
    It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language. So does laughter or crying. There are also a number of clear similarities in the way different animals show the same feeling. Dogs, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they are angry. This is probably because such behavior patterns are inherited (遗传) rather than learned.
  Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like “he went pale and begin to tremble (颤抖)”suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. However, “he opened his eyes wide” is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise. In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like “they stretched out(伸出)their tongues”! Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting(侮辱)or expresses disgust.
  Even in the same culture, people differ in ability to understand and express feelings. Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness on people’s faces. Disgust, contempt (蔑视) and suffering seem to be the most difficult emotions for people everywhere either to recognize or to express. Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do. And psychologists (心理学家) such as E.G. Beier have also shown that some people often give the completely impression of how they feel. For example, they try to show love but in fact communicate dislike. Or when they want to show interest, they give the impression that they don’t care. This can happen even among close friends and members of the same family. In other words, what we think we are communicating through language, voice, face and body movements may be the exact opposite of what for people understand.
71.According to the passage, even in different cultures the most easily recognized emotion is    .
A.anger       B.dislike      C.happiness  D.surprise
72.Experiments show that easier understanding of words and gestures has something to do with your           .
A.age and sex             B.love and cultural differences
C.impressions about the speaker D.emotional state
73.When we communicate with people,        .
A.we know exactly what they mean while they express their emotions
B.we sometimes misunderstand each other
C.we usually mislead them by expressing the opposite of our feeling
D.it seems much mere difficult to understand body language than language
74.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.When we communicate our real emotions, we many cause misunderstanding to others.
B.Different people in different cultures may have different ways to understand one gesture.
C.Some people are likely to hide their real feelings and express them in the opposite way.
D.What we say does always mean the same thing as the gestures we make.
75.The underlined word “disgust” in Paragraph 2 probably means “     ” in this passage.
A.strong dislike   B.friendliness      C.love  D.sickness


Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They will soil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong thing. The key to preventing or treating behavior problems is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior to outlets that are acceptable in the domestic setting.
  One of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself is to train its obedience. Obedience training doesn’t solve all behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do.
Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit,” it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is not necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the pack(群)by using extreme measure. You can teach your dog its subordinate(从属的)role by teaching it to show submission to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you to
pleasantly accept that you are in charge.
  Training should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal.
51. Behavior problems of dogs are believed to _______.
A. be just part of their nature
  B. worsen in modern society
  C. occur when they go wild
  D. present a threat to the community
52. The primary purpose of obedience training is to _______.
  A. teach the dog to perform clever tricks
  B. make the dog aware of its owner’s authority
  C. provide the dog with outlets for its wild behavior
  D. enable the dog to regain its normal behavior
53. Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _______.
  A. essential to solving the dog’s behavior problems
  B. the foundation for dogs to perform tasks
  C. a good way to teach the dog new tricks
  D. an extreme measure in obedience training
54. Why do pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters?
  A. To avoid being punished.
  B. To show their affection for their masters.
  C. To win leadership of the dog pack.
  D. To show their willingness to obey.
55. When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner _______.
  A. can give the dog more rewards
  B. will enjoy a better family life
  C. can give the dog more freedom
  D. will have more confidence in himself

  Farmer Ed Rawlings smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Florida's weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Rawlings' expert care, will produce a good crop of oranges this year.
  But Ed has to fight against Florida's changeable winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can destroy Ed's entire orange, crop. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed Rawlings is prepared for the frosts(霜). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by watering his orange trees. The water freezes and forms a thin layer (层)of ice on the trees. Strange as it may sound, this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm.
  What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water loses heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is sucked in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a safe level. Ed Rawlings has effectively used this method(方法)to save many orange crops.
  But Ed still faces some difficulties. The trees should be watered at the exact moment the temperature drops to the freezing point. Also, just the right quantity of water must be used. Too much water can form a thick layer of ice that will break the trees' branches. Another difficulty is that wind blows away the heat. So Ed has to worry about not only when but also how often his trees should be watered, and how much water should be used.
  Computer technology may help Ed Rawlings with some of these worries. With equipment, air and soil temperatures and wind speed can be measured. The information is fed into a computer which can tell when temperatures drop to freezing. The computer can correctly decide the quantity of water to be used and how frequently the trees should be watered. Ed Rawlings will find looking after his orange trees a lot easier with the help of a computer, and we'll all have the benefits(or advantages)of computer-age oranges.
1. The passage is mainly about _____ .
A.a farmer's expert care for his orange trees 
B. the different uses of computers
 C. growing oranges in Florida's changeable weather
 D. different ways of frost protection
2. Ed tried to protect his crop by _____ .
 A. using a wind machine to drive away the cold air
 B. equipping his orange trees with a computer
C. watering it at the proper time 
D. picking his fruit at the first sign of frost
3. In the writer's eyes, computers _____ .
A.are too expensive for small farmers
B. can be a valuable tool for the farmer
 C. can be used to help oranges grow bigger    
 D. cannot take the place of the farmer's experience and judgement
4. Which of the following is NOT NECESSARY for Ed Rawlings to do?
  A. He should water the orange trees as soon as the temperature drops to the
    freezing point.
  B. He should decide the quantity of water for the orange trees.
  C. He has to water the orange trees more often in January and February.
  D. He has to judge how often he should water the orange trees.
5. According to the passage, the computer technology can _____ .
A.get rid of the need for frost protection 
B. help the farmer get a better harvest
 C. tell the farmer why outdoor temperature changes
D. prevent the temperature from dropping to the freezing point

Some people say we need 
to plant trees in places
where rock concerts or
conferences are held in
order to absorb the carbon
dioxide created by the
event. This picture shows
how trees can help.
Photosynthesis (光合作用)
①Photosynthesis takes place
when there is sunlight.
② Carbon dioxide in air enters
the leaves through tiny holes
called stomata ( 气孔).
③ Leaves contain chlorophyll
( 叶绿素 ) which traps the
sun's energy.
④ Plant's roots gather water
from the soil.
⑤ Leaves use chlorophyll and
sunlight to change the water
and carbon dioxide into food,
or sugar, for the plant.
⑥ Oxygen is released into the air.
63. According to the passage, which of the following plays an important part in catching the sun's energy?
A. Roots     B. Branches     C. Leaves          D. Trunks         
64. What is the best title of the diagram(图表)?
A. How trees absorb carbon dioxide?            
B. How the air can be made cleaner?
C. Trees play an important part in our daily life.    
D. How trees get food in the soil?
65. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. the food for trees is made from the water and sugar in the soil
B. photosynthesis can't take place at night    
C. photosynthesis can take place at any time
D. trees help little in improving the air conditions
66. According to the passage, where should more trees be planted?
A. near the river                    B. near the cinema
C. along the highway                D. on the mountain

What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow,orange,red? If you do,you must be an optimist,a leader,an active person who enjoys life,people and excitement.Do you prefer grey and blues? Then you are probably quiet,shy and you would rather follow than lead.If you love green,you are strong-minded and determined.You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are successful.At least this is what psychologists(心理学家)tell us,and they should know,because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference,and the effect that colors have on human beings.They tell us that we don’t choose our favorite color as we grow up.If you happen to love brown,you did so as soon as you opened your eyes,or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one,and a red dress rings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand,black is depressing(压抑).Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.It is a fact that factory workers work better,harder,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray.
Remember,then,that if you feel low,you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or a few colorful things.Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike.And don’t forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.
60.According to this passage,       
A.one can choose his color preference
B.one is born with his color preference
C.one’s color preference is changeable
D.one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly
61.We would pay attention to colors because       
A.colors do have effect on our moods(情绪)
B.colors may have effect on our work and study
C.light and bright colors make people happy
D.you can know your friends better by the colors they like or dislike
62.The main idea of this passage is       
A.one’s color preference shows one’s character
B.you can brighten your lire with wonderful colors
C.psychologists have been studying the meaning of color preference
D.one’s color preference has something to do with his character and colors have effects on
human beings
63.The writer believes that in realizing the four modernizations of our country,we need more
people who love       
A.yellow                    B.red                         C.black                      D.green

Everyone has got two personalities—one is shown to the world and the other is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are asleep, sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.
If you go to sleep on your back, your are a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or your new ideas. You don’t like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings. You are quite shy and you aren’t very confident.
If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and always easily get upset, you are very stubborn, but you aren’t very ambitious (有野心的). You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means you enjoy having a good time.
If you sleep curled up , you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and so you are often very defensive. You are shy and you don’t normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your own. You are easily hurt.
If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious, but you don’t often get depressed. You always say what you think even if it annoys people.
73. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A. Your Sleeping Position and Your Personality
B. Sleeping and Your Health
C. The Secrets of Your Sleeping 
D. Pay Attention to Your Sleeping Positions
74. If one goes to sleep on his stomach, he might ________.
A. never express his real feelings           B. keep himself secret from others
C. be a very nervous person               D. be usually careful    
75. A person who sleeps curled up might ________.
A. like to stay alone                     B. love having a good time
C. be very ambitious                          D. always feel confident
76. Which of the important sleeping position that might let out your secrets?
A. The sleeping position when you fall asleep  
B. The sleeping position when you wake up.
C. The sleeping position when you feel comfortable. 
D. The sleeping position at midnight.

Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.
The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.
In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money. At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.
The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.
Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.
Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save it.
Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finance. A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest.
Compounding works by paying interest on interest. So, for example, one dollar invested at two percent interest for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot. But over time it adds up.
77.For children who receive allowances, they’d better not ________.  
A. waste money to buy gifts for their parents or friends  
B. buy their favorite clothing or electronics for themselves  
C. save money like their parents or other adults  
D. ask for the next allowance before the decided date.
78.Many parents give children an allowance regularly to ______.  
A. meet children’s basic need for life       
B. give control over their children  
C. see whether they have financial mistakes  
D. help children learn how to manage money
79.If children are required to save their allowance, they ______.  
A. can experience three things related to money  
B. can understand the relation between goals and sacrifice  
C. will do more work around the house  
D. help themselves found the basis for their future life
80. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Be Generous to Pay Your Children
B. Be Wise to Avoid Financial Mistakes
C. Saving Allowances Does Good to Children
D. Allowances Help Children Learn about Money

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Some people have unforgettable past memories that make them sad and angry. Well, to deal with this, I suggest that you pick yourself up and move ahead. It is easier said than done! So here are a few ways to bring about the change.
Do something you really love doing. We all have interest in what we love working on, but most of us don’t have any time to do anything about them. Well, this is your time to do that! It’ll take your mind away from whatever is making you unhappy and of course it’ll help you remember your happy days in the past when you used to relax more often.
Think long and hard. I’m sure you must be doing this already, but I want you to think about the effect that forgiving other people could have. Think about whether you are ready to accept the changes this might bring.
Write about your feelings. Most people are too lazy to write, but it is often the best way to clear your mind. Write about your experiences and then forget about your past memories. On the Internet there are thousands of places where you can list out all your experiences without writing down your real name.
Make a start on this and I’m sure the frequency of your worries will decrease soon enough.
56. The passage is mainly about ______.
A. how to forget bad past memories            B. how to do the things we love
C. learning to accept changes                      D. writing about past memories
57. According to the passage, the best way to forget past memories is to ______.
A. write about your feelings and experiences       B. pick yourself up and move ahead
C. write letters to the author                             D. forgive lazy people
58. The author thinks we can’t do the things we love because ______.
A. it will take our minds away                    B. we don’t have any time
C. it will recollect our memories                 D. it is easier said than done
59. What is Not true according to the passage?
A. Forgiving other people could help you pick yourself up.
B. It’s easier said than done when you try to lessen your sadness.
C. You can write your feelings on the internet without your real name.
D. Writing your feelings out is to make you remember your sad past.

A lonely and sad pug (哈巴狗) was photographed as he waited for his owner by the side of the road has been considered as the world’s saddest dog. Pictures of the pet taken by a passer-by have become an internet foucus after being posted on the photo-sharing  website Flickr. The dog which is nicknamed Mr Newman looks terribly upset as he sits on the pavement tied to a lamp-post with a rope.
The photograph was taken outside a café in the Californian city of San Francisco, which may go some way to explaining why he is dressed in a stylish grey and purple sweater.
"He was hanging around looking for somebody to love him. I tried to cheer him up – he seemed happy to see me," said the photographer Chris Michael.
One of the four photos of the pug on Flickr is titled "Tough day for Mr Newman" and with some other words as follows: "Despite his cool clothes, the girls just aren't interested in him any more."
Dozens of people on the site said they had been touched by the dog's pitiful expressions gaze. "I come back to see this photo every now and then because it's too cute, so does my daughter. In fact, my family all are touched," wrote one of the pedestrians who had seen the photo. Another viewer said that she had been moved as to buy a pug of her own after seeing the photos.
Mr Newman may have won the hearts of internet users but he is unlikely to be more famous than a cat competitor Keyboard Cat, the musical pet who has become a star on YouTube.
1.The little pug waited by the road probably because           .
A.it was abandoned by its owner       B.it was left behind by his owner
C.it was trapped by a passer – by      D.it couldn’t find the way home
2.We can infer from the passage that the photographer Chris Michael          .
A.knew much about the owner of the dog 
B.helped to find the owner of the pug
C.took great interest in its colorful sweater
D.tried to amuse the pug in some ways
3.The writer used the underlined sentence from the website to           .
A.add some humor to the passage
B.describe the pug’s loveliness
C.help the god owner recognize it
D.inform girls to adopt the dog
4.What would be discussed next according to the text?          .
A.Description of another dog
B.The pug’s recent situation
C.Some details about the keyboard cat
D.Pet owners’ responsibility

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