读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)
If you got 100,000 dollars by chance,how would you spend it? Here are some answers of our readers:
Elizabeth Stahl:I would donate it to an arts program for young boys and girls.The decrease in the creative arts programs such as music,art and drama in the schools have left many young artists out in the cold in academics.Much like sports,art in any form can and does make a difference in young people’s lives.
Marjorie C.:Although I agree with Elizabeth Stahl 100%,I’d give my money to each of my children to ensure the very best of education for my two granddaughters.
Clark:With one hundred thousand dollars…1 would distribute it among those whom I know that are in need and ask that they in turn then share half of what they’ve received with others that they personally know are in need.
Carol Wilson:First, I would take care of all my debts and gain good credit again,and then I would spend the rest on a new car.After all is said and done,take a nice long vacation.
美国某网站的论坛就 “How Would You Spend 100,000 Dollars?” 为主题进行调查。上文是一些网友的回复,你阅读了上文后,准备就该主题发表白己的观点,
(A) 你想用这笔钱做的一件或几件事情;
(B) 说明你这样做的原因。
People would spend 100,000 dollars in different ways if they got it by chance.Some would donate it to charity for various purposes while some others would take care of their own business with the money.
If I had the chance to get that money,1 would first set aside 20,000 dollars for my university education and then donate the rest to the children who suffered from the devastating earthquake last May.
There is no doubt that a good education is of vital importance to a person.It is through education that knowledge and information are received and spread throughout the world.An uneducated person is shut off from the outside world because he is closed to all the knowledge he can gain through books.In contrast,an educated man lives in a room with all its windows open towards the outside world.
Thus I would use the money for my own education and help the children in the disaster area in Sichuan to gain theirs.
项目 | 分值 | 评分标准 |
概 括 | 5 | 按照要求概括了原文的全部主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。 |
4 | 基本按照要求概括了原文的主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。 | |
3 | 基本按照要求概括了原文的主要信息,但包含一些不相关的信息,有个别句子抄自原文。语言结构基本正确,行文比较规范。 | |
2 | 不能按照要求概括原文的主要信息,包含较多不相关的信息,有较多的抄袭。语言结构不够准确,行文不够规范。 | |
0-1 | 没有按照要求概括原文的主要信息,基本是不相关的信息,大多数句子都抄自原文。语言结构不准确,行文不规范。 | |
写 作 | 18-20 | 包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题明确,内容丰富。 词汇丰富,用词得当。能有效运用合适的语言结构,而且没有(或极少)语法错误。 篇章结构的连贯性好。 |
14-17 | 包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题明确,个别内容不准确或者不相关。 词汇较丰富,有个别用词错误。较好地运用了合适的语言结构,有少许的语法错误。 篇章结构的连贯性较好。 | |
11-13 | 包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题比较明确,个别内容不准确或者不相关。 词汇较丰富,有个别用词错误。较好地运用了合适的语言结构,有少许的语法错误。 篇章结构的连贯性较好。 | |
7-10 | 包含题目所给的部分内容要点。主题基本明确,有些内容不准确或者不相关。 词汇有限,有较多的用词错误。语言结构出现较多的语法错误。 篇章结构的连贯性一般。 | |
4-6 | 只包含题目所给的个别内容要点。多数内容不相关或者不准确。文章有些地方照抄源文。 词汇贫乏,有较多的用词错误。大多数的句子出现语法错误。 篇章结构的连贯性差。 | |
1-3 | 只包含与题目所给要点内容有关的一些单词。主题不明确,文章基本照抄原文。 词汇极其贫乏,基本不能正确用词。几乎没有正确的句子。篇章结构零乱。 | |
0 | 以下几种情况,给0分: 1)完全抄袭原文(或其它文章) 2)文不对题 3)只写一些零散的单词,完全没有表达完整的内容 |