

假如你叫李华,你从小在美国长大的堂兄Jimmy来信,信中说他今年想回来 和你们一起过春节,并询问了你一些关于春节的基本情况。请你以李华的名义用 英文给他写一封回信,向他介绍一些关于春节的知识,并欢迎他来你家过节,要 点如下: .

1.时间:2016年2月8日,按传统持续15天; 2.意义:合家团聚,共度新年;


注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Jimmy,

Glad to know that you will come back to spend the Spring Festival with us this year.




1.Sun Li plays an important part in the TV_____________(连续) of Legend of Miyue.

2.“Do you love me?” she asked. He h_____________ and then said, “I am not sure.”

3.Will was stupefied with e______________, and he might have laid his head on the grass under one of the trees and slept, but he saw a cat acting strangely.

4.Every Chinese ____________(渴望)for a family reunion after a hard-working year. That is the reason why we attach great importance to the Spring Festival.

5.Take the medicine following the d____________ on the bottle.

6.There was an ____________(尴尬地) long silence..

7.I feel so fortunate that I have an o____________(机会) to go to New York for further study.

8.M_______________ helps one go forward while pride makes one fall behind.

9.Thank you so much for your generous _______________(好客)during my stay at your home.

10.Under no c___________________(情况) should you stay out without parents’ permission.

11.Trains may be subject to delay to North Railway Station---we a _____ for any inconvenience caused.

12.If it is a g________________(真正的)Michelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions.

13.Some Chinese emigrate to other countries while some foreigners _______________(移入) to China.

14.She felt nervous, increasingly _________________(缺少)in confidence about herself.

15.He had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which c_________________ (结果) led to the good position he now held.

On May 28th, 1998 I was driving my 13-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son to school. Unfortunately my car crashed with a truck. All three of us were critically injured. Stacey’s brain injury was the most severe. Despite all attempts to save her, she died two days later. When I became conscious, I heard my husband talking to the organ donor coordinator(器官捐助协调员).

We knew that Stacey would want that because that’s the kind of person she was. She always wanted to assist people. She was always smiling and brought so much joy to others. She was friendly and enjoyed writing stories and poetry.

It has been a comfort to know that Stacey lives on in the lives of others. I have even met the family of one of Stacey’s kidney recipients (接受人). This little girl was 6 years old at the time of the transplant. She was suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome. I saw pictures showing the effects of the Nephrotic Syndrome and the pictures of her after the transplant. They already showed an amazing difference. We correspond every year through letters, cards and pictures. The girl is doing really well at school and will be graduating from high school next year. I am so grateful that we have this relationship. I also feel relieved that my daughter has made so great a difference to a person’s life.

Over the years, I have had some kind of contact with all of the recipients except the heart recipient. I’m very sorry for that. I would love to hear something from the heart recipient’s family. There are so many things that I wonder about her. I wonder if she is anything like Stacey. Does she smile all the time? Does she enjoy writing stories and poetry? I do hope that they can contact us!

I feel guilty because I was the one driving in the accident which caused Stacey’s death. I also feel proud that my daughter has helped so many people.

1.When did Stacey die from the traffic accident?

A. On May 28th, 1998 B. On May 29th, 1998

C. On May 31st, 1998 D. On May 30th, 1998

2.What does the underlined word “They” refers to?

A. The pictures taken after the transplant.

B. The people who received the organs of Stacey.

C. The people who cared for the girl in the hospital.

D. The pictures showing the effects of the Nephrotic Syndrome.

3. What is the writer’s attitude towards her daughter’s organ donation?

A. Grateful B. Dissatisfied

C. Proud D. Guilty

4.What has the writer been looking forward to doing?

A. Contacting the kidney recipient’s family.

B. Visiting kidney recipient’s family.

C. Getting paid from the heart family.

D. Seeing the heart recipient.

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in almost the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as formal texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual situation of the time and the child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or making him sad thinking. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often sorry for cruelty than those who had not. As to fears, there are, I think, some cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two - headed dragons, magic carpets, etc. do not exist; and that, instead of being fond of the strange side in fairy tales, the child should be taught to learn the reality by studying history. I find such people, I must say so peculiar (奇怪的, 异常的) that I do not know how to argue with them. If their cases were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a stick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their beloved girl -friend.

No fairy story ever declared to be a description of the real world and no clever child has ever believed that it was.

1.The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is .

A.repeated without any change

B.treated as a joke

C.set in the present

D.made some changes by the parent

2.The advantage claimed for repeating fairy stories to young children is that it .

A.develops their power of memory

B.makes them less fearful

C.makes them believe there is nothing to be afraid of

D.encourages them not to have strange beliefs

3.The author's mention of sticks and telephones is meant to suggest that .

A.fairy stories are still being made up

B.there is some misunderstanding about fairy tales

C.people try to modernize old fairy stories

D.there is more concern for children's fears nowadays

4.One of the reasons why some people are not in favor of fairy tales is that .

A.they are full of imagination

B.they make teachers of history difficult to teach

C.they are not interesting

D.they just make up the stories which are far from the truth

Some people will do just about anything to save money. And I am one of them. Take my family’s last vacation. It was my six-year-old son’s winter break form school, and we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip. The flight was overbooked, and Delta, the airline, offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day. I had meetings in New York,So I had to get back. But that didn't mean my husband and my son couldn't stay. I took my nine-month-old and took off for home.

The next day, my husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight. Yes, I encouraged—okay, ordered—them to wait it out at the airport, to "earn" more Delta Dollars. Our total take: $1,600. Not bad, huh?

Now some people may think I'm a bad mother and not such a great wife either. But as a big-time bargain hunter, I know the value of a dollar. And these days, a good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up.

I've made living looking for the best deals and exposing (揭露) the worst tricks. I have been the consumer reporter of NBC's Today show for over a decade. I have written a couple of books including one titled Tricks of the Trade: A Consumer Survival Guide. And I really do what I believe in.

I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your money’s worth. I’m also tightfisted when it comes to shoes, clothes for my children, and expensive restaurants. But I wouldn't hesitate to spend on a good haircut. It keeps its shape longer, and it's the first thing people notice. And I will also spend on a classic piece of furniture. Quality lasts.

1.Why did Delta give the author's family credits?

A. They took a later flight.

B. They had early bookings.

C. Their flight had been delayed.

D. Their flight had been cancelled.

2.What can we learn about the author?

A. She rarely misses a good deal.

B. She seldom makes a compromise.

C. She is very strict with her children.

D. She is interested in cheap products.

3.What does the author do?

A. She's a teacher. B. She's a housewife.

C. She's a media person. D. She's a businesswoman.

4.What does the author want to tell us?

A. How to expose bad tricks.

B. How to reserve airline seats.

C. How to spend money wisely.

D. How to make a business deal.



Golf is an outdoor sport in ________ a player attempts to hit a small hard ball ________ a hole in as ________ wings(挥动,击杆)as possible. Players ________ the ball with one of several kinds of long, slender golf clubs. The kind of club ________ on the location and distance ________ the hole. Golf is played on a course that normally is ________ into 18 units, also called holes, of varying lengths and difficulty.

Golf is one of the most ________ outdoor sports in the world. Millions of men, women, and children play golf as an individual or ________ sport, ________ in high school and college competition. Millions more enjoy golf as a ________ of recreation and exercise. Golf is also a popular ________ sport, ________ thousands of fans to tournaments(比赛,锦标赛). Millions more may watch tournaments ________ television.

________ 20 million Americans play golf every year. About ________ of them are women. The United States has about 14,000 golf courses. About 5,200 are private courses—country clubs and golf clubs ________to members only. Another 6,500 are daily fee ________, which are privately owned facilities that admit the public________ a fee. About 2,200 courses are publicly ________ .

1.A. that B. what C. it D. which

2.A. in B. into C. to D. from

3.A. many B. less C. a few D. few

4.A. play B. provide C. hit D. perform

5.A. depends B. relies C. decides D. discusses

6.A. from B. into C. to D. in

7.A. made B. classified C. separated D. divided

8.A. excited B. common C. popular D. graceful

9.A. singular B. team C. plural D. personal

10.A. which B. both C. that D. so

11.A. play B. format C. form D. method

12.A. spectator B. individual C. team D. performance

13.A. creating B. turning C. driving D. attracting

14.A. by B. over C. with D. on

15.A. Masses of B. More than C. In addition to D. Lots of

16.A. a total B. the half C. the fourth D. four

17.A. available B. similar C. convenient D. familiar

18.A. clubs B. golf C. players D. courses

19.A. of B. for C. to D. by

20.A. admitted B. displayed C. owned D. serviced

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