

   Valentine's Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly(想当然地) thought 1 him as my "Valentine Man".

   My first recollection of the 2 he could bring to Valentine's Day came when I was six. That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a gift-wrapped package at my chair. The card was  3  "Love,Dad" and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to   my birthstone,a ruby (红宝石),There is  5  difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six, and I remember  6 that ring

with pride that all the cards in the world  7  not surpass (超越).

  8   I grew older,the gifts gave  9  to heart-shaped boxes filled with my 10     chocolate and always included a   11    card signed "Love,Dad". In those

years my thank you became  12   of a perfunctory (敷衍)response. The cards

seemed less 13 and I took for granted that the Valentine's Day would 14 be there. I had  15   my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from "significant others" and "Love,Dad" just didn't seem quite 16

His final card remains on my desk today. It's a 17' of how special father can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a fa?ther who continued a18 of love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness to the people in his life.

   Those things never 19  , nor does the memory of a man who never 20 being my valentine.

1.  A.  of                       B.  about
 C.up                        D.  over

2.  A.  memory                    B.  magic
 C.  puzzle                     D.  present

3.  A.  read                       B.  written
 C.   shown                     D.  signed

4.  A.   recover                   B.  resemble
 C.  represent                  D.  replace

5.  A. much                       B.  little
 C.  great                      D.  less

6.  A.  having                     B.  owning
  C.  wearing                    D.  watching

7.  A.  could                      B.  shall
  C.  must                       D.  should

8.  A.   Because                   B.  Since
  C.  When                       D.  As

9.  A.  room                       B.  way
  C.  honour                     D.  seat

  10.  A.  favourite                 B. lovely

  C.  dear                      D. precious

11.  A.  usual                     B. common
  C.  strange                   D. special

12.  A.  less                     B. little
  C.  more                      D. much

13.  A.  important                 B. beautiful
  C.   familiar                 D. standard

14.  A.   surely                   B. always
  C.  regularly                 D. often

  15.  A.  let                       B. kept

 C.   placed                  D.  remembered

16.  A.   suitable                 B. enough
  C.   effective                D. sacred

17.  A.  signal                   B. certificate
  C.  consequence               D. reminder

18.  A.   tradition                B. hobby
 C.  habit                     D. custom

  19.  A.  lose                     B. die

 C.  miss                     D.  appear

20.  A.   thought                  B. wanted
   C.  tried                     D. stopped



1.A  think of—as…是固定搭配,意为"把……视为/看作……"。

2. B "我"对父亲在情人节带来魔力的记忆是从"我"六岁那年开始的。依据下文的描述可知,作者对这个情人节的记忆特别深刻,所以用maglC来表示那种难以忘怀的感觉。

3. D卡片上有父亲的签名。从第段第一句中的"...included a— card signed 'Love, Dad,."可知答案。

4. C礼物是一个戒指,戒指上面镶着一块红色的玻璃来代表(represent)"我"的诞生石——红宝石。其他选项不符合语境。

5. B对一个六岁的孩子而言,红玻璃和红宝石没有什么不同。

6. C表示佩戴首饰只能用wear。

7. A上文提及作者佩戴这个礼物时的自豪之情,所以作者认为这是最好的,世界上所有的卡片都比不上它,故选A。

8. D  as在此处引导时间状语从句,意为"随着"。

9. B随着"我"年龄的增长,礼物变成装满了"我"最喜爱的巧克力的心形盒子。give way to意为"为……所代替"。

 10. A本题可采用排除法,修饰巧克力只能用"最喜爱的",故选A项。

11. D父亲的卡片是"特别的"。 '

12. C   "我"的感谢越来越成为一种敷衍的回应。从上下文可知,此处是与以前对比。 '

13. A那些贺卡看起来不再那么"重要"。

14. B   "我"想当然地认为情人节年年都有,故选B。

15. C   "我"的希望和梦想成了收到那些来自"重要的其他人" 的卡片和礼物。place意为"放置,安放"。

16. B收到来自父亲的贺卡似乎远远不够(满足女儿的需要)。这里与上文的from "significant others"相照应。

17. D父亲送"我"的最后一张卡片在提醒着"我":父亲对子女的爱是多么特别,又是多么重要。故选D。

18. A  由上文可知,父亲一直都在那么做,所以用tradition(传统)。

19. B此处意为:那些事情永远不会消逝。这句话表达了女儿对父亲永远的怀念之情。die在此表示"消逝"。

20. D   stop doing sth"停止做某事",符合语境。stop与上文的never连用表示肯定的意思。


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