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参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪

Hi Worried,

I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment.









The moment happened 30 years ago but it was still fresh in my memory. I was a college freshman and had ________ up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first ________ of the day my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a ________ . A few minutes’ nap(小睡)time before class couldn’t ________ , I thought.

BOOM! I lifted my head suddenly and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my ________ beating wildly trying to find the cause of the ________ . My young professor was looking at me with a boyish(孩子气的) smile on his face. He had ________ dropped the textbooks he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!”, he said still ________. “I am glad to see everyone is ________ . Now let’s get started. ”

For the next hour I wasn’t sleepy at all. It wasn’t from the ________ of my professor’s textbook alarm clock either. It was instead from the ________ discussion he led. With knowledge and good ________ he made the material come ________ . His insight (洞察力)was full of both wisdom and loving-kindness. And the enthusiasm and joy that he ________ with were contagious(有感染力的). I ________ the classroom not only wide awake, but a little ________ and a little better as well.

I learned something far more important than not ________ in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life,do it well,do it with ________ . What a wonderful place this would be if all of us did our work joyously and well. Don’t sleepwalk(梦游)your way through ________ then. Wake up! Let your love fill your work. Life is too ________ not to live it well.

1.A. took B. divided C. stayed D. put

2.A. class B. test C. task D. lecture

3.A. platform B. pillow C. carpet D. wall

4.A. benefit B. help C. last D. hurt

5.A. heart B. mind C. thought D. head

6.A. trouble B. noise C. failure D. incident

7.A. angrily B. carelessly C. purposely D. accidentally

8.A. smiling B. talking C. complaining D. shouting

9.A. active B. curious C. present D. awake

10.A. sound B. shock C. interruption D. blow

11.A. fascinating B. boring C. puzzling D. encouraging

12.A. gesture B. sense C. humor D. design

13.A. strange B. natural C. handy D. alive

14.A. taught B. spread C. combined D. started

15.A. decorated B. filled C. left D. entered

16.A. clearer B. smarter C. quieter D. stronger

17.A. discussing B. speaking C. cheating D. sleeping

18.A. joy B. speed C. aim D. determination

19.A. work B. life C. journey D. college

20.A. hard B. complex C. short D. simple

Four Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain

When we think of summer, most of us think of outdoor fun. So it seems like we should naturally lose weight over the summer. In reality, summer isn’t all beach volleyball and water sports. Therefore, we can gain weight easily in the summer. 1. Here are four ways to beat summer weight gain.

1.2. When we don’t have a plan, it’s easy to spend summer moving from the couch to the computer, with regular stops at the fridge. Avoid this by aiming for a specific goal, like volunteering or mastering a new skill. Just be sure to plan for some downtime so you can relax a little!

2. Stay busy. When we’re bored, it’s easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and then feeling low on energy. In addition to helping you avoid the cookie jar, getting loads of stuff to do can give you a sense of accomplishment.3..

3. Beat the heat. Don’t let summer heat put your exercise plans on hold4.if a gym isn’t your scene, try howling or an indoor climbing wall. If you love being outdoors, try swimming or a regular run in the early morning or evening.

4. 5.with school out, we lose our daily routines. If you don’t have a specific job or an activity to get up for, it’s easy to sleep late, watch too much TV, and snack more than usual. Make sure your summer days have some structure – like getting up at the same time each day. Plan activities for specific times, like exercising before breakfast.

A. Stick to a schedule.

B. Get going with goals.

C. Relax by walking outside.

D. Move your workout indoors.

E. We usually stay at home in summer.

F. That’s especially true if a dream summer job falls through.

G. However, it’s easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.

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