






My neighbor Smith is always consideration to others. One day, I was going to deliver speech at an institute when I found my car wouldn’t get start. I rushed to the street to hire a taxi. Just at that time I come across Smith. He was hurried going to attend to his sick mother in hospital.

Furthermore, when he learned about our problem, he didn’t hesitate to give me a lift. I arrived at the lecture hall in time, when the audience had been present. I owe my great thanks with my neighbour Smith, who is a person ready to help the others at any time.





考查固定结构。“我的汽车”和“启动”之间是被动关系,所以用get done结构,start改成started

考查时态表示发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以come改成 came

考查副词。修饰动词going用副词,所以hurried改成 hurriedly



考查非限制性定语从句。where the audience had been present.the lecture hall的定语,所以where the audience had been present.是一个非限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以when改成where。




【题目】The International Painting Contest on Google’s homepage in 2015 may look pretty strange, but it spotlightings a very serious issue: clean water, which is unusual for an 11-year-old from Long Island.

Audrey Zhang, a fifth-grader from Levittown, N.Y, is the winner of this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest, rising to the top of some 100, 000 entries on the theme of “draw one thing to make the world a better place.”

Her piece, titled “Back to Mother Nature,” describes a detailed water-cleaning machine. Zhang worked with a team of artists at Google to animate(使……生动)her drawing.

“To make the world a better place, I came up with a transformative water purifier, a machine used to remove dirty or harmful substances,” Google quoted Zhang as saying. “It takes in dirty and polluted water from rivers, lakes and even oceans, then massively transforms the water into clean, safe and pure water. When humans and animals drink this water, they will live a healthier life.”

She created a whole world around the device—one populated by humans, a whale in a top hat and dragons.

Zhang, s piece is “so vivid and so rich and so full and so complete,’’ Google Doodle team leader Ryan Germick told the Washington Post. “Every leaf seemed to have life in it.”

Along with having her artwork featured on Google’s homepage, Zhang wins a $30,000 college scholarship. In addition, her school will receive a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant, and the company is donating $20,000 in her name to a charity devoted to bringing clean water to schools in Bangladesh.

On Sunday, the night before her work was revealed on net, Zhang told Newsday she was excited by the big win, but said she wouldn’t be awake when her art first went online at midnight.

“I have school-tomorrow, so I can’t stay up late,” she told the paper.

1What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The winner and her work in the painting contest.

B. The team of artists at Google to animate drawings.

C. The painting contest of Google’s homepage in 2015.

D. The water-cleaning machine in the painting contest.

2According to the passage, we know that______.

A. Audrey Zhang is creative and self-disciplined

B. a water-cleaning device was made in the contest

C. $50, 000 will be donated in Audrey Zhang’s name

D. Zhang’s piece was printed in all major newspapers

3The underlined word in Paragraph l probably means “_____”.

A. put up with B. 1ook forward to

C. breakaway from D. focus attention on

【题目】Directions: Complete the passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health.But reversing the traditional gender roles is a stressful 1, according to the latest research by American scientists. By giving up their jobs in order to become house husbands, men 2their risk of heart attacks by as much as 82%, according to research based on a 10-year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA.

According to Dr Eaker, the key to the problem is that some man became 3 about performing a role not 4 assigned to them by society. Men who stay at home tend not to have the same levels of support from fiends and family as women who do the same. Jack O’Sullivan, of the Father’s Direct group, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the main carer to be a woman, and society is 5 around that. Daycare is called mother and toddle groups and some men feel 6 about belong to those groups.”

Professor Gary Cooper, a psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to 7 the task of caring for a family. He said:“Most men think being a house husband involves putting on a bit of washing , taking the kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee. They are crazy. Most men are not used to performing a 8of activities at the same time-the kind of multi-tasking which is second 9 to most of women.”

It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one seven homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that women in high-powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more 10 positions.


Classical Roman drama

Following the expansion of the Roman Republic into several Greek territories between 270-240 BC, Rome encountered Greek drama. From the later years of the republic and by means of the Roman Empire, theatre spread west across Europe and reached England; Roman theatre was more varied, extensive and sophisticated than that of any culture before it.

While Greek drama continued to be performed throughout the Roman period, the year 240 BC marks the beginning of regular Roman drama. From the beginning of the empire, however, interest in full-length drama declined in favor of a broader 1 of theatrical entertainments. The first important works of Roman literature were the tragedies and comedies that Livius Andronicus wrote from 240 BC. Five years later, Gnaeus Naevius also began to write drama. No plays from either writer have survived. Andronicus was most appreciated for his tragedies and Naevius for his comedies; their successors(继任者) tended to be 2 at one or the other, which led to a(n) 3 of the subsequent development of each type of drama.

By the beginning of the 2nd century BC, drama was firmly 4 in Rome and an association of writers had been formed. The Roman comedies that have survived are all “fabula palliate” (comedies based on Greek subjects) and come from two dramatists: Plautus and Terence. In re-working the Greek 5, the Roman comic dramatists abolished the role of the chorus(合唱) in dividing the drama into episodes and 6 musical accompaniment to its dialogue. The action of all scenes is set in the street and its complications often follow from eavesdropping(偷听).

Plautus, the more popular of the two, wrote between 205 and 184 BC and twenty of his comedies survive; people 7 him for the wisdom of his dialogue and his use of various poetic meters. All of the six comedies that Terence wrote between 166 and 160 BC have survived; the 8 of his plots, in which he often combined several Greek stories, was sometimes criticized, but his double-plots enabled a sophisticated presentation of contrasting human behavior. No early Roman tragedy survives, though it was highly 9 in its day; historians know of three early tragedians—Quintus Ennius, Marcus Pacuvius, and Lucius Accius.

From the time of the empire, the work of two tragedians survives—one is an unknown author, while the other is the philosopher Seneca. Nine of Seneca’s tragedies survive, all of which are tragedies from Greek stories. Historians do not know who wrote the only extant example of the fabula praetexta (tragedies based on Roman subjects), Octavia, but in former times it was mistakenly attributed to Seneca due to his appearance as a(n) 10 in the tragedy.

【题目】 I'm a single person and live with my dog. Jed isn't just my dog. He is my family. He goes everywhere with me. So I was overjoyed last year to hear that Bunnings was allowing dogs on a leash(皮带)- into their stores.

But no sooner had the rule come in than it was quickly repealed(撤销). A little girl in Victoria had walked up to a Jack Russell in a store and been bitten(咬伤). That was it. No more dogs.

I don't know the whole story. But here's what I have to say: dogs bite sometimes and kids are sometimes difficult to control.

There is nothing I love more than a kid who wants to touch Jed. But what's even better is when they ask permission first.

I was at my local dog park last week. It's huge, with an off-leash dog area to one side and a fenced-off kids' playground a good distance away. There was a family there that morning —parents and two young girls playing near the dog area. The elder girl started crying at the sight of Jed—“puppy! There a puppy! "Jed went right up and started licking()her, which only made her cry louder.

My dog was frightened and tried to get away. The little girl ran after him, shouting loudly. The parents did nothing; they just let their kid frighten my dog and then said I should have stopped him from licking her.

While they had a choice to play elsewhere, I did not. So I had to walk Jed away.

“I just don't want to have to meet a dog when I go shopping," said one caller on a radio show yesterday. Look, I get that. But the thing is, I don't always want to have your kid kick the back of my seat for two hours on a plane.

When I lived in the UK and the US, I couldn't walk through the stores without stopping to pat dogs. Why can't we follow their practice?

1What do we know about Jed?

A.He is a troublemaker.

B.He means a lot to the author.

C.He is the author's only friend.

D.He often goes shopping with: the author.

2Why did Bunnings stop following the rule?

A.A girl lost her dog there.

B.Dogs were badly-behaved.

C.Most people were against it.

D.It wanted to keep its customers safe.

3What happened at the dog park?

A.The little girl was hurt.

B.Jed was treated unfairly.

C.Jed played happily with the girl.

D.The parents stopped their daughter.

4What does the author think of the caller's words?


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