
14.Facebook is the world's biggest social networkingsite.People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun,freeservice without realizing they're paying for it by giving up loads of personal information.
Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening.Even if they know what the company is up to,they still have no idea what they're paying for Facebook because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.
The biggest problem,however,is that the company keeps changing the rules.Early you could keep everything private.That was the greatthing about Facebook-You could create your own little private network.Last year,the company changed its privacy rules so that many things-your city,your photo,your friends'names-were set,by default (默认),to be shared with everyone on the Internet.
According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Schrage,the company is simply making changes to improve its service,and if people don't share information,they have a"less satisfying experience".
Some critics(批评家) think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money.In original business model,which involved selling ads and putting them in the side of the pages totally,who wants to look at ads when they're online connecting with their friends?
The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington.In April,Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy.He also urged(催促) the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social networking sites."I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,"Schrage admits.
I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy,it's only the beginning,which is why I'm considering cancelling(取消)my account.Facebook is a handy site,but I'm upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don't know.That's too high a price to pay.
28.What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?D
A.It is a website that sends messages to users who want to get married
B.It earns money by putting on advertisements
C.It provides loads of personal information to its users
D.It makes money by selling its users'personal data
29.What does the author say about most Facebook users?D
A.They are unwilling to give up their personal information
B.They care very little about their personal information
C.They don't identify themselves when using the website
D.They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook
30.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?B
A.To obey the Federal guidelines
B.To provide better service to its users
C.To improve its users'connection
D.To expand its business
31.Why does the author plan to cancel his Facebook account?A
A.He doesn't want his personal data badly used
B.He finds many of its users untrustworthy
C.He is dissatisfied with its present service
D.He is upset by its frequent rule changes.

分析 Facebook通过免费的、有趣的服务吸引着众人,但为此人们付出了沉重的代价--泄露了大量的个人信息.

解答 28---31 DDBA
28:D 细节题.由第一段第一句"People are being tricked into…by giving up loads of personal information"可知,因为一个关于有趣、自由服务的承诺,人们现在正被骗进 Facebook,他们没有意识到通过让出大量的个人信息,他们正在付钱给 Facebook.因此作者对于 Facebook 这个社交媒体是持消极态度,意在批判它将人们的私人信息做不正当处理,D项符合语境.A项与题意无关,B项在第一段未涉及,C项与文章大意相悖.故正确答案为D.
29  D:推断题.第二段第一句"Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening…people don't really know what their personal data is worth"说明,大部分 Facebook 用户并未意识到他们正在用自己的私人信息来换取服务,即使他们知道,他们也不知道自己的私人信息有多有价值.即,Facebook 利用用户的私人信息挣钱,同时并不让他们知道.由此我们可推测是用户的私人信息使 Facebook 壮大,让其挣钱,B项符合题意.文章并未指出人们是否愿意让出私人信息,一切在他们不知情的情况下就发生了,排除A项;C项文章未提到;B项不合逻辑.故正确答案为D.
30:B 细节题.由第四段副总裁 Elliot Schrag 所说的话"the company is simply making changes to improve its service…they have a less satisfying experience"可知,公司做出规则改变仅仅是为了提升其服务质量.B项符合文意.A、C、D项均与题干不符.
31:A 细节题.由最后一段第一句"I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy…which is why I'm considering cancelling my account"可知,我怀疑目前为止 Facebook 做了哪些事情来侵犯我们的隐私,因此作者想要取消 Facebook 账号.作者关注的重心一直都是个人隐私是否会遭侵犯,并且全文的主旨在于批判 Facebook 社交媒体将用户个人信息做不正当使用,因此A项符合文意.C项文章未涉及,B项与文章大意无关,D项与题干无关.

点评 做阅读时经常犯错的主要原因是,仅凭读过文章后残留在脑海中的一丝印象来勾选答案,这样便很容易掉入出题人故意设布下的题目陷阱.所谓阅读理解,对于题目的理解一定要忠实于原文,因此,每一道题都应该与原文作全面的对比与核查,再得出答案.也就是说,阅读理解的每一道题目,在原文都应该有明确的出处,我们把这一出处叫做原文相关句,(1)排除与原文相关句主题不一致的选项(2)排除与原文相关句态度相反的选项  (3)排除用于过于极端或负面的选项(4)注意结合文章主旨和主题去排除.

5.Everywhere man is altering the balance of nature.He is facilitating the spread of plants and animals into new regions,sometimes deliberately,sometimes unconsciously.He is covering huge areas with new kinds of plants,or with houses,factories,slag-heaps and other products of his civilization.He exterminates some species on a large scale,but favors the multiplication of others.In brief,he has done more in five thousand years to alter the biological aspect of the planet than has nature in five million.
Many of these changes which he has brought about have had unforeseen consequences.Who would have thought that the throwing away of a piece of Canadian waterweed would have caused half the waterways of Britain to be blocked for a decade,or that the provision of pot cacti for lonely settlers'wives would have led to Eastern Australian being overrun with forests of Prickly Pear?Who would have prophesied that the cutting down of forests on the Adriatic coasts,or in parts of Central Africa,could have reduced the land to a semi desert,with the very soil washed away from the bare rock?Who would have thought that improved communications would have changed history by the spreading of disease-sleeping sickness into East Africa,measles into Oceania,very possibly malaria into ancient Greece?
These are spectacular examples; but examples on a smaller scale are everywhere to be found.We make a nature sanctuary for rare birds,prescribing absolute security for all species; and we may find that some common and hardy kind of bird multiplies beyond measure and ousts the rare kinds in which we were particularly interested.We see,owing to some little change brought about by civilization,the starling spread over the English country-side in hordes.We improve the yielding capacities of our cattle; and find that now they exhaust the pastures which sufficed for less exigent stock.

31.The following examples exceptD reflect man altering the balance of nature.
A.man is covering huge areas with new kinds of plants
B.man is facilitating the spread of animals into new regions.
C.man is killing some species on a large scale
D.man is getting to know the importance of keeping the balance of nature.
32.What had a piece of Canadian waterweed cause?B
A.Eastern Australian was overrun with forests.
B.Half the waterways of Britain blocked for a decade.
C.In parts of central Africa,the land reduced to a semi desert.
D.Disease-sleeping has been caused.
33.What have spread diseases?C
A.Disease-sleeping sickness.      B.Measles.
C.Improved communications.        D.Malaria.
34.We make a nature sanctuary for rare birds butA.
A.some common and hardy kind of bird multiplies
B.rare kinds multiply
C.all bird multiply
D.no bird multiply
35.The main idea of the passage isD.
A.that man is deliberately destroying the balance of nature
B.that man has foreseen the consequences of altering the balance old nature
C.that improved communications have changed history
D.that man is altering the balance of nature.
2.Greenland is Shrinking at Surprising Rate
A new study shows one of the largest glaciers in Greenland is becoming smaller and speeding to the sea faster than scientists expected.If it continues,Greenland itself could become much smaller during this century and global seas could rise as much as 3 feet.
The rates of change that we're noticing are much higher than expected.If these rates continue,it is not unlikely that Greenland could shrink by several tens of percent this century.However,it's not known how quickly this coastal response of the Greenland ice sheet melting will have an effect on the vast inland ice.
Greenland is the world's largest island,covering an area more than three times the size of Texas.Some 81 percent of it is covered by ice,and there are many glaciers.Glaciers are like slow-moving rivers of ice.Where a glacier meets the sea,its weight keeps it firmly resting on the bottom.A glacier's front is the point where the water is deep enough that the glacier floats.
Since the 1970s,the front of Helheim stayed in the same place.Then it began melting rapidly,moving back 4.5 miles from 2001 through this past summer.It has also grown thinner,from top to bottom,by more than 130 feet since 2001.And over these past four years,its trip to the sea has sped up from about 70 feet per day to nearly 110.
The melting is driven by a warmer climate.Temperatures in Greenland have risen more than five degrees Fahrenheit in the last decade.Since most of Greenland's ice is on land,seas will rise as the ice melts.If all Greenland's ice sheet melted,oceans would be 15-20 feet higher.Nobody expects that to happen anytime soon.
68.Which of the following about the glaciers is TRUE?C
A.Glaciers only lie in Greenland.
B.Water in glaciers is more than sea water.
C.Glaciers sometimes float on the water.
D.Glaciers can increase the water level of lakes.
69.According to the text,we know that GreenlandB.
A.belongs to Canada                   
B.is the largest island in North America
C.is all covered with glaciers           
D.is sinking under the sea level
70.Which of the following may be the result of the disappearing of Greenland glaciers?D
A.the climate of the world will be warmer.
B.the glaciers in other area will be bigger.
C.It will be easy for explorers to visit the island.
D.Some coastal cities may be under the sea.

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