
Over1.I have been changed quite a lot. Alan Turing wrote a book about how I could be 2.(make)to work as a “universal machine” to s3.any difficult mathematical problem. 4.then on, I grew rapidly both in size 5.in brainpower. As a result, I 6.(total) changed my shape. Since the 1970s many new 7.(apply) have been 8.(find) for me. I have become very important in communication, finance and trade. I have also 9.(put) into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. Anyhow, my goal is provide humans 10.a life of high quality.

9.Music for Humans and Humpback Whales
As researchers conclude in Science,the love of music is not only a universal feature of the human species,but is also deeply fixed in complex structures of the human brain,and is far more ancient than previously suspected.
In the articles that discuss the field of bio-musicology,the study of the biological basis for the creation and appreciation of music,researchers present various evidence to,show that music-making is at once an original human"business",and an art form with skillful performers throughout the animal kingdom.
The new reports stress that humans hold no copyright on sound wisdom,and that a number of nonhuman animals produce what can rightly be called music,rather than random sound.Recent in-depth analyses of the songs sung by humpback whales show that,even when their organ would allow them to do otherwise,the animals converge on the same choices relating to sounds and beauty,and accept the same laws of song composition as those preferred by human musicians,and human ears,everywhere.
For example,male humpback whales,who spend six months of each year doing little else but singing,use rhythms (节奏) similar to those found in human music and musical phrases of similar length-a few seconds.Whales are able to make sounds over a range of at least seven octaves (八度音阶),yet they tend to move on through a song in beautiful musical intervals,rather than moving forwards madly.They mix the sounds like drums and pure tones in a ratio (比例) which agrees with that heard in much western music.They also use a favorite technique of human singers,the so-called A-B-A form,in which a theme is stated,then developed,and then returned to in slightly revised form.
Perhaps most impressive,humpback songs contain tunes that rhyme."This suggests that whales use rhyme in the same way we do:as a technique in poem to help them remember complex material,"the researchers write.

63.The underlined words"converge on"in Paragraph 3probably meansA.
A.tend towards  B.refer to  C.turn into  D.put forward
64.Which of the following shows the advanced musical ability in humpback whales?B
A.They can remember complex material.
B.They can create pleasing patterns of music.
C.They can make sounds like drums continuously.
D.They can sing along with rhythms of western music.
65.What is the main idea of the article?D
A.Animals are able to compose and enjoy music like humans.
B.Human beings borrow ideas in music from humpback whales.
C.Humpback whales are skillful performers in the animal kingdom.
D.Music-making it an ancient activity of both humans and animals.
66.The main purpose of the passage is toB.
A.argue and discuss        B.inform and explain
C.compare and advertise    D.examine and assess.

“Folk singers are more like poets than singers,” Li Yahe, a music businessman, once told China Youth Daily.

That saying perfectly describes Zhang Lei, the 34-year-old champion of the fourth “Voice of China” singing competition, which ended on Oct 7.

Critics thought Zhang’s success as a victory for folk singers. The Voice of China used to attach great importance to singing skills and vocal techniques, which are not necessarily what folk singers are good at. “Folk songs are more about emotions and storytelling,” said Li.

Folk is one of the oldest musical styles. It dates back to ancient times, when people sang about their everyday lives and the society around them.

A powerful comeback

Folk music became popular again in the Western world in the 1960s. During social revolutions, many young Westerners turned to the simple rhythms of folk. Pioneers included US singer Bob Dylan, whose songs are reflections of some social issues like the Vietnam War. Singers at that time used traditional folk instruments like the banjo, the upright bass, the mandolin and the piano.

In the late 1970s, folk music was introduced to Taiwan. The rise of singers like Lo Tayu and Chyi Yu popularized folk music, particularly among young Chinese people.

At that time, folk tunes were based on simple song structures, with pleasant chord progression and pretty lyrics, just like during old times. But they focused more on the dreams and sorrow of youth than on politics.

This continued to be the case when the folk “wave” swept Chinese mainland in the 1990s.

Folk pioneers

Sadly, it didn’t last long in China. Folk gave way to pop in the late 1990s, when people started living more fast-paced lives. But that didn’t mean folk music had disappeared from the music world entirely.

“The drop in the popularity of folk songs is because the business mode of the music industry is outdated, not because of the music itself,” folk singer Song Ke once said.

He was right. Recent years have seen folk songs gaining popularity, with the appearance of singers like Li Jian and Song Dongye.

“The popularity of the Internet has shocked the traditional profit model in music industry,” Lu Zhongqiang, manager of 13-Month, a music recording and publishing company, told Tencent Entertainment.

“Not-so-well-known music starts showing its strength when the production of mainstream music is declining,” he added.

1.Which would be the best title of the passage?

A. The History of Folk Music. B. Folk Music Pioneers

C. The Folk Music Industry. D. The Voice of China

2.The underlined world “it” in the last but four paragraph means________.

A. the popularity of folk music.

B. the focus of folk music.

C. the tradition of folk pioneers.

D. the new model of pop music.

3.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. The Voice of China is very popular among young Chinese people.

B. Folk music once was a way to voice opinions about social issues.

C. Folk songs are more about expressing emotions than storytelling.

D. Outdated music mode is what leads to the decline of folk songs.

4.Which word can best describe the attitude of Lu Zhongqiang towards folk music?

A. Objective B. Confident.

C. Critical. D. Worried

When Julio Diaz stepped off the subway platform after work one night, he was simply planning to walk over to his ______ local diner for a meal. But when a teenager boy ______ him with a knife, Diaz knew the evening was about to take a more ______ turn.

The young man ______ Diaz’s wallet, and Diaz passed it over without ______. But just as the robber turned to walk away, Diaz called after him: “Hey, wait a minute. You forgot something.”

The robber turned around, ______.

“If you’re going to be ______ people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep you ______.”

The teenager looked at Diaz in ______, and asked why he would do such a thing. Diaz ______, “If you’re willing to risk your ______ for a few dollars, then I guess you must really need the money.” He told the young man that he’d just been heading out for dinner, and that he would be happy for some ______.

The young robber decided to take Diaz up on his ______, and they headed into Diaz’s favorite local haunt (常去的地方) together. As they were sitting at the table, the manager, the dishwashers, and the ______ all said hello to Diaz, and the young man was ______ at his popularity. “You’re even nice to the dishwashers!” he exclaimed.

“Haven’t you been taught that you should be nice to everybody?” Diaz asked him.

“Yes, but I didn’t think people actually ______ that way,” the teenager replied. Thanks to Diaz, he was beginning to see that ______ wasn’t such a strange phenomenon.

When the bill came, Diaz told the teenager that he’d have to pay for the meal. After all, he still had Diaz’s ______.

But the teenager slid the wallet back across the table without a moment’s thought, and Diaz ______ him to dinner. Diaz also gave the would-be robber a $20 bill to take with him—in ______ for the young man’s knife.

“I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right.” Diaz said.

1.A. popular B. favorite C. perfect D. wonderful

2.A. approved B. provided C. combined D. approached

3.A. dramatic B. smooth C. natural D. academic

4.A. picked B. demanded C. returned D. obtained

5.A. objection B. doubt C. exception D. invitation

6.A. excited B. relaxed C. surprised D. satisfied

7.A. greeting B. troubling C. robbing D. stealing

8.A. healthy B. warm C. glad D. rich

9.A. disbelief B. sorrow C. horror D. danger

10.A. reacted B. repeated C. recited D. replied

11.A. confidence B. peace C. freedom D. burden

12.A. comfort B. company C. assistance D. devotion

13.A. trick B. advice C. trap D. offer

14.A. nurses B. students C. waiters D. farmers

15.A. amazed B. bored C. tired D. interested

16.A. responded B. discovered C. chose D. behaved

17.A. happiness B. kindness C. darkness D. loneliness

18.A. wallet B. coat C. bag D. Hat

19.A. advised B. compared C. treated D. led

20.A. charge B. control C. support D. exchange

6.He has breakfast at 2 a.m.because Johnny Barnes,Mr.Happy Man,has work to do.From 4 to 10 a.m.,he greets commuters(每日往返上班者)as they drive by on their way to  work.
For years he worked as an electrician on the Bermuda railway and drove buses.When he  retired,he still wanted to feel useful.So he positions himself on a patch of grass next to a  roundabout that leads into Hamilton,Bermuda's largest city.He smiles and waves at every  single person who passes by.He tells them he loves them-and means it.
In the Matt Morris's short documentary,he says:
I'm just little Johnny Barnes.I'm just a little,small instrument in the hand of God be used any way he feels fit.What I do every day,2:00 in the morning I'm getting my break fast.You're still sleeping[he tells the interviewer],I guess.
From 20 to four until ten I stand on the corner and just greet people,let them know that life is sweet and beautiful.No matter what happens in life,it's always sweet to be alive.
No matter what the weather is like,he is there from Monday to Friday,spreading love.On the rare occasion he is not there,people call the radio station to see if he is OK.
He was 88 when the film was posted in 2012.Every day he was spreading love,straight  from his generous heart.
So well known and beloved is Barnes that the city of Hamilton built up a statue in his honour.The figure wears the same full beard and straw hat that are Barnes's trademarks.So  even when the day comes for the real Johnny Barnes to pass from this life,his smile and his memory will still be at that corner,spreading love to every passer-by.
56.Why does Johnny Barnes smile and wave at every passer-by?C
A.To remind people to keep traffic rules.               
B.To make himself famous and beloved.
C.To spread his love and encouragement.                 
D.To act in Matt Morris's documentary.
57.What can we know about Johnny Barnes?D
A.He remains,working 12 hours a day.
B.He used to work as a bus conductor.
C.He died at the age of 88 in Hamilton.                 
D.A statue was built in honour of him.
58.The attitude of people in Hamilton towards such a behavior isB.
D. cautious
59.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A
A.Mr.Happy Man                        
B.Beautiful Struggle
C.A Special Statue                                       
D.Memorable Travels.

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