
16.The dancers,all of _______ masks came off suddenly,gave us a great surprise.(  )

分析 那些舞蹈演员的面具突然脱离了,他们让我们很惊讶.

解答 答案:B  

点评 考生在理解句意的前提下,要分析从句 中的成分,根据所缺成分,选择恰当的关系词,

7.School Counseling(咨询)
  In our grandparents'time,it was unthinkable.In our parents'time,it was unusual and nobody spoke openly about counseling.These days,more and more schools are asking for this service and it is considered a necessity for most.Why is it?What has changed in the last fifty years to have made counseling at schools so important?
"One reason is that we expect schools to do more to protect their pupils than we did in the past,"says school counselor,Mike Hudson."Also,our society doesn't work as well as it should.Many parents are either under pressure of work or face the economic problems of unemployment,while children are under more and more pressure to do well at school.Many pupils feel they are pushed to their limits by their parents and teachers."
  Most school children face some kind of relationship problem at some stage with family members,teachers or other pupils,so.it helps to have somebody to talk to.
  From the pupil's point of view,it is easier to talk to a counselor in confidence rather than a family member or teacher.This solution is less embarrassing to pupils,who are not forced to face the person that they had problems with in the first place.They can calmly talk things through without arguments.
  School counselors advise not only students but also their teachers and parents,and offer other services as well,such as deciding learning disabilities or assisting parents and guardians to make the correct decisions about their children's education.
  Counselors can help students with problems ranging from the most serious,like a death in the family,to what an adult would consider really trivial,like an argument with a friend.
  In a society that is becoming more and more stressful,this service is providing children with a supportive way to express their fear and worries.

47.Why is school counseling becoming important?C
A.Pupils are not well protected in school.
B.Parents can't help their children in learning.
C.Parents and pupils are under too much pressure.
D.The relationship between parents and schools is worse.
48.According to the passage,school counselorsD.
A.bear high pressure themselves
B.are the guarantee of school success
C.have more responsibilities than teachers
D.are more likely to be accepted when pupils have problems
49.The underlined word"trivial"in Para.5 probably meansA.
50.What does the passage mainly talk about?B
A.The development of school counseling.
B.The reasons for school counseling's popularity.
C.The advantages and disadvantages of school counseling.
D.The comparison of the past and present school counseling.
4.A couple of years ago,I learned this lesson.That day,I took a taxi to Grand Central Station.We were driving in the right lane when,all of a sudden,a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us.The taxi driver slammed(猛踩)on his brakes and missed the other car'S back end by just inches!
The driver of the other car,the guy who almost caused a big accident,got out of his car and started yelling bad words at us.The taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.And I mean he was friendly.So,I said,u Why did you just do that?This guy almost mined your car and sent us to the hospital!"That was when my taxi driver told me what I now call:the law of the garbage truck.
Many people are like garbage trucks.They run around full of garbage,full of frustration,full of anger,and full of disappointment.As their garbage piles up,they need a place to dump it,and ii you let them,they'11 dump it on you.When someone wants to dump their problems on you,don51take it personally.Just smile,wave,wish them well,and move on.You'11 be happy at what you did.
I started thinking:how often do I let garbage trucks run right over me?And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people?That day I said,"I'm not going to do that anymore."
What about you?What will happen in your life if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.

64.The taxi driver smiled and waved at the driver of the other carA.
A.to show his kindness and friendliness
B.to thank him for his politeness
C.to satisfy his reaction
D.to please the author
65.What does the underlined word"frustration"probably mean?B
A.destruction  B.annoyance  C.defeat  D.rubbish
66.If you are asked to write the ending for the text,which of the following might be the best?B
A.Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting.
B.Love the people who treat you right.Forget about ones who don't.
C.The successful person can regain his focus on what's important.
D.Don't let garbage trucks take over your day!
67.What can be the best title for the text?D
A.Secret of Success                   B.Don't Let Bad Feelings Affect You
C.Take Care of the Danger around You  D.The Law of the Garbage Truck.
1.In the city of Fujisawa,Japan,lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki when she was a teenager,she(21)Cof going to the United States.Most of what she knew about American(22)Bwas from the textbooks she had read."I had a(23)Cin mind:Daddy watching TV in the living room,Mummy(24)Acakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend."
Atsuko(25)Bto attend college in California.When she arrived,however,she found it was not her(26)Bworld.'"People were struggling with problems and often seemed(27)A"she said."I felt very alone."
One of her hardest (28)Cwas physical education."We played volleyball."she said."The other students were(29)Bit,but I wasn't."
One afternoon,the instructor asked Atsuko to(30)Dthe ball to her teammates so they could knock it(31)Cthe net-No problem for most people,but it terrified Atsuko.She was afraid of losing face(32)Bshe failed.
A young man on her team(33)Dwhat she was going through.He walked up to me and(34)D"Come on.You can do that".
"You will never understand how those words of(35)Bmade me feel..Four words:You can do that I felt like crying with happiness."
She made it through the class.Perhaps she thanked the young man; she is not(36)D.
Six years has passed.Atsuko is back in Japan,working as a salesclerk."I have(37)Aforgotten the words."she said."When things are not going so well,I think of them."
She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness(38)Dto her."He probably doesn't even remember it,"she said.That may be the lesson.Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind---you have no idea how long the words will(39)B.She's all the way over in Japan,but still she hears those four(40)Cwords:You can do that.
29.A.curious aboutB.good atC.slow atD.nervous about
8.Did you see American figure skater,Jeremy Abbott,crash to the ice during the short program at the Sochi Olympics,rolling into the wall,clutching his side in pain.Ten seconds later,he got up and continued his skate-despite the pain,embarrassment and fear.All I could think was:this kid's got courage.In business we have a word for it-resilience,the ability to gain strengths and confidence from overcoming unpleasant events.
However,opposite examples appeared in Sochi Olympics as well.For them,failure is someone else's fault,because they do not accept personal responsibility.Therefore,they have to pay a high price for this attitude.After years of studying failure,I have learned one thing:modesty and open-mindedness in the face of mistakes is the single best thing you can do to improve results.Everyone fails,but not everyone recovers from failure.The key is to learn from it rather than get beaten by it.
The good news is that each of us has the potential to live a resilient life on and off the job.It may be difficult,but that just makes it all the more powerful and important.If you believe the above paragraph to be true,then you're probably more resilient than you think you are.It takes confidence to be resilient but that too much confidence is a killer is so true of leadership.For example,Ron Johnson,the ill-fated CEO of JC Penney,was so stubborn that he completely missed all sorts of signals from employees and customers and instead listened to all those who agreed with him,which failed his strategy.Bouncing back from failure requires that you recognize something has gone wrong,and you were the one who made it happen.
The challenge of resilience is not just about our work.When parents help their kids deal with every challenging situation,they are doing an unhelpful action to their children.Parents want to protect their kids from failure,but doing so takes away the opportunity from them to practice not just a life skill but an essential work skill.When self-esteem becomes more important than results,we are accidently training young people to become less adaptable,not more.
Resilience is not just about getting up off the floor,but also being ready for whatever comes next,even when you don't know what it is.Failures and setbacks are no longer unusual events,but regular features of a dynamic,competitive and highly demanding work environment.Getting up to finish your skate is no longer optional.

67.The example of Jeremy Abbott shows that one shouldA.
A.recover from failure                   
B.stick to his own viewpoint
C.take others'opinions to heart            
D.challenge difficulties bravely
68.According to the author,what can best build up resilience?C
A.Being positive and powerful.
B.Being competitive and helpful.
C.Being modest and open-minded.
D.Being confident and responsible.
69.Which of the following examples shows us resilience?D
A.A teacher offers students timely help and care.
B.A determined athlete practices skating hard every day.
C.A confident leader persuades his staff to follow his plan.
D.A student has got a low grade but continues to work hard.
70.Which might be the best title for the passage?B
A.An Example of Resilience:Ron Johnson       
B.Resilience:A Lesson from Sochi
C.Optional Challenges of Resilience            
D.Resilience in Family Education.

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