A. disappointed B. encouraged C. satisfied     D. tired
 1-5CBADB 6-10CCCDA 11-15DABCD 16-20DBCDC
1. C。take 意为“拿走、带去”;carry 意为“携带、搬运”。fetch 意为“去取来”。前面三词与句意不符。而bring“带来、带来”,表示农民把他们生产的水果和蔬菜带到城市里来。
2. B。close 意为“关、封闭”。此句表示:这些农民封闭一条街,不许车辆通行,作为交易市场。
3. A。produce 意为“农产品(尤指水果、蔬菜等)”。
4. D。shop 意为“买东西” (from www.nmet168.com)。
5. B。immediately意为“立即、直接地”。此句表示:农民收获后立即就把农产品拿到市场去卖,因此他们的东西比杂货店的要新鲜。
6. C。freshest 意为“最新鲜的”。与上句中的fresher对应,一大早的水果、蔬菜是最新鲜的。
7. C。which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的名词the outdoor market,说明露天市场像节日一样。
8. C。sound可指任何可以听到的“声音”。与下文的叫卖声、讨价还价声相一致。
9. D。advertising 意为“广告(总称)”。由上句可知:这些农民高声叫喊是为他们的产品做广告。
10. A。customer意为“顾客”。农民高声叫卖是为了招来顾客买他们的产品。
11. D。make 意为“使”。句意为:这些橘子果汁丰富、味道好、富含维生素,能使你们的孩子健康强壮。
12. A。argue意为“争吵”。买东西的常常为了降低价格而与农民讨价还价,发生争吵是常有的事。
13. B。price 意为“价格”,后面也提到价格问题(from www.nmet168.com)。
14. C。actor 意为“演员”。作者把市场交易比作一场戏,那么所有的买东西的人和卖东西的人都是演员。因为他们都充当这曲戏中的一个角色。
15. D。expert意为“专家、能手”。指作者的母亲是买东西的能手,会挑选东西,会讨价还价。
16. D。expensive意为“价高的、昂贵的”。在讨价还价中,买东西的人总是会说“价格太高、太贵”之的类话。
17. B。hurt意为“使痛心”。hurt可指肉体或精神上的伤害。这里指买东西的出价太低而痛心,不指肉体的伤害或损伤,因而其他动词不宜用(from www.nmet168.com)。
18. C。honest意为“诚实的、老实的”。意即:老实人要的老实价,与后面的these are the cheapest tomatoes on the market 相一致。
19. D。agree on sth表示经过讨论或协商后达成一致。这里表示经过一番讨价还价之后,最终把价格确定下来。
20. C。satisfied意为“满意的”。只有当价格在买卖双方都认为合理时,交易才能实现,这时买卖双方才感到满意。

What is intelligence(智力) anyway? When I was in the army I __36 an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against__37 of 100, scored 160.
I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not__38 have scored more than 80. __39  , when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him—and he always__40it.
Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man  __41 questions for some intelligence tests. By  every one of them I'd prove myself a __42. In a world where I have to work with my__43  , I'd do poorly.
Consider my auto-repair man __44 . He had a habit of telling __45 . One time he said, “Doc, a deaf-and-umb(聋哑) man__46  some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made__47 movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He __48 his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk__49  him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the __50 man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors(剪刀). __51  do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his__52 and asked for them. I've been__53 hat on all my customers today, but I knew __54 I'd catch you.”“Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldn't be very __55  .”
And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.
36.  A. failed         B. wrote         C. received      D. chose 
37.  A. an average     B. a total       C. an exam       D. a number 
38.  A. always         B. possibly      C. certainly     D. frequently 
39.  A. Then           B. Thus          C. Therefore     D. Yet 
40.  A. fixed          B. checked       C. drove         D. changed 
41.  A. answered       B. practised     C. designed      D. tried
42.  A. teacher        B. doctor        C. winner        D. fool 
43.  A. brains         B. effort        C. hands         D. attention 
44.  A. again          B. as usual      C. too           D. as well 
45.  A. lies           B. jokes         C. news          D. tales 
46.  A. bought         B. tested        C. found         D. needed 
47.  A. cutting        B. hammering     C. waving        D. circling 
48.  A. nodded         B. raised       C. shook         D. turned 
49.  A. brought        B. packed        C. sent          D. sold 
50.  A. clever         B. other         C. right         D. next 
51.  A. What           B. How           C. Who           D. Which 
52.  A. imagination    B. hand          C. voice         D. information 
53.  A. trying         B. proving       C. practising    D. examining 
54.  A. for sure       B. at once       C. in fact       D. right now 
55.  A. clear          B. silly        C. slow          D. smart 

One morning I stood beside the window. Across the river, the __1___ decorated the edge of the shore in white. I stood __2____ and looked at what the night’s storm had ___3___.
I leaned forward and stood close to the window. There was a goose out there, quite ___4___, its wings folded to its sides, its feet ___5___ to the ice. Then from the dark skies, I saw a line of swans. They moved in their own ___6___ style, graceful and free.
As I watched, the leader __7___ from the sky and landed on the ice. As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, I __8___ it might be killed by those great swan beaks(鸟喙).
__9__instead, those beaks began to work on the ___10___. The long necks were lifted and curved down, again and again. At last, the goose’s head ___11___; its body pulled. Then the goose was ___12____ and standing on the ice. And the swans stood in the air ___13___. It seemed as if the goose was crying, “I cannot fly.” Four of the swans came down around it. Their powerful beaks cleaned the goose’s ___14___ from top to bottom, chipping off the ice held in the feathers. ___15___at last the goose’s wings were free,  the four swans ___16___  and joined the group.They restarted their eastward journey cheerfully.
I watched them until they ___17____ over the tops of the farthest trees. Only then did I realized that __18____ were running down my cheeks. Believe me! This story is __19____. And I will ask “If so for birds why not for ___20____?”
1.A. flower       B. tree          C. snow       D. picture
2.A. quietly       B. silently        C. happily     D. nervously
3.A. washed      B.painted        C. destroyed   D. cleaned
4.A. hungry       B. thirsty        C. terrible     D. still
5.A. frozen       B. put          C. turned      D. tied
6.A. common     B. ordinary      C. noticeable   D. boring
7.A. dived        B. moved        C. flew       D. circled
8.A. frightened    B. feared         C. hoped      D. knew
9.A. Wonderfully  B. Puzzlingly  C. Surprisingly  D. Disappointingly
10.A. ice          B. earth        C. goose        D. swan
11.A. carried       B. pushed      C. moved        D. lifted
12.A. glad         B. sad         C. free           D. lucky
13.A. listening     B. hearing      C. fighting       D. watching
14.A. head         B. legs         C. feathers       D. body
15.A. While        B. When        C. Before        D. Until
16.A. took off       B. took up      C. got away       D. got up
17.A. climbed       B. stopped      C. disappeared     D. landed
18.A. leaves         B. hairs        C. rivers          D. tears
19.A. actual         B. real          C. true           D. right
20.A. animals        B. man         C. people         D. insects
CALCUTTA, India Mar 24, 2006 (AP) — One of the world’s oldest creatures, a giant tortoise believed to have been about 250 years old, has died in the Calcutta zoo where it spent more than half its long life.
Addwaita, which means “the one and only” in the local Bengali language, was one of four Aldabra tortoises brought to India by British sailors in the 18th century. Zoo officials say he was a gift for Lord Robert Clive of the East India Company, who was instrumental in establishing British colonial rule in India, before he returned to England in 1767. Long after the other three tortoises died, Addwaita continued to thrive, living in Clive’s garden before being moved to the zoo in 1875.
“According to records in the zoo, the age of the giant tortoise, Addwaita, who died on Wednesday, would be about 250 years,” said zoo director Subir Chowdhury. That would have made him much older than the world’s oldest documented living animal: Harriet, a 176-year-old Galapagos tortoise who lives at the Australia Zoo north of Brisbane, according to the zoo’s Web site. She was taken from the island of Isla Santa Cruz by Charles Darwin in the 19th century.
Aldabra tortoises come from the Aldabra atollin the Seychelle islands in the Indian Ocean, and often live to more than 100 years of age. Males can weigh up to 550 pounds. Addwaita, the zoo’s biggest attraction, had been unwell for the last few days, said local Forest Minister Jogesh Burman.
“We were keeping a watch on him. When the zoo keepers went to his enclosure on Wednesday they found him dead,” Burman said.
①    colonial  adj. 殖民的
②    thrive  v. 茁壮成长
③    documented  adj. 备有证明文件的
④    atoll  n. 环礁
Choose the best answers according to the above:
小题1:According to the passage, Addwaita ________.
A.was sent to India as a gift by British government
B.was sent to India by British sailors in 1767
C.lived together with three other Aldabra tortoises in India
D.belonged to Lord Robert Clive for some time
小题2: By now, the oldest animal in the world is about at ________.
A.176 years oldB.100 years oldC.250 years oldD.200 years old
小题3: In the last few days before Addwaita died, he ________.
A.had been sent to hospital for treatment
B.had been playing with travelers
C.had been found not better than before
D.had stayed in his enclosure for days
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.An Old Aldabra Tortoise Died in India
B.A Remarkable Life: Tortoise Dies at 250
C.A Special Kind of Tortoise — Addwaita
D.The Oldest Animal Aldabra Tortoise Died
love charity(慈善) shops and so do lots of other people in Britain because you find quite a few of them on every high street. The charity shop is a British institution, selling everything from clothes to electric goods, all at very good prices. You can get things you won’t find in the shops anymore. The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to a good cause and not into the pockets of profit-driven companies, and you are not damaging the planet, but finding a new home for unwanted goods.
The first charity shop was opened in 1947 by Oxfam. The famous charity’s appeal to aid postwar Greece had been so successful it had been flooded with donations(捐赠物). They decided to set up a shop to sell some of these donations to raise money for that appeal. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. My favourite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross shop, where I always find children’s books, all 10 or 20 pence each.
Most of the people working in the charity shops are volunteers, although there is often a manager who gets paid. Over 90% of the goods in the charity shops are donated by the public. Every morning you see bags of unwanted items outside the front of shops, although they don’t encourage this, rather ask people to bring things in when the shop is open.
The shops have very low running costs: all profits go to charity work. Charity shops raise more than £110 million a year, funding(资助)medical research, overseas aid, supporting sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people, and much more. What better place to spend your money? You get something special for a very good price and a good moral sense. You provide funds to a good cause and tread lightly on the environment. (08天津卷)
小题1:The author loves the charity shop mainly because of _______.
A.its convenient location
B.its great variety of goods
C.its spirit of goodwill
D.its nice shopping environment
小题2:The first charity shop in the UK was set up to ____.
A.sell cheap products
B.deal with unwanted things
C.raise money for patients
D.help a foreign country
小题3: Which of the following is TRUE about charity shops?
A.The operating costs are very low.
B.The staff are usually well paid.
C.90% of the donations are second-hand.
D.They are open twenty-four hours a day.
小题4: Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?
A.What to Buy a Charity Shops.
B.Charity Shop: Its Origin & Development.
C.Charity Shop: Where You Buy to Donate.
D.The Public’s Concern about Charity Shops.
How to protect children Web fans from unsuitable material on-line while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed in the U.S.
For some parents, the Internet can seem like a jungle, filled with danger for their children. But jungles contain wonders as well as dangers and with good guides, some education, and a few precautions(预防措施), the wilds of the Internet can be safely navigated(航行). “Kids have to be on-line. If we tell our kids they can’t have access(机会) to the Internet, we’re cutting them off from their future,” said an expert.
Most kids have started to use search engines. Many of them are great for finding tons of interesting Internet sites, and they can also locate places where you might not want your kids to go. There are search engines designed just for kids. A certain software contains only sites that have been selected as safe. The most popular way to limit access would be to use what is known as a “content screener(过滤器)”. But this can’t be wholly reliable(可靠), and the best thing parents can do is to talk to their kids and let them know what is OK or not OK to see or do on the Internet. Another way is that mum or dad is nearby when the child is surfing(浏览) the Internet.
A few other tips
●Don’t put the PC in a child’s room but keep it in an area where mum or dad can keep an eye on things. That also makes the Internet more of a family activity.
●Ask your child what he or she has been doing and about any friends they make on-line.
●Tell your child not to give on-line strangers personal information, especially like address and phone number.
●And tell your children never to talk to anyone they meet on-line over the phone, send them anything, accept anything from them or agree to meet with them unless you go along.
小题1:The passage is mainly about the subject of _______.
A.American children going on-lineB.Internet in America
C.appreciating InternetD.opposing children’s on-line
小题2:The best way to protect children from improper material is _______.
A.to install(安装) a content screener on the computer
B.to buy some search engines for the children
C.to be nearby when they are surfing the Internet
D.to talk to the children and persuade them to tell right from wrong
小题3:Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.Surfing the Internet is the best method of educating children.
B.Children’s not having access to Internet may have effect on their progress.
C.Using a content screener is most reliable for keeping children having access to Internet.
D.Searching engines can help children to select materials fit for them.
小题4:According to the passage, we can infer that _______.
A.soft wares fit for children want programming
B.a child who is on-line is in danger
C.Internet is a jungle full of danger
D.Internet contains a lot of harmful sites
Traveling can be a way to gain life experiences, especially during Spring Break — a week long school vacation in the United States. But what if you’re a student and don’t have enough money for a trip? Don’t worry. Here are some useful suggestions.
●Save: This probably is the most important preparation for traveling. Cut expenses to fatten your wallet so you’ll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.
●Plan ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought on short notice. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security(安全) and savings.
●Do your homework: No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.
●Plan sensibly: Write down what you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.
●Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others you can share costs and experiences.
●Work as you go: Need more money to support your trip? Look for work in the places you visit.
●Go off the beaten path: Tourist cities may be expensive. You may want to rethink your trip and go to a lesser-known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities and sights.
●Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes: Remember medicine in case you get sick and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.
●Use the Internet: The Net can help to save money. Some useful websites include www. Travelocity. com, www. bargains-lowest fare. com and www. Economic travel. com.
By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy the travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.
小题1:This passage is about _______. 
A.how to plan your travelB.how to travel with enough money
C.how to make your travel interestingD.how to get life experiences
小题2:Before your trip, the first thing you should do is _______. 
A.to make a plan of the route B.to get information in the Internet
C.to save money by spending less D.to buy tickets in advance
小题3: The writer advises you _______. 
A.to share costs with any other people B.not to go to well-known places
C.not to visit dangerous places D.to buy anything you want to buy
小题4:During your trip, _______. 
A.you need more shoes than clothes
B.you shouldn’t look for work all the way
C.you can gain valuable life experiences
D.you should forget to do your homework

Every night for a year, Neil Simmons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl (猫头鹰)and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.
Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.
Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”
Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.”
45.After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .
A.stop observing owls            B.not stay up hooting again
C.not enter the back garden again   D.make no mistakes about wild owl cries
46.“Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”
A.I understood                     B.everybody knew about it
C.I heard the noise                  D.no money was paid
47.Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.
A.all his efforts seemed to be meaningless
B.his wife let out his secret by chance
C.garden owls hooted so differently
D.Fred had been doing the same
48.The text suggests that __________.
A.Nail seldom heard natural owl calls
B.the owl never hooted back to Neil
C.Fred was always good at pleasing owls
D.owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred
Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers.Most of the crashes result from distracted driving not paying attention to the road.
Ryan Didone was a fifteen-year-old passenger in a car that hit a tree.He was one of the nation's more than thirty thousand victims of traffic crashes in 2008.Nearly four thousand deaths, about twelve percent, involved drivers aged fifteen to twenty.Ryan's father, Thomas Didone, is a police captain in Montgomery County, Maryland.He said, "It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible(不可战胜的), driving at night with a carload of kids.He was distracted, he was going too fast, and it ended up causing one death and some upsetting experiences and tragedy for the rest of the community."
Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company said "The number one cause of distracted-driving accidents is the mobile phone.Talking on the phone or reaching for it is like drinking four beers and driving.If you're texting while driving, you are twenty-three times more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn't.
Reaching for a cell phone when it's going off, you're nine times more likely to get into an accident than normally driving," The insurance industry recently held a safety event near Washington for teen drivers.
At first, nineteen-year-old Kevin Schumann easily avoided large, inflatable dolls thrown in front of the car to represent children.He also avoided orange cones representing the edge of the road.Then, as part of the test, he started texting. He hit several cones and at least one doll.
Debbie Pickford from the Allstate Insurance Company said, "Teens are especially at risk from distracted driving—and not just because they lack experience on the roads.What we know from research on teen brain development, is that teens don't really have fully developed brains until they are twenty-five years old. You put those two things together and you get a much, much higher risk.”
小题1:According to the passage, _____is the most likely to lead to a traffic accident while you are driving.
A.texting on the mobile phoneB.reaching for a cell phone.
C.talking on the mobile phoneD.bringing along a cell phone
小题2:A safety event held by insurance industry was meant to _   _.
A.attract more teenagers to take part in it
B.draw enough attention to teenagers' distracted driving
C.make more teenagers practice avoiding large barriers
D.encourage more teenagers to pay for insurance protection
小题3:The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph about ____.
A.much higher riskB.teen brain developmen
C.experience on the roadsD.measures to be taken t
小题4:Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?
A.Car Crashes —the Top Killer.
B.Distracted Driving —Let's Avoid!
C.Drunken Driving — Dangerous Enough!
D.Tips on Driving While Calling

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