
The ChinaDaily newspaper group is looking for English-language senior business editors,senior copy editors,copy editors and graphic designers to strengthen its international team.We offer a competitive salary package,free accommodation with utilities paid for,90 per cent medical reimbursement,a seven-day paid leave,eleven­day public holidays and a return ticket to the country of residence.
Senior Business Editor
You must:
assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;
be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to rewrite totally if needed and mentor junior staff;
ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and understand what leadership entails;
have had at least five years’ editing experience working on editing the Business Desk and be familiar with industry software.
Senior Copy Editor
You must:
work on shifts in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
edit or rewrite copy and give snappy headlines and captions;
have had at least two years’ editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software.
Copy Editor
You must:
be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing snappy headlines and captions;
be able to work on shifts for different pages,and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
have two years of editing experience working on copy desks,and be familiar with industry software.
Graphic Designer
You must:
have excellent skills in information graphics;
be good at illustrations and freehand drawings;
be experienced in newspaper or magazine layouts;
have a good sense of typography;
have good news judgment;
be well­versed with Macintosh software,including InDesign,Illustrator and Photoshop;
be fluent in English.
For enquiries or to apply,write to job @ chinadaily.com.cn.
【小题1】What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To describe the positions of the ChinaDaily newspaper group.
B.To describe the working conditions of the ChinaDaily newspaper group.
C.To advertise for recruiting some good employees.
D.To tell you how to become part of this group.
【小题2】What is not required about Graphic Designer?
A.Be well-versed with Photoshop.
B.Have excellent skills in information graphics.
C.Having a good sense of typography.
D.Writing snappy headlines and captions.
【小题3】How many positions need editing experience?
A.2.B.1. C.3. D.4.
【小题4】Which can be the title of the advertisement?
A.ChinaDaily:New Employees Wanted
C.ChinaDaily:An International Team
D.ChinaDaily:The Best Working Condition
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Free accommodations are available to the workers.
B.The workers there can enjoy a seven-day leave without pay.
C.The employees have the right to enjoy eleven­day public holidays.
D.The senior business editor’s only job is to help the business editor to set goals.




French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on Thursday that his country hopes to deepen ties with China, which have been strained over French President Nicolas Sarkozy's meeting with the Dalai Lama.
"We need China, the world needs China to get out of the recession(衰退) " Fillon told parliament.Relations between the two countries hit a low after Sarkozy refused to call off a meeting with the Dalai Lama in December.
Beijing then pulled out of a summit(峰会) with the European Union (EU) that was supposed to have taken place on Dec 1 in France, which held the rotating EU presidency at the time.
Fillon stressed that Tibet is part of China, but insisted that the French president had every right to meet the Dalai Lama.
"For us, this incident does nothing to distract(转移) from our desire to reinforce our strategic partnership with China."
Former French prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin is scheduled to visit China next week following earlier attempts to improve relations.
China, which has said it is up to France to repair ties with Beijing, agreed with the EU last week to hold a summit soon, after the London G20 summit on April 2.
France was excluded from Premier Wen Jiabao's recent European visit.
"We all know why," Wen said when asked why he had omitted France from his journey, China News Service reported.
"I looked at a map of Europe on the plane. My trip goes around France," Wen said.
"The reason (for not visiting) doesn't lie with China", he told a group of reporters. He urged Paris to "mend and improve ties" with China.
44.Premier WenJiabao didn’t visit France because_______.
A.he promised to visit France later
B.former French prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin is scheduled to visit China soon
C.France didn’t attend the summit of the EU
D.Sarkozy met the Dalai Lama
45.According to France, ____________.
A.the president has the right to meet the Dalai Lama
B.the meeting will strengthen the strategic partnership with China
C.they don’t know why Premier WenJiabao didn’t visit France
D.China don’t care much for the ties with France
46.From paragraphs 2,3 and 4, the important conclusion is that _______.
A. Tibet is part of China
B. France and the world need China
C. Sarkozy refused to call off a meeting with the Dalai Lama in December.
D. Beijing pulled out of a summit with the Dalai Lama in December.
47.The main idea of the news is that_______.
A. It’s France’s fault to affect the relation between the two countries
B. France seeks to repair relations with China
C. Premier Wen urged Paris to “mend and improve ties” with China
D. Relations between China and France are going smoothly.

Many people take it for granted that black is a color of bad things while white should always mean something good. This may be because, in their opinion, black is related to darkness and white to purity. However, that is not always the case. Did you know that the same one color may mean something differently in different places of the world?
In the English-speaking world, black is the color of mourning—people wear black at the funeral. Red is concerned with danger or bloodshed(伤亡). Yellow is the word for fear. If you are afraid, you are yellow. Yet none of these sayings is true outside the English-speaking world. In China and Korea white is the color of mourning. In Russia, China and some other countries, red stands for beauty, life and excellence. In Italy and Germany, you are yellow with anger, not with fear.
Even within the English-speaking area, it is not difficult to find color contradictions(矛盾).A redcap in the United States is a porter in a railway station. In Britain, however, a redcap is a military policeman. Both names are logical, because both men wear red caps. Similarly, the British term for an American white-collar worker is sometimes called a black-coated worker.
One does not have to cross an area to find color differences. Would you rather be red-blooded or a blue-blooded? If we go back to the origin, we find that both terms are logical as both names suggest. The expression “blueblood” comes from Spain, where some noble families proudly told the world that they had “blue blood”. Actually they meant that they had no Moorish or Jewish blood. But then why “blue” blood? Because they were fair-skinned, and it is only natural that their blood vessels (血管)stood out appearing blue.
【小题1】 Yellow is concerned with anger in ________________.

【小题2】Both Britain and America would probably agree that ________________.
A.a redcap is a porter in a station
B.black is the color of mourning
C.red stands for beauty and excellence
D.a black-coated worker is employed in an office
【小题3】 In Britain , a redcap is a           
A.porterB.noblemanC.clerkD.military policeman
【小题4】The best title for this reading selection is ________________.
A.The Origin of Blue Blood
B.Colors that Carry Bad Meanings
C.The Meaning Concerned with Certain Colors
D.The Development of the Symbolic Use of Colors

I attended a birthday party in 1991. My teacher was then 59 years old. But her fellow teacher said that we were celebrating her 39th birthday! We were all surprised and puzzled.
After the party I was told by the fellow teacher that American women have a special saying about birthdays. If a woman is over 40, or even if she is 80, her birthday is always the 39th. If she is in her thirties, her birthday will be the 29th. And in her twenties, it’s the 19th. They usually have their “real” birthday when they are below 20.
This shows that American women, especially elderly women, are very sensitive(敏感的) about their ages. But my teacher always says, “We want to be younger,” so about the age of Western women, my advice is that if you don’t know it, don’t ask about it; if you really know it, don’t mention it.
【小题1】The writer felt the birthday party he attended was ___________.

A.very interestingB.very strangeC.very commonD.very sensitive
【小题2】The writer must be from______________.
A.Western countriesB.Eastern countries
C.ChinaD.the United States
【小题3】In order to please an old Western woman , you can say to her,“____________”
A.You are so old that you shouldn’t do that.
B.How old are you?
C.You look so young and beautiful.
D.Can I help you, granny?
【小题4】The writer wants to tell us__________________.
A.that a Western woman always celebrates her 39th birthday
B.not to ask a Western woman’s age whether you know her well or not
C.to ask a Western woman’s age freely
D.not to attend an old Western woman’s birthday party

“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect example of Chinglish.
Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal translation of the Chinese greetings with a ruled English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American greeting. I was too thrilled to believe her. Her words could not convince me at all. So I did a research on google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages containing “Long time no see.” This sentence has been widely used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible places. Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. Ironically, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.
Nobody knows the origin of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully created a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan likes to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting Confucius. “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, “Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world with thanks to the popularity of these movies.
Some scholars refer to America as a huge pot of stew. All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they change the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数民族的成员) group in the United States, is also contributing some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be influenced in the mixed stew.
You can have some other examples than adoptions from Chinese, such as pizza from Italian, susi from Japanese, and déjà vu from French etc. There is a long list! Americans do not just simply borrow something from others. They will modify it and make it their own, so you would not be surprised to find a tofu and peanut butter hamburger in a restaurant, or to buy a bottle of iced Chinese green tea with honey in a grocery store. Since Americans appreciate Chinese culture more and more nowadays, I believe more Chinese words will become American English in the future. In this way the American stew keeps adding richness and flavor.
【小题1】The writer himself felt surprised at ______. 

A.the Chinglish expression “Long time no see”
B.“Long time no see” used as standard American English
C.so many literal translation of the expressions used in America
D.finding out Americans use the expression every day
【小题2】The word “stew” in the 4th paragraph probably means ______.
A.mixture literatureB.Confucius’ words
C.a kind of cooked dishD.American changing cultures
【小题3】According to the passage, it can be inferred that ______.
A.detectives translate the phrase “Long time no see”
B.Hollywood made “Long time no see”popular
C.the huge pot of stew greatly affects all kinds of languages
D.cultures can be changed in the huge pot of stew
【小题4】The main idea of the passage is that ______.
A.some Chinese expressions are introduced into English
B.you’ll not be surprised at a tofu in a restaurant in America
C.some American expressions can be used in China
D.American English keep being enriched from different cultures
【小题5】According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?
A.Informal language sometimes doesn’t go with grammar and structure.
B.Languages are always ruled by grammar and structure.
C.Long time no see” has been used in at least four media mentioned in the passage.
D.There are four languages mentioned to be adopted in the American stew.

While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face. Of all the reasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one. This phenomenon is commonly known as "Empty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症).
In order to seek better chances outside their countries, many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home. Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves, in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them. The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countries. Whatever the case, it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match what they actually do. This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response in time for their aged parents living by themselves.
The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parents has been described as "distant parent phenomenon", which is common both in developed countries and in developing countries. Our society has not yet been well prepared for "Empty Nest Syndrome".
【小题1】According to the passage, the loneliness of aged parents is mainly caused by __________.

A.their earlier experience of living alone
B.the poor living conditions in their native countries
C.the common worry that they have not saved much money
D.the distance between where parents live and where their children live
【小题2】Many young people have gone abroad, leaving their aged parents behind, to __________.
A.realize their dreams in foreign countries
B.seek a better place for their aged parents
C.live in the countries with more money
D.continue their studies abroad
【小题3】If young people go abroad, __________.
A.they do not hold to the value of duty at all
B.they can give some help to their parents back home
C.they cannot do what they should for their parents
D.they believe what they actually do is right
【小题4】From the last paragraph, we can infer that __________.
A.the situations in the developed and developing countries are different
B."Empty Nest Syndrome" has arrived unexpectedly in our society
C.children will become independent as soon as they go abroad
D.the aged parents are not fully prepared for "Empty Nest Syndrome"
【小题5】The society discussed in the passage is most probably __________.

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