
As Mr. Jones aged, he decided to ___________charge of his family business to his eldest son, who was without question the most suitable candidate to succeed.

A. take over B. hand over

C. give away D. set aside




试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。A.接管;B. 移交;C. 放弃,分发;D. 留出。句意:因为琼斯先生年事已高,他决定把家族企业的管理转交给他的长子,毫无疑问是取得成功最合适的接班人。故选B。




With all the wars, fighting and sadness in the world today, it's not only necessary, but also essential to have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives. Putting a smile on someone's face when you know they are feeling down in the dump, makes me feel good and warms my heart.

How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co-worker, neighbor, close friends, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your corner store? I am always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I don't know the person I'm joking around with. My Grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine. This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is common courtesy(礼貌)to speak to others that are around you.

I know of a few people that don’t have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say. Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face. They don't get the joke that makes others laugh. I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space. How can people not get a really funny joke?

Laughing is essential to keep your stress levels under control. Without humor we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy. There is too much sadness in this present world. It drives people crazy. We all need to find a way to ignore the sadness and bring a little light into our lives. So, I believe our best medicine is to get together and tell some jokes and have some fun laughing together.

1. According to the author, humor is useful in the aspect that _________.

A. it makes people more confident

B. it can pick up people’s spirits

C. it can help get rid of the cruelty in the world

D. it can help people get on well with others

2. From the second paragraph, we can know that __________.

A. the writer is funny and polite

B. family members should play tricks on each other

C. the writer’s grandma is humorous

D. we should relieve stress in any situation

3.The phrase “busting a gut" in the third paragraph can be replaced by _______.

A. explaining carefully

B. speaking loud

C. keeping silent

D. laughing hard

4.In writing the passage, the author mainly intends to _______.

A. encourage people to be humorous in daily life

B. talk about his own understanding of humor

C. introduce a practical way to get through daily life

D. convince people of the power of being optimistic about life

5.What is the author’s attitude towards the present world?

A. Critical B. Positive

C. Satisfied D. Indifferent


By the time I reached junior high,I was sure I wanted to be a nurse. If you didn’t study Latin,you couldn’t be a nurse,so I enrolled. Many Latin words were familiar to me. The hard part turned out to be the usage and creating sentences with the words that seemed so easy to pronounce. Several weeks into the course my teacher came to me,saying,“I think you should withdraw from this course. It seems to be too hard for you. ”

That was the day I learned I wasn’t smart enough to become a nurse. With shame. I handed in my Latin textbook.

After high school,the years raced by. I married and had children. Then one day my husband John came home. “Carol. Max died this afternoon. ”I looked at my husband with disbelief.

John was touched by this tragedy. Finally one evening he said,“Carol,Jackie has never worked and now she’s alone with four children. I've been thinking — if anything happens to me. I want you to be able to take care of yourself and the children. Why don’t you think about what you’d like to do and get the training you’ll need to do it?”

I signed up for the entrance exam for nursing programs. One day I received a letter from the schoo1. I wanted so badly to open it,but with my lack of confidence,I laid it on the kitchen counter saying,” I'm not in the mood for a rejection letter today. ”

Finally I forced myself to open it. “Dear Carol,”I read. ”We are pleased to inform you that you successfully passed the entrance exam.”

An insensitive teacher once stole my dream. If you have a dream, exhaust every effort to reach it. I’ve worked thirty years now as a nurse and I’ve never been more certain that this is what I was meant to be.

1.Why did John advise Carol to find a job?

A. To support the family

B. To be able to live independently

C. To live a more colorful life

D. To provide more money for her kids

2.From the text, we know what the teacher said____________.

A. saved Carol from wasting her time

B. helped Carol find her true interest

C. destroyed Carol’s dream to be a nurse

D. encouraged Carol to be careful in learning

3.After receiving the letter from the schoo1, Caro1____________.

A. couldn’t wait to open it

B. had no mood to read it then

C. didn’t take it seriously at all

D. was uncertain about the result

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Too stupid to be a nurse

B. A dream too high to achieve

C. Never too late to 1earn

D. A chance too important to miss


OK, I admit it: emoticons(表情符号)are popular. Some people even think they are fun. Many seem unable to get through an e-mail or Instant Message chat sentence without using one. Some feel that they add feeling and character to otherwise cold digital communications.

Some people, such as a Hollywood scriptwriter John Blumenthal, however, blast the use of emoticons as “infantile(幼稚)just like the people who use them”. He believes that words themselves should be enough. “If you’re funny, happy or sad, that should be apparent from the comment that goes before the emoticons,” he argues.

In the eyes of Blumenthal, the use of emoticons is a gender issue. “Men don’t use emoticons very much. Maybe not at all,” he said, “Teenage girls and women seem to use them a lot. Maybe there’s an emoticon gene.”

It’s an interesting opinion, but it is not shared by all.

In an interview with The New York Times, Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at the University of California, said that emoticons are popular because our brains are programmed “to seek out representations of humanity”. He believes that they are popular not because they are shortcuts for the lazy, but because they bring in something beyond language. They satisfy our needs to be with and communicate with people.

All of these arguments may be somehow right. Each one of us will choose to communicate in our own way. I tried to use one once and felt like I was stealing into a primary school class that I had no place being in. I’d rather let my words do the talking.

Friends, however, send me messages and e-mails full of emoticons. I have no problem with this. I don’t regard any of my friends as lazy or immature. It’s just a question of individuality.

1.What does the underlined word “blast” in the second paragraph mean?

A. clarify B. criticize C. support D. approve

2.Which of the following views would John Blumenthal agree with?

A. It’s enough to use language in digital communication.

B. Instant Message chatters are childish.

C. Men never use emoticons.

D. There must be an emoticon gene in everybody.

3.From the text, we can conclude that the author______________.

A. feels he has no difficulty using emoticons

B. thinks emoticons don’t suit him

C. encourages his friends to use emoticons

D. believes that emoticons are suitable for everyone

4.What is the main point of the article?

A. Advice on language used over the Internet.

B. Arguments over the use of emoticons.

C. The history of the use of emoticons.

D. Reasons for the popularity of emoticons.


As the new semester begins, millions of college students across the country are trying hard to remember how best to write a paper or, more likely, how best to delay that paper.

Procrastination is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it. They can spend whole days in the library doing nothing but staring into space, eating snacks, surfing the Internet, watching videos and looking at other students sitting around them, who, most likely, are doing nothing either.

Paralyzed (使失去活力) by their habit to procrastinate, they write micro blogs about their fears, asking their online friends if they sometimes have the same issue. But this does nothing to break the spell (魔咒).

According to a recent report, 95 percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20 percent of the world’s population are always procrastinating. The figures are disappointing. Procrastinators are less wealthy, less healthy and less happy than those who don’t delay. Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior, but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong.

Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure. Pelling says this is nonsense, as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time. The behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel ashamed, inconveniences others and annoys loved ones.

Pelling also points out that procrastination feels particularly delinquent (过失的)in a society that thinks of speedy action as admirable, and, at times, even as a moral good.

Fortunately, social scientists have thrown their weight behind efforts to understand this behavioral mistake and offer strategies to control it. Piers Steel, a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation, believes human is “designed” to procrastinate. Nevertheless, he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.

1.From the first two paragraphs we can learn that _________.

A. procrastination is beneficial to many students

B. many students are under great pressure in their study

C.many students have the habit of delaying finishing their tasks

D. lots of college students work hard to write good essays on time

2.Which behavior belongs to procrastination?

A. Never dream away the time.

B. Always complete the tasks ahead of time.

C. Never put off till tomorrow what should be done today.

D. Always wait to work until the “good mood” or “good time”.

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

A. Procrastination makes people waste their time.

B. Procrastinators usually complete their tasks perfectly.

C. Speedy action is considered as a moral standard in the society.

D. Procrastination is common among people.

4.What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. Measures to deal with procrastination.

B. Approaches to handling the study pressures.

C. More examples to illustrate procrastination.

D. Introduction to the book The Procrastination Equation.


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