
Hey, mom, I want you to stop dropping me off at the airport for some trip that I am about to take and start becoming my seatmate. I want to travel with you----just you.

I want to explore a new place with a woman who raised me, who put up with my teenager anxiety and my rebellious (叛逆的) college years. I want to see my favorite cities with the lady who taught me basic life lessons, such as looking both ways before crossing the street, how to use a glue gun, and that the most important thing in the world is to help others.

I always appreciated the vacations you planned for our family. I also remember how you watched me as I read The Great Gatsby on the balcony at midday. I wonder if you felt proud of me. These days, I am sick of traveling to places with wishy-washy(无主见的) friends. I want to travel with a strong woman who can see how capable I am of learning to speak French or hiking on a glacier or eating something as unpleasant-smelling fruit.

Now I want you to see how much I grow up while abroad---I’m a different person, Mom. And I know you’d be different too. I know that someone has shared a similar burst of emotion while diving into Australia’s Great Barrier Reef for the first time.

So what do you say, Mom? Will you throw responsibility to the wind? I want to travel with you. Let’s just go---we can go anywhere in the world, just you and I. You can pick the place, and I will do the rest.



1. Which of the following is not the life lesson Katka’s mother taught her?

A. Looking both ways when crossing the street.

B. How to use a glue gun.

C. Exploring a new place alongside her mother.

D. Offering help to others when it’s possible.

2. What do the underlined words in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Keep you promise.

B. Take care of me.

C. Change your daily routine.

D. Have a break from work

3. How does Katka feel when she writes this letter?

A. Eager. B. Content. C. Doubtful. D. Upset.

4.What’s the daughter’s purpose of writing this letter?

A. To thank her mother for all she has sacrificed for her.

B. To invite her mother to see the world together.

C. To recall her childhood with her mother.

D. To show her mother how talented she is.


When Kathryn was 6 years old, she sat outside for three hours at her home and did not make a sound.Her parents wondered why she was so quiet, only to discover that she was drawing a picture of a flag outside. She recalled. “That’s what I wanted to do that day,” said Kathryn, who is now 23 years old. And in the future, she continued to do art as a hobby.

Recently, Kathryn was named Lake Placid’s first artist in the neighborhood. She will be there for at least four weeks and possibly more. During that time, she will teach an art class and focus on her own art. Much of her work includes creating photos. She said: “There is always something there that you haven’t included, so you can never stop when painting a photo.”

Kathryn ended up as the first artist just by chance. She said her sister was on vacation in Florida and looking for a job in Lake Placid. The sister got the job and moved there.

Kathryn said she visited her sister and was ordered to do wall paintings inside a building. Later, her sister saw a demand for an artist on line and suggested she should apply.

Kathryn said she’s the first artist in her family, but added that her parents are creative. Her father loves to create things from wood, she said. “Anything you can make out of wood, he has made it,” she said.

Her own creativity with art continued through college. While at college, she was once employed to recreate a photo of a couple on a vacation to Florida and one of a sunset in either North Carolina or South Carolina.

Kathryn said she’s looking at other forms of art. The time she spends here will help her to “figure out who I am as an artist,” she said.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know that________.

A. Kathryn had few words at her early age

B. Kathryn would sit outside in silence

C. Kathryn used to keep silent at home

D. Kathryn liked art since her childhood

2.While painting a photo, Kathryn thinks ________.

A. It’s hard to finish a perfect job.

B. you can’t stop half way

C. you may miss the photos somewhere

D. you have to finish it at a time

3.Talking of her father, Kathryn________ .

A. praised him for his wood art

B. was ashamed of his form of wood art

C. was greatly proud of him

D. felt pity for his creative talent

4. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A young artist treats art more than a hobby.

B. A hobby becomes a pursuit(追求) for an artist.

C. A girl finds her value in her own hobby.

D. A girl walks out of her hobby as an artist.

Now that newsrooms are becoming less popular in the US,young people have begun to tell their own stories.

GlobalGirl Media,a nonprofit organization that teaches teenage girls digital storytelling skills,was started by award-winning filmmakers Amie Williams and Meena Nanji in Los Angeles in 2010.

“By giving girls a voice,you introduce a different story,and change the existing one,”said Danny Glover,a member of the GlobalGirl Media advisory board.

“When the camera’s in my hands,I feel like I can’t lose,”Said Cheyenne Grisez,14.“It makes me happy and I feel like I can do anything.”

On the final day of the summer academy in California,Williams worked with Grisez and Camila Prado,15,on a short film about Prado’s fight against an eating disorder.In the film,Prado bravely interviewed her parents and sister about how she was able to beat her depression and eating disorder.This film and others the girls had made were shown to parents and friends on the last day of the academy,celebrating their hard work.

“It’s their story,and nobody knows how to tell it better than they do,”Williams said.

“These girls are from really difficult backgrounds.They feel trapped sometimes.They feel alone.”Williams said.“The camera gives them a way to look at their world in a different way and get out of that feeling.’’

Girls in the program practice their skills and build confidence by going out in the community and interviewing people for the short films.Many of them had no experience,but found they had good storytelling skills.

“I work with these girls.Every day I leave inspired and completely grateful,because I know that.due to the work we're doing with them,things will be better,”said GlobalGirl Media summer academy project director Heather Faison.

1.Why do many American girls like to tell stories using the camera?

A.Their parents hate to give them a hand.

B.The camera can help them out of their trouble.

C.They can make profits from their documentaries.

D.They desire to improve their photo skills.

2.What do we learn about GlobalGirl Media from the text?

A.It gives girls digital storytelling skills.

B.It gets much money from girl students.

C.It was founded by the government.

D.It has newsrooms in California.

3.What difficulty did Prado overcome by making her film?

A.Self-harm. B.An eating disorder.

C.Poor school scores. D.Teenage depression.

4.Who directed GlobalGirl Media summer academy project in California?

A.Meena Nanji. B.Amie Williams.

C.Danny Glover. D.Heather Faison.

Paris - A winter storm brought blanket of snow across Europe on Monday, forcing the closure of the icy Eiffel Tower in Paris and causing flight cancellations.

Up to four inches of snow was recorded in parts of France, the National Weather Service said.Most areas, including Paris, got around half that amount.French authorities issued traffic alerts in around 30 regions because of icy roads.The Eiffel Tower, one of the main tourist attractions in Paris, was closed because of slippery conditions.

" We can't put down salt because it's metallic," Eiffel Tower press officer Is a belle Snouts said." We can't use sand either, because it risks getting into the elevator cogs(嵌齿)." "The cold," she said, "is no problem, but snow can be dangerous."

A dozen flights were canceled at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, officials said.The Paris airport authority said bad weather in other parts of Europe continued to the cancellations.Workers had been sent since midnight Sunday to clear runways at Charles de Gaulle and the smaller Only Airport.

In Germaine, heavy snowfall snarled road traffic and flight delays and cancellations at the country}y s intimation airports.Glissando of Interactional Airport said no flights were allowed in or out between 6 -9 am Monday because clearing crew were unable to keep up with the snow.

More than 30 flights were canceled because of the bad weather, import spokesman Christian Witt said.Up to four inches of snow was reported in Tussled and around six inches in Potsdam, but none had struggled to the roads amid (在……环境中 ) heavy post - holiday traffic.

Germany's National Weather Service is forecasting subzero temperatures for the coming days.Snow also fell across Britain.Children built snowmen in parts of England, including Cambridge.

1.The winter storm brought of snow across Paris.

A.4 inches B.about 2 inches

C.half an inch D.6 inches

2.According to the passage, people usually use to avoid slippery conditions.

A.salt and wood B.sand and stone

C.salt and sand D.wood and stone

3.From the passage we know .

A. several flights from Frankfurt, international Airport were canceled

B. flights from Dtisseldorf International Airport probably could take off after 9 am Monday

C. it is getting warmer in the days to come in Germany

D. people can put down chemicals on the Eiffel Tower when it is slippery

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