

76. Can you telephone me __________ _________ __________(在你方便时)?

77. 新疆切糕受到很多人的欢迎,但是大家却不敢去买。

   Xinjiang nuts cakes ______ _______ many people, but they dare not buy them.

78. _________ _________ _________(令我们高兴的是), he passed the entrance examination.

79. 在离开办公室之前,应把所有物品摆放好。

   Before you leave the office, everything should be put _______ _________.

80. 他沉浸在这本小说中,忘记了周围的一切。

   He was so                the novel that he forgot everything around him.

81. 外国人喜欢中国的诗歌,尤其是唐诗。

   Foreigners like Chinese poems, Tang poems ________ ________.

82. 拥有如此财富的人应该想着如何为穷人做得更多。

   A person _________ ________ ________ so much money should think about how to do more

   for the poor.

83. 我们已经忍受这个不可理喻的邻居够久的了。

We have _______ _________ ________ the unbearable neighbor for such a long time.

76. at your convenience    77. appeal to      78. To our delight/joy   79. in place  

80. absorbed/lost/buried in  81. in particular  82. in possession of   83. put up with




71. By the time we take the 2012 College Entrance Exam, we ______________ more than 3,500 words. (master)


72. Not ______________ by a well-known company doesn’t necessarily mean that you have no bright future. (employ)


73. It is required that all high school students ______________ to use cell phones at school. (allow)


74. No matter ______________, people are unlikely to be persuaded if the product is unsuitable for them. (good)


75. As is known to all, practice makes perfect. ______________, the more fluent English you will speak. (practice)


76. The typical cases ______________ will be introduced to readers to warn them of potential risks.  (cheat)


77. The driver was to blame for the accident. Not only ______________ too much alcohol, but he drove beyond limitation. (drink)


78. Misunderstandings arising from lack of communication, unless properly ______________, may lead to serious problems. (deal) 


79. In fact, it is the mental addiction rather than the physical effects ______________ to quit smoking. (make)


80. Tom ______________ basketball now. I saw him cleaning the classroom just a moment ago. (play) 


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