
the players didn’t have a good rest shouldn’t be all excuse for losing the game.

A.That B.What C.Why D.Whether




试题分析:考查主语从句。句意:运动员没有休息好不能做为输掉比赛的借口。根据句意,没有休息好做主语,不缺成分,故用that 来引导,故选A项。

考点 : 考查主语从句



Cameron thought of himself as merely organized.He certainly did not consider that he took great pains over anything ,he did just enough to get it right.Exactly right, of course as he was fond of telling his staff, “if it’s not exactly right, it’s wrong”.Occasionally a worker might be sad on hearing these words, because it meant another hour or so of going over the same bit of work, correcting the mistakes which Cameron had patiently pointed out.And doing the corrections exactly right of course.

Strangely enough ,his department had the reputation for performing the highest quality work in the company ,and it was seen, and not only by those who worked in the department ,as a sort of elite(出类拔萃)unit.Those programs that had to work first time, straight out of the box, Cameron’s men got those.“It’s mission(任务)critical—give it to Cameron” was almost a catch—phrase with his team.

It helped that Cameron was not merely particular about things.He wanted things done just so ,not because of a personal taste ,but because he had discovered through patient experimentation that this was the best way for it to be done.

1.Cameron was a .

A.software programmer B.a chief scientist

C.quality controller D.head of department

2.“Mission-critical” work given to Cameron because .

A.Cameron’s work was error—free B.Cameron was critical

C.he didn’t mind working late D.he had a good team

3.Working for Cameron, people felt that .

A.they were part of an elite

B.their mission was critical

C.Cameron was very particular about things

D.Cameron was patient and responsible

4.According to the underlined part in paragraph 5,what is meant by someone “who couldn’t cut it”?

A.He didn’t cut corners. B.He wasn’t good enough.

C.He had the wrong measurements. D.He was a perfection.

5.What can we learn about Cameron?

A.He never got things Wrong.

B.He didn’t allow for any mistake.

C.He encouraged work to be done in office hours.

D.He was often misunderstood.

6.The attitude of the author towards Cameron is that of being .

A.positive B.sympathetic

C.non-subjective D.optimistic


One spring during the 1960s, when I was 10,my father was laid off.Money was tight and my mother was .So I decided to cheer her up by buying a special Mother's Day

There was a boutique(精品店),the Agins, nearby, which was known for its high-end fashions.Lots of actresses and women shopped at the store.My mother, who couldn't to shop there,occasionally mentioned the store in a voice.

One day after I rode my bike to the Agins.I told the shop I was looking for a Mother's Day gift and I had little money.

She treated me like a customer and asked me what my mother would like.I told her I wasn’t sure.She walked around the store for a few minutes and returned with a .She opened it and took out an Italian purse made of soft .

“How much money do you ?” she asked.

“Twelve dollars.”I said.

“You’re in luck.”she told me.“It's only $11.”

‘She wrapped the purse and thanked me for my .

It wasn’t many years later, when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I just how wonderful the shop owner had been to me.Recently,I met someone at a party who knew her ,Roberta.I called Roberta, who told me her mother 22 years ago.I felt bad that I never had a chance to propdrly her mother.She comforted me, saying that her mother never wanted 38 for the things she did.

My mother,who carried the leather purse for many years until it was repair, is now 90.She can still recall(回忆)every about the purse and the amazement it brought to her.

1.A.frightened B.afraid C.upset D.ashamed

2.A.purse B.book C.flower D.gift

3.A.wealthy B.attractive C.proud D.political

4.A.afford B.refuse C.bother D.continue

5.A.cheering B.longing C.trembling D.worrying

6.A.work B.marriageC.school D.meeting

7.A.assistant B.guide C.guard D.owner

8.A.valued B.1ucky C.polite D .strange

9.A.box B.wallet C.wrapperD.container

10.A.silk B.1eather C.metal D.plastic

11.A.pay B.give C.have D.want

12.A.business B.kindness C.help D.offer

13.A.before B.while C.until D.after

14.A.remembered B.admitted C. predicted D.appreciated

15.A.waiter B.husband C.daughter D.servant

16.A.retired B.lost C.changed D.died

17.A.pay B.meet C.thank D.respect

18.A.credit B.money C.congratulation D.excuse

19.A.over B.beyond C.under D.above

20.A.use B.show C.story D.detail


Every day we are adding more and more vacation ideas,destinations,tours, and articles.As you explore our website,you will find there is an ever-growing collection of things that will help make your vacation easier and more affordable.

We change our featured destinations very frequently so be sure to keep coming back to see what new ideas we have for your family vacation.We feature a different state,park, and city destination on the front page of the website.These change frequently, so be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you can be sure to keep up with all the new information.

Another great feature we are offering is Guest Articles.These may come from a travel professional,author, parent or child about their travel ideas or offers.These informative articles are great to read and are perfect for discovering valuable tips and tricks for malting travel less stressful.Plus,in many articles you will discover some hidden gems(珍品)that you probably miss if you did not know about them.

One of the best things about our website is our ability to get you discounted Tours and Attraction Passes to the places you want to go most.This is a fantastic way to plan ahead and have your tours and passes paid for and pick them up before you leave your home.Now that is a helpful way to go.These programs can save you over 50%of what you could expect to pay when you arrive.And,we are adding new tours and programs every week.Be sure to check it out.

You can be sure we are working hard for you so that you can relax on your vacation. Let us do all the leg work for you so you can simply enjoy your family vacation!

1.What does the writer want to do by writing this text?

A.To give people tips on family vacations.

B.To offer travelers featured destinations.

C.To attract readers to surf a tourist website.

D.To introduce hidden gems for traveling.

2.Why does the writer suggest surfing the website-frequemly?

A.Because the featured destinations are changeable.

B.Because the front page is quite unique

C.Because it can attract more advertisements.

D.Because it helps to sell more newsletters.

3.What can we learn from Guest Articles?

A.steps to sign up for the family vacation website.

B.Tips on kecping up with new travel infonmation.

C.Tips and tricks for a comfortable trip.

D.Tricks for enjoying a free family vacation.

4.Which isn’t the benefit that the website brings to us?

A.We can get discounted Tours and Attraction Passes

B.We can get some information of new tours and programs

C.We can have our Passes in hand when starting off.

D.We can enjoy a family vacation with leg work.

5.Which of the following shows the organization of the text?(P=Paragraph)


On March 15.Dunes View Middle School held a contest for school bands.

Student bands tried out for the opportunity to perform at the school picnic,which will be held at the end of June.The winner of the contest was the band called Four Square.

“We’re very proud that we won the contest and are excited to perform at the picnic,” says Peter Zandt,who plays guitar in the band.“And since we hope to perform someday at other local places,like restaurants and parks,this will be a great first step.”

The contest was the creation of music teacher Mr.Lopez and drama teacher Ms.Cho. The two thought of the idea while discussing recent years' school picnics.“The picnic is one of the biggest events of the year,but it has become a bit formulaic,"said Ms.Cho.“The activities are the same every year .We thought that a performance by a student band would make the school picnic more interesting and fun.”

Mr.Lopez,Ms.Cho,and three other teachers judged the contest,which took place in the gym. To see if the bands could present a wide range of musical skills,the teachers asked them each to prepare two songs:one song with original words,and another in which students played instrumental music only.The judges finally chose the band Four Square as the winner of the contest.Four Square is a rock band with an unusual twist:it includes a violin player! The members of Four Square write their own songs and practice three times a week after schoo1.

Students and teachers agreed that the band competition was:a big success.All are looking forward to the school picnic in June.

1.What can be the best title for the article?

A.Famous Band Visits Schoo1.

B.Teachers Give Music Lessons.

C.Students Have Fun at School Picnic.

D.School Holds Student Band Contest.

2.The underlined word“formulaic”in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____________.

A.expensive B.dull C.1ong D.uncertain

3.Why did the teachers ask each band to play two songs?

A.To decide which songs to play at the picnic.

B.To see if the bands could play a variety of songs.

C.To make sure the contest did not go on too long.

D.To make the concert more enjoyable for students.

4.According to the article,what is unusual about the band Four Square?

A.It is named after a popular children’s game.

B.Its members practice several times a week.

C.It is a rock band with a violinist.

D.Its members all play guitar.

5.According to the article,what does the band Four Square hope to do in the future?

A.Perform at the school picnic every year.

B.Perform in many different places.

C.Buy new instruments.

D.Record an album.


A man was bitterly envious of his neighbour.He spent long hours in prayer,wanting to be to his neighbour in every aspect of life.

One night,God appeared before him in a dream and said,“I am pleased with your .Ask for a gift. your neighbour will get the same gift in double amount.”

He was glad but sad that his enemy would get a greater gift.He requested,“God, the sight in one of my eyes.”

With his single eye,he peeped at his neighbour but was to see his neighbour's sight was not lost! Confused,he to God,“Why don’t you keep your word?”

God said,“Son,I always keep my word. is not a gift,but a curse.You have the gift of sight in only one eye now,as asked by you.But your neighbour has sight in both of his eyes.I the gift.”

He suddenly from his dream and was sure that it was a message from God.Englightened by the dream,he went to his neighbour and begged his pardon for thinking and acting him.They embraced each other and were good friends thereafter.

1.A.cleverer B.previous C.stronger D.superior

2.A.prayer B.envy C.sorrow D.pity

3.A.Otherwiee B.But C.Therefore D.Besides

4.A.finish B.cut C.move D.destroy

5.A.delighted B.terrified C.surprised D.worried

6.A.blamed B.complained C.yelled D.hurried

7.A.Blindness B.Envy C.Disability D.Promise

8.A.relieved B.awarded C.kept D.doubled

9.A.awoke B.burst C.cried D.frightened

10.A.towards B.for C.against D.on


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