
Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.
The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another consideration. Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.
In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money. At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.
The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving. Older children may be responsible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.
Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.
Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save it.
Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finance. A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest.
Compounding works by paying interest on interest. So, for example, one dollar invested at two percent interest for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot. But over time it adds up.
77.For children who receive allowances, they’d better not ________.  
A. waste money to buy gifts for their parents or friends  
B. buy their favorite clothing or electronics for themselves  
C. save money like their parents or other adults  
D. ask for the next allowance before the decided date.
78.Many parents give children an allowance regularly to ______.  
A. meet children’s basic need for life       
B. give control over their children  
C. see whether they have financial mistakes  
D. help children learn how to manage money
79.If children are required to save their allowance, they ______.  
A. can experience three things related to money  
B. can understand the relation between goals and sacrifice  
C. will do more work around the house  
D. help themselves found the basis for their future life
80. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Be Generous to Pay Your Children
B. Be Wise to Avoid Financial Mistakes
C. Saving Allowances Does Good to Children
D. Allowances Help Children Learn about Money

    It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language. So does laughter or crying. There are also a number of clear similarities in the way different animals show the same feeling. Dogs, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they are angry. This is probably because such behavior patterns are inherited (遗传) rather than learned.
  Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like “he went pale and begin to tremble (颤抖)”suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. However, “he opened his eyes wide” is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise. In Chinese surprise can be described in a phrase like “they stretched out(伸出)their tongues”! Sticking out your tongue in English is an insulting(侮辱)or expresses disgust.
  Even in the same culture, people differ in ability to understand and express feelings. Experiments in America have shown that women are usually better than men at recognizing fear, anger, love and happiness on people’s faces. Disgust, contempt (蔑视) and suffering seem to be the most difficult emotions for people everywhere either to recognize or to express. Other studies show that older people usually find it easier to recognize or understand body language than younger people do. And psychologists (心理学家) such as E.G. Beier have also shown that some people often give the completely impression of how they feel. For example, they try to show love but in fact communicate dislike. Or when they want to show interest, they give the impression that they don’t care. This can happen even among close friends and members of the same family. In other words, what we think we are communicating through language, voice, face and body movements may be the exact opposite of what for people understand.
71.According to the passage, even in different cultures the most easily recognized emotion is    .
A.anger       B.dislike      C.happiness  D.surprise
72.Experiments show that easier understanding of words and gestures has something to do with your           .
A.age and sex             B.love and cultural differences
C.impressions about the speaker D.emotional state
73.When we communicate with people,        .
A.we know exactly what they mean while they express their emotions
B.we sometimes misunderstand each other
C.we usually mislead them by expressing the opposite of our feeling
D.it seems much mere difficult to understand body language than language
74.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A.When we communicate our real emotions, we many cause misunderstanding to others.
B.Different people in different cultures may have different ways to understand one gesture.
C.Some people are likely to hide their real feelings and express them in the opposite way.
D.What we say does always mean the same thing as the gestures we make.
75.The underlined word “disgust” in Paragraph 2 probably means “     ” in this passage.
A.strong dislike   B.friendliness      C.love  D.sickness

Driving a car at high speed along a highway seems to be fun. You need only to follow the bright traffic signs beside the highways and it will take you to where you wish.
But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job. A taxi driver has to have not only good driving skills but also a good knowledge of the city of a London, from the smallest lane to the most popular bar around. He has to be at the service of all kinds of passengers at all times.
A certain London taxi driver told of his job as follows.
During the night it is quite usual for him to stop two or three times for some refreshments (点心). He said. "I never drink when I'm working ---- I would lose my licence."
He normally goes home between 2 and 3 O'clock in the night, There are times he has to stay longer and try to make more runs. He said, "That's the worst thing about working for yourself. If you don't make the money, no one is going to give it to you."
London taxi drivers not only ‘take' but also ‘give' , Every summer hundreds of children from London will go for a day at the sea--- by taxi! Their rides are paid by the taxi drivers, and these fares all go to the ‘London Taxi Fund for Underprivileged Children.' At the sea. they are met by the mayor, and a lunch party is also held in honour of the taxi drivers and the children. After a happy day running around the sea beaches and visiting the market, the children go home again-- by taxi, and free of charge, of course!
62. To be a London driver is not easy because ______.
A. he has to follow the bright traffic signs
B. he has to have good driving skills and know all the places in the city
C. he has to serve all kinds of passengers at all times
D. both B. and C
63. The London taxi drivers _______.
A. work hard because on one would give them money for doing nothing
B. never stop driving in the city
C. only work between 2 and 3 o'clock in the night
D. are very rich
64. The author of the passage says that _______.
A. the taxi driver works longer than is necessary
B. the more runs the taxi driver makes, the more he gets
C. the taxi driver doesn't like to work for others
D. the taxi drivers in the city go to the seaside to attend a party every year.
65. London taxi driver _______.
A. take money because they have to pay for the children's ride
B. go to the sea for a day in the summer
C. pay the fares for the poor children to the sea for a day once every year
D. give the poor children a free ride for a day at the sea once every year
66. The underlined words Underprivileged Children mean children _______.
A. of low income families                            B. who like to travel in taxi
C. who wish to go to sea but have no money      D. from London
CBC is a famous air company which has over twenty planes carrying passengers and goods, flying along 12 fixed lines all over the world. Its service is very good but some passengers are still not satisfied with it and that is why in 2003 and 2004 the company received letters of complaints from consumers or passengers who pointed out over a dozen kinds of problems which are divided in groups in the following table. Those about passengers’ things carried by the plane are Baggage problems. Customer service refers to service work with passengers are not satisfied with. Over -sales of seats are about the fact that more seats are sold and as a result the plane is too crowded to be safe. Refund problems appear when passengers fail to receive the money paid back to them because of what they have lost. Fares are problems about the price of tickets.
Consumer Complaints Received By the CBC
Flight problems
Customer service
Over-sales of seats
Refund problems
Reservation & Ticketing
Special passengers
Total Number of Complaints
51.About how many complaints about Credit were received by the CBC in 2003?
A.28       B.29      C.30       D.31
52.By about what percent did the total number of complaints decrease from 2003 to 2004?
A.40%   B.60%   C.75%   D.100%
53.If the circle graphs below show total consumer complaints for 2003, which graph shows a dark part that is about Flight problems and Refund problems together?


54.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the table?
a.  In 2003 and in 2004, complaints about Flight problem, Baggage, and Customer service
together took about 50 percent of all consumer complaints received by the CBC Company.
b.  The number of special passengers complaints was unchanged from 2003 to 2004.
c.  From 2003 to 2004 the number of Flight problem complaints increased by more than 2 percent.
A.only a          B.only b          C.a and b       D.a and c
55.From the passage we can know that                                 .
A.customers are not satisfied with CBC
B.sometimes CBC sells more tickets than its plane’s fixed seats
C.CBC has more than twenty planes which fly to all the capital cities of the world
D.customers can only buy tickets with ready money

People living in the UK take quite a few holidays abroad and in this country each year. Choices made about where to go, how to get there and what to do while there can either benefit or harm the environment.
While on holiday
Many of the things you can do to be greener on holiday will be the same things you can do at home—but there are also some extra things too, like avoiding gifts made from endangered plants and animals. Here are some suggestions:
●Making the most of locally produced food and drink, and local activities and attractions will support people in the area you are visiting and reduce the need for further environmental influence from transport;
●Switching off any air conditioning, heating and lights will help reduce climate change effect;
●Save water—some countries suffer from water shortages and saving water can help avoid damage to our natural habitats.
Endangered species
Some gifts and foods available in some countries can be made from endangered plants or animals. Check before you buy, but if in doubt, avoid animal and plant gifts. More details of the types of products to avoid and illegal trade hotspots can be found on the Souvenir Alert webpage.
Making a positive contribution to the place you are visiting
There are ways in which your holiday can help support local people and the environment;
●There are many opportunities to volunteer and help with projects that conserve and improve natural habitats;
●When you are away, or if you are looking for somewhere to visit, you can support projects or attractions which protect wildlife, such as nature reserves and conservation projects.
60.According to the passage, we can ________ to help reduce climate change effect.
A.save electricity                                    B.buy local food and drink
C.  make good use of water                       D.go around on foot
61.We should check the gifts and foods before buying because ________.
A.sometimes they are of poor quality
B.they may not be typical local products
C.  some of them will do harm to our health
D.they may be made from endangered animals or plants
62.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.it is not easy for people to travel abroad
B.not everyone can tell an illegal souvenir
C.  green holidays have been accepted by people
D.volunteer work is a must for protecting natural habitats
63.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.travel dos and don’ts                            B.the harm done to the environment
C.  greener choices for holiday                  D.tips on protecting endangered species

During my elementary school years,I used to compare my mom with my best friend  Tiffany’s mom.
Tiffany’s mom always gave her lots of money to buy the most fashionable clothes and favorite food.Her morn allowed her to do anything she liked.I really admired Tiffany.My mom didn’t give me much pocket money and she always told me that I should behave my self.1 was annoyed with her.
Whenever I didn’t get what 1 wanted,1 would complain to my mom,Tiffany’s mom would give her that!1 wish she were my mom.”Every time,my mom would calmly say “Poor Tiffany”.
I couldn’t understand her.“She shouldn’t be feeling sorry for Tiffany!”I thought.“She should be feeling sorry for me.”
One day,I couldn’t help saying to Morn,”Poor Tiffany?Lucky Tiffany! She gets everything she wants! Why do you feel sorry for her?”I burst into tears.
My mom sat down next to me and said softly , “Yes,I do feel sorry for her.I have been teaching you a lesson that she will never be taught.”
I looked up at her.“What are you talking about?”
Mom said with care,“One day she will really want something.Maybe she’11 find out that she can’t have it.Her mother won’t always be around to give her money,and what’s more,money can’t buy everything.”
She continued,“I have taught you valuable lessons by not giving you everything you want.You’11 know how to look for bargains and save money,but she won’t.You’11 under stand that you need to work hard to get the things that you want but she won’t.When Tiffany is a grown woman,she’11 wake up one day and she will be wishing that she had a mom like the one you’ve got.Life lessons are more important than modern clothes and delicious food.’’
It took some time,but I eventually understood my mom’s words.Now I am a happy and successful woman.
56.During the author’s elementary school years,she       .
A.wished that her mom were as good as Tiffany’s
B.went to school with Tiffany every day
C.usually compared her lesson with Tiffany’s
D.sometimes gave lots of money to Tiffany
57.Why did the author’s mom always say “Poor Tiffany”?
A.She felt sorry for Tiffany because Tiffany was poor.
B.She wanted to tell a lie to comfort the author.
C.She thought that Tiffany was spoiled by her mother.
D.She told the author this and wanted her to help Tiffany.
58.What do we learn about the author’s mother?
A.She was strict and taught the author to be independent.
B.She cared for other people’s children more than her own.
C.She thought that life lessons were as important as money.
D.She was so poor that she couldn’t give the author much money.
59.What can we infer from the passage?
A.The author was quite annoyed with her mother in the past.
B.The author’s mother felt sorry for Tiffany.
C.Tiffany’s mother took the author’s mother’s advice.
D.The author is thankful to her mother now.

Isn't it astonishing how much time we spend talking about food? “Have you ever eaten …?” “What did you have for lunch?” and so on. And yet when you travel from one country to another, you will find that people have quite different feelings about food. People often feel that what they eat is normal (正常) and that what other people eat is strange or silly. In most parts of Asia, for example, no meal is complete without rice. In England, people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal. Eating like so many things we do, becomes a habit which is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink tea four or five times every day. Australians drink a great deal of beer, and the French drink wine every day.
The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another. Horse meat is thought to be delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. New Zealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese don't like to eat sheep meat because of its smell, but they enjoy eating raw fish (生鱼).
So it seems that although eating is a topic we can talk about for hours, there is very little common sense in what we say it. People everywhere enjoy eating what they have always eaten, and there is very little we can do to change our eating habits.
64. Which of the following is true according to the article?
A. All people have the same feeling about food.
B. In most parts of Asia, people usually have rice for meals.
C. People often consider other people to be strange or silly.
D. The topic people spend time talking about is bread and meat.
65. People in different countries   ___ .
A. drink the same sort of wine     B. have the same eating habit
C. eat different kinds of meat      D. have the same tea at different time within a day
66. The Japanese don't like to eat sheep meat    __ .
A. because they dislike its smell   B. because it is too expensive
C. because it is easy to go bad    D. because they think it will do harm to their health
67. English people drink tea four or five times a day    _  .
A. because they get thirsty easily     B. because there is plenty of tea in Britain
C. because of their drinking habit    D. because they have enough time to do so

We thought we had it all---a beautiful house, three healthy children and one more on the way,
two cars, a couple of four-wheelers for entertainment---and we loved it. Then, the market turned and my husband’s job at a construction company was gone. The company was closing down for good.
We both started looking for jobs right away, but there weren’t any to be found. With each passing day we were getting increasingly worried and we continued to work together in order to pull our family through. The more we pulled together, the closer we got. I felt feelings of admiration for my husband that I hadn’t felt in years.
That’s why it was so hard for me to watch him blame himself for our present situation. I continually asked him to stop, but he seemed to want to punish himself for not having a job.
Finally, one afternoon I pulled him aside and said, “We have four healthy children and each other. That’s what’s important. That makes you a rich man.”
“ But what if we lose the house? They’ll hate me—you’ll hate me,” he replied.
I smiled at him and put my hands on both sides of his face to make him look me in the eye. “No matter where we live I will be happy –as long as I have you.” I smiled again. In all the struggling together I had found that deep love for him that I had on the day we said “I do”.
I could see his shoulders and neck relaxed. He held me close and we were able to talk and plan and dream together in a way that we hadn’t for quite some time. It was a turning point for us as a couple and a family.
We are still struggling for out better life, but I consider us well-off because we have something that money can’t buy and no one can take away from us.
36.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph means that________.
A.they became closer as they struggled together
B.they hoped to find jobs in the same company
C.neither of them had the courage to ace difficulty
D.they were trying to make their relationship closer
37.We can learn from the passage that________.
A.they both found good jobs at last.
B.both of them were worried about joblessness.
C.her husband was to blame for the unemployment
D.they didn’t love each other when they got married
38.Which of the following can best describe their present life?
A.Bitter but easy. B.Comfortable and happy.
C.Hard but warm.       D.Well-off and relaxing.
39.The best title of the passage might be________         .
A.We Have It All           B.We Find It Again
C.A Perfect Couple            D.A Hard Time

“Yes, I'll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again. ”It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make.Her daughter had been very kind,of course,and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station,but Mrs. Robson hated to admit that she needed help.Since her husband had died ten years before,she had prided herself on her independence.She had continued to live in their little house, alone.
On the evening, however,she was standing at her living-room window,staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden . Her feelings were mixed.Of course,she was sad at the thought of leaving the house,as it was full of many memories.But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea,back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale of the house,she had bought a little flat there. She turned from the living room window,and looked mindedly at the walls. There was a small fish tank,with two goldfish in it. When asked why,her husband used to say,“It’s nice to have something alive in the room.’’Since he had passed away,she had always kept some goldfish,had always had “something alive in the room”.
The next morning,as her train was pulling out of the station,Mrs. Robson called to her daughter.“Kate,you won’t forget to collect the goldfish,will you? The children will love them. It’s…”,
“I know.” Kate interrupted gently. “It s nice to have something alive in the room.”
53. According to the passage,we know that Mrs. Robson____
A. was tired of living alone
B. was not liked by her daughter
C. did not like asking people for help
D. did not want to be visited by her daughter
54. Mrs. Robson was going to         .
A. be in hospital                B. 1ive with her daughter
C. travel abroad alone           D. move to her hometown
55. The feelings of Mrs. Robson on her last night in the house were         
A. sad and hopeful             B. regretful and excited
C. sad and regretful            D. excited and hopeful
56. From the last two paragraphs,we can know that Mrs. Robson        .
A.enjoyed keeping pets at home
B.missed her husband very much
C.had the same hobby with her husband
D.was worried about her daughter’s bad memory

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