
19.There is a saying,"Life is 10% ____ happens to us and 90% ____ we respond to it."(  )
A.that; thatB.which; whenC.what; howD.who; why

分析 常言道,生活是由一成的客观现实和九成的主观回应组成的.(类似于三分天注定,七分靠打拼.)

解答 答案:C 题干中happens to us是作系动词的表语,是一个表语从句;从句中happens缺少主语,要用连接代词;后面的同样是表语从句,从句结构完整,要用连接副词.故选C.

点评 在句子中起名词作用的各种从句统称为名词性从句.根据它们在句中的语法作用,这类从句又可分为主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句和宾语从句.

5.Millions of sports lovers are sill thinking about one thing----the Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia.close to 2900 men and women competed in the 2014 Winter Games about a month ago.
The Olympics brought a lot of attention to Sochi,a city on the black Sea,which is a popular area for vacation travelers.The area is known for its mild winters,with warm to summer.
At least 50 billion was spent on the 2014 Winter Games,making it the costliest Olympics in history.Seven billion dollars was spent on the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver,Canada.Olympic officials chose Sochi to host the 2014 games almost seven years ago,At that time,Russian President Vladimir Putin said the games would cost about   13 billion.Yet times his estimate.So where did all the money go?
    Some observers say the high cost is partly the result of security measures.Brian Jenkins,a terrorism expert from the RAND Corporation,gave the following explanation.'There were anywhere between 70,000 and 100,000 policemen and military troops deployed around the city.
    The main threat came from separatist and Islamist groups from the North Caucasus,especially from Chechnya and Dagestan.One group claimed responsibility for two suicide bombings in Volgograd last December.The attacks killed more than 30 people.The city is only about 600 kilometers away from Sochi.
    Bruce Hoffman is a terrorism export from Georgetown University in Washington DC.He says the increased security made Sochi a difficult target for terrorists.
    It is thought that the terrorists'intention was to make life difficult for the Russians and to create some sort of incident that would take away the enjoyment.
The last Olympians from around the world on Russian soil was in 1980.That was a year after Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan.More than sixty countries didn't take part in the Moscow Summer Games to show their anger.
25.According to the passage,why did the Sochi Winter Olympics cost so much?C
A.Because it was held at an area popular for vacation travelers.
B.Becauae the Russian government wanted to make it the best ever held.
C.Because security measures at Sochi were stricter than before.
D.Because the original plan was made 7 years before.
26.It can be known from the passage that Bruce Hoffman wasA       
A.a terrorism expert from the USA
B.the writer who wrote this article
C.an athlete who competed in Sochi
D.a terrorism expert from RAND Corporation
27.Which of the following is false?B
A.Sochi Olympics cost about 4 times as estimated.
B.Next winter Olympics will be held in Vancouver.
C.Many countries refused.to attend the 1980 Olympics.
D.Security is often a problem in international sport games.
28.The terrorists might have attacked Sochi Olympics becauseA       
A.they wanted to make trouble for the Russians
B.they thought Russia shouldn't spend so much on sport
C.they thought Putin was not a nice president
D.they were not interested in winter sports.

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