
America’s No.1 health problem?A report published by the American Institute of Stress claims the biggest threat to health today is neither cancer nor AIDS.The report says:“it has been estimated that 75-90 percent of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related problems.’’
It is no exaggeration(夸张)to say that people today are being attacked by stress.According to the National Consumers League,“Work is the top source of stress for adults who have problems and stress in their lives(39%).Other sources include health(10%),concern about the economy(9%)and concern about international conflict and terrorism(4%)”
However, stress is hardly unique to the United States A British survey in 2005 estimated that ‘‘over half a million individuals in Britain believed in 2004 that they were experiencing work-related stress at a level that was making them ill”.As a result of“work-related stress,depression or anxiety”, there are“an estimated thirteen and a half million reported lost working days per year in Britain”
The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe. According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.“work-related stress has been shown to affect millions of European workers across all types of employment sectors’’ One survey revealed that there are “about 41 million workers affected by work-related stress each year.”
What about Asia?A report issued by a conference held in Tokyo concluded,“Job stress is a common concern among many countries in the world,both developing and industrialized countries”.The report observed that“several countries in East Asia,including China and Korea, have rapidly industrialized and economically grown”.These countries now have a lot of concerns on job stress and its harmful effects on workers’ health.
小题1:Which of the followings is NOT true?
A.Cancer and AIDS are not so threatening as health problems caused by stress.
B.Stress is always from working and living pressure.
C.More than one third of adults suffer from stress problems in America.
D.Stress has become a world-wide problem.
小题2:What does the sentence“The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe’’ probably mean?
A.There is no hope for mainland Europe.
B.There is no working stress in mainland Europe.
C.The picture in mainland Europe is very beautiful.
D.The stress situation in mainland Europe is serious too.
小题3:We can infer from the last paragraph that      
A.Asian people lead a better life
B.industry and economy have grown rapidly in China
C.some Asians have health problems from employment stress
D.the rapid economical development is the main reason for stress
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.Attacked by StressB.Attention to Health
C.Effects of Stress D.Health Report

If you want to increase your vocabulary, the best way to do it might be to pick up a guitar, or learn the violin. A new study shows that learning to play a musical instrument makes the brain more able to remember words.
“Grown-ups with music training in their childhood can have better memory for words,” said Dr Agnes Chan of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who did the research. “They can remember things that you tell them better than those who did not have music training when they were young.”
It seems that one can remember spoken words because his brain has a special part. “That part of the brain is larger in musicians than in non-musicians,” Dr Chan told BBC. “If that part of the brain is larger, it may be better developed and so this explains very nicely our results.”
Dr Chan and her workmates came to their conclusion after studying students. Their research is reported in the latest edition of the journal(杂志) Nature. “We did the experiment with 60 girl college students from our university and 30 of them have at least six years training with one western musical instrument (such as the violin and the piano) before the age of 12. The other 30 had received no music training. We tested their memory by reading them some words and asking them to remember these words—a very common test for memory. We found that people who have had music training can remember about 70% more information than those who have not had any music training.”
Dr Chan thinks the process(过程) of learning is more important than the actual instrument used. She also believes if one is able to remember words through learning to play instruments, he or she could have some very real benefits. Dr Chan thinks this could be developed into a medical way for patients who are suffering from memory loss.
小题1: According to the writer, learning to play a musical instrument helps to ______.
A.get more knowledge
B.live more happily
C.remember more words
D.make one become a musician
小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Dr Chan thinks people should have music training when they grow up.
B.Dr Chan thinks the special part of the brain doesn’t need developing.
C.Dr Chan thinks people should have music training when they are young.
D.Dr Chan thinks musicians have a larger brain than non-musicians.
小题3:How many students took part in Dr Chan’s research?
A.30 girl students.B.60 girl students.
C.17% of his students.D.60 girl and boy students.
Football is so popular in China. Almost everyone is interested in the sport — young and old, boys and girls, and now even robots.
Last week at Hangzhou Guangming Middle School, kids from several schools played football with their robots.
Robot football was very different from human football. Only two robots played in each match. The field was as big as a ping-pong table. One half was black and the other was white. Each robot tried to catch the “football” and score a goal. The robot with more goals won.
Gao Linge, a boy from Guangming Middle School, helped make one of the robots for the match.
“My school bought the main board (主板),” said Gao, 14. “Then I decided what my robot looked like and made a computer programme for it.”
Gao’s robot was eight centimeters tall and had two arms. It had four sensors (传感器) to “see” and “kick” the football.
Ying Xuehai, a 12-year-old student from Gao’s school, also made a robot. His robot played against Gao’s. The match decided who would go to the final game. Ying lost the game. So he gave many of his robot’s parts to Gao.
Even so, Gao’s robot didn’t win the final. It played well in the first five minutes. Then it slowed down. By the end of the match, it could hardly move. What was wrong? Gao and Ying found the problem — their robot ran out of batteries (电池)!
“We’ll solve the problem and beat the other school next time!” said the two boys.
小题1: How many robots are needed in one match?
A.Only one.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.
小题2: The third paragraph mainly talks about ________.
A.a wonderful robot football game.B.how to let robots score more goals
C.the rules of the robot football games.D.the way for robots to win the match
小题3: Why did Gao Linge lose the final?
A.Because his robot had no power.B.Because he broke the rules of the match.
C.Because he used Ying Xuehai’s parts.D.Because his robot went wrong.
小题4: From the passage we know that if you want to take part in the match, ________.
A.you must go to Hangzhou.B.you must know something about computers
C.you must know how to play football on the playground
D.you must get along with Gao Linge and Ying Xuehai
There is a joke among flu researchers: “If you've seen one flu season, you've seen one flu season.” The joke is about the unpredictable nature of the flu virus. Every year it looks different, and every strain (类型) follows its own pattern — it's the reason why new strains like H1N1 are extremely difficult to predict.
Dr. Michael Osterholm is a former adviser to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “I know less about influenza today than I did 10 years ago,” he says in a joking way. “Every stone we've turned over, we get more questions.”
The flu rectums every season and the world experiences terrible pandemics (全国或全世界范围流行的疾病), but researchers still do not understand why some strains infect people and others do not; they are not entirely sure about how the flu is transmitted; nor do they understand why some patients become seriously ill while others develop mild symptoms (症状). As a result, when a new strain shows up — like H1N1 — they often have little information to fall back on, and the lessons of previous pandemics are only somewhat helpful. While researchers are still putting together a complete picture of H1N1, for example, its most striking difference with the seasonal flu is that the elder1y are not the most vulnerable (易受攻击的) population.
Influenza's unpredictable nature makes it a moving target for researchers, says researcher Allison Aiello at the University of Michigan. “Even if we had complete seasonal flu data from the past, it wouldn't be much helpful for a new strain of influenza,” she explains.
Whi1e researchers are frustrated by the holes in their knowledge, they say, however, that the pub1ic--health community is generally doing a very good job responding to H1N1 with seasonal flu data that do exist. Studying influenza, says Osterholm, is “like looking through the windows of a house you can't get into because the door is locked.” Gathering the data researchers do have is like “looking through the windows to get a pretty good picture of what the inside looks like.”
One thing researchers do know for sure: the best way for people to protect against H1N1 is to get the vaccine once it becomes available to them.
小题1:What do we learn about H1N1 from the passage?
A.In fact it is not a kind of influenza virus.
B.It is quite possible to predict it in theory.
C.Old people are more likely to contract it than kids.
D.Receiving vaccines will be effective to protect against it.
小题2: The underlined phrase “fall back on” in Para. 3 probably means      .
A.rely onB.pass onC.col1ect D.exchange
小题3: What do we know about previous seasonal flu data?
A.It is useless to study them.
B.It is still necessary to study them.
C.They are misleading most of the time.
D.They are much more helpful than expected.
小题4:Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Outbreaks of the fluB.Symptoms of the flu
C.Mysteries of the fluD.Risks of the flu
A super drug that could remove Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症),heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病) and help people live to 100 is being developed by scientists. Their research is based on the identification of three genes that help prolong lives and prevent diseases which occur in old age. Medically controlling the proteins made by the “ longevity genes” will allow millions to live longer, predicts Dr Nir Barzilai.
Those whose DNA strongly features the three genes are 80 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. The genes also fight against the deadly impact of smoking, poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise.
Already, several laboratories are working on a pill to imitate the benefits of the genes and Dr Barzilai thinks it could be tested within three years. The pill could remove some diseases that damage old age. “ The advantage of finding a gene that involves longevity is that we can develop a drug that will imitate exactly what this gene is doing,” he said.
Of the three longevity genes, two genes increase the production of so-called good cholesterol(胆固醇), which reduces the risk of heart disease. The third prevents diabetes. They were discovered by Dr Barzilai’s team while studying the DNA of 500 Ashkenazi Jews with an average age of 100. The chances of living that long are one in 10,000 but the group, which shared relatively few common ancestors, was 20 times more likely to hit the entury. Dr Barzilai said: “ 30 percent of them were obese or overweight and 30 percent smoked two acks of cigarettes a day for more than 40 years, however they can live to 100.”
But Andrew Ketteringham of the Alzheimer’s Society said: “Alzheimer’s disease, a most common disease, is likely to be caused by a combination of genetic disosition(遗传倾向), lifestyles and life events. Many genes are probably involved.
小题1:Some people are able to live to 100 years because of ______.
A.a magical medicineB.three special genesC.good living habitsD.longevity proteins
小题2:Why does the discovery of the longevity genes mean a lot?
A.Because it can bring great benefits to scientific labs.
B.Because it can help people change their unhealthy genes
C.Because it helps produce a drug that can make people live longer.
D.Because it will help scientists build up a new branch of biology.
小题3: From Paragraph 4 we can infer that ________.
A.longevity genes can create good cholesterol.
B.the volunteers share some common ancestors
C.bad habits are likely to have no effect on the volunteers
D.longevity genes protect the volunteers against bad habits
小题4:What is Andrew Ketteringham’s attitude toward the study?

Perhaps you do not know it, but there is something wonderful at your fingertips. You can make people happier, healthier and more hard-working just by touching their arms or holding their hands.
Doctors say that body contact(接触) is a kind of medicine that can work wonders. When people are touched, the quantity of hemoglobin (血红蛋白) — a type of matter that produces the red color in blood increases greatly. This results in more oxygen (氧气) reaching every part of the body and the whole body benefits. In experiments, bottle-fed baby monkeys were separated from their mothers for the first ten days of life. They became sad and negative. Studies showed the baby monkeys were more probable to become ill than other babies that were allowed to stay with their mothers.
Human babies react (反应) in much the same way. Some years ago, a scientist noticed that some well-fed babies in a clean nursery (托儿所) became weak. Yet babies in another nursery were growing healthily, even though they ate less well and were not kept as clean. The reason, he concluded, was that they often had touches from nurses.
Experiments show that most people like being touched. And nearly all doctors believe touch helps to reduce patients' fear of treatment. Of course there is time when a touch is not welcome. But even if we don’t like being touched, a smile can make us feel better. Smiling increases blood flow and starts the production of “happy brain” chemicals.
So let’s have a big smile and don’t forget to keep in touch.
1. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. People may not understand the importance of touching.
B. People may work harder because of body contact.
C. Your fingertips can do something wonderful.
D. Everyone knows that body contact can make people happier.
2. According to the passage, ______.
A. not all the people like being touched
B. touches from doctors and nurses have nothing to do with treatment
C. new-born baby monkeys should stay away from their mothers
D. human brains need oxygen and blood supply now and then
3. The word “benefits” in the second paragraph probably means ______.
A. to be useful or helpful    B. to get something useful or helpful   C. to be ill     D. to be hurt
4. The best title for the passage might be ______.
A. Why People Touch      B. Smile and Touch C. Wonders of Touch    D. Touch or Not

Sitting too much is now listed with smoking and junk food as a bad habit that increases your risk of heart disease.
New Australian research shows that half-an-hour in the gym will not make up for the waist-expanding damage caused by spending the rest of the day sitting.
But the good news is that doing chores in the house or gently walking around the office while on the phone might be enough to keep you fit.
The study joins the growing body of evidence suggesting too much sitting might undo the benefits of exercise.
The study measured the intensity of physical activities in 168 subjects over seven days. It found that, regardless of how much exercise they did or their total sitting time, those who took more breaks from sitting had lower risk of thick waists and lower levels of blood lipids(脂肪).
“Higher levels of blood lipids have been linked to a heightened risk of heart disease,” principal researcher Genevieve Healy of the University of Queensland said. “What the study shows is that there are benefits in just getting up regularly and interrupting your sitting time.”
Researchers behind the Stand Up Australia project have written to the Rudd Government requesting $3.5 million for a two-year study into the impact of long sitting time on health and productivity of workers. The study would also develop and test strategies for reducing sitting time on the job.
The latest study builds on work that is shifting the health promotion focus from purposeful exercise, such as running, to lower intensity activities throughout the day.
The Australian research has been hacked up by US studies.
“To hold a body that weighs 77 kilograms upright takes a fair amount of energy from muscles,” said Professor Marc Hamilton from the University of Missouri. “There is a large amount of energy associated with standing every day that cannot easily be replaced by 30 to 60 minutes in the gym.”
56. What’s the aim of the Stand Up Australia project?
A. To study the factors influencing productivity of workers.
B. To study the reasons for the longer sitting time at work.
C. To develop and test strategies for reducing sitting time in the office.
D. To develop and test strategies for reducing working time.
57. The purpose of the last paragraph is to       .
A. provide a scientific basis for the benefits of standing up
B. Compare the effect of standing with exercising in the gym
C. report the new research findings of professor Marc Hamilton
D. figure out the amount of energy associated with daily standing
58. What’s the best title for the text?
A. Exercise in the Gym Is Out.
B. Your Office Chair Is Killing You.
C. A Cause of Heart Disease.
D. Good News for Workers.

It is now commonly known that AIDS is a deadly disease. It does great damage to human beings’ immune system, weakening resistance to disease and leading to death due to utter weakness. To this day, there are no existing drugs that can kill AIDS virus. It is a deadly battle between science and AIDS.
This is only one side of the story. Although it can not be cured, AIDS is preventable. For those who have not caught the disease, the knowledge of preventive measures seems to be the most powerful weapon at hand.
Since the discovery of the first AIDS patient in 1985, the number of HIV carriers is on an alarming rise in China and statistics show that young people are the more likely victims of AIDS. Nationwide there are 214 million people between the ages of 13 and 22, most of whom are students. If no measures are taken to protect these young people, it is almost certain that the threat of AIDS will be very real to them. There has been a great deal of misinformation concerning the transmission of AIDS.
One of the most misleading myths is that AIDS can be transmitted by casual physical contact such as kissing, shaking hands or sharing food container. Surveys and investigations conducted in some universities and colleges show that half of those people questioned are not clear about how AIDS is transmitted, not to mention how it is prevented.
This is the driving force behind the State Education Department’s decision to spread AIDS awareness information among college students and later to high school students and primary school students.
69.Why does the passage say that AIDS is a deadly disease?
A.Because it destroys the immune system of the human body.
B.Because the AIDS patients cannot resist the disease and will die.
C.Because the doctors now find no medicine to cure AIDS.
D.All of the above.
70.By writing “This is only one side of the story”, the author suggests that_____.
A.although we can’t cure AIDS, we can manage to prevent it.
B.AIDS is very dangerous, but we should not be scared of it.
C.AIDS is not curable, but doctors should not give up fighting against it.
D.although the doctors cannot cure the disease, they can help improve the patients’ health.
71.What can be concluded from the surveys and investigations mentioned in the passage?
A.No college students know how people become AIDS victims.
B.50 percent of college students do not know how to prevent AIDS.
C.Many college students are not aware how people become AIDS victims.
D.Many college students did not mention AIDS prevention in the surveys and investigations.
72.What is the best title of this passage?
A.China Fights AIDS             B.Young People—Most likely AIDS Victims
C.AIDS Information Is Necessary   D.AIDS—A Deadly Disease
Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress(紧张) helps to bring it on. It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in our life, and whether we can do anything about them.
Are we underemployed, or overburdened with too many responsibilities? Do we have a right balance of work and leisure(闲暇) in our lives? Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be?
All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and bring our frustrations(沮丧,挫败) into the open. People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health better than shoes who bottle up their feelings.
If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light, let us consider what we can do about them. It is possible to change jobs. We can make more leisure and fill it more happily, if we will accept a different living standard. We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude. It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy. Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour’s anger. The teaching in the Bible “Don’t let the sun go down upon your wrath(愤怒)” is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religions(宗教,信仰).
65. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve(减轻) stress.
B. Stress is the direct cause of cancer.
C. The cause of stress are worthy of serious study.
D. Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.
66. According to the text, which of the following people is more likely to suffer from stress?
A. People who have cancer.       
B. People who like to quarrel with others.
C. People whose living standard is low.
D. People who have more responsibilities than they can handle.
67.The word “row” in the third paragraph most probably means          .
A. a noisy quarrel                       B. a very loud noise
C. a neat line of things side by side         D. a journey in a boat
68. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce our stress?
A. Changing our jobs.
B. Changing our attitude about little things that make us unhappy.
C. Speaking out about our frustrations.
D. Reading the Bible.

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