
One of my fondest Christmas memories was also one of our family’s bleakest(最令人沮丧的).We were just little kids , and on Christmas Day mom   36 us all around her to tell us ,  37 ,that there would be no presents because all we really wanted was to  38 for our daddy.He was very sick . I don’t remember anything else except four little girls surrounding my mother, crying   39 a miracle(奇迹)
At that very moment ,someone   40 loudly on the door.  41 Behind him was a merry group of soldiers from the Army base where my father   42 as a minister . News had  43  that we were in trouble ,and his colleagues knew we needed some  44  .
With all the excitement ,even my dad  45  in a blanket to keep warm , came down and sat in front of a roaring fire in our room to watch his children be  46 by good Samaritants(乐善好施的人). The presents were unwrapped , and we girls  47  packages and found a doll each and four board games.
What is  48  to me is that I don’t even remember what sickness my father was suffering from.I 49  remember an evening of laughter and  50  There were no expensive toys but    51 moments of friendship and fun given by young men who knew that a family was having a(n)  52 time . They gave their time and their  53 to little children who needed to laugh.
The most important thing in life aren’t things . And what about the true  54  of holidays ? I hope we all are able to remember a thing about the holidays that stirs(搅动)our heart , that isn’t really a thing at all, but the smile on a child’s face because we take a moment to hug or   55 a tear.
小题1:A requested  B  commanded  C  gathered  D  recommended
小题2:A in tears    B  in doubt     C  in silence  D  in surprise
小题3:A apply     B   pray        C  pay      D  ask
小题4:A to        B   with       C   for       D  in
小题5:A knocked   B  beat        C   tapped    D  struck
小题6:A Fighting   B  Shooting    C   Running   D  Following
小题7:A charged   B   existed     C   governed  D   worked
小题8:A expanded  B   spread     C   distributed  D  disappeared
小题9:A confidence  B  cheer      C   trust       D  wisdom
小题10:A dressed    B   attached    C   trapped    D   wrapped
小题11:A persuaded  B   saved      C   taught     D   entertained
小题12:A discovered  B  sought      C   unfolded   D  packed
小题13:A strange     B   frightening  C   useful     D   encouraging
小题14:A seldom     B   just        C   even      D   hardly
小题15:A happiness   B   surprise     C   doubt     D   anxiety
小题16:A shocking    B  priceless     C   worthless  D   beneficial
小题17:A relaxing    B   great        C   ordinary   D   rough
小题18:A praise      B   treatment    C   attention   D   response
小题19:A theme      B   spirit        C   principle   D  theory
小题20:A wipe away  B   deal with     C   write about  D  burst into

Today's parents miss the golden age that their own mothers enjoyed in the 1970s and 1980s, researchers found.
Mothers have less time to themselves and feel under greater pressure to juggle work and family life than the previous generation. As a result, 88 per cent said they felt guilty about the lack of time they spent with their children.
The survey of 1,000 mothers also found that more than a third said they had less time to themselves than their mothers did — just three hours a week or 26 minutes a day.
And 64 percent said this was because they felt they 'had' to go out to work, while nearly a third (29 per cent) said they were under constant pressure to be the 'perfect mother', the report found.
Other findings showed social network and parenting website were important in proving help and support among female communities
Kate Fox, of the Social Issues Research Centre, which conducted the survey for Procter & Gamble, said: "With increasing pressure on mothers to work a 'double shift' — to be the perfect mother as well as a wage-earner — support networks are more important than ever."
It comes as a separate report examining childcare in the leading industrialized nations found that working mothers in Britain spend just 81 minutes a day caring for their children as a "primary activity".
Critics say the pressure on women to work long hours, and leave their children in the hands of nurseries or child minders, is putting the well-being of their children at risk.
The study also reveals that, despite the fact that more and more modern mothers go out to work, the burden of childcare still falls on them — even if their husband is not in work.
A father who is not in work tends to spend just 63 minutes a day looking after his child — 18 minutes less than a mother who goes out to work.
Working fathers spare less than three quarters of an hour with their children.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage?  
A.More and more modern mothers go out to work to support the families.
B.Today's parents would rather leave their children in the hands of nurseries.
C.Today's parents have less time to take care of their children.
D.To keep the balance of work and family is not an easy thing.
小题2:What does the underlined word "juggle" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?  
A.keep objects in the air
B.do many things at once
C.change things
D.organize spending
小题3:According to Kate Fox,         .   
A.people should learn to relax by using the network
B.network plays an important role in society
C.mothers should make use of the network to gain support
D.it is impossible for woman to become the "double shift"
小题4:Today's mothers lack the time to company their children mainly because         .   
A.they have no choice but go to work
B.they are under constant pressure
C.they want to be "the perfect mother"
D.they have less time to themselves
小题5: Which of the following statements is True?    
A.Mothers usually spend three hours looking after their children a day.
B.Since more and more modern mothers go out to work, the burden of childcare falls on fathers.
C.Child minders are good to the health of the children.
D.Mothers spend more time with their children than fathers.
Experts do not really know when people began keeping fish as pets. But they say that people have been interested in fish for thousands of years. Some say the ancient Sumerians were the first civilization to keep fish in ponds more than four thousand years ago. The Chinese kept and studied carp and goldfish more than one thousand years ago. The ancient Romans kept eels as pets. And the Greek philosopher Aristotle made what is believed to be the first known study of sea life, including sharks and dolphins.
Keeping fish at home in small water tanks called aquariums is extremely popular today. And everyone seems to enjoy visiting huge public aquariums that have opened around the world.
By the middle of the eighteen hundreds, science had shown that plants, fish and other sea creatures could survive together under water. So it was no longer necessary to change the water in a tank for the fish to live there. This led to the building of the first public aquariums.
The first aquariums opened in London, England in 1853. in the next fifteen years, other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States. By 1928, there were about forty-five public aquariums.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has been recognized as the first aquarium in the United States and it shows visitors the underwater life in the bay. The Georgia Aquarium opening in 2005 says it is the largest in the world. It has more than one hundred thousand sea animals in thirty million liters of water including two whale sharks---the world’s largest fish.
Another aquarium re-opened in 2005 in Camden, New Jersey. The Adventure Aquarium first opened in 1992. It spent about fifty million dollars expanding its building and improving its exhibits.
Aquariums provide the public with many chances to experience life under the sea. They can be found in most areas of the world. People might even want to start an aquarium at home and join the millions of people around the world who keep fish as pets.
小题1:Which aquarium opened again after its rebuilding ?
A.The Monterey Bay Aquarium.B.The Adventure Aquarium.
C.The Georgia Aquarium.D.The first aquarium in London.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned to have kept fish as pets?
A.The ancient Sumerians.B.The ancient Romans.C.The Chinese.D.The ancient Indians.
小题3:Which of the following is correct?
A.People were not interested in fish until the middle of the eighteen hundreds.
B.The Moneterey Bay Aquarium is regarded as the best aquarium in America.
C.Plants, fish and other sea creatures could not survive together under sea.
D.People have to change the water in a tank frequently for the fish to live there.
小题4: The passage is written mainly       .
A.to tell people the importance of keeping fish as pets
B.to explain why people want to visit aquariums
C.to let people know the development of the aquariums
D.to describe different aquariums
小题5:What does the underlined word “aquariums” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Exhibition centres where people can watch and enjoy different species of fish.
B.Small boxes made of glass, where people keep fish in, usually at home.
C.Places which shows visitors the underwater life in the bay.
D.Places which provides the public with many chances to experience life under the sea.
Almost all theme park accidents can be prevented. Here, based on coverage of theme park safety, are some tips to help you and your family stay safe on your next visit.
If you are visiting with a child, take a moment to explain the ride to them, and tell them what they should do. They are depending upon you to keep them safe. Set a good example for them by following the rules of the park, and make sure that they know you expect them to follow those rules, too.
Tell them to stay seated, to hold the grab bar or put their hands in the laps, and not to stick their knees and feet outside a ride vehicle. Make them look to you for the okay to get on or off a ride, too. And never put a crying child on a ride. If your child starts to cry, let others pass you in line until your child is calmed. Or, gently exit the queue and find something more relaxing to do. 
Young kids can’t keep an adult’s pace in a theme park. Let them take plenty of breaks.
“Kids get tired,” said TPI reader Matt Johnson, a father of four. “Tired kids make parents even more tired. And tired kids and parents may get hurt — physically and emotionally.” He advises that parents plan a mid-day break, perhaps a swim back at the hotel, to avoid mid-day heat and crowds. “You will see cranky families having a miserable time while you are refreshed and having a great evening.”
小题1:The second paragraph tells readers that ______.
A.children should be trained to be more independent
B.adults should tell children some safety rules firstly
C.adults should set a good example to conduct well in a theme park
D.there is a danger to take young children to visit a theme park
小题2:Which of the following is NOT right for children who are taking the rides?
A.They cannot put their hands away from the grab bar.
B.They are forbidden to put their knees or feet out.
C.They should ask adults’ permission first to get on a ride.
D.Without adults’ okay sign, children shouldn’t get off a ride.
小题3:If your child begins to cry just when he is going to take a ride, you should ______.
A.tell him to be relaxedB.make him share your interest
C.give up the present activityD.encourage him to be brave
小题4:We may infer from Matt Johnson’s words that ______.
A.he doesn’t like to visit a theme park with his children
B.parents with many children may be tired of visiting a theme park
C.not all the families are relaxed or happy when they visit a theme park
D.visitors should arrange everything carefully before starting
小题5:What is the meaning of the underlined word “exit” in the third paragraph?
People often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured. I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability. It’s something we are born with and something we carry with us in our entire lives. There are too many people, however, who seem to be determined to find some way of doing away with their shyness. In my opinion, it’s a waste of time. I don’t mean that we should do nothing about it; quite the contrary, I think we need to separate the basic fact of shyness from our ability to take part in a social environment.
Look at one of the most famous shy people of them all, Johnny Carson. This man is painfully shy, yet for decades he made a living talking and associating with different people every night, in front of a national audience. Carson has never done away with his shyness, but he has successfully found a way to deal with it to the extent that he could be, not just a talk show host, but a legend (传奇) among talk show hosts. Look also at Sally Fields, who has recently admitted her problem with shyness. This is a woman who has appeared in many films, TV shows and interviews, yet in her early years she was so shy that she turned down a lunch invitation from Jane Fonda because she was terribly afraid of meeting her.
I guess that our shyness is there because each of us is born with some insecurity (不安全感) and this insecurity prevents us from reading out to others the way people with a more open personality do. As we grow up and become adults, we allow our social skills to grow and develop. But we are still stuck in kindergarten or elementary school or wherever it was when our shyness took root in our soul.
小题1:. In the author’s view, shyness can be explained as _________.
A.a disease that can be easily cured
B.a not very normal mental condition
C.an emotional disability
D.something we pick up after birth
小题2:. The author believes it’s a waste of time to ____________
A.develop a healthy personality
B.talk with as many people as possible
C.study where shyness comes from
D.look for ways to do away with one’s shyness
小题3:. Which of the following is TRUE of Johnny Carson?
A.He dared to speak in front of a national audience.
B.He did away with his shyness carefully.
C.He was described as a hero in some legend books.
D.He failed to become a good talk show host.
小题4:. The author thinks that our shyness is there because _______
A.we are not open enough
B.we don’t feel safe at heart
C.we try to reach out to others all the time
D.we lack certain social skills
The Barbie doll first appeared at the toy fair in New York in 1959. Its creator was Ruth Handler, an American businesswoman. She and her husband Elliott along with Harold Matt Matson started the toy company Mattel. She based the design of the new doll on a German doll named Bild Lilli and named her after their daughter Barbara.
The first Barbie wore a black and white swimsuit and had her hair in a ponytail(马尾辫). She looked very grown-up. But any concerns that parents would not want to buy it for little girls were soon proved wrong.
Mattel sold 300,000 Barbie dolls in the first year at a price of three dollars. Today, a fifty-year-old Barbie in good condition might cost more than 27,000 dollars.
Barbie dolls have represented 50 different nationalities and are sold in 150 countries. Mattel says 90% of girls in the United States between the ages of three and ten own at least one Barbie doll. It says girls between the ages of three and six own an average of about 12.
Barbie also faced her share of critics. A well-known example was when women’s education groups objected to a talking Barbie doll that declared, among other things, “Math class is tough!” Mattel agreed to change it. Saudi Arabia has banned Barbie dolls. And a lawmaker in the American state of West Virginia would like to do the same. Last month, he proposed banning sales of Barbie and other dolls that influence girls to put too much importance on physical beauty.
Some people say Barbie is an unhealthy role model for young girls. Robin Gerber disagrees. She wrote a book about Barbie. She points out dolls like scientist Barbie and race car driver Barbie. She says people who criticize Barbie should tell girls the story of the businesswoman who created her. She says Ruth Handler wanted the dolls to help girls think about what they wanted to do with their lives.
小题1:The first Barbie doll might not be popular among little girls because _______.
A.her hairstyle was out of fashion
B.her appearance looked much too mature
C.her way of dressing was against the tradition
D.physical beauty wasn’t thought to be important
小题2:From the passage we know that Mattel ________.
A.is one of the world’s largest toy companies
B.is the director of an American toy company
C.was the woman who originally created Barbie
D.was a salesman who was good at selling Barbie dolls
小题3:Barbie dolls are criticized partly because they make girls ________.
A.pay too much attention to their physical beauty
B.neglect their schoolwork and inner beauty
C.prefer physical beauty to inner beauty
D.waste too much time and money on clothes
小题4:It can be inferred from the last paragraph that in her book Robin Gerber ________.
A.shows Barbie dolls have a negative influence on girls
B.praises a successful person who sells Barbie dolls
C.expresses her own favorable opinion about Barbie
D.argues for banning the sales of Barbie dolls
Everybody hates rats.But in the earthquake capitals of the world-Japan,Los Angeles,Turkey-rats will soon be man's new best friends.
What happens after an earthquake? We send in rescue(救援) dogs. Why? Because they can smell people.Dogs save lives.They help rescuers to find living people.But dogs are big and they can't get into small spaces.So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives:the rat.
How does it work? First,the rat is trained to smell people.When this happens,the rat's brain gives a signal(信号).This is sent to a small radio on its back,and then the rescuers follow the radio signals.When the rat's brain activity jumps,the rescuers know that someone is alive.The rat has smelled that person.
Although there are already robots which can do this job,rats are better.Christian Linster at Cornell University—New York says,“Robots' noses don't work well when there are other smells around.Rats are good at that.” Rats can also see in the dark.They are cheaper and quicker to train than dogs,and unlike robots,they don't need electricity!
The “rat project” is not finished,but Julie Ryan of International Rescue Corps in Scotland says,“It would be fantastic.A rat could get into spaces we couldn't get to and a rat would get out if it wasn't safe.” Perhaps for the first time in history,people will be happy to see a rat in a building(but only after an earthquake,of course).
小题1:In the world earthquake capitals,rats will become man's best friends because they can _________.
A.take the place of man's rescue jobs
B.find the position of people alive who are trapped in buildings
C.serve as food for people alive who are trapped in buildings
D.get into small spaces
小题2:From the third paragraph we know the rescuers can judge a person is alive by_________.
A.the noise made by the ratB.the rat's unusual behavior
C.the signal sent by the radio on the rat's backD.the smell given off by the person
小题3: In doing rescue jobs,_________.
A.rats smell better than dogs
B.dogs don't need to be trained to smell people
C.robots' sense of smell can be affected by other smells around
D.rats can see in the dark and smaller than robots
小题4: Rats have all the following advantages except that_________.
A.they are more fantastic than other animalsB.they are less expensive to train than dogs
C.they don't need electricityD.they are small and can get into small places
Well, when the huge wave hit the boat, my safety belt broke and I was swept overboard. I don’t really understand how it happened, but it did. I heard someone yell out, but then my boat, Wild One, went off into the darkness and I was alone in a very rough sea. I then spent five and a half hours in the water. The place where it happened was, oh, about 50 kilometers from shore. It was likely that I wouldn’t see another day, but I always thought I’d overcome the difficulties. At first I was watching out for Wild One. The rest of the crew knew I was gone, so they were sure to come back and look for me. After a while, I saw the boat’s lights when it came looking for me. They were within about 300 meters of me, but the spotlight just missed me. The reason why they didn’t see me was because of the huge waves. You know, I started sailing when I was seven, and started ocean racing when I was about eighteen, but I’d never been overboard before. I believed I was going to survive, but it was very cold, and as the hours passed I started to get desperate——and frozen! It was around 5 am when I saw the lights of a tanker coming towards me. I figured it was probably my last chance. At first, I thought they were going to miss me, and then they made a slight turn and I yelled out “Help!” and they heard me. Then another yacht appeared. These guys were terrific. They gave me dry clothes, and then one jumped into the bunk and hung onto me. They covered us with as much dry clothing as they could, and the guy in with me stayed to transfer his body heat to me.
小题1:The author of the passage was alone in the sea NOT because ______.
A.the wind was too strongB.the wave hit the boat
C.the safety belt was brokenD.his boat was in the darkness
小题2:He was not saved by his crew because ______.
A.he didn’t yell out “Help!”B.300 meters was long distance
C.he was not foundD.he didn’t see the spotlight
小题3:It was inferred from the passage that ______.
A.he was swept overboard at about midnight
B.Wild One was the name of a crew member
C.he started ocean racing at about seven
D.he was too hopeless to take the last chance
小题4: One of the guys who saved him jumped into the bunk in order to ______.
A.cover him with more dry clothes
B.warm him with his body heat
C.comfort him
D.congratulate him

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