
There is a joke among flu researchers: “If you've seen one flu season, you've seen one flu season.” The joke is about the unpredictable nature of the flu virus. Every year it looks different, and every strain (类型) follows its own pattern — it's the reason why new strains like H1N1 are extremely difficult to predict.
Dr. Michael Osterholm is a former adviser to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “I know less about influenza today than I did 10 years ago,” he says in a joking way. “Every stone we've turned over, we get more questions.”
The flu rectums every season and the world experiences terrible pandemics (全国或全世界范围流行的疾病), but researchers still do not understand why some strains infect people and others do not; they are not entirely sure about how the flu is transmitted; nor do they understand why some patients become seriously ill while others develop mild symptoms (症状). As a result, when a new strain shows up — like H1N1 — they often have little information to fall back on, and the lessons of previous pandemics are only somewhat helpful. While researchers are still putting together a complete picture of H1N1, for example, its most striking difference with the seasonal flu is that the elder1y are not the most vulnerable (易受攻击的) population.
Influenza's unpredictable nature makes it a moving target for researchers, says researcher Allison Aiello at the University of Michigan. “Even if we had complete seasonal flu data from the past, it wouldn't be much helpful for a new strain of influenza,” she explains.
Whi1e researchers are frustrated by the holes in their knowledge, they say, however, that the pub1ic--health community is generally doing a very good job responding to H1N1 with seasonal flu data that do exist. Studying influenza, says Osterholm, is “like looking through the windows of a house you can't get into because the door is locked.” Gathering the data researchers do have is like “looking through the windows to get a pretty good picture of what the inside looks like.”
One thing researchers do know for sure: the best way for people to protect against H1N1 is to get the vaccine once it becomes available to them.
小题1:What do we learn about H1N1 from the passage?
A.In fact it is not a kind of influenza virus.
B.It is quite possible to predict it in theory.
C.Old people are more likely to contract it than kids.
D.Receiving vaccines will be effective to protect against it.
小题2: The underlined phrase “fall back on” in Para. 3 probably means      .
A.rely onB.pass onC.col1ect D.exchange
小题3: What do we know about previous seasonal flu data?
A.It is useless to study them.
B.It is still necessary to study them.
C.They are misleading most of the time.
D.They are much more helpful than expected.
小题4:Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Outbreaks of the fluB.Symptoms of the flu
C.Mysteries of the fluD.Risks of the flu

Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.
First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but you'd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients (营养物质) your body needs.
Then, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. l choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium (钙) your body needs to grow strong bones .
Next, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.
Afterwards, limit (限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.
Finally, be active. One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.
Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.
小题1:You have to eat different kinds of foods especially _________.
A.meatB.hamburgers C.sweetsD.fruit and vegetables
小题2:Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?
A.Juice.  B.Milk.C.Cold water.D.Tea.
小题3:According to the passage, how many rules should you follow if you want to be healthy?
A.Five.  B.Nine.     C.Fifteen.D.Thirteen.
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.When you're eating, you don't have to pay attention to how your body feels.
B.You can eat your favorite food as much as you can .
C.You can watch TV whenever you like to get more information.
D.We should try to live in an active way in our life.
小题5:Which is the best title of the passage?
A.How to make yourself popularB.How to be a healthy kid
C.How to be a popular kidD.How to make your parents healthy
Not all think laughter is the best medicine, but it seems to help.So scientists carried on a new study of diabetes (糖尿病) patients who were given a good dose of humor for a year to prove it.
Researchers divide 20 high-risk diabetic patients into two groups.Both groups were given standard diabetes medicine.Group L viewed 30 minutes of humor of their choice, while Group C, the control group, did not.This went on for a year of treatments.
By two months into the study, the patients in the laughter group had lower level of the hormones epinephrine (肾上腺素), considered to cause stress, which is known to be deadly.After the 12 months, HDL cholesterol rises 26 percent in Group L but only 3 percent in Group           C.In another measure, C-reactive proteins, a maker of heart disease, drop 66 percent in the laughter group but only 26 percent in the control group.
“The best doctors believe that there is a physical good brought about by the positive emotion, happy laughter,” said study leader Lee Berk of Loma Linda University.And other research has found that humor makes us more hopeful.Still, more study is needed, Berk said.The research by Berk found that humor can bring about similar changes in body chemistry, which was proved in the new study.The research result will be presented this month at the meeting in the US.Research at the University of Maryland School of Medicine shows that laughter causes the inner lining of blood vessels to expand, increasing blood flow in a way thought to be healthy.
“Lifestyle choices have an important effect on health and these are choices which we and patients should pay attention to, rather than prevention and treatment,” Berk said in a statement this week.
小题1:Why did the scientists carry on the new research?
A.To find out if laughter was good to health.
B.To discover the best medicine to cure diabetes.
C.Because the number of diabetic patients is the largest in the world.
D.Because diabetic patients need more laughter than other patients.
小题2:After 12 months into the study, ___________.
A.C-reactive proteins increase 66 percent in Group C
B.the level of the hormones epinephrine stays the same in both groups
C.the level of the hormones epinephrine has dropped
D.C-reactive proteins reduced 66 percent in Group L
小题3:The underlined part “HDL cholesterol” in Paragraph 3 must be _______.
A.something bad to our healthB.something good to our health
C.a kind of wonderful medicineD.a kind of dangerous disease
小题4:In what way does laughter benefit people’s health?
A.Blood is made thick by laughter.B.Laughter makes blood vessels thin.
C.Laughter increases blood pressure.D.Laughter makes blood flow fast.
小题5:According to Berk, we should _________.
A.choose lifestyles carefullyB.change our lifestyles
C.prevent our lifestyles in advance D.pay less attention to the positive emotion
Good posture certainly shows good health. It also adds to a body’s energy and beauty. The body is not handsome when the back is bent and neck thrusts forward. Bad posture suggests the impression that a person is tired, lacking in energy, bored, or weak. Tiredness may sometimes be the cause of bad posture. Most often, however, it is due to careless and poor health habits. Whatever it causes, bad posture affects one physically. The muscles are stretched and pulled into unnatural positions, which can lead to poor base of the body’s various systems.
Nutrition is the study of how the body takes food and uses it. This science provides information about the kinds of food a person must eat to improve and maintain good health. Such knowledge helps him develop and form people habits to his problems of healthful living. People habits of nutrition can be developed by paying attention to: (1) the variety of food included in the diet; (2) the quality of each kind of food eaten. A diet, or the food regularly eaten, must contain all the necessary factors.
Many physicians believe that overweight is one of the greatest dangers to good health. This condition often leads to a shorter life. An overweight person is also easier to suffer disease, and various disorders of the digestive system. A person’s weight directly has something to do with the amounts of food he eats.
All foods can make a person fat if too much is eaten. In reducing, the safe weight loss is about two pounds a week. The sensible way to lose weight is to decrease the gaining starchy(含淀粉的) foods, fats and sweets in the diet.
小题1: According to this passage, which of the following is suggested about the good health habits?
A.Good way of holding your body.B.Balanced food.
C.Right body weight.D.All of the above
小题2: According to this passage, bad posture is most probably caused by_______.
A.tiredness, boredom and weaknessB.lack of energy
C.carelessness and poor health habitsD.overworking and illness
小题3:Which of the following eating habits is NOT proper in terms of maintaining good health?
A.Vegetables, meat and water only
B.A suitable quantity of each kind of food
C.Fats being part of diet.
D.Various foods included in the diet
小题4: We can infer from the statement “all foods can make a person fat if too much is eaten” that___.
A.to lose weight you had better eat properly for daily meals
B.the most effective way to lose weight is to have no fat and sweet
C.even vegetables can make you put on weight, so there is no need to have fat and sweet.
D.a shorter life is a sure result of overweight
Your chair is your enemy. That is the conclusion of several recent studies. Among people who sit in front of the television for more than three hours each day, those who exercise are as fat as those who don’t.
So what’s wrong with sitting? The answer seems to have two parts. The first is that sitting is one of the most passive things you can do. Compared to sitting, standing in one place is hard work. To stand, you have to tense your leg muscles, and engage the muscles of your back and shoulders; while standing, you often shift from leg to leg. All of this burns energy.
You may think you have no choice about how much you sit. But this isn’t true. Suppose you sleep for eight hours each day, and exercise for one. That still leaves 15 hours of activities. Even if you exercise, most of the energy you burn will be burnt during these 15 hours, so weight gain is often the cumulative(累积的) effect of a series of small decisions: Do you take the stairs or the elevator? Do you walk to the corner store, or drive?
But it looks as though there’s a more sinister aspect to sitting. Some evidence suggests that when you spend long periods sitting, your body actually does things that are bad for you.
Lipoprotein lipase(蛋白脂酶) is a molecule that plays a central role in how the body processes fats. Low levels of lipoprotein lipase are associated with a variety of health problems. Studies in rats show that leg muscles only produce this molecule when they are actively being moved. The result is that when you sit, an important part of your metabolism(新陈代谢) slows down. You may also have a higher risk of suffering from diabetes(糖尿病).
Some people have advanced radical solutions to the sitting syndrome(综合症): replace your sit-down desk with a stand-up desk, or watch television in a rocking chair. But whatever you choose, know this. The data is clear; look out for your chair.
小题1:What would be the best title of this passage?
A.Become an Athlete to Be Healthy.
B.Choose a Better Chair for You.
C.How to Speed Up Your Metabolism.
D.Stand Up While You Read This.
小题2:Paragraphs 2 and 3 tell us that         .
A.taking too much exercise harms people’s health
B.sitting a lot reduces the benefits of taking exercise
C.people needn’t depend on exercise to keep healthy
D.healthy people are those who sit less and stand more
小题3:Which of the following is the best advice on how to control our weight?
A.Exercising at least an hour a day.
B.Standing as long as possible.
C.Using our energy actively in daily life.
D.watching TV in a rocking chair.
小题4:The author mentions lipoprotein lipase mainly to          .
A.show that it plays a big part in keeping us healthy
B.tell us that it isn’t produced while we are sitting
C.suggest that we should take less exercise to be healthy
D.prove sitting for long is bad for our body
Bean and other seed shoots are also known as sprouts (新芽). The dry bean seeds contain a store of nutrients just waiting to be released when they sprout. Under the right conditions they will germinate (发芽)。 As they grow, the food value of the seeds is multiplied into vitamins, minerals (矿物质) and other nutrients. This happens almost overnight!
It is easy to grow your own sprouts, but you need to buy your seeds from supermarkets or health food stores. Seeds for planting in the garden are often powdered with chemicals, so when becoming sprouts they are not safe to eat.
Try growing sprouts from a variety of beans and seeds. You will find different sprouts at different stages. Bean sprouts are best when they are about three centimeters long. Wheat and sunflower sprouts taste best when the sprouts and the seeds are of the same length. If the sunflower sprout is too long it leaves a funny stinging feeling in the throat after eating. Alfalfa sprouts are best when their small leaves are well developed. Pea and soybean sprouts are good long or short.
If you leave your sprouts in filtered sunlight for a few hours, the leaves will turn green as chlorophyll (叶绿素) is added. Eating sprouts with green leaves benefits your blood, cells, and the digestive system.
小题1:Which of the following sprouts taste good whether they are long or short?
A.Soybean sproutsB.Sunflower sprouts
C.Alfalfa sprouts D.Wheat sprouts
小题2:As sprouts grow, the food value of the seeds will_____.
A.increaseB.decreaseC.remain the sameD.lose
小题3:From the passage we know that______.
A.Long sunflower sprouts taste better than short ones
B.Eating too long sunflower sprouts will make you feel uncomfortable in the throat
C.Eating sprouts with green leaves will be harmful to your health
D.It takes a long time for the food value of the seeds to multiply
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Sprouts of seeds for planting in the garden may not be safe to eat.
B.Alfalfa sprouts taste best when their small leaves are more fully grown.
C.All sprouts taste best during the early stage of their growth.
D.Sunlight will make the leaves of sprouts green.
America’s No.1 health problem?A report published by the American Institute of Stress claims the biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS.The report says:“it has been estimated that 75-90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems.’’
It is no exaggeration(夸张)to say that people today are being attacked by stress.According to the National Consumers League,“Work is the top source of stress for adults who have problems and stress in their lives(39%).Other sources include health(10%),concern about the economy(9%)and concern about international conflict and terrorism(4%)”
However, stress is hardly unique to the United States A British survey in 2005 estimated that ‘‘over half a million individuals in Britain believed in 2004 that they were experiencing work-related stress at a level that was making them ill”.As a result of“work-related stress,depression or anxiety”, there are“an estimated thirteen and a half million reported lost working days per year in Britain”
The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.“work-related stress has been shown to affect millions of European workers across all types of employment sectors’’ One survey revealed that there are “about 41 million workers affected by work-related stress each year.”
What about Asia?A report issued by a conference held in Tokyo concluded,“Job stress is a common concern among many countries in the world,both developing and industrialized countries”.The report observed that“several countries in East Asia,including China and Korea, have rapidly industrialized and economically grown”.These countries now have a lot of concerns on job stress and its harmful effects on workers’ health.
小题1:Which of the followings is NOT true?
A.Cancer and AIDS are not so threatening as health problems caused by stress.
B.Stress is always from working and living pressure.
C.More than one third of adults suffer from stress problems in America.
D.Stress has become a world-wide problem.
小题2:What does the sentence“The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe’’ probably mean?
A.There is no hope for mainland Europe.
B.There is no working stress in mainland Europe.
C.The picture in mainland Europe is very beautiful.
D.The stress situation in mainland Europe is serious too.
小题3:We can infer from the last paragraph that      
A.Asian people lead a better life
B.industry and economy have grown rapidly in China
C.some Asians have health problems from employment stress
D.the rapid economical development is the main reason for stress
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.Attacked by StressB.Attention to Health
C.Effects of Stress D.Health Report

Who says Americans worship the almighty dollar? It’s not true.Having enough free time is more important to most Americans than being rich, according to a new poll.
Only 13 percent of more than 2,400 people questioned in the telephone poll ranked being wealthy as most important to them, while 67 percent ranked free time as their top priority, higher than having a successful career, getting married, and having children."Everyone wants free time to do the things they want to do, young, middle-aged or old," said Richard Morin, of the Pew Social & Demographic Trends Project, which conducted the survey."So our desire to play unites us."
The poll also showed that people who were university educated valued career success over wealth, as middle-aged people did.Not surprisingly, those who didn't have money, ranked wealth very highly.This included minorities, first generation Americans and less educated people.The survey also revealed that a disproportionate (不成比例的) number of people under the age of 30 and retirees in the group made $ 20,000 or less a year.But the emphasis on wealth lessens with age, with younger people putting value on it but hardly any seniors."It just diminishes with time as the reality sets in that you would never be rich," Morin said."But also, the reality sets in that you don't have to be rich to lead a very comfortable and fulfilling life."
While wealth was not at the top of people' s list of priorities, 43 percent still said it was somewhat important.
56.The poll showed that the majority of American people ranked ____ as the most important.
A.wealth              B.a successful career 
C.marriage            D.free time
57.Who cares least for wealth, according to the passage?
A.Young people.                    B.Middle-aged people.
C.Old people.                       D.Well-educated people.
58.The underlined word "diminishes" in the third paragraph probably means "____".
A.to increase          B.to decrease          C.to change          D.to stay
The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life style without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.?
A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health related behaviors, and it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual. However, the decision to adopt a particular health related behavior is usually one of personal choices. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. In discussing the morals of personal choice, Fries and Grapo drew a comparison. They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide. Thus, for those individuals who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life, personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.
68.The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because ____.
A.personal health choice helps cure most illness
B.it helps raise the level of our medical knowledge
C.it is essential to personal freedom in American society
D.wrong decisions could lead to poor health
69.To “live a completely sedentary life style”(L7,Para.1)in the passage means____.
A.to “live an inactive life”    B.to “live a decent life”
C.to “live a life with complete freedom”     D.to “live a life of vice”
70.Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because ____. ?
A.current medical knowledge is still insufficient
B.there are many factors influencing our decisions
C.few people are willing to trade the quality of life for the quantity of life
D.people are usually influenced by the behavior of their friends

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