
3.Towards the end of Middle English,a sudden change in pronunciation started,with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter.From the 16th century the British had contact (联系) with people from around the world.This means that many new words and phrases entered the language.The invention of printing also meant that there was a common language in print.Books became cheaper and more people learned to read.Spelling and grammar became fixed,and the dialect (方言) of London became the standard.In 1604,the first English dictionary was published.
The numbers of words in Early Modem English and Late Modem English differ.Late Modem English has a lot more words because of two main factors (因素):firstly,the Industrial Revolution created a need for new words; secondly,the British Empire covered one quarter of the earth's surface,and the English language took in foreign words from many countries.
From around 1600,the English colonization (殖民地化) of North America resulted in the creation of American English.Some English pronunciation and words froze when they reached America.In some ways,American English is more like the English of Shakespeare than modem British English.Some expressions that the British call"Americanisms"are in fact original (原先的) British expressions that were preserved (保存) in the colonies but were lost in Britain.Spanish also had an influence on American English,with words like canyon,ranch,stampede and vigilante being examples of Spanish words that entered English.French words and West African words also influenced American English.
Today,American English is the most influential (影响力的).But there are many other kinds of English around the world,including Australian English,New Zealand English,Canadian English,South African English,Indian English and Caribbean English.They have differences.

53.What can we know from Paragraph 1?B
A.The dialect of London became the standard in the year 1604.
B.The first English dictionary was published in the early 17th century.
C.Vowels were pronounced longer towards the end of Middle English.
D.Many new words entered English because many people moved to Britain.
54.The underlined word"froze"in Paragraph 3 shows that some English words in AmericaD.
A.became longer
B.greatly changed
C.a little changed
D.stayed as they were
55.What will the paragraph following this passage most probably discuss?C
A.The development of Modem English
B.How the English vocabulary became larger
C.Differences among the different kinds of English
D.Differences between Middle English and Modem English.

分析 本文着重讲述了在几个不同的国家的英语上存在着很大的差异,并分析了具体的原因.

解答 53.B.细节理解题.根据第一段最后一句In 1604,the first English dictionary was published.说明是在17世纪的时候才又了第一部字典.故B正确.
54.D.推理判断题.根据第三段2,3,4行Some English pronunciation andwords  froze when they reached America.In some ways,AmericanEnglish is more like the English of Shakespeare than modern British English.Some expressions that the British call"Americanisms"are in fact original (原先的)British expressions thatwere preserved (保存)in the colonies but were lost in Britain.说明当英语来到这些殖民地的时候就不再变化了,反而是在英国本土的英语发生了变化,故该词指的是保持原样.故D说法正确.
55.C.推理判断题.根据最后一段But there are many other kinds of English around the world,including Australian English,New Zealand English,Canadian English,South African English,Indian English and Caribbean English.They have differences可知文章这几段都是在解释几种不同的英语之间差异的原因,那么最有可能接下来讲述的是一些具体的不同之处.故C正确.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

13.There is a unique charm of having female friends.They can make you feel at the top of the world.(71)B  They can be very angry for hours,but the love they show to a friend overshadows all these small matters.With a woman,friendship can be really rewarding if you are true to each other.A woman can give you love and at the same time make you feel guilty if you break her trust.(72)F 
With a woman,you can share everything under the sun.Each and every conversation,no matter how silly it is,will be interesting.(73)CThey can comfort you when you get hurt and have pure fun when it comes to spending quality time.Sometimes,even their only presence can cheer you up in a boring day.
(74)GIf you feel too bored and need to share your feelings with someone,you'd better choose a female friend and tell her everything.You will be surprised to find how gentle your friend can be.Not only will she listen to you patiently but also offer practical advice.
(75)EMen don't pay enough attention to each other's emotions.But women know what words to use to make a person feel well.If you find a true female friend,consider yourself lucky and happy.

A.Man and woman have much in common.
B.On the other hand,they are easy to change their moods.
C.Women friends always share their happiness and sorrow.
D.According to a survey,it is not easy for one to make female friends.
E.Female friendship is different from male friendship in many aspects.
F.The friendship with women is very strong and it cannot be broken easily.
G.Medical research shows that having female friends can actually help you beat stress.

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