
If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion; they are always taken advantage of by the designers and big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. Women usually stand in front of a wardrobe full of clothes, announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.
Changing fashions are nothing more than the international creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women , who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened; neck-lines are lowered or raised, and so on.
No one can claim that fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital thing like warmth, comfort and durability(持久性). They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or deliberately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes.
When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusion to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.
1. Designers and big stores always make money _______.
A. by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry.
B. because they are capable of predicting new fashions.
C. by constantly changing the fashions in women’s clothing
D. because they attach great importance to quality in women’s clothing.
2. To the writer, the fact that women put aside their old-fashioned dresses is seen as ________.
A. a waste of money                      B. a waste of time
C. an expression of taste                   D. an expression of creativity
3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A. New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women.
B. The constant changes in women’s clothing reflect their strength of character.
C. the fashion industry makes an important contribution to society.
D. Fashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.
4. By saying “the conclusion to be drawn are obvious”, the writer means that________.
A. women’s inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at.
B. women are better able to put up with discomfort.
C. men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers.
D. men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion.


There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner ( Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so dark, and rain so likely to pour, that further outdoor exercise was now out of the question.
I was glad of it. I never liked long walks, especially on cold afternoons. Awful to me was the coming home in the raw twilight, with nipped (冻伤的) fingers and toes, and a heart saddened by the scoldings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled (贬低) by the consciousness of my physical inferiority to Eliza, John, and Georgiana Reed.
Eliza, John, and Georgiana were now surrounding their mama in the drawing room; she lay on a sofa by the fireside, and with her darlings around her ( for the time neither quarrelling nor crying) looked perfectly happy. She had stopped me from joining the group. She said that she regretted to be under the necessity of keeping me at a distance, but that until she heard from Bessie, and could discover by her own observation that I was trying to acquire a more sociable and childlike nature and a more attractive and lovely manner, and that she really must exclude me from privileges intended only for good children.
“What did Bessie say about me?” I asked.
“Jane, I don’t like questioners; besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner. Be seated somewhere; remain silent until you can speak pleasantly.”
The study room adjoined the drawing room and I slipped there. It contained a bookcase. I soon possessed myself of a volume stored with pictures.
With the book on my knee, I was then happy; happy at least in my way. I feared nothing but interruption, and that came too soon.
1. The underlined phrase “out of the question” in the first paragraph probably means________.
A. impossible      B. possible    C. likely     D. no problem
2. Jane never liked long walks on cold afternoons because ________.
A. it often rained  
B. it was too cold to walk outside
C. she often suffered a lot, both mentally and physically     
D. she was often scolded by the nurse
3. We can infer from the passage that________.
A. Jane was treated equally in the family 
B. Jane couldn’t enjoy equal rights with her cousins
C. Mrs. Reed was very strict with Jane for the sake of her
D. Jane was too troublesome
4. From the passage we can infer that ________.
A. the drawing room contained a bookcase  B. Jane liked reading very much
C. Jane drew the curtain to keep warm      D. Bessie was Jane’s good friend
5. The main idea of this part of the story is ________.
A. Jane was on good terms with her cousins   B. Jane spent a happy childhood
C. Jane was badly treated in such a family    D. Jane loved Mrs. Reed and her cousins

The use of cars is becoming more and more popular in the twentieth century. A large number of the world's population are now able to buy and use cars.
Having a car gives much mobility(活动余地), enabling the driver to move around freely. The owner of a car is no longer forced to depend on public transport(公共交通)and doesn't, therefore, have to work in a place near his home. Instead, he can choose from a greater variety of jobs and he could change his job frequently.
Travelling to work by car is also more comfortable than having to use public transport; the driver can use the heating in winter and the air conditioning in summer to meet his own need and preference. There is no discomfort caused by waiting for
buses, trains or underground trains etc. With the building of good fast motorways long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. Also, for the first time in the century, many people are able to enjoy their free time to the full by making trips to the countryside or seaside at weekends. This feeling of independence and the freedom to go wherever you please is perhaps the greatest advantage(优势)of the car.
1. What does the writer think of the public transport?
A. It gives less mobility           B. It is not comfortable at all
C. It enables a variety of jobs       D. It is becoming more popular than before
2. Traveling by bus may be ______.
A. less comfortable than by underground train 
B. more comfortable than by other transport
C. less comfortable than by other public transport  
D. less comfortable than by car
3. What does the underlined word mean?
A. from time to time            B. with difficulty   
C. against his own will         D. never
4. What does the writer think of having a car of your own?
A. It offers lots of advantages.        B. It has lots of independence.
C. It gives the feeling of freedom.     D. It offers free trips.

In Britain today, is it possible to tell a person’s class just by looking at him? Physical details alone tell us about health, diet and the type of work a person does. A hundred years ago the working class often looked unhealthy, small and they were either too thin or too fat. The upper classes were often tall, sporting types who were used to a good diet and looked healthy. Today living and working conditions have improved, and such descriptions are no longer true. People are taller now than a hundred years ago. Everyone in Britain today is able to have free medicine, a good diet, acceptable working conditions and enough rest and leisure.
The clothes people choose to wear, however, do provide information about their backgrounds. Expensive clothes look expensive and show their wearer is rich. Clothes can provide other clues as well. The upper classes appear to be less interested in fashion and wear good quality clothes in non-bright colours, made of natural material like wool, leather and cotton. Lower working-class people often choose clothes in bright colours, made of man-made materials. A sociological explanation for this would be that colour and interest are missing from their lives, and therefore any opportunity to produce this is taken.
Clothes are available at a price within most people’s reach. New clothes make the wearer feel good and show some degree of wealth to the outside world. Today it is the younger people who spend most money on clothes. Fashion is no longer for the upper classes and the rich. Young people from all social classes spend a lot of money on clothes. Some new fashions are started by working—class people who want to look different and feel important. They want people to look at them.
1. In the past, a person’s appearance could not tell other people about his ________.
A. health          B. diet             C. occupation          D. habits
2. The clothes people choose to wear tell us about their ________.
A. education          B. richness         C. backgrounds        D. hobby
3. A working—class person may start a new fashion because ________.
A. she wants to draw the attention of other people
B. she wants to look different and healthy
C. she wants to show their wealth
D. she wants to show their taste
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Expensive clothes look expensive and show the wearer is rich.
B. Working—class people prefer clothes in bright colours because they lack colour in their lives.
C. Today, it is still the upper class people who spend most money on clothes.
D. Today, fashion is no longer for the upper classes and the rich.

I. Associate Product Manager -- New Grad-- Beijing
Responsibilities include working with engineers to define products, understanding user needs, researching markets and competitors, and planning future product directions. As you gain more experience, there’s an opportunity for promotion within the organization.
☆Bachelors degree and more than one year of job experience.
☆Strong organizational and analytical skills.
II. Director of Education -- Sylvan Learning Centers -- Long Beach, California
Job description:
As a successful director of education, your primary responsibility will be to champion the Sylvan developed course, ensure the quality of the education standards and teachings staff as well as grow the business in your center.
We require:
☆Bachelors degree and at least 2 years of teaching experience.
☆Managerial experience.
III. Area Export Manager -- Beijing Import&Export Corporation -- Beijing
Highly developing company is looking for bright, experienced salesperson who will be responsible for the export of frozen seafood and other goods between China and the USA, Australia, and Canada.
☆Excellent level of English,spoken and written.
☆Excellent communication and organizational skills.
☆Experienced salesperson with proven results in fast-moving consumer goods essential,preferable in frozen seafood market.
IV. Subeditor---Media Contacts----London
Working in the amazing world of law and enforcement(执法), you will be making sure that you are meeting the exceptionally high standards of copy for this company. As part of a team of six, you will be meeting tight deadlines on a daily basis and ensuring regular flow of articles onto the website. Must have a keen eye for detail and confidence in working with challenging copy. Experience in subediting, and a practical knowledge of publishing law are required.
V. Casual trainer---Medilife --- Sydney,NSW Australia
Medilife requires able, reliable trainers who can demonstrate the qualities of flexibility and loyalty and join their young, fun-living team. Successful applicants will receive excellent hourly rates. Suitable training provided to the right applicant.
1. Which of the following are specially required to most of the positions in the ads?
A. Experience and responsibilities        B. Experience and good English.
C. Special skills and English                        D. Responsibilities and bachelor’s degree
2. The positions are offered in _____ different countries.
A. three                B. four               C. five               D. six
3. Which position is possible for a fresh university graduate to apply to?
A. Education director  B. Associate product manager C. Casual trainer D. Export manager.
4. From Passage IV we can infer that a subeditor’s work is to _____.
A. write articles for website                B. copy information from the Internet
C. enforce publishing laws                 D. examine other people’s writing

The kids at Shute Country Primary School in Devon are surprisingly quiet when it’s time to go home in the afternoon, instead of the usual shouting and running you can hear them asking each other, “ Are the lights all off?”, “Shall we check the taps in case they are dripping (滴水)?”, “How many paper towels did we use today?”
But it’s not unusual here.The kids have declared a war on waste.
“We’ve never made the children do anything,” explains Liz Templar, the school’s head teacher, “they came up with all ideas themselves.They’re doing this because they want to.”
If you take a look around the school you won’t see anything thrown away unnecessarily.Everything is collected and reused, or sent to be recycled.
Shute School started its green_revolution_two years ago.They looked carefully at every party of school life-from the teaching to the cleaning.They looked at the way stationery(文具) was used-especially photocopying, the way cleaning was carried out, and how food was used and wasted!
Even parents were looked at: how many children came in each car? Did they use unleaded petrol? Could they bring more children in fewer cars?
High on the list was the waste of paper.Next came unfriendly cleaning products.Paper towels were replaced with recycled paper.But the hardest thing for the kids was when they found out how much rubbish was created by the chocolate, crisps and other snacks(小吃) eaten at lunch time.Of their own accord(自愿地), the children gave them up.Now they bring apples and home-made snacks.
The school has its own garden where they grow vegetables and flowers so that they can learn about the environment.They also use this area for their recycling store-large containers to collect aluminum, bottles, plate and fabric(织物).
Even the school’s play area is made from recycled things.
Since the children started, the school’s heating and lighting bills have fallen obviously and the number of rubbish bags has gone down from seven a week to two or three.
Everywhere in Shute School there are bright posters asking everyone to take their rubbish home, to save energy and paper and to keep the green flag flying.
1.Which of the following best describes the writer’s idea?
A.The pupils at Shute School are fighting against pollution.
B.The pupils at Shute School are learning to save things.
C.The pupils at Shute School have declared a war on waste.
D.The pupils at Shute School have found a way to recycle waste things.
2.We can infer from the text that “green revolution” means _______.
A.beautifying schoolyard    B.activity against waste
C.planting green plants       D.throwing away waste
3.What do the children think creates the most waste?
A.Paper towels. B.Cleaning products.   
C.Snacks.     D.Paper.
4.We learn from the text that the children’s behavior ____________.
A.has brought arguments   
B.has saved the school’s cost
C.was against by their parents   
D.was forced by their head teacher

The Colors of Friendship
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would  21  .”
Blue interrupted, “You only think about the  22  , but consider the sky and the sea.
23   the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. Without my peace, you would all be  24  .”
Yellow chuckled (笑道), “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and   25  into the world.”
Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “I am the color of health and strength. I may be  26  , but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky      27  , my beauty is so striking that no one gives another  28  to any of you.”
Red could stand it  29   and he shouted out, “I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to  30  truth. I am also the color of passion and of love.”
Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝) …
The colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own  31 . Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down  32  . The colors crouched (蜷缩) down  33  , drawing close to one another for comfort.
In the midst of the clamor (叫嚷), rain began to speak, “You foolish colors, fighting  34  yourselves, each trying to dominate _35_. Don’t you know that you were each made for a special purpose, _36_? Join hands with _37_ and come to me.”
Doing as they were told, the colors _38_ and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain _39_ the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to _40_ one another.
21. A. stay             B. leave             C. go out      D. die
22. A. earth           B. moon            C. star          D. sun
23. A. That is         B. I am             C. It is         D. This is
24. A. anything         B. nothing            C. something    D. everything
25. A. warmth         B. sadness             C. depression    D. anxiety
26. A. usual           B. normal                 C. common      D. scarce
27. A. at midnight      B. at noon or at night  C. at sunrise or sunset   D. during the day
28. A. gift             B. honor            C. thought     D. respect
29. A. for more         B. any more          C. very much    D. no longer
30. A. turn to         B. fight for           C. struggle with       D. bend over
31. A. superiority      B. disadvantages       C. inferiority   D. weakness
32. A. gently          B. quietly             C. violently      D. peacefully
33. A. with care       B. in fear            C. by chance     D. on purpose
34. A. among            B. by                C. for              D. against
35. A. others          B . themselves        C. the other      D. the rest
36. A. equal and simple  B. ordinary and similar C. more or less D.unique and different 
37. A. each other       B. me                C. one another  D. them
38. A. combined        B. separated          C. united      D. divided
39. A. cleans          B. washes             C. brightens      D. dampens
40. A. appreciate       B. quarrel with         C. ignore      D. praise
What seemed impossible is possible nowadays. One spring afternoon last year a group of   36  attacked a 15-year-old girl in the Berlin district of Köpenick. They hit her in the face and pushed her to the ground. When the victim   37   to hand over her money, some of them held her down and   38  her arms with a lighted cigarette. The   39   were not a gang of boys, but of 13- to 15-year-old girls.
While men are still responsible for the  40  of crimes in Germany,  41   violence is on the rise. Young girls and women of all  42  groups are becoming more violent, and that has been a   43   trend for several years. Last year in Berlin, the   44   of female suspects of violent crime under the age of 21 increased by almost 8%, while that of male suspects   45   slightly. Violent crimes like  46 and serious bodily harm have even shot up by 18% and 25% among young women.
Why are   47   women becoming more violent? Gender (性别)   48   may have something to do with it. Today's females are drinking and smoking more, and raising all sorts of   49   things. Girls and young women are generally less held back in adopting male forms of behavior.  50  , the same goes for the   51   of violence. The members of all-female gangs tend to be especially   52  . When particularly humiliating methods like burning or undressing are involved, the   53   will usually be girls. It seems to be all about showing the   54  , “Hey, we can do   55   than you.” 
36. A. terrorists
37. A. refused
38. A. twisted
39. A. fighters
40. A. majority
41. A. strong
42. A. working
43. A. worldwide
44. A. number
45. A. remained
46. A. drug taking
47. A. stupid
48. A. difference
49. A. dirty
50. A. However
51. A. use
52. A. beautiful
53. A. watchers
54. A. parents
55. A. faster
B. thieves
B. tried
B. beat
B. attackers
B. variety
B. daytime
B. activity
B. nationwide
B. degree
B. changed
B. theft
B. uneducated
B. equality
B. surprising
B. Therefore
B. belief
B. cruel
B. victims
B. teachers
B. better
C. teenagers
C. managed
C. tied
C. students
C. most
C. secret
C. age
C. school
C. quantity
C. happened
C. robbery
C. homeless
C. relations
C. unbelievable
C. Unfortunately
C. love
C. young
C. helpers
C. boys
C. more easily
D. passers-by
D. decided
D. burned
D. criminals
D. few   
D. female
D. interest
D. family
D. quality
D. dropped    
D. poisoning
D. German
D. roles
D. useless
D. Finally
D. rise
D. boyish  
D. performers
D. people
D. more efficiently
    When a close friend dies, it often forces you to consider your own death. The more you have in common with the friend, the more his death will make you wonder about your own. Sometimes you will naturally say to yourself, "It could just as easily have been me." Such a death has a way of reminding us how fragile life is, and it may cause you to reassess(重新评价) the direction of your own life.
Jack's story is a good example. A successful businessman making a lot of money, Jack didn't spend as much time with his family as he wanted. His job required him to work long hours. But three years ago one of his best friends, a man who worked in the same office, had a heart attack. He died while celebrating his daughter's eighteenth birthday in a restaurant. He was only fifty years old.
Not long after his friend's death, Jack started to have a chest pain. Finally he had a good physical check-up. He received a clean bill of health. But the chest pain continued. He kept thinking of the death of his friend. Jack thought about how much his friend missed in life and he saw how hard it was for his friend's family to manage after he passed away.
Jack realized that he didn't want to end up his life that way. He talked his feelings over with his wife and children, and decided to change his way of life. The family moved to a small town where he started a simple life. Now he is running a small art gallery(画廊). He is relaxed, and says he has never been so happy in his life, and he has got no more chest pain.
63. Your close friend's death is __________________ to you.
A. a warning           B. common            C. a direction of life     D. an example
64. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means "________________".
A. The doctor didn't write a word on his bill
B. The doctor didn't want Jack to pay for the bill
C. The doctor didn't find anything wrong with him
D. The doctor didn't want to treat his pain
65. His friend's death made Jack ________________.
A. lose much interest in life
B. realize that he missed the friend very much
C. doubt his way of life
D. ill for some time
66. While living in the small town Jack ________________.
A. earns less money    B. gets more time 
C. has a happier life    D. does all these mentioned above

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