

Each Indian tribe had a different language. Many Indians never learned any language except their own. Do you know how Indians from different tribes talked to each other? They had two ways to talk without sound. __【1】_

Sign language is a way of talking by using signs. Indians used sign language when they met strangers. In this way, they could find out whether the stranger was a friend or an enemy. In the Indian sign language, signs were made with the hands. Indians usually used signals when they wanted to send messages to someone far away. To make signals, an Indian might use a pony. __2Or he might use smoke, a mirror or fire arrows.

To signal that he had seen many animals, an Indian rode his pony in a large circle. Sometimes the Indian gave a signal like this and then went away to hide. _3__

The blanket signal was visible from far away. An Indian held the corners of a blanket in his hands. Then he began to swing the blanket from side to side in front of him. _4__ He could also send many signals with a mirror. He usually used the mirror to warn someone of danger. Or he attempted to get the attention of a person far away. But he also used it to send messages in code. __5_ At night, Indians used fire arrows for signaling.

Now you can see that Indians didn’t need to learn each other’s language. They could talk to one another byspan> using signals or sign language.

A. This meant that there was danger.

B. He might use a blanket.

C. Different things mean different to them.

D. One way was by sign language ; the other way by signals.

E. An Indian could send many different signals with his blanket.

F. But they still can make themselves understood.

G. Of course, mirrors could be used only when the sun was shining.















1. 根据上下文的语境来确定选项。一般在空格的上一句或下一句,也许是上、下句中会有暗示。比如第37小题根据上句:一个印第安人也许使用一匹矮种马做暗号。根据空格后的一句:或者他使用烟,镜子或者火箭。可知此处表达的意思是:他也许使用一条毯子。故选B。此处体现的是一种并列的关系。

2. 根据常识解题。比如第38小题,根据上句:有时印第安人发出一个这样的信号然后马上离开躲起来。根据常识可知:看到信号躲起来说明情况是危险的。可知下句:这意味着有危险。故选G。



Learning English can be a difficult task. While many people learn English in the classroom, the vast majority of English learning takes place outside of it.

【1】 ,it is important to know how it is used in everyday life. One of the best things you can do is to read. First ask yourself what you enjoy reading in your native language. If the subject matter. is interesting to you, you will he more likely to keep going.

Read a variety of different media in English, from magazines to novels. 2 ,New York Times is going to take a more formal approach to the English language than somebody's personal blog .Consider your English level when selecting reading material. 3 , but do not frustrate yourself needlessly by selecting a complex text . You can choose to be a side-by-side reader, with the English text on one page and its translation on the other page,if you have only been studying English for a couple of years.

4 So do not look up every word you don't know as you read. It will only slow things down and make the reading process much less fun. Instead,rely on what you have already known. When you come across a difficult word or phrase,use context clues to guess at its meaning. Write down or underline any words or phrases you cannot figure out. When you have finished reading, go to your list of new words. Now you can get your dictionary and look them up one by one 5 .You will be more likely m keep reading the interesting subject.

A. Challenge yourself

B. To better understand a language

C. When you want to learn English, try New York Times

D. Turn them into flash cards, keep them in mind and use them

E. Putting a dictionary at hand is a good way of learning English

F. Your reading goal is to briefly understand what the piece is saying

G. English usage will very depending on the content and the audience


How to Build Your Own Website

Sixty years ago, people asked about your astrological (星座) sign.1These days, having a web address is almost as important as a street address. Your website is an electronic meeting place for your family, friends and millions of people around the world. Best of all, you may not have to spend a cent. The web is filled with all kinds of free services and all it takes is some time and creativity.

2Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page is the front door. Your site can have one or more pages, depending on how you design it.

While web pages vary greatly in their design and content, most use a traditional magazine layout (编排).3Next comes a greeting and a short description of the site. Pictures, texts; and links to other websites follow.

Before you start building your site, do some planning. Think about whom the site is for and what you want to say.4

Draw a rough layout on a sheet of paper.

While there are no rules you have to follow, there are a few things to keep in mind:

5If you aim too high at the beginning, you may never get the site off the ground. You can always add something new to your site.

◆Less is better. Most people don’t like to read a lot of texts online. Break it into small pieces.

◆Smaller is better. Since it takes a long time to download large picture files, keep the file sizes small.

Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start building. Learning the net communities helps provide tools to help you build your site.

A. Start simply.

B. A personal website is not usual today.

C. Nowadays, they want to know your website.

D. Pay attention to the contents of your website.

E. At the top of the page is a banner (横幅) GRAPHIC.

F. Next, gather up the material you want to put on the site.

G. Think of your home page as the starting point of your website.

【题目】Everybody gets stressed time to time. 【1】 Some ways of dealing with stress 一like screaming or hitting someone一don't solve (解决) much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.

Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:

(1) Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or other relatives. 2 They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet.

(2) Don't take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves.

Oh, dear, that's good idea. Remember that there are always people to help you. Don't take it out on yourself. 3

(3) Try to solve the problem. After you're calm and you have support from adults and friends, it's time to get down to business. 4 Even if you can't solve it all, you can solve a piece of it.

(4) Be positive. Most stress is temporary(暂时的).Remember stress does go away, especially when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it. These steps aren't magic, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make your way through a tough time, you'll help yourself feel better even faster. 5

A. Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.

B. Notice your friends' feelings and find a way to help them.

C. Different people feel stress in different ways

D. Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.

E. You need to figure out what the problem is.

F. And don't forget about your friends.

G. Then, find a way to calm down。

【题目】Our library offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying environment.


The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for group work.


You can use your own computer to connect to the wi-fi specially prepared for notebook computers; your can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office. They are situated in the area known as the Experimental Field on the ground floor.

Group-study places

If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others, you can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground floor. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library maps.

There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked via the website. To book, you need an active University account and a valid University card. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

Storage of Study Material

The library has lockers for students to store course literature. When you have obtained at least 40 credits(学分), you may rent a locker and pay 400 SEK for a year’s rental period.

Rules to be Followed

Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library. Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.

1The library’s upper floor is mainly for students to .

A. read in a quiet place B. have group discussions

C. take comfortable seats D. get their computers fixed

2Library computers on the ground floor .

A. help students with their field experiments

B. contain software necessary for schoolwork

C. are for those who want to access the wi-fi

D. are mostly used for filling out application forms

3What condition should be met to book a group-study room?

A. A group must consist of 8 people

B. Three-hour use per day is the minimum

C. One should first register at the university

D. Applicants must mark the room on the map

4A student can rent a locker in the library if he .

A. can afford the rental fee B. attends certain courses

C. has nowhere to put his books D. has earned the required credits

【题目】It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics.

In recent years, many writers have begun to speak the ‘decline of class’ and ‘classless society’ in Britain. And in modern day consumer society everyone is considered to be middle class.

But pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging society of public opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in particular class; 73 percent agreed that class was still a vital part of British society; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an important part of British society. Britain seems to have a love ofstratification.

One unchanging aspect of a British person's class position is accent. The words a person speaks tell her or his class. A study of British accents during 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice. Most people said this accent sounded ‘educated’ and ‘soft’. The accents placed at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, were regional(地区的)city accents. These accents were seen as ‘common’ and ‘ugly’. However, a similar study of British accents in the US turned these results upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.

In recent years, however, young upper middle-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins. This is an indication of class becoming unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song ‘Common People’ puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may ‘want to live like common people' they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.

1A recent study of public opinion shows that in modern Britain ________.

A. it is time to end class distinction

B. most people belong to middle class

C. it is easy to recognize a person’s class

D. people regard themselves socially different

2The word stratification in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. variety B. division C. authority D. qualification

3British attitudes towards accent _________.

A. have a long tradition

B. are based on regional status

C. are shared by the Americans

D. have changed in recent years

4What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The middle class is expanding

B. A person’s accent reflects his class

C. Class is a key part of British society

D. Each class has unique characteristics.

【题目】Restaurants in the USA

Steve’s Pizza

So many pizza chains compete for the attention of tourists in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local where to get the best pizza and they’ll tell you about Steve’s. This is New York–style pizza, handmade with care and good ingredients(成份). New branches of Steve’s are opening elsewhere in Miami, all in non-tourist areas.

Opening hours: 11am-3am

Cattleman’s Steakhouse

This place is 20 miles east of the city, but local folks would probably drive 200 miles to eat here. The food is good, and the scenery is even better. Come early and wander around the grounds of Indian Cliffs Ranch, where you’ll see everything from rabbits to buffalo (水牛), then catch the sunset either before or after your meal.

Opening hours: 5pm-10pm

Absolute Baking & Cafe

The screen door is always swinging open at this town hot spot with giant breakfasts. Try the green chili on eggs it’s made from scratch, as are the organic(有机的) breads. Lunch includes salads, big sandwiches and local grass-fed beef burgers. Don’t miss a square of soft, fresh carrot cake.

Opening hours: 7am-2pm

Walt’s Wharf

Everybody’s favorite for fresh fish (some drive in from LA), Walt’s packs them in on weekends. You can’t make reservations for dinner (though they’re accepted for lunch), but it’s worth the wait for the tree fire–grilled seafood and steaks in the many-windowed ground floor or upstairs in captain’s chairs.

Opening hours: 11am-3:30pm

1The new branches of Steve’s Pizza are mainly intended for_________.

A. New Yorkers B. touristsC.the locals D. foreigners

2Cattleman’s Steakhouse offers the wonderful _________as well as good food.

A. wine B. view C. discount D. service

3Which restaurant serves both breakfast and lunch?

A. Steve’s Pizza. B. Walt’s Wharf.

C. Absolute Baking & Café. D. Cattleman’s Steakhouse.

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