
Paula and Rory Ward have five kids, three dogs, and a rabbit. When the house is very noisy, Megan, one of the children, is quietly inventing. A year ago, the 10­year­olds had to design an anti­smoking poster for a school project. Rather than a poster, she came up with the idea of creating something that shows the average amount of tar(尼古丁) a smoker collects from just four packs of cigarettes.

“I like people to play with things more than read and write, ” she says. So she researched her idea on the Internet, found a company in China that could make it, saved up her pocket money and got her idea made.

Paula says her daughter “thinks differently”: Ideas jump into her mind. After she got sunburnt on holiday, Megan invented a small plastic bracelet that changes color in the sun, telling you when to put on sunscreen. Several sunscreen companies have expressed an interest in the idea. She also came up with an idea to make a ball filled with water to stop the dog from feeling thirsty. “But we didn’t do anything with it,” says Paula.

Then she pulls out a picture of a special fishing rod she has designed. “ There is a camera on the hook, ” she explains, “and the screen is on the handle,and it shows you if you’ve caught a fish or not. ”

Megan doesn’t want to go to university. She keeps her pink­and­cream bedroom tidy. Paula is amazed and a bit confused by her daughter. “Everything has to be in a certain order,” Paula says. “Her brothers and sisters go with the flow, but with Megan, it’s ‘What time will that be happening?’ or ‘Where am I being picked up from today?’ ”

56. From Paragraph 2, we can infer that Megan ________.

A. is not willing to go to school

B. prefers making something by herself

C. likes to play with her brothers and sisters

D. is good at reading and writing

57. What did Megan invent after she got sunburnt on vacation?

A. The anti­smoking poster.

B. The ball providing water for thirsty dogs.

C. The bracelet telling when to put on sunscreen.

D. The fishing rod telling whether you’ve caught a fish.

58. The underlined phrase “go with the flow” probably means “_______”.

A. do what most people usually do  B. set an example to others

C. follow the fashion closely       D. do something differently from others

59. According to the passage, which of the following about Megan is TRUE?

A. Her parents always help her invent something special.

B. She is quite the same as her other four brothers and sisters.

C. Her mother Paula doesn’t want her to go to university.

D. She would like to keep everything in order.



  Human beings have always been fascinated by twins.Romulus and Remus, Jacob and Esau, Mary-Kate and Ashley.

  As children, many of us imagine having a twin:a permanent playmate, a partner in trouble, someone who'd love us unconditionally.Somewhere out there is someone who is exactly like us! What would it feel like to look into a face exactly like our own?

  And what if she suddenly appears in my life? That's essentially what happened to Brooklyn writer Paula Bernstein.I'd known Paula slightly for years; she wrote a lovely essay for Redbook many years ago refuting(驳斥)the persistent belief that all adoptees want to search for their birth parents.Her adoptive family was her family, she wrote; her adoptive mother was her mother.But then, out of the blue, an adoption agency called her and told her about the identical twin sister she didn't know she had.Her sister, Elyse Schein, wanted to meet her.

  I met them for coffee at Café Mogador, three years after their first meeting.Now 38, they have different haircuts, have made different choices in hair color, do their makeup differently.But they clearly look alike, with thick hair, upturned noses.They quickly discovered they had the same childhood habit of sucking their middle fingers, the same adult habit of forgetfully typing their thoughts on an invisible keyboard while thinking.Both edited their high school newspapers and studied film in college.Paula wrote film criticism; Elyse became a filmmaker.They both collected Alice in Wonderland dolls and kept them in the boxes.

  They're now regulars at Café Mogador.The women's journey from strangers to sisters has clearly been rocky.But as they got to know each other, and struggled to piece together their history, their search united them.

  “For me, the search began when I reached the age when my adoptive mother died,” Elyse said.I realized that my birth mother could be dead.Time was passing.I was ready to solve the mystery that had shadowed my life.” Elyse had always felt a part of her was missing.“I'd felt so different from my adoptive family.” she said.

  Paula was raised in a more typical Jewish intellectual family, and was at first a little threatened by Elyse's appearance in her life.“My first response was both fear and excitement.The moment we met, I felt I was meeting my long-lost best friend.I could tell her anything.And then as that first excitement wore off, I thought, oh my God, I've committed to a long-term relationship with a stranger.I wished we hadn't been separated, but also that I hadn't been contacted.What would it mean to be in each other's lives?”


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


We always hope to have twins for much good.


We are often attracted by twins because of the mystery.


The long-lost twins, Paula and Elyse, were reunited.


Life with twins is always wonderful.


Which of the following can we infer is the least common names of twins according to the passage?

[  ]


Romulus and Remus.


Jacob and Esau.


Mary-Kate and Ashley.


Paula and Elyse.


The underlined words “out of the blue” in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by ________

[  ]








out of control


The fourth paragraph is obviously about ________

[  ]


the first meeting of Paula and Elyse


the clear differences between the twins


the similarities between the twins


the different experiences of the twins


It can be inferred that the following paragraph of the passage will talk about ________

[  ]


how Paula and Elyse found each other


how Paula and Elyse were separated when young


what their mothers were like


their mixed feelings when they saw each other


  Paula and Rory Ward have five kids, three dogs, and a rabbit.When the house is very noisy, Megan, one of the children, is quietly inventing.A year ago, the 10-year-olds had to design an anti-smoking poster for a school project.Rather than a poster, she came up with the idea of creating something that shows the average amount of tar(尼古丁)a smoker collects from just four packs of cigarettes.

  “I like people to play with things more than read and write, ” she says.So she researched her idea on the Internet, found a company in China that could make it, saved up her pocket money and got her idea made.

  Paula says her daughter “thinks differently”:Ideas jump into her mind.After she got sunburnt on holiday, Megan invented a small plastic bracelet(手镯)that changes color in the sun, telling you when to put on sunscreen(防晒霜).Several sunscreen companies have expressed an interest in the idea.She also came up with an idea to make a ball filled with water to stop the dog from feeling thirsty.“But we didn't do anything with it,” says Paula.

  Then she pulls out a picture of a special fishing rod(钓鱼竿)she has designed.“ There is a camera on the hook(钩), ” she explains, “and the screen is on the handle,and it shows you if you've caught a fish or not.”

  Megan doesn't want to go to university.She keeps her pink-and-cream bedroom tidy.Paula is amazed and a bit confused by her daughter.“Everything has to be in a certain order,” Paula says.“Her brothers and sisters go with the flow, but with Megan, it's ‘What time will that be happening?' or ‘Where am I being picked up from today?' ”


From Paragraph 2, we can infer that Megan ________.

[  ]


is not willing to go to school


likes to play with her brothers sand sisters


prefers making something by herself


is good at reading and writing


What did Megan invent after she got sunburnt on vacation?

[  ]


The anti-smoking poster.


The ball providing water for thirsty dogs.


The fishing rod telling whether you've caught a fish.


The bracelet telling when to put on sunscreen.


The underlined phrase “go with the flow” probably means “________”.

[  ]


set an example to others


do what most people usually do


follow the fashion closely


do something differently from others


According to the passage, which of the following about Megan is TRUE?

[  ]


She would like to keep everything in order.


She is quite the same as her other four brothers and sisters.


Her mother Paula doesn't want her to go to university.


Her parents always help her invent something special.

Paula and Rory have fives kids, three dogs, and a rabbit. When the house is very noisy, Megan, one of the children, is quietly inventing. A year ago, the 10-year-old had to design an anti-smoking poster, she came up with the idea of creating something that shows the average amount of tar(尼古丁) a smoker collects from just four packs of cigarettes.
“I like people to play with things more than read and write,” she says. So she researched her idea on the Internet, found a company in China that could make it, saved up her pocket money and got her idea made.
Paula says her daughter “think differently”: Ideas jump into her mind. After she got sunburnt on holiday, Megan invented a small plastic bracelet(手镯) that changes colors in the sun, telling you when to put on sunscreen(防晒霜). Several sunscreen companies have expressed an interest in the idea. She also came up with an idea to make a ball filled with water to stop the dog from feeling thirsty. “But we didn’t do anything with it,” says Paula.
Then she pulls out a picture of a special fishing rod(钓鱼竿) she had designed. “There is a camera on the hook(钩),” she explains, “and the screen is on the handle, and it shows if you’ve caught a fish or not.”
Megan doesn’t want to go to university. She keeps her pink-and -cream bedroom tidy. Paula is amazed and a bit confused by her daughter. “Everything has to be in a certain order,” Paula says. “Her brothers and sisters go with the flow, but with Megan, it’s ‘What time will that be happening?’ or ‘Where am I being picked up from today?’”
【小题1】From Paragraph 2, we can infer that Megan             .

A.is not willing to go to schoolB.likes to play with her brothers and sisters
C.prefers making something by herselfD.is good at reading and writing
【小题2】What did Megan invent after she got sunburnt on vacation?
A.The anti-smoking poster
B.The ball providing water for thirsty dogs
C.The fishing rod telling whether you’ve caught a fish
D.The bracelet telling when to put on sunscreen
【小题3】 The underlined phrase “go with the flow” probably means “            .”
A.do what the most people usually doB.follow the fashion closely
C.set an example to othersD.do something differently from others
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following about Megan is true?
A.She has fives kids, three dogs, and a rabbit.
B.She designed an anti-smoking poster when she was nine.
C.She founded a company in China to get her idea made.
D.She invented a small plastic bracelet to change the color of sunscreen.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about             .
A.how Megan helps people give up smoking
B.a little girl’s dream to be a world-famous inventor
C.a 10-year-old inventor’s story
D.Megan’s relationship with her family members

Paula and Rory have fives kids, three dogs, and a rabbit. When the house is very noisy, Megan, one of the children, is quietly inventing. A year ago, the 10-year-old had to design an anti-smoking poster, she came up with the idea of creating something that shows the average amount of tar(尼古丁) a smoker collects from just four packs of cigarettes.

“I like people to play with things more than read and write,” she says. So she researched her idea on the Internet, found a company in China that could make it, saved up her pocket money and got her idea made.

Paula says her daughter “think differently”: Ideas jump into her mind. After she got sunburnt on holiday, Megan invented a small plastic bracelet(手镯) that changes colors in the sun, telling you when to put on sunscreen(防晒霜). Several sunscreen companies have expressed an interest in the idea. She also came up with an idea to make a ball filled with water to stop the dog from feeling thirsty. “But we didn’t do anything with it,” says Paula.

Then she pulls out a picture of a special fishing rod(钓鱼竿) she had designed. “There is a camera on the hook(钩),” she explains, “and the screen is on the handle, and it shows if you’ve caught a fish or not.”

Megan doesn’t want to go to university. She keeps her pink-and -cream bedroom tidy. Paula is amazed and a bit confused by her daughter. “Everything has to be in a certain order,” Paula says. “Her brothers and sisters go with the flow, but with Megan, it’s ‘What time will that be happening?’ or ‘Where am I being picked up from today?’”

1.From Paragraph 2, we can infer that Megan             .

A. is not willing to go to school        B. likes to play with her brothers and sisters

C. prefers making something by herself   D. is good at reading and writing

2.What did Megan invent after she got sunburnt on vacation?

A. The anti-smoking poster

B. The ball providing water for thirsty dogs

C. The fishing rod telling whether you’ve caught a fish

D. The bracelet telling when to put on sunscreen

3. The underlined phrase “go with the flow” probably means “            .”

A. do what the most people usually do    B. follow the fashion closely

C. set an example to others              D. do something differently from others

4.According to the passage, which of the following about Megan is true?

A. She has fives kids, three dogs, and a rabbit.

B. She designed an anti-smoking poster when she was nine.

C. She founded a company in China to get her idea made.

D. She invented a small plastic bracelet to change the color of sunscreen.

5.The passage is mainly about             .

A. how Megan helps people give up smoking

B. a little girl’s dream to be a world-famous inventor

C. a 10-year-old inventor’s story

D. Megan’s relationship with her family members


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