【1】There is a limit to what one person can t__________ (to accept something or someone that is annoying or unpleasant).
【2】They are s__________ (to try to find something) for a solution to this problem.
【3】The milkman was responsible for d__________(to take something to a place) milk to the households in this neighborhood every day in the morning.
【4】She used to be a p__________(host of a TV or radio program) of a gardening program.
【5】This book is highly r__________ (to say something is good or useful) by teachers.
【6】He p__________ (to touch somebody or something gently several times with your hand) her gently on the shoulder and then walked away.
【7】He r__________ (to give something to somebody because of their efforts service or help) us with a lot of money for helping him when he was in difficulty.
【8】Recently, they have just u__________ (to make something modern, usually by adding new parts or it or giving new information) their software.
【9】I accidently s__________(to cause liquid to flow out of its bottle) my drink all over him.
【10】I woke up just before d_______________ (the beginning time of a day when light first appears in the sky).
【1】 tolerate
【2】 seeking
【3】 delivering
【4】 presenter
【5】 recommended
【6】 patted
【7】 rewarded
【8】 updated
【9】 spilled
【10】 dawn