

Carol:   1   
Brent: I'm really into watching foreign films. What about you?
Carol:   2   Do you enjoy camping?
Brent: Camping for an evening is OK, but I couldn't do it for much longer than one night!
Carol: Have you ever been camping in the Boundary Waters?
Brent: No, but I've always wanted to do that.   3   
Carol: It's fantastic. My family and I are very fond of the place.
Brent: Do you have any photos of any of your camping trips there?
Carol: Sure, would you like to see them?
Brent:   4   So, you must be pretty interested in photography then.
Carol: I'd call it one of my hobbies. Have you heard about the photography exhibit that's going on at the 
         art gallery this weekend?
Brent: Yes, I was planning on going.   5   Carol: Yes. In fact, maybe we could go together.
A. What kind of things do you do in your free time?
B. That’d be great.
C. How about at 11:00?
D. I like to do just about anything outdoors.
E. Do you know much about photography?
F. Are you?
G. I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place to go.

Tom: a local
John: an international student in America
Tom: Hi, John What's up?
John: Hi. Not much I'm just miserable as usual.
Tom: 1______
John: I feel terrible. I can't get used to the food; I can't get along with the people here. I don't like these 
         customs. 2______ 
Tom: Do you eat everything back home? Have you got lots of friends in your country?
John: What are you trying to say?
Tom: I think you may have some of these same feelings back home. They just seem stronger now because
         you're in a strange place. 3______
John: No, I guess I feel this way at home sometimes, too.
Tom: Maybe you're just in a bad mood. 4______ It will pass, anyway.
John: I hope so.
Tom: Why don't you do something you enjoy to take your mind off your troubles?
John: 5______ I'm just feeling homesick, I guess.
A. I dislike everything here.
B. Don't worry.
C. Thanks for the advice.
D. I wish I were back home.
E. Have you thought about it?
F. How can I help you?
G. What's the matter with you?