
The old man believes that his neighbor who smokes _____ for the big fire.

A. is to be blamed B. is to blame

C. should be blaming D. should blame




试题分析:考察固定搭配。be to blame应该受到责备;该短语动词使用主动形式表示被动含义。句义:这位老人认为抽烟的邻居应该为这起大火受到责备。故B正确。




In early autumn I applied for admission to college. I wanted to go nowhere but to Cornell University, but my mother fought strongly against it. When she saw me studying a photograph of my father on the sports ground of Cornell, she tore it up.

“You can't say it's not a great university, just because Papa went there.”

“That's not it at all. And it is a top university.” She was still holding the pieces in her hand. “ But we can't afford to send you to college.”

“I wouldn't dream of asking you for money. Do you want me to get a job to help support you and Papa? Things aren't that bad, are they?”

“No,” she said. “I don't expect you to help support us.”

Father borrowed money from his rich cousins to start a small jewellery shop. His chief customers were his old college friends. To get new customers, my mother had to help. She picked up a long?forgotten membership in the local league of women, so that she could get to know more people. Whether those people would turn into customers was another question. I knew that my parents had to wait for quite a long time before their small investment (投资) could show returns. What's more, they had not wanted enough to be rich and successful; otherwise they could not possibly have managed their lives so badly.

I was torn between the desire to help them and change their lives, and the determination not to repeat their mistakes. I had a strong belief in my power to get what I wanted. After months of hard study I won a full college scholarship (奖学金). My father could hardly contain his pride in me, and my mother eventually gave in before my success.

1.The author was not allowed to go to Cornell University mainly because______.

A.his father graduated from the university

B.his mother did not think it a great university

C.his parents needed him to help support the family

D.his parents did not have enough money for him

2.The father started his small shop with the money from ______.

A.a local league B.his university

C.his relatives D.his college friends

3.Why did the mother renew her membership in the league?

A.To help with her husband's business.

B.To raise money for her son.

C.To meet her long?forgotten friends.

D.To better manage her life.


I’ve been keeping an English blog for many years.These practical tips have helped me over the course of my blogging.

● Read quality books, blogs, journals, etc.which are written in English.Blogging is not always about writing. 1. Reading also improves your English comprehension, grammar, spelling, vocabulary and writing.

● Practice helps, so continue writing. 2. Trying to make a perfect post (帖子) free from grammar and spelling mistakes is good but you’re not making use of your time efficiently (有效地).

● 3. Think about the main points you want to raise.I prepare an outline of my post and a list of the points I want to talk about.Doing this has helped me stay on track and focus on my main points.The outline and the list of points I want to write about serve as my guidelines when I’m writing.

● When writing, use simple words and sentences.Using simple sentences makes your job as a blogger easier. 4. Always remember this: The aim of your writing is to get your message across and the only way to become an effective writer is successfully conveying your message to your readers.

● Write your posts ahead of time. 5. To free yourself from the pressure of making a post on daily basis, which might affect your writing, consider making your posts ahead of time.

A.Also, it makes your posts more understandable to your readers.

B.Welcome comments from your blog readers.

C.There are advantages of daily blogging , but if it becomes tiring, forget about it.

D.Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

E.Mistakes can be reduced with the help of your readers.

F.You need to read to be able to write fluently

G.Prepare an outline of your post.


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