




Dear Jim,

I’m glad to have received the letter you sent me last week.





Best wishes to you !

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Dear Jim,

I’m glad to have received the letter you sent me last week.

As to your question in your letter, I’d like to tell you it’s very common for us students of middle school. I suffered from the same problem at one time. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about it too much. If you want to make a difference, you can do the following things

Most important of all, you should try to communicate more with your friends and teachers actively to throw light on what you think of. .Only in the way can your friends understand you more. And you can talk about what others care about and the things and persons they are interested in. Besides, helping others is of great importance for you, for others can be kind to you if you are friendly to them.

Best wishes to you !

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



【题目】 I was often told that God loved me. I wanted to believe that so much.

For nearly a ______ I was shuttled between adoptive families and group homes—14 of them. Some families were nice. Others were ______, like evils in a dark fairy tale. At the age of 12, I was finally ______, by Gay and Phil Courter, a couple with two adult sons. Gay said, “We lived for a ______, and we believe that reason is you.”

I’d been lied to by adults so many times in the past years. I wasn’t sure they ______ loved me. “There will be no ______. All those parents were pretty much the same,” I said to myself. I ______ to call them Mom and Dad. I was particular about the home-cooked meals Gay ______ prepared. I hid in my room as much as possible. I wanted to make them ______ so they’d show their true colors.

One Friday night in the eighth grade, I really ______ things to the limit. A neighborhood girl had persuaded me to ______ out of the house with her to meet some boys. I put Advil(镇痛药) in my parents’ drinks after dinner, ______ it would make them sleepy. Wow! I’d never seen them so ______. “Now they would surely send me back”, I thought. Instead they said. “Ashley, we are family, we have nowhere to send you back to, we must ______ this like a family.”

I ran in ______ to my bedroom, where I spent the weekend. Seeing how much I’d disappointed them made me ______. No one had ever cared for me like that. I didn’t deserve this ______.

Sunday night, Gay came into my room. She ______ down and kissed my cheek. “Love you, sweetie,” she said. For the first time ever, I kissed her back. “Love you too,” I said. That word-love-sounded so ______, yet felt so true. I was discovering that love is what makes a(n) ______.














14A.deal withB.put downC.look throughD.write down








For decades, sociologists have been trying to understand why certain people rise to the top of their fields. A number of theories have emerged, so if you're struggling on the path of success, perhaps these will give you some new clues.

IQ is Overrated

A high IQ is necessary, but it is not adequate to predict executive competence and corporate success. While people with high test scores do have more opportunities, that doesn't mean that smart people are more successful. In fact, in many fields the link between success and intelligence is often weak or non-existent. Nobel Prize winning Israeli-American psychologist, Daniel Kahneman, found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust rather than someone they don’t, even if the likeable person is offering a lower quality product or service at a higher price.

The 10,000 Hours Theory

A Professor at the University of Colorado named Anders Ericsson decided to look at the differences between amateurs and professionals. In 1993, he released a paper that found on average amateurs only got about 4000 hours of practice, but professionals had practiced for at least 10,000 hours. While there's some debate over whether 10,000 hours is a rule or just a theory, many experts agree that a significant number of people who are considered "great" have, on average, 10,000 hours of experience.

Deliberate Practice

If no one is born talented and you need 10,000 hours of practice, what's the most effective way of using those hours? One theory is something sociologists call "deliberate practice." Essentially, there are six elements. The practice needs to be meant to specifically improve performance, and is even more effective if there's coaching. It needs to be repeatable, and feedback regularly is crucial. It also has to be demanding, either physically or mentally. If you're doing all of this correctly, it shouldn't be a fun experience. An example would be a basketball player who isn't very good at free throws spending hours and hours just doing free throws while being coached. Not a great time no matter how big of a basketball fan you are.

No One Succeeds on Their Own

While it would be nice to succeed simply because we work hard, life doesn't work that way. We need help and support from friends, family and teachers, and then we need chances from employers and other key figures in the fields we choose to pursue. In order to succeed, the gifts and interests of a person need to be encouraged, especially at a young age. Then as they grow up, people need to be given opportunities, breaks and second chances. Without help from other people, it makes it impossible to succeed because as Gladwell points out, "… no one—not rock stars, not professional athletes, not software billionaires, and not even geniuses — ever makes it alone."

You Have Amazing Potential

On average, the human mind can remember a sequence of seven to nine numbers. After that it becomes incredibly hard to remember all the numbers in the right order. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University wanted to know if someone of average intelligence could break that barrier with practice. Through a lot of tests, researchers discovered what they called "the remarkable potential of 'ordinary' adults and their amazing capacity for change with practice." Their research showed that even "ordinary" people have the potential to be great by challenging themselves. If you work hard, your goals can be more attainable than you thought.

Passage outline

Supporting details


Sociologists have been wondering what makes some people successful for years and the following will give you some 1into it.

Some 2

IQ is Overrated

By itself, a high IQ doesn’t 3 mean that you will stand out and rise above others.

People show 4 for more trustworthy business partners rather than those with only higher IQ.

The 10,000 Hours Theory

What 5amateurs from professionals is that amateurs only get about 4000 hours of practice while professionals get for at least 10,000 hours.

Deliberate Practice

Deliberate Practice needs to be 6at improving performance specifically and will be more effective with coaching.

Deliberate Practice needs to be repeatable and feedback on a regular 7is crucial.

Whatever 8you have for something, it’s no easy task to do deliberate Practice since it is demanding.

No One Succeeds on Their Own

9to the common belief, you can’t live without other people’s help.

You Have Amazing Potential

Through much practice and by challenging youselves, you can break the barrier and 10your goals.

【题目】 Whether you volunteer at an animal shelter or in a hospital, volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to bring good into the world and support your community. There are a lot of different volunteer opportunities. 1 Here are some tips on how to be an even better volunteer.

Volunteer for something you love. 2 If your passion is helping those with cancer, volunteer to raise money for research. If you’re passionate about improving the environment, volunteer to pick up trash in public places. Your passion will keep you motivated, so put your effort into something you treasure.

3 You are probably not best suited for directing traffic if you are shy. Be respectful to those organizers, but let them know your strengths and show them how your strengths can be beneficial in your volunteer work. Find the balance that brings your talents to the table and really helps the organization.

Be on time. This is a simple but important idea. Think about being late for your work; your boss, coworkers and customers would be upset. The same applies to volunteering. 4

Mix your volunteer jobs. If you become bored, it may be time for a schedule change in your life. 5 It is volunteering, so you aren’t stuck in one place.

A.Offer what you can do best.

B.Ask what’s expected of volunteers.

C.So if such a thing does happen, just call and let them know.

D.It doesn’t matter what it is, but it does matter what you like.

E.Therefore, everyone can find a volunteering opportunity that suits their skills and interests.

F.However, you will volunteer longer in an organization that supports a cause you care about.

G.Volunteer on different days or ask for different tasks to see what other opportunities are out there.

【题目】 Leadership is important to make students prepared for future success in career and life.1. As a student leader, you need to develop the ability to lead and inspire your peers. Besides being personable and responsible, good leaders should always:

●Stay authentic

Authentic. Leaders are trusted because they are firm, especially when faced with the challenges of popular opinion. As a student leader, be sure the ideals that got you elected are consistent throughout policy-making and planning.2.

●Keep an open mind and always listen

3. They foster a creative and cooperative environment. A good leader is someone who is comfortable with handling suggestions and adapting to changing situations.


There will certainly be times when your plan goes wrong, even if this isn't your first time being elected. Be prepared for the worst, take responsibility for the outcome, and stay optimistic. A quality leader learns from experience and actively plans for the future.

●Seek knowledge

Leaders should keep on learning and continuously develop their skills so they can inspire their followers. Various programs to develop leadership skills are available for you to choose from. 5. It is surely necessary for any student leader position.

A.Learn from mistakes to improve

B.You need to focus on team building

C.However, this ability doesn't come with birth

D.Know how to divide tasks among different people

E.Open communication and consideration of all ideas are important

F.Always remember to stay true to yourself and the values you believe in

G.You may try a hands-on experience that focuses on essential leadership qualities

【题目】 Pinocchio may be just a children’s fairy tale, but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated this so-called “Pinocchio effect” and found that our noses don’t grow when we tell a lie, but actually shrink a bit.

Dr. Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography(体温计)to tell if people were lying, and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful, the temperature of the tip of their nose dropped up to 1.2, while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5. Scientist also found that drop in temperature at nose level actually caused it to slightly shrink, although the difference is undetected by the human eye.

“One has to think in order to lie, which rises the temperature of the forehead,” Dr. Gómez Milán explained the findings. “At the same time we feel anxious, which lowers the temperature of the nose.”

For this study, researchers asked a number of 60 students to perform various tasks while their temperature is scanned by technology. One of these tasks required making a 3 to 4 minutes call to their parents or a friend and telling a significant lie. Participants had to make up the lie themselves during the call. Interestingly, this lie detector picked up the “Pinocchio effect” temperature difference in 80 percent of the test subjects, which is a better rate of success than that of any modern lie detector.

“With this method we have achieved to increase accuracy”, said Dr. Gómez Milán, who added that law enforcement interviewers could one day combine other lie detection technology with thermal imaging to achieve better results.

1Why does the writer talk about Pinocchio in the first paragraph?

A.To tell a fairy tale.B.To give an example.

C.To talk about a scientist.D.To introduce the topic.

2What is “Pinocchio effect”?

A.Our noses will grow when we tell a lie.

B.Our noses will shrink when we tell a lie.

C.The temperature of the forehead falls if we lie.

D.The temperature of the student rises for anxiety.

3How did Dr. Gómez Milán feel about the lie detector?



4What lesson can we learn from the text?

A.A lie will travel very hard.B.Many ways to bring a liar to light.

C.A lie never lives to be old.D.Once a liar always a liar.

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