
【题目】One dark and stormy night, an elderly man and his wife entered the hall of a small hotel in Philadelphia, hoping to get shelter for the night.

The clerk, a friendly man with a beautiful smile, explained that there were three conferences in town. "All of our rooms are taken," the clerk said, "but I can't send a nice couple like you into the rain at one o'clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It's not a suite, but it will be good enough to make you comfortable for the night." The couple agreed.

As the elderly man paid the bill the next morning, he told the clerk, "You are the kind of person who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I’ll build one for you." The clerk looked at them and smiled. The three of them had a good laugh.

Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter from the elderly man, asking the clerk to pay him a visit. The elderly man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of the Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then pointed to a great new building there, a reddish stone one with watchtowers thrusting (插入) up to the sky, and told the clerk that it was the hotel he had just built for him to manage.

That wonderful building was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. And this young clerk whose name was George C. Boldt never foresaw the return of events that would lead him into the manager of one of the world's most attractive hotels.

1Why did the elderly man build a hotel for the clerk?

A .He was grateful to the clerk.

B. They had a bet at first.

C. He wanted to please the clerk.

D. He wanted to sell the hotel.

2Which of the statements about the story is NOT true?

A. The story took place at about one a.m.

B. The old couple were too poor to afford a luxurious room.

C. The clerk was willing to help those in need.

D. The clerk received an unexpected invitation from the old man.

3According to the text, the clerk .

A. helped the couple because he thought they were poor.

B. hoped that the old couple could give him a large amount of money.

C. didn't expect to receive things in return from the old couple.

D. became rich, thanks to his own efforts.

4Which of the following proverbs suits the story the best?

A. Every little thing helps.

B. Make hay (干草) while the sun shines.

C. Accidents will happen.

D. One good turn deserves another.







试题分析:文章介绍了一个小职员在雨夜宾馆没有剩余房间的情况下,让出自己的房间给一对老夫妇住宿,在两年后,老人为了报答职员的帮助,为他建了一座宏伟的酒店让他经营,年轻人成为the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel第一任经理。



【3】细节理解题:从文章第四段的句子:Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter from the elderly man, asking the clerk to pay him a visit.可知那名职员根本没想到那对老夫妇会对他曾经的帮助给予回报,选C。

【4】推理判断题:文章介绍了一对老夫妇为了报答职员雨夜的帮助,为他建了一座宏伟的酒店让他经营的故事,说明善有善报,A. Every little thing helps. 每一件小事都有帮助。 B. Make hay (干草) while the sun shines.趁热打铁。C. Accidents will happen. 天意如此,在所难免 。D. One good turn deserves another. 善有善报。因此选D。


【题目】Oh, my God! Did I really just send that text? Most people have said something that they wish they could take back. And if they had paused to think about it first, they probably would have acted differently. Pausing doesnt pay off just when you speak. Scientific studies have shown that making a habit of pausing before you do something can actually have a big impact on how your life turns out.

In making decisions we rely on two areas of the brain. One area creates and processes emotions; the other governs logical thought. The type of decision, how we feel about it, and how prepared we are to handle it help determine which brain area has the most influence.

But our age also plays an important role. Thinking through the consequences of ones actions is actually harder for teens because the area controlling logical thought is not fully developed until around age 25. This is why teens often feel an intense emotional drive to act impulsively--it’s how their brains are structured! Though this tendency to act without considering the outcomes can lead to problematic situations, impulsivity during the developmental years evolves because it makes teens more open to new experiences and ideas. This openness helps teens become independent adults.

The key to making impulsivity work for you--instead of against you--is to train your brain by practicing pausing. This doesnt mean you stop taking risks or being open to new experiences. But you wont know if the risk is worth it until you think it through. Deciding to take a risk based on logic shows self-control, not impulsivity.

What are different ways to pause? You might take a deep breath, count to 10, or ask, Is this worth it? Different strategies work for different people. Whatever works for you, keep doing it! By practicing pausing, you can actually change your brain. This means that over time, pausing, instead of immediately reacting, becomes your natural response. And with this change, people are on their way to enjoying the life rewards that come with high levels of self-control--even if they weren’t natural--born pausers!

【1】What challenges teenagers________?

A. Giving natural response.

B. Making logical decision.

C. Acting before thorough thinking.

D. Choosing brain-training strategies.

【2】An impulsive person tends to __________.

A. think through a risk in advance

B. show high level of self-control

C. consider or accept new ideas

D. change ideas frequently

【3】According to the passage, by training ones brain, one can __________.

A. stop taking risks

B. fully develop ones brain

C. become more open to new experience

D. reduce the influence of emotional drive

【4】What is the best title for the passage________?

A. Discover the Brain Function

B. Crying Over the Spilt Milk

C. Push the Pause Button

D. Impulsivity Works

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